I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 138 I want to take Xiaobo to see the new world

"What the hell is wrong with the child?"

Daisuke Ishigami, who was also wearing an apron and looked like he had just come out of the kitchen, hurried over after hearing the news.

"The child's father, look at him."

"What kind of virtue!"

"You can't even imagine how many girlfriends this brat is planning to find?"

Keiko Ishigami held her waist with one hand and a feather duster in the other, looking at her little son angrily.

She smoothed it down a few times along the front of her body to prevent any loose ends. It was because Keiko Ishigami took her antihypertensive medicine correctly, otherwise the "depth charge level" news just now would have made her faint from anger.

It's so sinful.

Keiko Ishigami just asked politely

"Any more?"

Unexpectedly, this boy was really not polite at all.

Tell her everything.

black, pink, brown, gold

Not all the same

Those who didn’t know it thought this was going to be a dyeing workshop!

Keiko Ishigami handed the feather duster to Daisuke Ishigami, ready to let him take over.

They were all waving sticks until they started to smoke, but this kid still looked like a dead pig who was not afraid of being scalded by boiling water, and he showed no remorse at all.

Then he called the child's father and prepared for a "mixed doubles match."

Ishigami Yu feels a little aggrieved

"Mom, I'm a little more honest now."

"As for it?"

To be exaggerated, Ishigami even chased him for several miles just now.

But the person who was beaten was fine, but chasing the person who was beaten would be exhausting.

"Besides, it's better for me to tell you everything than to hide it from you. This is a sign of not being treated as an outsider."

"After all, you are my mother!"

"Also, "the ugly daughter-in-law will have to meet her parents-in-law sooner or later." If I had told you earlier, you would have known better, right?"


"You are such a great boy to your mother."

Keiko Ishigami laughed angrily when she heard her son's sophistry.

How could a son pose such a problem to his mother?

Since ancient times, the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has been a very delicate issue. If it is not handled well, it can easily turn into an existence that dislikes each other.

The harmony and disharmony in a family lies within this.

It would be difficult for others to deal with just one, but this little brat gave her a super double all at once.

“Four times the value”

So far, there are only four. I don’t know if there will be more in the future.

Keiko Ishigami thought of the scene of four cute and smiling little girls standing together and calling "Mom" in unison.

I couldn't help but my eyesight went dark.

Her heads suddenly swelled larger than the two.

Keiko Ishigami, who was trembling with anger, tremblingly snatched the feather duster from Daisuke Ishigami, who was still in a dazed state.

Get ready to let Ishigami Yuu see what "maternal love crit" means.

"Keiko, calm down."

"Do not impulse."

Daisuke Ishigami talked hard and persuaded Keiko not to take action.


Keiko patted the table

"What the hell, I can't afford to be the mother of a giant Buddha like you!"

Ishigami Yu still wants to speak

Daisuke Ishigami glared at him, didn't you see that your mother was angry?

"Shut up and say less."

Being sandwiched between mother and son, Daisuke Ishigami felt very tired, having to finish talking about the other one.

"Keiko, you've been here for too long, you better get out quickly."

"Hurry up and stay with the little girl, otherwise she might think too much if she stays outside alone."

Isn't that right? It's not in line with etiquette for the two adults of the master's family to discuss together in the tea room.

This kind of behavior is equivalent to closing the door and whispering to outsiders.

Too outsider

Obviously one family does not speak the same language.

So how could we not let Xiao Bo think too much on the sofa outside? She had been feeling a little restless for a long time.

It was appropriate to leave some time for mother and son to ventilate, but it took too long.

"Do they have any problem with me?"

Later, even Xiaoyou’s father walked in and joined the battle. It was really outrageous.

A word that wakes up the dreamer

Keiko Ishigami, who was busy educating her son, really neglected this point.


She didn't even look at this brat who only made people angry.

The anxious-looking Keiko Ishigami took care of herself a little, and her angry look just now turned into an elegant and dignified look.

She said a harsh word harshly

"I'll take care of you when I come back!"

He hurried out.

As the door closed, only Ishigami Yu and Ishigami Daisuke were left in the tea room.

Just after the mother-son game ended, the father-son game started again.

It seemed a little different from the tense and tense atmosphere just now, with a lot more exaggeration.

"You brat, your mother said you found us four daughters-in-law at once."

Daisuke Ishigami raised his voice and slapped the table.

"You don't even pay attention to the little girl when it comes to dating, and you still have four different things to do."

"Do you want to die?"

"There are no men like you in our Ishigami family."

"Remember to be single-minded and devote your whole life to one person. This is a good man!"

"It depends on whether I can handle you today or not."

Then Ding Ling's banging voice sounded in the tea room, which was even louder than when Ishigami's mother beat Yu Ishigami.

"Huh, so damned."

"We are already an old couple, and we can still say that a good man is a man who treats someone wholeheartedly and wholeheartedly."

"I don't know how to be ashamed."

Listen to the movement inside and what the child's father just said.

Keiko Ishigami, who had been worried for a while in the corner, laughed and cursed and disappeared into the corridor.

However, the flash of blush on her face just now showed that what Ishigami's father said was quite useful.


This was the sound made by Daisuke Ishigami kicking a chair to the ground, while Yu Ishigami hit the chair with a feather duster in his hand, and gave two symbolic calls from time to time.

For example, "Dad, stop fighting."

"I know I was wrong."

Yes, everything Ishigami heard was a play between Ishigami's father and Yu Ishigami.

The purpose is to fool that particularly vigilant guy!

Daisuke Ishigami asked Yu Ishigami in a low voice.


Ishigami Yu nodded with confidence.

"I'm really gone."

After confirming that the ferocious "tigress" was really gone, the father and son breathed a sigh of relief.

Now the tense atmosphere on the court disappeared instantly and became very relaxed.

I saw Daisuke Ishigami rubbing his shoulders

Yu Ishigami was very discerning. He raised the chair on the ground so that his father could sit down, and then he also used moderate strength to help his father beat his back.

Daisuke Ishigami sat on a chair with a proud look on his face

"How about it? You have to look at your father and me at the critical moment, right?"

"Fortunately, I was cautious, otherwise your mother would...

Before he finished speaking, he shook his head in disgust.

"Yuki's menopause started when she was in high school, and now that you're in high school, she's not over yet."

"You really can't look for a wife like your mother."

"I can't stand it anymore, really."

Looking at Yu Ishigami, who looked like a decadent middle-aged man complaining about his annoying wife, the corner of his mouth twitched.

Yu Ishigami now finally knows who he inherited his shamelessness from.

It's this man in front of me

One second he was saying affectionately that he would only be good to you wholeheartedly, and the next second he was saying with disgust that your menopause was annoying.

Daisuke Ishigami, who had no idea that his son's heart score was plummeting,

He rested for a while and asked in a gossipy tone

"Son, did you really find four girlfriends like your mother said?"

Ishigami Yu nodded sheepishly.

"Two and a half to be exact."

"Others are still working hard."

"Do you have any photos? I'm Kangkang."

Ishigami Yu showed the photos of the girls to his father

"You brat, you still have good taste."

Daisuke Ishigami patted his son's arm

"This aesthetic vision is exactly the same as mine back then."

"But your progress is not very good!"

"Compared to what I was back then, it's still a bit less interesting."

He wiped his nose as if reminiscing.

"I used to have one girlfriend in one class."

"Go out with this one on Monday, and that one on Tuesday."

"I don't know why, maybe I was possessed by ghosts or something, but I gave up the entire forest for a tree."

Daisuke Ishigami had a look of sadness on his face, saying that he had been fooled.

"When your mother is in love, the little bird is always obedient and obedient."

"I got married and I'm fine now."

"That's not pretending at all. She just has the troublesome temper of a young lady. She's super sensitive and has a strong desire to control."

In Daisuke Ishigami's office, except for the mosquitoes which may be female, the others are all male.

Rich families have nannies, but they do everything by themselves. He, the chairman of a multi-billion dollar conglomerate, can even do the cooking, let alone Yuuki.

"You really can't look for a wife like your mother."

Daisuke Ishigami wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes. The tears he shed now were the water that entered his brain back then.

"That's right, son."

"I will put an extra 100,000 yuan on your card every month from now on."

"The units are in U.S. dollars."

"This is my love fund for you."

Originally, I wanted to save some money. After all, Daisuke Ishigami was under Keiko's supervision, so it was not easy for him to save some personal money.

But no woman will like a man who buckles and searches.

Being willing to spend money on the woman you like is an expression of your strength and love.

When it comes to your mouth, it becomes

"Son, please be generous and don't wrong this little girl."


Daisuke Ishigami shook his head, signaling Yu Ishigami to relax.

"As for your mother, I'm there."

"Your mother is stubborn. If you have many wives, our Ishigami family will be prosperous."

"The more people there are and the more excitement there is, the stronger the family will be."

As for the issue of being well-matched, the current strength of the Ishigami family, in addition to Neon's top chaebols, can make it go further.

The others below, in Daisuke Ishigami's eyes, are all small rich people, working in small workshops, so aren't they all just high climbers?

So the concept of this aspect has been weakened. Anyway, you are not as rich as my family.

What are you comparing to me?

Daisuke Ishigami thought that he was covered with little guys, and then he chirped.

"Grandpa", "Grandpa."

The face exudes happiness

"But, you can't kill us until you go to college."

Daisuke Ishigami warned Yu Ishigami

"Your mother and I are not mentally prepared to be grandparents so early."

Ishigami Yu smiled helplessly and said

"I know, I won't."

"One more thing, since you like her, follow her through to the end and don't let her go casually."

"Oh, I know all this."

Ishigami Yu always feels that his parents are very worried about him falling in love, because he is obviously an experienced driver.

Why tease if you don’t marry?

He will never let go.

Yu Ishigami's purpose was pure from the beginning, and he personally held their hands in their wedding dresses and walked towards the wedding hall step by step.

He changed the topic and mentioned something about the Boxing Club.

Some rumors have been spreading recently, and many people can't hold it anymore.

"Dad, do you have any plans for our club recently?"

You really have no sense of your own strength.

Daisuke Ishigami shook his head, at this critical moment, who would come to our company for a boxing wish?

Small companies do not have this strength, while large companies are quite calm.

But it's like a bottomless pool with undercurrents surging underneath.

In addition to that club causing trouble everywhere, every big company has begun to gather forces from all aspects and is preparing for a big game.

"Really boring."

Ishigami Yu bent his hands to rest his head, muttering in his mouth

"My body is almost rusty."

Seeing his youngest son bored, Daisuke Ishigami smiled.

"Since you are so bored, why not join the boxing wish for me?"

"But this time it's not as a fighter, but as a representative of our club."

Ishigami thought for a while

It seems that I have never watched Boxing Wan as a spectator.

He showed a hint of interest in advance and followed the timeline.

"It can't be from the Nogi Group."

Daisuke Ishigami took out his mobile phone and found the APP within the Boxing Club.

He glanced at it and nodded.

"Yeah that's right."

"At eight o'clock tonight, it will be located in the abandoned building within the original Twilight Zone."

"The goal of the bet is the power of the building to be rebuilt."

"Nogi Group vs. Yiwu Real Estate Group."

"Where's the fighter?"

Ishigami Yu wanted to know whether the Juuki Snake Ouma, who was defeated by him with one strike last time, would continue to serve as a fighter of the Nogi Group.

"Let me see."

Daisuke Ishigami replied

"Fighters from the Nogi Group, um..."

"Why not Komata?"

"He seems to be a completely unknown newcomer."

"What is it called Ten Ghost Snake King Horse?"

Sure enough, when he heard the name, the corners of Ishigami Yu's mouth rose slightly.

"I don't know if Erhu has refreshed."

"As for Yiwu Real Estate's fighting skills, they are quite famous."

"My name is Liren, he is the rumored "Superman"."

"How are you interested?"

In terms of management, he is the "Superman" who is said to have the best pinching strength in the world.

"The Razor's Edge."

Ishigami nodded.

"It's not bad, I think it can be used to kill time."

"That's right, Dad."

"I want to take Xiaobo with me."

"May I?"

Daisuke Ishigami couldn't help but hold his forehead when he heard what his silly son said.

"Yes, yes."

Occasionally, members of the Boxing Club will bring their wives to watch this exciting activity.

"But, you take a girl on a date to a place like this?"

Ishigami Yu shook his hand

"No problem, Xiaobo won't choose."

Moreover, he knew that Xiaobo had always been very concerned about his private situation, and he respected his choice by not asking.

Ishigami thought about explaining it

It's better to just take her with you

Once you actually watch Quan Yuan, you will understand everything.

He wanted to tell her that this was what he had been doing.

"Then do you want me to arrange some bodyguards for you? This will make you look stylish and have more aura."

here we go again

Ishigami understands his father's personality quite well.

This is a very particular person.

His bodyguard team is more ornamental than practical.

They all look like tough men, but they are all useless guys.

I don’t know why I am so persistent.

After all, when his family's career was just starting out, this man used his connections to get his two sons to study at Shuchiin.

"Dad, are the bodyguards you arranged stronger than me?"

"That's not true."

If you don’t say der, Ishigami Yu rolled his eyes at his father.

"I am enough."

"I will protect Xiaobo."

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