I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 122 Casper-Hykmedia

"Hey, hey, can you hear me?"

Hearing the noise of electromagnetic waves mixed with human voices, Ishigami rubbed the bridge of his nose with one hand. He leaned back on the special large chair and replied lightly.


After the tired Ishigami saw off Chihua-senpai, he changed his clothes without stopping and went to his secret underground base in Minato District.

Part of the reason was that he couldn't defeat a troublesome guy and had to use internal encrypted channels to communicate. Obviously, the mobile phone channels blessed by Ali were no different from encrypted ones.

But Ishigami's cold tone did not affect the enthusiasm of the speaker just now.

"Yo Xi, then the signal is fine."

Then a young man with silver hair, blue eyes, slanted bangs and a blue suit appeared on the huge screen in front of him.

"Ah, Ming Ming-kun, long time no see."

The slightly raised smile at the corner of his mouth matched his elegant temperament, making him look like a noble and elegant young man from a well-known family.

But Ishigami, who is familiar with this guy's nature, knows that this is just an illusion.

After all, this man's name is Casper Heikmedia. He was born in a shipping container on the high seas. He has no nationality but has dozens of passports.

Casper is the eldest son of the Hecmatial family, the world's shipping giant, and the head of the world-class arms organization Hecmatial (HCLI).

He himself prefers to be called "the arms dealer."

"Hypocrite" and "crazy" are both complimentary words for Casper, and he is a guy with a very bad character.

Ishigami looked slightly sideways, because the background wall of this guy was quite attractive. It was a huge camouflaged eight-barreled missile launcher.

Its launcher has been raised, at about 60 degrees. Casper was about 200 meters away from the thing, standing with his arms folded.

Considering this guy's professionalism, it is estimated that he is probably discussing business on the battlefield again.

"So what's up, Casper?"

Ishigami didn't want to chat with him and went straight to the point.

"Hey, don't you want to chat with me for a little longer? Let's get into the topic as soon as we get started."

"I'm very sad, Ming Ming-kun."

Casper shook his head, pretending to be heartbroken.

"Obviously we have a life-long friendship."

Ishigami sighed

"You're here again, it's just a matter of convenience."

He had mentioned this matter several times.

The smile on Casper's face did not fade away, and his eyes revealed a meaningful light.

"It turns out that you can easily wipe out everyone in the "SR Class". You are worthy of Ming Ming-kun."

Ishigami chuckled lightly

Opened his eyes and looked at Casper

"Speaking of which, I almost killed you."

That all happened before

The full name of the SR class that was completely wiped out by Ishigami is the Neon Defense Ministry Intelligence Headquarters Old Tongbaku Division 2 Special Research Class. They are "ghost troops" who have no numbers and cannot find any information.

A "disreputable" special force that is specially used to do dirty work that is not convenient for publicity. It is active internationally and travels in gray areas.

That day they received orders from above

So the SR class focused on Casper, who came to Neon to discuss business with several local underground gangs, and killing him was the primary goal. (After all, HCLI’s clients range from low-level gangsters to powerful warlords. He makes money when he has money.)

The place where the SR class and Casper's group met happened to be the hotel where Ishigami stayed when he went out to practice in order to control his power.

He was sleeping soundly, and suddenly there was a very dense and intensive sound of bullets pouring out from outside, just like a heavy rain.

When I opened the door, I saw on the stone that the ground was densely covered with bullet marks.

What was coming was a group of heavily armed soldiers wearing black hoods without any markings on their bodies.

Big eyes and small eyes

Since the SR class has always performed secret missions, it has become a routine for witnesses to be dealt with.

Unfortunately, Ishigami became a witness, and he became a target of cleaning up.

The moment all the members of the SR squad, who didn't say a word, saw him, they were ready to raise their guns and prepare to attack the stone.

Although Ishigami didn't know why these uncles who looked like bad guys were here.

But if the gun is pointed, it is a hostile act!

Moreover, at that time, there was no such thing as the "barbarian society" in Shishang now. Now, anyone can give face to it.

With a submachine gun in his hand, he looks like an SR class that is not easy to mess with.

"You forced me to do this."

I was alone with only one pair of fists on Ishigami. In order to prevent the fire from burning into my home, I had no choice but to kill him.

You know he is just a student

Why are my hands full of blood donations?

While Shi Shang was killing, his eyes were still full of tears.


His hand twisted off one man's head, and his right palm shattered another man's chest.

"Lost Lamb."

This world is cruel.

If you are not cruel, your family and friends will pay the price for your kindness.

"So none of you can be missing."

Shi Shang's expression was full of compassion, and he casually wiped away the blood on his face

Continue towards those who survived.

The red carpet of the hotel behind him was littered with corpses, and the originally white walls were dyed scarlet.

The air was filled with the smell of blood and the smoke of bullets, mixed with the panicked screams of the mercenaries. The originally cozy hotel turned into a bloody hell.


"Damn it, you beast."

The remaining soldiers trembled and threw the empty magazines on the ground and replaced them with new ones.

He picked up his submachine gun again and kept shooting.

The bloody monster just casually removed the door of the room next to it, blocking the bullet while throwing it out like a boomerang.

Not even a second passed, and all the breakthrough players who had unleashed their firepower wantonly just now stopped moving.

Because the violent force contained in the door directly tore the bodies of those unlucky guys, falling into pieces and falling into a pool of blood.

Seeing their familiar colleagues fall one after another, the last few remaining people completely lost their will to continue fighting.

He had a gun in his hand, but he didn't even have the courage to shoot.

"Damn it, help, ahhhhh."

"Damn monster"

They stumbled around and ran away

Shi Shang's foot crushed the stumps on the ground, and blood spurted out and hit the door in a spray shape.

"Useless struggle"

"Hurry up."

"Hurry up and come in quickly."

"Run, he's coming!"

In a panic, they chose the elevator instead of the fire door.

This is undoubtedly a stupid decision

The other three soldiers looked at the soldier near the door and shouted angrily

"Close the door quickly! Idiot"

"Okay, okay."

A soldier looked at the approaching stone and clicked the door with his index finger crazily.

His eyes revealed madness, and his expression was completely covered with fear.

The elevator door is gradually closing, just when the expressions of several soldiers are about to regain their composure

I couldn't see clearly what it was, but it was just an afterimage that got stuck in the gap before the elevator door closed.

The anti-pinch function of the elevator is triggered

Ishigami walked leisurely in the distance, and the "good shot" just now was his handiwork.

"Open sesame."

As the elevator slowly opens again

The temperature in the elevator seemed to have suddenly dropped to freezing point, and the teeth of the people inside were chattering.

And because the door opened, the things originally held lost their restraints and rolled directly to them.

The soldiers in the elevator finally saw clearly at this moment, what was it that prevented the elevator door from closing?

That's a very familiar face

It's the vice captain

Or part of it

But even that part was covered in blood at the moment, and his eyes were so wide that they were about to pop out. It was obvious that he died in unimaginable pain.

He was clearly chatting and laughing with them before going on a mission, and said he would treat them to a nice meal in the evening.

But now the promise must be unfulfilled, because the head of the person who promised to treat them to dinner is now at their feet.

"team leader."

A soldier tremblingly stretched out his hand and closed his deputy captain's eyes.


Another soldier took out the cross from his collar and sobbed in pain.

But there was still a soldier who refused to give up in the end. He got up and pressed the door button again.

But it's too late in time

Even at the speed of walking on the stone, he had already reached the elevator door.

He just gently put a hand on the door, and the elevator door opened.

Then Ishigami, with a smile on his face, walked in and closed the door.

Don’t forget to tell the people behind you

"Sa, thank you for your hard work."

"Then farewell."

By the time Ishigami got off the elevator, there were already several broken limbs and broken arms in the originally neat elevator.

At this point, there should be thirty-two people in the SR class, but there are actually thirty-two people.

All were killed.

Ishigami did make a promise that was essential.

This is truly a no-holds-barred

"Pah, pah, pah"

The originally silent hotel corridor suddenly heard the sound of loud applause.

Then came a frivolous tone, without any fear in it.

Just appreciation

"Ah, sir, what you did is really beautiful."

It's really rare to dare to face a man who walked out of a sea of ​​blood without showing even a hint of fear.

Is this man crazy?


Facing the nervousness of the four escorts, the silver-haired man waved his hand.

He is Casper - Hekmadia

This is the first time two people who have never met meet

"no problem, no problem."

"They have solved such a big problem for us. Why don't we thank you?"

Casper walked forward, looking at the stone covered in blood and nodding from time to time.

As if he was tutting his tongue in surprise

Ishigami hated this guy's gaze. Under his gaze, he seemed to have turned into a commodity with a clearly marked price.

Being valued by this man.

Ishigami wanted to know if this man could still be so calm when his fist hit him in the face.

So he clenched his fist and smashed it straight towards the guy's face.

But the guy didn't dodge, not at all.

The fist on the stone could easily smash the boulder, but it could not arouse any emotion in the person in front of him.


The corners of Ishigami's mouth rose slightly, so his fist stopped when it was one centimeter away from the guy's head.

Ishigami opened his mouth and said

"May I have your name?"

The silver-haired and blue-eyed man just trimmed his hair with his hands, as if his hair style was more important than his life.


He pointed at himself and showed a bright smile

"My name is Casper Hekmadia."

"He's a weapons dealer."

This was his first meeting with Casper, and it was far from pleasant.

It was a pretty bloody meeting

Ishigami's memories stopped there, because the sudden roar on the screen startled him.

"What the hell?"

He raised his head just in time to see that the alarm of the anti-aircraft missile vehicle behind Casper had been triggered, the missile compartment behind him had been blown open, and it was roaring to high altitude.

"Hoo, hoo, hoo"

Missiles lift off vertically at high speeds

This is quite a shocking scene

And Casper was coughing uncontrollably due to the dust on the ground stirred up by the missile launch.

"What happened, Casper."

Ishigami looked at the disgraced Casper on the screen and asked.

Casper patted the dust on his head. There was nothing strange on his face, as if he was used to it.

He said in a tone that the weather is really nice today.

"Nothing, it's just that the "enemy" of the "customer" launched an air attack on our position."

"My anti-aircraft missile system was triggered."

Casper pointed the computer screen towards the sky so that Ishigami could see clearly

At an altitude of 10,000 meters, anti-aircraft missiles are bombarding missiles from the enemy.

There was a violent explosion!

When Ishigami saw this, he just sighed and said

"What beautiful fireworks!"

he quipped

"Casper, doesn't your heart hurt?"

Modern military warfare is a waste of money

Casper smiled and shook his head.

"A little bit."

"This is the Aster anti-aircraft missile, one shot has 2 million gulls."

"A total of eight shots is 16 million gulls."

"However, I just recorded the video of the anti-aircraft missile interception."

"Send it to my clients around the world."

He took out his mobile phone and said to Ishigami

"Just now, I have received ten orders."

Shi Shang's breath suffocated

"You guy."

"But I really know how to make the best use of everything."

Using his own life and safety to advertise, this guy really wants money rather than his life!

"Ha ha ha ha."

Casper smiled happily

"After all, I am a weapons dealer."

"By the way, Mr. Ming Ming, have you seen the gift I gave you?"

Ishigami nodded.

When he first arrived at the base, he was notified that he had received a new container.

New container = gift = new weapon

"That toy, if I'm not wrong."

"The Americans haven't even put them into uniform yet."

Casper nodded.

"Well, it was just put on the air show last year."

"But who of us is following whom? This is just trivial."

The gifts Casper sent to Ishigami were two of the latest drones from the United States.

Codename "Mojave"

This thing has much more firepower than the current main drone "Predator", carrying 16 Hellfires.

And the most important thing is that its take-off distance will not exceed 90 meters!

The "Predator" is 657 meters.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Casper smiled for a moment, then his expression turned serious

"Mr. Ming Ming, have you been looking for news about that organization recently?"

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