I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 127 Good sisters you met by chance on the way to school


Hearing what "Sister Love" said, Ishigami, who was rarely in good spirits, showed an interested expression.

Now the two of them are walking in the back garden of the Shinomiya Residence, because the area here is quite large, a metropolitan garden covering an area of ​​about 30 hectares.

There are only twenty staff members here. As the general manager, Hayasaka Ai can rush them all into the vestibule just by issuing an order.

So now Ishigami can walk beside Hayasaka Ai openly without worrying about being discovered by others. As for the surveillance all along the way, he originally wanted to delete it directly.

But Ai Hayasaka didn't want to experience the frustration of having the firewall she worked so hard to build ignored, so she temporarily stopped all the cameras in the backyard for ten minutes at the terminal, which saved Ishigami the time to take out his phone.


Hayasaka Ai, who had a pretty face and blushed slightly, nodded. Her school uniform had been ironed by Ishigami again so that there were no wrinkles at all, and the stockings on the girl's calves had also been replaced with the one Ishigami liked.

Of course, Ishigami, who was afraid that she would be tired, put it on for Hayasaka Ai himself. 70% of this outfit was made by him.

Although the only drawback is that Hayasaka Ai's skirt is still too short, it is already the longest one on average in her wardrobe. However, considering that she obediently took protective measures (safety pants) and wrapped herself in her own coat every day.

It's not unacceptable.

After all, there is a saying that you would rather other people’s girlfriends travel through as little time as possible, and your own girlfriend should not be exposed anywhere.

What her parents can take care of, Ishigami has to take care of. What her parents couldn't control, Ishigami still had to control.

Kill first and show later, boyfriend's privilege.

Otherwise, why would you want your boyfriend to come?

Once Ishigami gets Hayasaka Ai out of Shinnomiya's house, she won't have to play the hot girl anymore.

Let her adapt step by step. This is Ishigami's short-term goal.

The "cat" they were just talking about was a rather naughty cat.

Because this little cutie actually hid in the engine of the car that took Shinomiya-senpai to school, and the driver couldn't get it out for a long time.

"So, Shinomiya-senpai went to school alone today."


When Hayasaka Ai thought of what just happened, she couldn't help but hold her forehead.

Now that I think about it, she was rash.

"Really, what if I get kidnapped."

The Shinomiya family has a lot of money and wealth, and if you knock on it, you can get 300 million. (breakup fee)

Hayasaka Ai remembered that Miss Kaguya mentioned it inadvertently once before.

"Two thousand four hundred and seventy-five"

This is the number of times Kaguya-sama looks out the car window on her way to school.

"The eldest lady is very eager to go to school with her friends like ordinary students."

Hayasaka Ai knows it very well

"But that's unlikely."

"After all, the eldest lady's life was born from her."

"No, it was planned before she was born."

"I have been confined to a small circle and grew up day after day."

Although Hayasaka Ai is busy, she can still get out when she can. But as soon as Miss Kaguya goes out, someone must follow her.

After all, this is in line with the rules.

This rule was stipulated by Shinomiya's master, that dead old man Shinomiya Kariya.

The rules are the rules, right

But who makes them sisters?

She can read every look between each other

This morning's unexpected incident is an opportunity.

When the driver said he wanted to contact other vehicles, Miss Kaguya said

"Then I'll just walk to school today."

But this is against the rules.

It's really ridiculous to say that, Hayasaka Ai, who hates being bound by rules, is what popped into her mind.

Just as she thought, when Miss Kaguya said she wanted to go to school alone

The driver said immediately

"Then at least let Ms. Hayasaka accompany you."

"Look, this is coming."

Follow the normal script

Hayasaka Ai should say it at this time

"I don't have any problem. Miss Kaguya, please let me go with you."

That's right, this is in line with the rules.

But that's impossible

Even once

Kaguya-sama wants to go to school alone like an ordinary person. Doesn’t it mean that Hayasaka loves her and doesn’t want to go to school together like ordinary boyfriend and girlfriend?

On weekdays, the Shinomiya family has a lot of troubles, and Hayasaka loves to go to school at irregular times.

Her boyfriend wanted to go to school with her, but he had to rush to the underworld in the early morning to see her.

This opportunity was rare. If he wanted me to get up early every day and come here, even Hayasaka Ai wouldn't agree to it.

She cherishes this opportunity very much

So no matter whether Miss Kaguya gave her a look as a hint at that time, Hayasaka Ai would refuse.

She was used to lying.

Besides, there is no psychological burden at all for lying to an unimportant Mr. Driver.

Hayasaka Ai said lying is a very simple thing, just close your eyes and speak

"If you wait until I change my clothes, I'll just barely make it in time."

"It is recommended that you go alone."

See, it's that simple.


The world where neither Kaguya-sama nor Hayasaka Ai will be hurt is complete.

Shinomiya Kaguya smiled and said

"Look, even Hayasaka said that."

"Then there will definitely be no problem."

Ever since

Under the refreshing morning sun, Shinomiya Kaguya, whose breathing was slightly short of breath, set out on her way to school alone.

This is an adventure that belongs to Shinomiya Kaguya, and Hayasaka Ai doesn’t know what will happen along the way.

But there's one thing she can do

Hayasaka Ai watched her walk out of the gate of Shinomiya's mansion, thinking silently in her heart

"I hope Miss Kaguya has a safe journey."

But that was Hayasaka Ai who was in love for a while, and now she is sober.

I still feel that my behavior is inappropriate

If Miss Kaguya encounters any accident on the road, it will be Hayasaka Ai's dereliction of duty.

In that case, she might never be able to forgive herself for the rest of her life.

"What's wrong, little love?"

"Are you still worried about Shinomiya-senpai?"

Ishigami paid attention to the girl next to him. She was not very interested and looked a bit depressed.

He used his crooked fingers to scratch Ai Hayasaka's small nose a few times.


"Don't cry and look sad. It doesn't look good."

Ishigami joked

"Thank you for saying that we are like sisters."

"Look at how you look now. Is this what a sister should look like?"

"That kind of worry."

"It's like a child going to elementary school, and the mother's expression when she sees her child going to school alone for the first time."

"You say so, Hayasaka mother."

"I'm not as exaggerated as you said!"

Hayasaka Ai angrily leaned back to avoid her younger brother Jun's mischievous hand, she retorted

"I'm just a little worried."

She rubbed it with two fingers to make a sign

"not much."

"Just a little bit."

Seeing the way Hayasaka Ai seriously refuted him, Ishigami only felt that the more serious Ai-chan was cute.

"Okay, just as you say."

Whatever you say is what it is

Is there a galaxy at your fingertips? Who doesn’t know?

It's okay to lie to me, but don't lie to yourself.

It doesn’t matter that I was deceived by you. (I forgot about it later)

What a dishonest guy

Ming Ming was extremely worried and was about to die.

But you can't usually see it on your face

But as long as you use clichés, one set will come out.

The two sisters have exactly the same terrible personalities, and they deserve to have grown up together.

"I hate rules."

Hayasaka Ai looked at the courtyard, where there were many "Birds of Paradise" potted plants tied up with ropes and hung high.

The flowers serve as a decorative background wall.

The blooming flowers of this plant from Africa look particularly like a bird in flight. Hundreds of pots of these wonderful plants come together, just like being in a garden where countless birds inhabit.

She pointed at an elf that looked like a hot flame

"Brother-in-law, do you know?"

"This plant is called Bird of Paradise."

"Their flower language is..."

"Freedom and freedom."

Hayasaka Ai was a little surprised

"So you know."

Ishigami nodded.

"That's right, I'm my sister's boyfriend, so how can I not be more knowledgeable?"

The little knowledge of flower language is really not a problem for Ishigami. His mother works in a flower shop. Ishigami used to help out when he was a child, and his mother always used flower language as a topic to test him.

Hayasaka Ai's hand touched the small wing-shaped petals

"Although they symbolize freedom, they are anything but free."

"The way you spread your wings and soar, yearning for the sky."

"But they are bound by rules, no matter how much they look like birds, they can't fly."

"Not only them, we are also bound by rules."

"I really don't like rules."

"I hate this kind of world. I don't live freely and transparently."

Hayasaka Ai is not a rule-abiding person. She often takes advantage of loopholes in school rules, such as pendants on schoolbags, open collars, subtle length skirts, and gorgeous manicures, etc.

In addition, there are also people who take advantage of security loopholes on the Internet to act cheaply, and like to use lies to disguise themselves. This is also taking advantage of loopholes in social rules and discourse, etc.

I, Hayasaka Ai, the rule breaker

"I especially hate the Shinomiya family's rules."

"Miss Kaguya has never gone out to play with her friends in the past ten years or so."

"My only good friend is Secretary-chan."

"It's because of the bullshit rules of the Shinomiya family, which say that as a member of the Shinomiya family, you cannot have feelings for them."

"As a member of the noble Shinomiya family, I cannot deal with a bunch of common people."

"This resulted in Kaguya-sama being surrounded by me all the time."

Hayasaka Ai's expression is very gloomy

"I can see her loneliness and pain."

"So I feel really sad."

"I'm also very worried."

Ishigami, who understood her situation, stepped forward and hugged Hayasaka Ai to tell her to calm down.

While letting her head rest on his chest, he stroked the girl's head with his hands to comfort her.

"It's okay, I can wait."

Hayasaka Ai's meaning was very simple, after confirming that Miss Kaguya was no longer the only one around her.

It was when Hayasaka Ai went home with Ishigami and escaped from Shinomiya's house.

"Feel sorry."

Hearing the small voice in his arms, Ishigami shook his head

"There is no need to say sorry between us."

Ishigami also hates rules. Good rules are indispensable and benefit everyone.

What he hates are rules that seem fair on the surface

For example, you are a fish, and the rules set by the rabbit are: Now we have a running competition, and whoever runs faster can get everything.

On the surface, everyone is on the same starting line, which is very fair, but in reality?

Isn't it just a dream to put a fish in the river on the ground, have difficulty breathing, and still think that it can outrun a rabbit?

People who are born with a good hand will definitely want to play by the rules, but people who are born with a bad hand will have to pray that everyone will not play by the rules.

Previously, Ishigami's family had been treated unfairly by the boxing club and a one-sided boxing match was forced.

It's just a loophole in the rules.

Fortunately, Yu Ishigami was born in Ishigami's family, and he became an unpopular person and in turn annexed the "incredible" "Nintendo".

But the real black hand "Toyo Electric Power"

It’s not that I won’t report it, it’s just that the time has not come yet.

Ishigami must accumulate power so that he can completely defeat the enemy forces head-on, without leaving any room for the opponent.

When the enemy is popping champagne in the middle of the court, just go up and give him a few big bucks.

Sober up.

Considering that she was in his arms, Ishigami restrained the murderous intention in his heart.

Turn into endless pity

he sighed

This world is actually unfair to you.

You feel sorry for Shinomiya-senpai, but it’s not too late for me to feel sorry for you.

Senior Sister Shinomiya only restricted personal freedom, but when it comes to you, she is treated as an object of exploitation.

High-intensity work and the inner suffering you face, are these things that you, a twenty-year-old girl, can withstand on your shoulders?

Ishigami said to Hayasaka Ai in his arms

"In a few days, I will give you a small gift."

"This is the key to defying the rules."

Facing her curious gaze, Ishigami didn't explain much. He let go of Hayasaka Ai, his tone was very helpless.

"We really don't have time this time, let's delay it any longer."

Ishigami grabbed Hayasaka Ai's hand

It's still some distance from the back door.

"This place is really big. Sister, hurry up and run."

"Otherwise, it seems like we will really be late."

Asked by Hayasaka Ai who was being dragged away

"Brother-in-law, how do we go to school?"

Ishigami replied

"Of course I will use my "Royal No. 1" to send it to you."

When Ishigami pulled Hayasaka Ai to the place where he parked his bicycle, he untied the chain.

She looked at the bicycle and wondered

"Can you make it?"

"Haha, you'll know it once you do it. My speed can't be beat."

Hayasaka Ai chuckled, put her schoolbag on the seat, and then sat on it.

Her back is leaning on the stone

"Huh, if you're late, I can't forgive you."

"As you command, onee-sama."

"Then I'm going to leave."

As a driver, Ishigami is of course full of energy.

"Wow, brother-kun"

"You're really fast!"

Sitting on the seat, Hayasaka Ai looked at the rapidly retreating scenery around her and sighed.

"I can go faster."

The shrimp catcher's Ishigami sped up again, and Hayasaka Ai felt the breeze blowing in her ears.

Shout like a child

"Hurry up, hurry up."

But as he got closer to the school, he passed an intersection.

He saw a familiar figure on the opposite side and was about to say hello, but when Shi Shi saw clearly the person sitting on the back seat of the bicycle in front of him, he was stunned.

Feeling that the speed of the bicycle had slowed down, Hayasaka Ai was dissatisfied and pulled Ishigami's sleeve back.

"What's wrong, don't slow down?"

Little did he know that the person opposite was also quite surprised.

Kaguya Shinomiya, who was also sitting on the back seat of the bicycle, wanted to say hello when she saw Ishigami-kun.

But I saw the golden side ponytail and the familiar headband hidden behind him.

blurt out directly and involuntarily


Hearing this voice, Hayasaka Ai turned around stiffly.

"Kaguya sama?!"

Good sisters who had never met on the way to school met on the back of their crush's bicycle.

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