I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 137 The Ishigami Family’s Daughter-in-law(s)

"I'm back.."

Ishigami stood at the entrance of his house and shouted inside as a habit.

After school, he took his laptop and went home. As for the student union, he asked President Shirogane for a day off.

Ishigami silently felt the surrounding layout and the smell in the air, thinking


He ran his fingers through the shoe cabinet

"As expected, it still looks the same."

It's okay when I don't go home, but I feel like I'm really tired as soon as I go home.

Really want to rest.

At the beginning of this semester, Ishigami basically lived alone outside. The times I go home are few and far between.

It was the last time I went home.

In the past, when I was not very busy, I would go home whenever I wanted. Ishigami didn't attach much importance to the concept of going home. Now that he has more people, he has no time. If it weren't for the news about his mother, Ishigami wouldn't know what he would be able to do if he could go home and see.

At this moment, he was not the invincible God of War in the fighting arena, but just a wanderer returning home.

Ishigami sat at the entrance and took off his shoes. Opening the shoe cabinet, he was stunned when he was about to put his shoes in.

Because he saw a pair of shoes.

It was a rather familiar pair of loafers.

Shuchiin's standard women's shoes.

There is no way this thing would appear in his shoe cabinet, unless Ishigami's parents want to tell him tonight that he actually has a long-lost sister who also attends Shuchiin. This is outrageous. things.

"how could be"

Ishigami smiled to himself

"Life is not a novel, how can it be so dramatic?"


Hearing his brother's voice, Ishigami turned around with fatigue reappearing on his face.


Yuuki Ishigami was wearing a black shirt, with the sleeves on both arms pulled high and an apron on, as if he had just come out of the kitchen.

In Ishigami's family, it is not necessary for Mother to cook. Anyone who is free will come. Besides, their family is all good at cooking, and it doesn’t make much difference who cooks.

Yuuki and Yu's mother-in-law were busy entertaining guests.

So it was his eldest son who got it.

He wiped his hands on his apron, stepped forward and patted his brother on the shoulder to say something.

But I don’t know what to say.

After all, no matter how you think about it, it is your younger brother's responsibility.

And it’s too early!

I'm still in my first year of high school.

Finally, Yuuki sighed at Yuu

"Mom is very angry."

"Well, you can just ask for your blessings anyway..."

The ominous premonition in his heart was like a dark cloud hanging over Shi Shang's head, suppressing him.

Because he was so eager to know the answers to many questions, Ishigami didn't even change into his slippers, and couldn't wait to rush to the living room where there was faint chatter and laughter.

There was the answer to the question he wanted to know.

Although the picture Ishigami saw was very harmonious. But the shock in his heart caused him to drop the schoolbag in his hand to the ground without even reacting.

"That is.?"

In the bright and magnificent living room at this moment, a well-maintained, dignified and elegant lady was holding the hand of another girl wearing a dark dress with long black straight red eyes and saying something.

The girl's face flashed with a blush of embarrassment from time to time, looking quite touching.

Despite the age gap, the two of them seemed to be having a great time talking to each other. Because the lady's face was smiling very happily and she seemed quite satisfied.

The noise caused by Ishigami's schoolbag falling to the ground attracted their attention.

Speaking of which, these two women have one thing in common, that is, they are both Yu Ishigami's "favorite" women.

After all, one is Ishigami Yu’s mother-in-law, Ishigami Keiko.

The other girl whose hand was caught by "Mother" was Xiaobo, who took the day off today and didn't come to school.

The picture presented on Yu Ishigami's retina

"Can anyone tell me why my girlfriend is sitting with my mother?"

At this moment, there is only this sentence left in my empty mind.

"Sit down straight for me!"

Keiko Ishigami, who seemed very amiable and kind just a moment ago, burst out with a sense of majesty that was inconsistent with her gentle temperament.

The reserved Yu Ishigami knelt on the tatami and accepted the criticism with trepidation.

Keiko Ishigami’s brows furrowed tightly

"You are so old now, but you still can't change your careless habits."

She looked at her little son with a rather unkind tone.

"I don't even have slippers on."

"Why, I'm used to living alone outside."

"Now that I'm home, I want to go to God."

Xiaobo looked at Xiaoyou who looked like a primary school student who didn't dare to raise his head when he made a mistake. She felt very strange and raised the corners of her mouth slightly.

"Auntie, come on."

"Educate him well so that he didn't bully me so badly yesterday, hum!"

I have to say that it is also a skill to talk endlessly for ten minutes without repeating the same thing.

Keiko Ishigami rubbed the bridge of her nose, looking a little tired.

Although she criticized her younger son so much, she didn't ask any of the most important questions.

Firstly, I'm afraid that the little girl will be embarrassed when we meet in person, and secondly, she really likes this little girl, so what if she gets really angry and scares her away.

Ishigami Keiko was embarrassed and had to say to Xiaobo

"Sister, I'm sorry to make you laugh."

Xiaobo quickly shook his hand

"It's nothing, Auntie."

"Watching you educate Xiaoyou, to be honest, I'm quite envious."

The family atmosphere of the Ishigami family was something Xiaobo had never experienced before.

Although the aunt seemed to be very mean to Xiaoyou, her tone was not harsh. She was more talking about his faults than scolding him.

The love in the tone can be felt.

But Xiaobo's mother would never do such a thing. That realistic woman would only talk about "money" and "money".

Who will take care of you?

So it's really good to have someone taking care of you and talking about it.

Xiaobo looked at the mother and son, and his eyes gradually turned red when he thought of his mother.

Keiko Ishigami, who had already talked about "family situation" with Xiaobo, knew that it was not easy for the little girl, so she hugged her heartily.

"Sister, you will come later."

"You can consider this your home and come here whenever you want."

"Auntie welcomes you anytime."

"And if this brat makes you unhappy and bullies you, tell me."

"Although Auntie is old, she can still lift a feather duster."

"I'll help you teach him a lesson!"

In front of Xiaobo, Keiko Ishigami demonstrated the action of beating Xiaoyu with a feather duster.

Seeing him dodge in a hurry, Xiaobo burst into tears and laughed.

"Well, I understand, thank you auntie."

As for Yu Ishigami, who had experienced the bombardment of "love relatives" for the first time in a long time, his head was buzzing.

He looked at his mother's gentle movements holding Xiaobo, and a little doubt arose.

"Xiao Bo is your biological child, right?"

"Why do I look like I got it?"

"Stop pretending."

Keiko Ishigami kicked her youngest son's butt angrily. The little girls were all gone. Who are you pretending to be pitiful for?

Just now, Xiaobo was sent to the living room because she was about to eat.

So now only mother and son are left in the tea room.

As soon as Ishigami Yu changed his expression from being scolded by his mother, he immediately stood up.


He came up behind Keiko as if to please, and hit her shoulder with appropriate force.

"Come on this."

But she said this, but she didn't stop her youngest son's movements.

On the contrary, it is very useful

Keiko Ishigami's brows relaxed and she asked with her eyes closed.

"Are you from junior high school?"

Yu Ishigami slapped his hand on his back.

All the good guys have understood this point.

How long have you been chatting for?

He sighed and replied helplessly

"Xiaobo and I have known each other for almost six years. We were classmates in junior high school and are now classmates in high school."

Keiko Ishigami chuckled lightly

"You brat, you're the one who gets the most out of the water first."

"You're really taking advantage of me."

Ishigami Yu looked at his mother's look like you're just getting lucky, and he was a little dissatisfied.

Said with a slightly proud tone

"Mom, people are chasing me."

Your son is not bad, the little girls like him very much!

Keiko Ishigami rolled her eyes at Yu Ishigami

After hearing what he said, she had a better impression of Xiaobo.

Since they are classmates in junior high school, they naturally know what happened to Yu.

Under such circumstances, you can still take the initiative to pursue my son. What is this if not true love?

This little girl is quite good.

Keiko Ishigami is in a good mood

"See what you can do."

Ishigami Yu chuckled

But women can turn the tables as quickly as they turn the pages of a book, which seems to be a racial talent.

Keiko Ishigami, who had looked pleased just now, immediately put on a straight face, stretched out her hand and pinched her youngest son's ear.

"Mom, it hurts, please be gentle."

The proud Yu Ishigami was also forced to put on a mask of pain

"So, you are relying on people's liking for you."

Keiko Ishigami's tone was a bit cold

"You just make excessive demands on this little girl, right?"

She was really angry at first because this brat gave her such a big surprise despite his disagreement.

But when he was only in his first year of high school, he was already doing that kind of thing with his little girlfriend.

Fortunately, it was discovered early.

Although the social atmosphere of Neon is like this, as parents.

No one wants them to experience this kind of thing so early. You must know that no matter how mature their minds are, their bodies are still children.

What age group do you do?

If Ishigami Keiko hadn't had a whim today, she wouldn't have known that her stupid son was so promising.

"Really 6."

If things continue like this, Ishigami Keiko can imagine how terrible it will be.

causing death

Then wait for ten months before you can take care of your grandson.

She is now a grandma.

When she thought of this, the strength in her hands increased.

"No no."

Yu Ishigami quickly replied

"I have never forced Xiaobo."

Concerning this point, Ishigami is really in trouble and cannot express himself.

Are you kidding me, carnivore?

It has happened many times in the past that Ishigami was forced to join the battle without even passing the CD.

But Yu Ishigami couldn't tell his mother these things.

Doesn't this destroy Xiaobo's impression in my mother's mind?

Oh, why didn’t Keiko Ishigami, who had already been here before, know that he was telling lies?

Everyone is so troubled by you that they can’t stand it anymore.

not yet?

If this kind of thing is not a unilateral and excessive request, otherwise the other person will not become what she saw before.

You also said there is no force, so what is force?

"I don't remember raising you to be a scumbag who only knows how to bully girls."

Ishigami Yu, who took the blame for Xiaobo, wanted to cry but had no tears.

He had no choice but to nod his head

"I know I was wrong, Mom."

Keiko Ishigami, who pinched Yu Ishigami's ears for a while, remembered something again and asked hurriedly.

"Have you taken any protective measures at ordinary times?"

Regarding this, although it feels a bit strange to discuss this with my mother.

But in order to dispel my mother's concerns, Ishigami Yu

He still nodded honestly,

After all, what can you do without an umbrella on a rainy day?

Of course, Ishigami Yu didn't say half a sentence. He was really afraid that his mother would pick up a feather duster and slap him.

That means sometimes not

Ishigami Keiko let go of Ishigami Yu's ears that were red from being twisted, and she sighed.

"I have no business with you young people."

"It's just that you are still young and there is still a long time."

"Don't rush into this momentary pleasure, overdoing it will only hurt your body."

"Don't think Mom is too long-winded. It's really important to maintain a certain degree of control."

Keiko Ishigami felt a little emotional when she saw her younger son who was already much taller than herself.

"I've grown up before I knew it."

"They're all going to have a family."

She patted Shishang's arm and said in a warning tone.

"Serve this pot of cabbage for me."

"If you lose it for me."

Keiko Ishigami sneered.

"Then you don't have to come back to my home."

She has determined that this is the daughter-in-law of our Ishigami family, and no one can take her away.

Ishigami immediately paused and stood at attention, then saluted

"As you command, my lord."

"I promise to complete the task. If it is not completed, I will report it to you."

"He will be talkative."

Keiko Ishigami felt angry and funny looking at her youngest son's pretentious look.

"By the way, your brother said that last time."

"You were having dinner at a female classmate's house, were you with Xiaobo?"

Yu Ishigami's expression was a little confused

"When did this happen?"

Keiko Ishigami replied

“That time our company was in the Wall Street Journal.” (Chapter 31)

As soon as he said this, Ishigami Yu immediately remembered it and blurted it out immediately.

"Oh, that's Iino."


Keiko Ishigami was stunned when another girl's name came out of her son's mouth.

She asked in a tone that left no room for doubt.

"Iino, who is it again?"

Yu Ishigami, who accidentally let something slip, replied.

"That's Xiaobo's good friend."

"We have known each other for almost six years."

"Do you have any photos? I'm Kangkang."

Ishigami opened his photo album in front of his mother.

As a result, the first picture was a photo of him and Xiao Ai.

Just a little intimate

Realizing something was wrong, Ishigami Yu immediately turned off the screen.

But Keiko Ishigami still saw it

It was his son and a girl hugging each other, with their heads very close to each other.

Yes, the blond girl kissed him directly on the face.

It seems like there is an unusual relationship

very sweet

Veins were faintly visible on Keiko Ishigami's forehead, but she still asked in a calm tone.

"Is this Iino?"

Yu Ishigami, who originally wanted to accept the offer, thought that they would have to meet again in the future.

How embarrassing it would be if the wrong name was called.

He had no choice but to answer bravely

"No, this is Hayasaka Ai"

Ishigami Yu turned around and quickly found a photo of him, Kobo and Iino.

He pointed to his mother, Iino's appearance.

"This is Iino."

Keiko Ishigami looked at the photo. All three of them were wearing cat ear headdresses, and her son was standing in the middle.

The little girl with brown hair also looks quite cute.

He was looking at his son fiercely, and there seemed to be some signs of this.

Keiko Ishigami took a deep breath and managed to calm down her mood.

"Any more?"

Yu Ishigami, who is so broken, might as well tell everything at once.

"Yes, yes, yes."

"Mom, look."

Keiko Ishigami really didn’t expect that there would be

"Let me see what color it is this time."

"Oh, pink."

"It's really hard for you, son."

"I still have to look for one with a different color."

"It's not hard, it's not hard."

What Ishigami Yu didn't see was that his mother's feather duster was already in her hand.

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