I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 136 There seems to be no place for me among them

The next day, Xiaobo didn't come to school.

Turning his head and looking at the empty chair next to him, Ishigami was lying on the table lazily basking in the sun. The warm sun scorched his body, like he was in a SPA.

Maybe this is the saying of "I've been separated for three days, so I'll look at you with new eyes".

In the past, Ishigami could only be forced to bow down under Xiaobo's pomegranate skirt with weak legs.

Now he can be said to be promising.

"If the elder brother is strong, the younger sister will support the wall."

It is no longer a stone that Ren Xiaobo can knead. Even in its ordinary form, it has increased in all aspects.

This time, of course, it was Ishigami who unilaterally beat up Xiaobo. He couldn't help but laugh when he thought about how someone's expression had gradually changed from tough at the beginning to collapse and doubt in life.

"What kind of carnivore is not as stable as mine."

The corners of Ishigami's mouth raised slightly, presumably Xiaobo was still lying on the bed sleeping.


Ishigami, who was originally thinking about going back to burn something for Xiaobo to recuperate and mock her, suddenly felt a gentle tap on his forehead.

Ishigami raised his head and discovered that it was Iino who had just returned from duty. What she had just slapped on his head was the noteboard in her hand that recorded the violations.

"What are you doing? Iino."

Iino was sitting in front of Ishigami. She came to her seat and took off the noteboard and armband and put them in the drawer together.

Then he answered Ishigami in a calm tone.

"It's nothing, I just can't bear to see you smiling so disgustingly early in the morning."


If Ishigami had been blackmailed by Iino for no reason like this, he would have exploded long ago.

But he was in an inexplicably good mood today, and there were a lot of adults who didn't care about this "little miscellaneous fish" who wanted to choke people to death with just one word.

"Just ignore her anyway."

Ishigami yawned and rolled his eyes, turning his head away from looking at her.

But he wanted to let her go, but Iino in front didn't want to let Ishigami go.

After being poked by her pen several times in succession, Ishigami finally couldn't hold it any longer.

"Iino, are you sick?"

Ishigami raised his head and looked angrily at Iino in front of him.

Iino, who didn't expect his reaction to be so big, widened her eyes with a hint of timidity in her tone.

"You hurt me"

"No, Iino, what happened to you today?"

The anger that had just risen in Ishigami's heart was immediately extinguished by her doing this.

He stretched out his hand to touch the forehead of the girl in front of him to see if she had a fever.

You must know that Ishigami usually takes the initiative to talk to Iino, and there is no way she would talk to him in this tone.

You roar, I roar. And my voice must be louder than yours, which sounds childish. But Zhen is the abbreviation of the true portrayal of Iino and Ishigami over the years.

But Iino is particularly strange today

To put it simply, she was too soft today. Ishigami couldn't bear it.

When Ishigami saw Iino raising his hand and wanting to slap the back of his hand, he immediately retracted it.

Ishigami breathed a sigh of relief

"This is normal Iino."

Iino heard Ishigami saying something like "she's normal" and glared at him angrily.


Her eyes first glanced at the empty table, and then returned to Ishigami.

Iino pursed his lips, seeming hesitant about how to speak.

Finally she mustered up the courage to ask the questions in her heart

"Ishigami, you and..."

But then the school bell rang

As a good student, Iino had no choice but to turn around and leave a sentence


"No, don't say half of what you said."

Ishigami reached out and shook her shoulders, but Iino remained unmoved.

"never mind.."

Ishigami, who was asking for trouble, buried his head in his arms again and continued to catch up on his sleep.

Unintentionally, he fell asleep.

When I opened my eyes hazily, Ishigami immediately woke up to the scene he saw.

what did he see

Iino, who has been listening carefully in class and actively answering questions and is considered the teacher's number one "horse boy", is actually in front of me.

Looks like he's about to fall asleep

With each click, she shook her head in an attempt to stay awake, but to no avail.

Iino was still drowsy.

In the end, Iino, who couldn't bear the sleepiness, just put her arms on her arms and fell into her own dream.

All this was seen by Shi Shi

He really didn't expect that one day he would see Iino sleeping in class, breathing evenly.

Ishigami didn't know who was dreaming.

But Iino was l)) sleeping so soundly.

When watching top students fall asleep while listening to their own classes, the teacher feels the most uncomfortable.

The Chinese teacher wanted to ask Iino to get up and answer the question, but Ishigami stopped him.

"I must be tired from reviewing last night."

Ishigami looked at Iino sleeping on his arm, and the look on his face softened.

According to past experience, Iino would study late at night whenever it was time for a major exam, and never let go of every opportunity to study.

Just to get back what Iino once had from Ishigami.

That is the throne of first grade.

Therefore, Ishigami admired Iino who studied hard and faced repeated defeats.

"Go to sleep, second grader."

"Occasionally, I have to be number one in my grade to steal the spotlight."

So Ishigami took the place of Iino, who was called by the teacher, and came on stage after a long time to write the answer to a question.

This made the teacher even more frightened.

After all, the teacher might not be as good as Ishigami. .

After class, Iino woke up from her sleep and realized that she had slept throughout the class!

That's okay, Iino imagined himself becoming Ishigami Natoku, sleeping in class, skipping classes and just having fun.

Then when others saw Iino, they pointed at her and said, "Look, isn't this the disciplinary committee member who took the lead in violating school rules?"

She couldn't stop shivering.

"No, absolutely not!"

"You can't be too stubborn as a human being."

Fortunately Ishigami didn't know, otherwise I would definitely give this little miscellaneous fish some color.

When did "stone" become an adjective?

Ishigami noticed Iino's ugly look and thought it was her first time sleeping in class and having a nightmare.

The first time I wasn’t used to it, but the second and third time I felt less psychologically burdened.

As someone who has been there, Ishigami has experience.

Ishigami handed his thermos cup to Iino

"Iino, come and have a drink."

"There are good things in here."

Iino, who was mired in self-doubt and not very bright, took it without hesitation.

She unscrewed the bottle cap and smelled the unique fragrance of Chinese medicinal materials.

The frown on his little brows was relieved.

Iino took a sip directly.

"Drink it well"

Then she finished the glass in a gulp.

After one cup, your body will feel warm immediately. It seems that fatigue is relieved and makes people feel happy.


Ishigami looked at Iino holding her thermos cup with both hands. Her face exuded happiness and she couldn't help joking.

Iino finally regained his energy, and his face turned red.

"I actually drank from the cup on the stone?"

She used the vicious expression on her face to cover up her panic

"Ishigami, you guy."

"Don't just give girls strange things to drink."

Ishigami rolled his eyes and took his cup back from Iino's hand.

Good guy, you didn’t want to drink and you drank all my water.

He unscrewed the cap and opened the sieve.

Let Iino see what's inside

"What's weird,"

It’s nothing more than some traditional Chinese medicine ingredients

For example, Codonopsis pilosula, wolfberry and the like, and some rock sugar are added as flavoring.

Iino's tone was choked.

“nice guy”

"Where are you from, grandpa?"

"My grandpa is already a lot older, but he doesn't seem to be as good at keeping healthy as you are."

Ishigami shook his head indifferently

What do you know, that's why you're always the second child.

The reason I've always been the boss

"When people reach their twenties, they have no choice but to soak wolfberry in a thermos cup."

Although it is just a joke, if you actually hold a cup in your hand and take a sip, it will only make people feel really delicious.

Besides, this is the configuration for school.

If I were at home, I could have more patterns on the stone.

Some warm vodka with wolfberry, white wine soaked with ginseng, etc. will be more nutritious.

Ishigami noticed that Iino's two slender legs were bare today.

"Only your body is yours, if you don't take good care of it."

"When you get old, you know the pain."

Iino, who was stunned by Ishigami's twists and turns, spread her hands towards him.


"It's so annoying, just give it to me."

Iino took the thermos cup from Ishigami and went to pour hot water enthusiastically.

"This guy, can't you be frank and say that I've finished your glass of water, I'll pour some more."

Watching her disappear around the corner, Ishigami shook his head helplessly.

Iino picked up the thermos cup on Ishigami and looked around, no one was paying attention.

"It's full. It shouldn't matter if I drink more."

She took a few sips and showed a happy expression.

Iino reacted and secretly drank from the boy's cup.

Isn't this the behavior of a "slut"?

With a very red face, she leaned against the wall and touched her lips with a finger, slowly thinking about the stupid things she had done this morning.

Iino murmured alone

"What the hell am I doing?"

"But I feel much better."

She is really abnormal today

What he did was as if he had lost his mind.

Because Iino's inner discomfort has been suppressed for a long time, starting from last night.

Iino tossed and turned on her bear and didn't sleep much all night.

She didn't know what she was thinking. She thought a lot but didn't seem to think about it.

Simply can't sleep.

Before I knew it, it was dawn.

When I woke up this morning, the Iino people were all confused and didn't know what they were doing.

so far

Iino didn't even know that she wasn't wearing any black pantyhose today.

In other words, Iino came to school with her short legs bare.

She didn't feel strange when the wind blew against her skin, and her thoughts were covered up.

My head is buzzing

All this stems from the scene she saw yesterday.

Who would have thought that after Ishigami and Kobo left early, Iino also left early.

The reason why Kobo left early was because of Ishigami, so the reason why Iino left early was because of Kobo.

Her original intention of leaving early was to see her good friend Xiaobo looking depressed that day. I was just wondering if there was any way to make her happy.

When Xiaobo asked for leave from the head of the Disciplinary Committee, Iino was also present.

So on a whim, Iino wanted to give Xiaobo a surprise, so she also asked for leave from the head of the Discipline Committee Department.

Although I don’t know why Xiaobo asked for leave, but according to her character, she should just go home early and rest.

Xiaobo is not a social person.

It's better for Iino to take Xiaobo out for a walk, eat some delicious food, watch a movie or something.

It just so happened that Iino happened to have two expiring movie tickets on hand. These were sent by her father.

"Tell me to use it as soon as possible. It's almost expired."

Iino has already made plans to live the world of two sisters.

Wouldn't that be great?

Iino, who thought this way, hid in a small forest between the teaching building and the main gate on the road that Xiaobo always took when leaving school to go home.

Iino, who had leaves on his head and body, was holding his schoolbag and squatting there quietly with two movie tickets in his hand.

Iino, who looked pitiful, squatted in the grass, waiting and waiting.

That's called a longing to see through

Finally, at the exit of the teaching building, I saw the figure of Ii Yumi who was thinking about him.

It’s Xiaobo!

Iino was about to pat the grass on his body and rush out to give Xiaobo a surprise.

Suddenly froze

Because Iino suddenly saw a drag bottle behind Xiaobo.

That guy is Ishigami.

The two of them walked one behind the other

Xiaobo clasped her hands behind her back, and Iino noticed that her expression was still very cold.

But Iino, who was familiar with Xiaobo, knew that this was just an act.

Can't take it seriously

After all, Xiaobo was so angry this afternoon, and the chill on his body could make Iino tremble so much that he didn't dare to speak.

It has only been a short time now, and Xiaobo has already changed significantly.

The chill that kept people away from her had disappeared.

simply a miracle

Iino didn't need to think about it to know that this was something she couldn't do even if she spent several hours.

Xiaobo is difficult to coax

The guy who can easily do things that I can't do is probably Ishigami, who is now a little follower.

When seeing his two good friends walking together, Iino, who originally wanted to give Xiaobo a surprise, only felt sour in his heart.

"It seems I don't need to appear anymore..."

Iino tried her best to shrink her body and reduce her sense of presence. She held two movie tickets tightly in her hands.

"After all, there seems to be no place for me among them."

"Xiaobo, Xiaobo, where shall we go later?"

"How about we go eat cake."

"Hmph, whatever you want."

Iino hid in the grass and listened to their conversation, feeling harsh.

She crawled out from the grass and watched their figures fading away.

Those eyes suddenly lost their light

"Then I'll go home too."

This is what Ishigami and Xiaobo didn't know yesterday.

At noon, Ishigami, who had just sent Xiaobo a message "Have you eaten?", received a new message.

It’s from my mother-in-law

"Go home for dinner tonight."

A smiling emoticon was added next to it

This is an unacceptable tone of voice!

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