I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 128 The “big break” of President Shirogane

"So this is what happened."

"However, this is not like Miss Kaguya's style."

Hayasaka Ai joked

"The former Miss Kaguya would not do such unnecessary things."

She had already recovered from the shock just now. After all, she didn't expect to see such a scene in her lifetime.

"I've been tricked!"

"It turns out I really thought you wanted to go to school alone."

"I didn't expect that it developed secretly behind my back and progressed so quickly without telling me."

"Okay, I've already sent you to school, and I'm still hiding it!"

This was the thought that popped into Hayasaka Ai's mind when he saw Miss Kaguya sitting in the back seat of President Shirogane.

But what happened next, Hayasaka Ai discovered that she was very wrong.

Because of the mentality of avoiding suspicion (Chairman Shirogane rode a bicycle to send Shinomiya Kaguya to school, Shuchiyuan was afraid that it would explode if other students knew about it), the four of them did not ride bicycles directly into the school. . Instead, they were separated into a girl pair and a boy pair halfway through.

So just when they were about to separate, the performance of the two pairs of CPs was completely different.

After Hayasaka Ai got out of the back seat of her younger brother Jun with a calm look on her face, she said goodbye to the boy she liked enthusiastically.

If Miss Kaguya and President Shirogane were not here, Hayasaka Ai would probably be even more enthusiastic.

Anyway this is the correct demonstration()

However, despite the most correct demonstration, Shinomiya Kaguya's performance was still unsatisfactory, which really ruined her orthodox Shinomiya family bloodline.

A coward

Facing the meaningful smiles of Ishigami-kun and Hayasaka, Shinomiya Kaguya looked embarrassed and got off the back seat of President Shirogane's bicycle as if running for his life.

Even under the back seat of the bicycle, Miss Kaguya took down the schoolbag that she just put on the mat.

Then he handed it to Hayasaka Ai and passed it on to Shinomiya Kaguya.

The most important thing is that Kaguya Shinomiya was hiding behind Hayasaka Ai throughout the whole process and remained silent from the beginning. She did not look at President Shirogane and did not even say a word of thanks.

It was really embarrassing on the field

This is a textbook example of a mistake (X)


Hayasaka Ai really feels that she was totally wrong

Miss Kaguya is still the same Miss Kaguya, she has not changed.

Still a very difficult person to fall in love with

"Miss Kaguya, she really can't do it."

"It's not even close to Mada Mada."

To be honest, Hayasaka Ai feels a little sorry for President Shirogane. She had never experienced any CP with them.

The experience is terrible, there is no sugar at all.

I just feel so tired.

"How about you change your target?"

When Hayasaka Ai saw Miss Kaguya huddled behind Hayasaka Ai with a look on her face as if she had done something excessive, President Shirogane's face turned pale.

This is obviously a good opportunity to build a relationship between the two of them. What did Miss Kaguya do?

"President, Miss Kaguya must have added a new scar to his heart."

"There's really nothing we can do against those two people...it's clear that as long as one of them can be more frank, both of them can be happy."

Hayasaka Ai thought of this

Later, my younger brother, Jun, led the "disabled" Chairman Shirogane to park his bicycle at the side entrance of Shuchiin.

Looking at the retreating back of the Shirogane Council, Shinomiya Kaguya, who was like a quail just now, returned to her usual eldest lady attitude.

Then, in order to barely save some face in front of her close attendants and get rid of the embarrassing atmosphere, Shinomiya Kaguya talked about the good deeds she had just done.

Another thing that needs to be mentioned is that it is very rare for Hayasaka Ai and Shinomiya Kaguya to walk side by side openly and openly. This is on a main road near the entrance of Shuichi Academy.

You can already see the school gate. Due to the delicate timing (not late, but soon) there are not many students on the road.

So the two of them didn't have much worries. After all, they were troublesome "good sisters" who had been pretending to be the most familiar "strangers" in school for several years. (Hasaka Ai is the shadow of Shinomiya Kaguya, and the shadow cannot be exposed to the sun.)

Shinomiya Kaguya said to Hayasaka Ai dissatisfied

"It's so long-winded. In Hayasaka's eyes, I look like a ruthless person."

No, he is troublesome, arrogant and willful.

The most important thing is that he has never been considerate of others, which he can clearly show by just leaving the embarrassed President Bai Yin aside.

There was a time when Miss Kaguya was so cold and unkind that she was called "Ice Princess"

"But a lot has changed since I was in second grade."

Hayasaka Ai couldn't help feeling a little emotional when she saw Miss Kaguya talking in general terms.

"Occasionally lending a helping hand to people in difficulty is the behavior befitting a member of the Shinomiya family with noble blood."

When Shinomiya Kaguya mentioned the child she just met, she couldn't help but sigh and complain.

"But that kid is really troublesome."

"Looking at the school uniform, she is already a senior in Shuchiin Elementary School, but her mind is still in the lower grades."

"When I was young, I was much more sensible than her."

That child was a child she met on her way to school alone. The child was crying so hard on the street that her heart broke.

Thinking that there was a big problem, Shinomiya Kaguya, who was soft-hearted for a moment, stepped forward and asked, but it turned out that it was just a small problem like not being able to cross the road.

Then Shinomiya Kaguya led her across the street, but she thought that was the end.

I didn't expect that kid to say something

"No, there are still many roads to cross on the way to school later."

So Shinomiya Kaguya, who had no choice but to take the child to school, could not escape until he met a good friend of the child on the road.

"Haasaka, do you know?"

"I just told her that you can make an appointment with your friends in the future, and then pick them up and you can go to school together."

"For such a simple reason, she actually called me genius big sister."

Hayasaka Ai saw the smile from the heart on the face of Miss Kaguya who was praised, and she sighed.

"You are really a little genius when you can't say a word in front of the person you like."

She finally understood, probably after sending the child off. Miss Kaguya accidentally met President Shirogane when she was in school, which saved her from being late.

Although Hayasaka Ai had already figured out the general story of the incident, this did not affect her from teasing her about it.

"Miss Kaguya, why did you appear on President Shirogane's bicycle?"

Shinomiya Kaguya, who was smiling happily just now, heard Hayasaka mention what just happened.

The smile on her face froze.

What just happened was embarrassing enough, and it would be even more unacceptable if he told his reasons in front of Hayasaka.

After all, her goal from the beginning was to go to school with President Shirogane.

President Shirogane's home is in Setagaya Ward, and if she goes to school, she will definitely pass by "Meiji" Avenue. In this case, as long as she goes to stay in advance, she will definitely get there.

Although it was achieved after some twists and turns, it fell apart in the end.

She lowered her head and rubbed her hands

"I can't say that. Anyway, it's quite a coincidence."

Shinomiya Kaguya originally lowered her head and remained silent, but she still heard some strange noises with her sharp ears.

Sound like suppressed laughter

Sure enough, Shinomiya Kaguya raised her head and saw her little maid trying very hard not to laugh out loud.

Black lines appeared on her face, and anger was brewing in her tone.


"I haven't asked you why you appeared on the back seat of Ishigami-kun's bicycle. Isn't this a coincidence?"

"And now you are making fun of me. Am I usually too indulgent to you?"

Facing the angry eldest daughter of her family, Hayasaka Ai naturally didn't panic at all.

Small scenes are okay

She shook her head indifferently

"I won't tell you either. Anyway, Miss Kaguya, you didn't tell me your reasons."

"Then I naturally have nothing to say. Since Miss Kaguya thinks it is a coincidence, then it must be a coincidence!"

"Compared to this, Miss Kaguya."

"If you hurry again, you will be late."

"Come on, run!"

Hayasaka Ai picked up the angry-faced Miss Kaguya and led her forward.

Shinomiya Kaguya, who originally wanted to say something harsh to this little maid who didn't know who her master was, was pulled by Hayasaka to run.

She was forced to swallow everything she said.

Shinomiya Kaguya feels extremely uncomfortable because she is angry and unable to vent her anger

"Mo, Hayasaka, you are so serious!"

The refreshing sunshine hits the two running girls

What a naive young lady. How could there be so many coincidences in the world? It was nothing more than a long-planned plan.

At the school gate, the disciplinary committee member was preparing to call it a day. Suddenly she saw two figures running towards them in the distance, and her school radar immediately sent out an alarm.

"Hey, over there, you can't run at the school gate!"

"Oops, it's the Discipline Committee-chan."

Although the figure in the distance is petite, it has an invincible aura blocking the school gate.

Normally she could fool around with him happily, but Hayasaka Ai still had a troublesome young lady on his hands.

On the other side, the boys group

They had just locked their bicycles and were on their way to the teaching building. Because of someone's mood, even the air smells of sadness.

Ishigami patted the shoulder of President Shirogane, who looked depressed, and he mused:

"President, cheer up."

President Bai Yin shook his head, his tone was very depressed.

"Thank you, Ishigami."

"But I'm fine, just let me take it easy."

As an audience member of the farce just now, Ishigami watched it from beginning to end. Of course, the whole process of President Shirogane's face going from proud to lonely is really dramatic.

Ishigami understood very well the president's proud look at that time.

After all, men are more or less vain. Apart from showing off their money, there is nothing easier to show off than their wives.

Shinomiya-senpai is a beauty.

There is no doubt about it

Besides, she is the eldest daughter of the Shinomiya family, one of the four major chaebols. Such a rich and lovely person is sitting on the back seat of her bicycle.

Who wouldn't be in high spirits?

Take Ishigami himself as an example. People on the road saw him carrying Xiao Ai. If sight could kill, Shishang would be riddled with holes.

All the people on the road are pink-eyed, the kind that can light up half the sky.

Obviously, President Bai Yin also experienced such treatment on the way just now.

As I approached the school gate, I saw that I was familiar with the junior students in the student union, which was even more helpful.

It’s just that Shinomiya-senpai didn’t do her best to be beautiful, so she fell off the page in the end and became a joke.

Ishigami could tell that Shinomiya-senpai was still too thin-skinned. I couldn't let go in front of Xiao Ai and him, and I missed such a good opportunity in vain.

Love is a two-way journey, not a one-sided effort by only one party. Give a man some face in front of outsiders, and he will only love you more.

"You don't act like you're okay."

Ishigami looked at the back of the man who was pretending to be strong, but soon his expression changed.


Ishigami hurriedly grabbed President Shirogane, and this confused man was about to plunge into the small pond next to him.

"President, please watch the road!"

After hearing Ishigami's reprimand, the dull-eyed President Shirogane finally regained some of his energy.

But not much

He opened his mouth but said nothing

Looking at the shape of his mouth, Shi could vaguely see that it was the word "四宫".

He shook his head, not knowing what to say.

President Shirogane, as long as you use some of Tanuma-senpai's usual tactics to convince yourself, you won't end up like this.

There is no other way, I have to rely on the output from the stone.

Otherwise, it would be too pitiful for Bai Yin to look like this. Boys' hearts are also very fragile, and a girl's small actions can cause so much harm.

"President, don't be sad."

Ishigami comforted

"You're already amazing."

"You did a great job today, achieving a milestone feat."

"President, you let the Shinomiya family's daughter sit on the back seat of your bicycle. That Shinomiya Kaguya who refuses to let others sit thousands of miles away."

"What's the use? Shinomiya didn't even want to look at me just now."

The saddest thing for President Shirogane is that he was ignored by Shinomiya.

However, he remembered that he was indeed quite happy when he was carrying Shinomiya. It would be great if this road had no end.


Ishigami nodded after hearing what the president said.

"President, let me ask you."

"How long has it been since your bicycle carried a passenger?"

Ishigami noticed that the back seat of President Shirogane’s bicycle was actually covered with rust. At least it wouldn't be what it is now if there were people sitting there.

"It's been many years."

After thinking about it, President Shirogane added:

"Ever since Xiaogui entered junior high school after graduating from elementary school, my bicycle has never carried anyone else."

"Then why doesn't Xiaogui sit down?"

President Shirogane scratched his head. Although many years had passed, his sister's disgusting tone was still vivid in his mind.

He was depressed for a long time because of this

"Well, it's because I'm inferior."

This is it!

Ishigami opened his mouth and said

"Did Shinomiya-senpai say something similar when she was sitting on the back seat of the bicycle?"

President Bai Yin recalled

"It seems not."

"Isn't that right?"

Ishigami smiled and helped President Shirogane analyze it.

"Senomiya-senpai is willing to ride on your bicycle, president, but that doesn't mean she doesn't think your bicycle is inferior."

"Moreover, President Shinomiya, you also know about Senior Sister Shinomiya's family background. She is a daughter of a wealthy family who was truly born with a silver spoon in her mouth."

"But the fact that she is willing to sit on the back seat of your bicycle, president, doesn't already mean a lot."

President Bai Yin is already interested

"But it was out of necessity."

"After all, if Shinomiya leaves at that time, he will definitely be late."

Ishigami dispelled his worries with just one sentence

"President, although the taxi fare is very expensive, is Shinomiya-senpai the only one who lacks the money?" (What kind of bicycle do you want!)

He looked at President Bai Yin and said seriously

"President, most people know that riding a car is definitely more comfortable than riding a bicycle."

"But Shinomiya-senpai still chose your inferior bicycle!"

I have a bad cold today. If I continue writing until the early hours of the morning, I'm afraid I'll die on the way to work tomorrow. Let’s update early today, good night.

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