I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 129 This version has been retired

But Ishigami still has something left unsaid.

"It's morning rush hour in Tokyo around 8:30 in the morning, and it's actually so congested that I can't even move."

"Shinomiya-senpai, taking a taxi is really not as fast as your bicycle."

Ishigami understood that this was just a small problem for President Shirogane, who was eager to grab the last life-saving straw. As long as he didn't take the initiative to advance, it could be ignored.

Moreover, Ishigami's original intention was to trick President Shirogane into lameness and help him come out of his depression.

This is to avoid the important and take the easy

Only talk about the key points, not the loopholes behind the glamour.

Ishigami, who learns and puts it into practice, learned the power of words (MLM skills) from Chairman Shirogane’s love consultation with Tanuma-senpai.

Still need the last dose of strong medicine

Ishigami looked at President Shirogane, who was in high spirits again, and said

"Obviously, Shinomiya-senpai is just embarrassed."

"Although she usually looks very serious and serious, if she is seen sitting on your bicycle, and it is also seen by me and her classmates, she will definitely run away!"

"Because the meaning of a girl being willing to sit on the back seat of a boy's bicycle is actually a bit like being a boyfriend and girlfriend."

"So come on, President."

"As long as you work harder, you will definitely defeat Shinomiya-senpai!"

"Think about how romantic it would be to see Shinomiya-senpai holding the president's waist and riding a bicycle together."

"Shinomiya, she put her arm around my waist."

Ishigami, who was speaking seriously with his eyes open, saw that President Shirogane, who was knocked unconscious by the pie he drew, was showing an expression of reverie (it was imagination time now), and he shook his head helplessly.

I will really focus on the key points as always.

"So, adolescent boys are really bad at it."

"My mind is full of adolescent restlessness."

President Shirogane had the idea of ​​blowing up his truck before confessing to Shinomiya later, but his remaining sanity still stopped his bold idea.

He scratched his face

"It's not as exaggerated as you said, Ishigami."

"Besides, I don't like Shinomiya. This is just a misunderstanding."

"Well, to be honest, Shinomiya is very rich, talented, elegant, and dignified."

"But there are still annoying parts."

"She has no brains, she always makes people angry, and her breasts are... very flat."

What a dishonest guy

Ishigami noticed that although President Shirogane complained about Shinomiya-senpai, the smile on his face never stopped.

"okay, I get it."

He took out his mobile phone and called up the recording just now. (Ishigami’s mobile phone records throughout the day, which will always yield results.)

President Shirogane’s words teasing the fourth house were played on a loop.

Ishigami smiled

"President, since you don't like Shinomiya-senpai."

"Then you probably won't mind if I show this recording to Shinomiya-senpai."

President Bai Yin cursed secretly and hurriedly grabbed Shi Shang's cell phone.

"You boy!"

Ishigami squatted down and nimbly avoided President Shirogane's attack. He put his cell phone in his trouser pocket.

"President, you are still far from perfect."

Seeing the two people cursing over there, Tsubasa Tanuma, who was riding his bicycle, slowly stopped the car and looked confused.

"President and Ishigami-kun, what are you doing?"

"If you procrastinate any longer, you will soon be late."

Hearing the sudden intrusion, President Shirogane, who fell to the ground and grabbed Ishigami's calf to prevent him from leaving, immediately got up.

He dusted himself off with a normal expression.

Because I said bad things about Shinomiya, I was begging people to delete the Ishigami recording. I really can’t say such embarrassing things.

"It's nothing, it's just an ordinary communication between seniors and juniors."

Seeing President Shirogane looking at him crazily, Ishigami nodded.

"Yeah, the situation is exactly as the president said."

President Baiyin swallowed, not confident in his perfunctory answer at all, and was about to add a little more rhetoric to fool him.

"So that's it. Times are developing so fast, I can't even keep up."

Tsubasa Tanuma accepted their words with a smile.

"You actually believe it!"

President Baiyin was shocked

Compared to President Shirogane, who had a complex expression, Ishigami's expression was very familiar.

"After all, this senior is a man who is naturally stupid in writing and pronounced as "idiot"."

He is a very easy-to-understand person without any scheming.

After calming down, President Shirogane coughed and cleared his throat.

"By the way, Tanuma-kun."

"Why are you riding a bicycle today?"

Usually, Tsubasa Tanuma is picked up and dropped off by the family car in the morning, and he goes home with Nagisa Kashiwagi after school in the afternoon.

Upon hearing this question, Tsubasa Tanuma, who had been smiling just now, quickly changed to a distressed expression.

He sighed and patted the back seat of his bicycle

"Actually, I watched a movie a few days ago. In the movie, the male protagonist was riding a bicycle and the female protagonist was sitting on the back seat of the bicycle with her arms around his waist and a happy look on her face."

"I felt very romantic when I saw that scene."

Tsubasa Tanuma continued.

"So I was thinking about bringing a scene from this movie to reality."

"Today, I specifically asked the driver not to take me off, but to pick her up directly near Xiaozhu's home."

"It's a bicycle date. You have really good taste."

President Ishigami and Shirogane agreed very much and nodded in admiration.

"Kashiwagi-san, you will definitely be moved."

President Bai Yin said impatiently

"After all, my boyfriend came to pick her up early in the morning."

After hearing what the president said, Tsubasa Tanuma smiled a little reluctantly.

"Well, maybe at first."

"Xiao Nagisa is quite happy to see me so early in the morning."

Tsubasa Tanuma patted the bicycle under him and sighed.

"But her only dissatisfaction with me is this."


"Bicycle dating is such a romantic thing."

This time it was Ishigami's turn not to be calm. What's wrong with "bicycle dating"? It's both green and environmentally friendly.

He has already sent two girls bicycles to school, which one is better.

Although Tsubasa Tanuma was also filled with indignation, he remembered what Konagisa said

His passion was extinguished, and he replied

"Xiao Nagisa said that the romance of bicycles is already the romance of the last century."

"ha?" X2

"It has already withdrawn from the environment."

"No matter how comfortable the back seat of a bicycle is, it is not as good as the back seat of a car. It is hard and cold."

"If the wind is strong, it will easily mess up girls' hair."

"It's quite inconvenient for girls to wear skirts."

“It also tests the rider’s leadership skills.”

Tsubasa Tanuma said embarrassedly

"I was told by Xiaozhu today. She said that my skills are not that bad."

"It's a bit crooked and makes me nervous, but it's still banging. It's like there's no shock-absorbing when you go up and down, and it's not comfortable at all."

“And most importantly”

With a distressed look on his face, Tsubasa Tanuma took out a piece of white paper from his pocket and spread it out to show Ishigami and Chairman Shirogane.

Ishigami looked up when he saw it

"Meiji-dori π exit"

"Is this a ticket?"

Tsubasa Tanuma nodded helplessly.

"This is also the first time I know that it is a violation of the road safety law to lead people on bicycles in Neon."

"They fined me a lot of money."

Originally, Tsubasa Tanuma didn't have much pocket money, but this time he was caught with a fine and lost a third of his pocket money.

"I've already calculated the time to send Xiao Nagisa to the area near Shuchiin. I can still have time to have breakfast or something together."

He held his chest, beat his chest and regretted his mistake.

"But after being treated like this, I didn't even mention breakfast. I can only say that even if I'm not late, the result is pretty good."

"President, Ishigami-kun, do you know how hurtful Xiaozhu's look was when he saw me showing repentance in front of the law enforcement officers and promising not to do it again next time?"

"It's written all over my eyes."

Tsubasa Tanuma, who had never experienced such grievance, his eyes turned gray.

He patted the two people on the shoulders and said in a person's tone.

"So President and Ishigami-kun, you must never take your girlfriends on bicycle dates in the future."

"It will become unfortunate"

"No, it's already been done."

Ishigami and President Shirogane flashed these words in their minds at the same time.


This is Ishigami

"Although Shinomiya is not my girlfriend now, she will be soon."

This is President Silver,

In the past, he would have backed down after hearing Tanuma-san's tragic experience.

But under the previous encouragement (brainwashing) from Ishigami, he was already inexplicably full of confidence.

It will no longer be affected

This may be progress.

President Bai Yin said with emotion

He remembered what he said to Shinomiya before

"Student council members should pay more attention to school rules than road traffic laws."

"Now that I think about it, I'm still scared. Fortunately, I didn't encounter any law enforcement officers on the road, otherwise it would have been really over."

Ishigami thought so too. He looked at Tanuma-senpai, his eyes full of pity.

"Occasionally I want to do something romantic, and I give it as a gift to my girlfriend, but I get caught."

"This unlucky kid is really miserable."

"But fortunately, President Shirogane, nothing like this happened when sending Senior Sister Shinomiya away."

"The eldest lady of the Shinomiya family wanted to get a ticket for sitting on the back seat of a bicycle."

Ishigami imagined maliciously

"It's hard not to believe that the Shinomiya family, which has lost all face, will do something crazy."

"Otherwise, there might be one more person in the Tokyo Bay lounge tomorrow."

After Tanuma Tsubasa's interruption, President Shirogane and Ishigami stopped entangled with each other.

Let's part ways

Senior Tanuma and President Shirogane went to the upper-grade teaching building, while Ishigami went to the lower-grade teaching building.

Ishigami just stepped into the teaching building and found the shoe cabinet on the first floor. He met the two members of the Discipline Committee who had just finished their work, namely Iino and Xiaobo.

They are currently sitting on the stool changing indoor shoes, but what puzzles Ishigami is that Iino's expression is very strange now.

It was as if he had just witnessed something incredible and hadn't recovered yet.

That expression was really subtle, which made Ishigami really mind.

Ishigami first quietly said hello to Kobo, then sneaked up behind Iino, who was in a daze, and then patted her little head.

said very gently

"Good morning, Iino."

Although Ishigami's voice could be called subtle in this empty room.

But as the listener, Iino, as soon as her ears came into contact with Ishigami's unique frequency, she went directly from the trance state just now into a stress response.


Even Iino could jump up. Her eyes were wet unconsciously, and she hugged her trembling arms.

He trotted all the way to the back of Xiaobo, covered his ears with his hands, squatted down and huddled together.

Her originally shiny brown hair had become dull.

Iino's already petite body now looked lonely and helpless.

Very pitiful

You must know that Iino was standing majestically at the school gate just ten minutes ago, making people fearful, checking anyone who did not comply with school rules.

Faced with Iino's fierce reaction, Ishigami's hand that had just been placed on her head was hanging in the air, either down or hanging, but it was embarrassing.

Ishigami had no choice but to turn to Xiaobo for help.

Xiaobo glared at him angrily and conveyed with his eyes

"If you cause it yourself, you solve it yourself."

She didn't even need to think that this was obviously Xiaoyu's fault. He was the one who persecuted Iino like this that day.

Xiao Yanzi looks inhumane, but in fact she is soft-hearted. She couldn't listen to the tone of others pleading with her, and she didn't know when she got into strange habits.

I like to listen to those weird recordings, which are also called "decompression".

Xiaobo also heard it, but felt uncomfortable. This is a sound corrupted by money, not pure at all.

In short, there is no soul

space hole

While Xiao Miko walked farther and farther on this strange road, she also cultivated her ears to be particularly sensitive.

In fact, Xiaobo also discovered later that the power of his headset was different from that of the secretary-senpai and Xiaomizi. (After all, their reactions were too exaggerated.)

She just tried the sound of a dentist's electric drill spinning in her ears, and she didn't feel weak even after listening to it for a second.

It's hard to imagine that Xiaoyou was forced to torture her ears with all kinds of strange things that day. If she didn't have a mental breakdown, Xiaoyao was mentally strong.

And the most important thing is that Xiaoyu sent her and Xiaoyazi home and then left them alone.

Xiaobo stayed with the haggard Iino all night, comforting her with his arms and caressing her gently.

This allowed Iino, who had been venting all night, to come to school normally today and carry out his work as a disciplinary committee member normally.

Besides, it was quite difficult to be forced to listen to Xiao Mizi calling her mother's little bowl more than once.

Xiaobo, who was looking at Ishigami with pleading eyes, sighed.

"One or two of you."

"Did I owe you a lot of debt in my previous life?"

"I'll pay it back in this life."

Before she knelt down, she glared at Ishigami fiercely.

"This is the last time. Next time you can coax yourself."

Ishigami, who knew he was in the wrong, felt resentful.

"Oh, I didn't expect that one day I would hear someone scold me and not be able to talk back."

"I still have to be grateful."

Kobo's way of coaxing Iino was to constantly look at Ishigami while saying bad things about him. Then it was a way of comforting Iino, who was still in a defensive state, to have a sense of recognition.

"Just scold me."

"Anyway, all the mistakes are my fault."

Shi Shang leaned against the shoe cabinet and sighed.

I don’t know why, but I feel like the reaction after taking the medicine is only getting worse. . Is it particularly uncomfortable when the immune system is activated?

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