Thank you for your support, it’s now the second month

First of all, thank you to the top four monthly ticket holders

The 11 moons of this month that are not cute

Behind the scenes, I contributed 7 votes this month

Juejiyuan contributed 7 votes this month

Dandan from the underworld contributed 5 votes this month

Thank you for not being a cutie. Behind the scenes, I have become the book leader this month.

This is the amount of a three-day monthly pass. It would be great if every day was at the end of the month.

Thanks to Ji Hong Jian Bai for the three monthly passes

Thanks to Touma Kazusa for the three monthly passes

Thanks to Rylwl for the two monthly passes

Thanks to book friend 20221011223816235 for the two monthly passes

Thanks for the two monthly passes to the Sweaty Hotel

Thanks to Aegean Clownfish for two monthly passes

Thanks to Xinghuan \u0026 Years for the two monthly passes

Thanks to Duo Ke for the two monthly passes

Thanks to reader 20201027193620427615679 for his two monthly passes

Thanks to Lucky Black Cat for the two monthly passes

Thanks for the two monthly passes of Mohun 2

Thanks to Jelly Penguin for the two monthly passes

Thanks to Zhenzhen Platelet for the two monthly tickets

Thanks to Galaxy Dark Night for two monthly tickets

Thanks to Touma Hesha and two monthly passes

Thanks for giving two free monthly passes to college students

Thank you for the two monthly tickets from Tianyu Huoshankuo

Thanks to Mi Dou Fu for two monthly passes on the 6th

Thanks to book friend 20221108072534975 for the two monthly passes

Thanks to Bei Jue for the two monthly passes

Thanks to Mr. Zhou Jiafeng for the two monthly passes

Thanks to Bai Leitian for the two monthly passes

Thanks to book friend 20210828203548646 for the two monthly passes

Thanks to eags for your monthly pass

Thank you for your monthly ticket.

Thank you for your monthly ticket please call me so-and-so Cheng

Thanks for carrying Qiqi to find Keli’s monthly ticket

Thanks to book friend 20220112172040378 for your monthly ticket

Thank you Huanhua Luohong for your monthly ticket

Thank you Yu Lechen for your monthly ticket

Thanks xp for following your appearance with your monthly pass

Thank you book friend 2017102017065558 for your monthly ticket

Thank you Yabukijo for your monthly pass

Thanks to the foggy forest monthly ticket

Thanks to the world’s No. 1 Yuzu Pepper for your monthly vote

Thanks for Time Travel ED’s monthly ticket

Thank you Kue for your monthly ticket

Thank you Banjiu for your monthly ticket

Thanks to Miaoyu for your monthly vote

Thanks to book friend 20200816180149292 for your monthly ticket

Thank you Bai Mo Xiaosheng for your monthly ticket

Thanks to Xiaoyao Weiming for your monthly ticket

Thank you for your monthly ticket: Leap Rabbit

Thanks to C Carp for the monthly pass

Thank you for your monthly ticket.

Book Friends 20200125223148278

Thanks to book friend 20170329110611365 for your monthly ticket

Thanks for the black and speechless monthly votes

Thank you for your monthly vote

Thanks to Wangzai Xiaomantou for your monthly vote

Thank you for your monthly ticket.

Thank you for being my monthly pass for education

Thanks to book friend 20170213135638629 for your monthly ticket

Thank you Lord Admiral for your monthly ticket

Thanks to Cruel Tears for your monthly ticket

Thanks to Necromancy for your monthly pass

Thanks to book friend 20191105163001671 for your monthly ticket

Thanks to book friend 20220127231408418 for your monthly ticket

Thanks to book friend 20220705183240092 for your monthly ticket

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