I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 139 A world where “hundred million” is the unit of measurement of money

On the brightly lit city streets, a white lightning flashed through the night. The roar of the ferocious mechanical beast stirred the hearts of passers-by.

The streamlined body creates beautiful ripples under the light, and the sharp triangular-eye laser headlights combined with the iconic grille are like a vicious shark with open fangs devouring everything.

The matte white AMG SL63, equipped with a 4.0T V8 twin-turbocharged engine, is an open-top sports car that coexists elegance and violence.

It is Ishigami Yuuki's favorite car, and the mileage on the dashboard shows 2,600 kilometers, which means that the owner doesn't drive it much on weekdays, and he keeps it parked in the garage and cares about it almost as much as his wife does.

But now it was not him who was turning the steering wheel with one hand and pressing the accelerator hard, but his younger brother Yu Ishigami.

And from the moment Yu Ishigami started the car, the smile on his lips never stopped.

"Xiaoyou, is it really okay for you to treat your brother like this?"

Xiaobo, who was sitting in the passenger seat, firmly grasped the armrest due to the pushing feeling on his back and looked at Ishigami beside him.

Ishigami Yu didn't answer, still looking at the road in front of him, but he used his other free hand to shake the small bowl next to him.

Xiaobo, who understood deeply, sighed secretly.

"Can't you drive properly?"

She had no choice but to hold his hand, otherwise this guy would make trouble.

Ishigami felt the delicate touch in his hand and smiled.

"It's okay. My brother was tricked by his younger brother."

He said in an indifferent tone

"Besides, I'm here to help him. It will be ruined if we don't hold the meeting."

It was also the first time for his brother's beloved Ishigami Yu to open it. To be precise, it was because of Xiaobo's success.

Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to touch this thing, let alone open it, but tonight Ishigami Yu simply said "Brother, bring me the key" and he gave it to me so readily.

After all, in front of his younger siblings, Yuuki, who was so heartbroken that his back teeth were almost broken, could only show his open-minded side.

However, his "acting skills" were a bit poor, and the reluctance in his eyes was so green that they glowed.

It’s hard for Xiaobo not to see it.

Ishigami Yu shook his head

"Brother, he is so reluctant."

"Mainly because this car was a breakup gift from my first love. Speaking of which, they also met in Shujiin."

"It's our senior sister."

"But after his ex-girlfriend graduated, her family arranged to go to Stanford. She couldn't stand the foreign relationship and they broke up."

He was really affectionate, and from time to time he would go to the garage alone at night without being able to sleep, and spend the whole night drinking.

When he gets emotional, his idiot brother will hold the car door and cry.

Yu Ishigami has seen this scene more than once, because he can directly feel the light on and off in the rolling shutter door of the garage not far away without looking at the window of his room.

Moreover, the ghostly cries and wolf howls that could be heard faintly through the rolling shutter door from my brother were even more serenaded by Ishigami Yu before he went to bed after playing games late at night.

"Kujo, what should I do if I don't have you?"

This is one of the (main) reasons why he wants to move out and live alone.

However, a car symbolizing "breakup" was used to carry him and Xiaobo, a young couple who had just ended their awkward relationship.

Will it be a bit unlucky?

So Yu Ishigami, who felt something was wrong, did not continue to educate Xiaobo about his brother's scars.

"Don't talk about this."

"Xiaobo, how did you get together with my mother..."

It was inconvenient to ask at home. Now that he was alone with Xiaobo, Ishigami Yu finally had the opportunity to ask the question that had depressed him all night.

I feel a little depressed when I mention this small bowl.

She simply spent the night in her boyfriend's rental house, and the next morning she met his mother who came to clean her boyfriend's house.

Really outrageous

At that time, for convenience, she only wore her boyfriend's T-shirt, which was wide enough for Xiaobo to be worn as a dress.

When I was about to move from bed to the dining table for breakfast


The fingerprint-locked door opened, and a woman who looked similar to Xiaoyou walked in. She also wore simple dark clothes for the convenience of cleaning.

This was the first time she met her mother-in-law.

Xiaobo sighed. What is this all about?

She said to Ishigami Yu

"Auntie, it seems that she suddenly wanted to clean you on a whim."

"Then we were exposed."

After revealing their identities to each other, the two women who were "closest" to Yu Ishigami fell silent.

"Hey guys, this is my boyfriend's mother."

"Hey guys, this is my son's girlfriend and it seems like they spent the night together last night."

Neither of them ever imagined that they would be in this scene, facing existences that they could not possibly appear here.

full of drama

When the two parties met for the first time, let’s not talk about the inappropriate clothes.

But this is just the initial embarrassment

More embarrassment is yet to come

Don’t forget, what the hell is Ishigami’s purpose? I was planning to come and clean my son’s house!

Xiaobo originally wanted to clean up with her "mother-in-law", but Ishigami Keiko could tell at a glance that the girl's body seemed to be too worked and inconvenient.

I was ordered to rest on the sofa.

This is so painful for Xiaobo

It’s the second time since Ishigami Yu just moved here, and it’s also the second time Ishigami Keiko has come here.

But this time her eyes were opened

Young people nowadays are so bold.

That mind-blowing wardrobe, with all kinds of cosplay clothes in it.

None of them are heavy, and there are really many varieties.

So you can think of Xiaobo's admiring look when he saw his boyfriend's mother packing her things, and how broken she was inside.

She was too embarrassed to look at her and covered her face with a pillow the whole time.


"I really want to die."

When Ishigami wanted to go into the bedroom to clean it, even Xiaobo, who had limited mobility, could not restrain his heart.

It was the main battlefield there, and the sheets that had been changed, torn clothes, and all kinds of indescribable things had not yet been packed away.

Xiaobo, who had "Danger" written on his head, rushed forward with a single stride, and even called out "Mom" in his excitement.

Standing in front of Keiko Ishigami and stopping her

"I'll invite myself here."

In this way, Xiaobo retained the last bit of dignity in front of his mother-in-law.

After all the important matters were taken care of, Xiaobo, who had no worries, could finally have a good chat with Ishigami's mother.

So Xiaobo's simple sentence actually contained her infinite sadness.

It's really no different from social death.

Ishigami Yu was also slightly speechless and patted the steering wheel with his hand.

Unexpectedly, it was so simple, and the fact that he and his little girlfriend sometimes lived together was completely exposed.

"Mom, it's true. What kind of surprise attack is there?"

"Without even a single notice."

"Damn it, change the locks when you get back."

By the way, you don’t need to notify the landlord about changing the locks. Because he was so accustomed to living here, he simply stopped renting it and bought it directly and became the landlord himself.

"Xiaoyou, what do you do at home?"

After calming down his heart, which was once again surrounded by the feeling of social death, Xiaobo slowly opened his mouth and said

Hearing this strange question, Ishigami Yu was stunned for a moment.

"Why do you ask."

Xiaobo seemed to be thinking about his words and hesitated a little.

"It's just in Auntie's tone that some of the more difficult things seem to be taken for granted."

"Emm, it's more idealistic."

To put it simply, it is something that Xiaobo finds very difficult or even impossible to achieve.

In the eyes of Ishigami's mother, it was nothing.

It's just a matter of saying hello.

Not so easy

Xiaobo will have this dilemma

Because when Ishigami’s mother asked about what Xiaobo wanted to do in the future.

Xiaobo talked about his parents being actors and his experience of debuting as a child star when he was a child.

To be honest, she was still a little uneasy.

If possible, I would still follow the same path as my parents.

Because Xiaobo wanted to show that woman who only knew money, without her help.

Xiaobo can still become a world star

But, after all, generally speaking, the water in the entertainment industry is relatively turbid, and everything is very messy.

Not to mention that Xiaobo's parents are typical, having extramarital affairs, cheating and so on.

She was afraid that Ishigami would misunderstand that she was not a serious person.

To prevent Xiaobo and Ishigami Yu from being together.

However, to Xiaobo's surprise,

Ishigami's mother actually supported her decision very much, and she wasn't being hypocritical.

"Auntie understands very well. As long as girls are young, they will more or less dream of being a glamorous star in front of the screen."

"Not to mention, sister, your conditions are quite good in all aspects."

"It can be said that I was born to eat this bowl of rice."

"And women should still have their own career."

"You can't rely on men alone."

"Auntie also knows about the dirty things in the entertainment industry, but don't worry, sister."

"As long as you want to make your debut again, our Ishigami family will definitely support you without any effort."

"Auntie promises you, within two years."

"You will be everywhere on the busiest streets in Ginza."

"Then in three years' time, you will be on the major CBD advertising screens around the world."

"Getting endorsements, advertising, and awards is all about being soft in every sense of the word."

"When the time comes, sister, you will be a world superstar."

Although Xiaobo was very touched by his aunt's words, it could be said that he was almost knocked unconscious by the picture of the pie.

But, Xiaobo can be considered someone who has stepped into this place before.

She doesn't know anything

And my parents are a good example. They worked hard for half their lives but never got their advertising endorsement in Ginza.

He's just a little famous, but if he occasionally receives an endorsement from one or two big names in a year, it's considered a blessing.

Xiaobo also knew about the situation in his boyfriend's family. After all, they had known each other since junior high school.

Although Xiaobo made his debut, it has been more than ten years. There must be no one who still remembers her from that time to this day.

Besides, she doesn't want to use her parents' fame as a gimmick.

It can be said that Xiaobo started with zero resources, which may be worse than some newcomers who have just debuted.

Under such circumstances, it only takes three years for a pure "newcomer" to be trained to be on the main advertising screens of global CBD. That is the treatment of a world-class superstar.

Xiaobo, how can she be able to appear on the same screen as those darlings of capital who debuted so many years before her?

Isn't this a fairy tale?

That's a bit of an exaggeration, right?

Xiaobo may have concerns about her mother-in-law, but she has nothing to hide from her closest relative, Ishigami Yu.

She told him all her doubts


After listening to the statement, Ishigami Yu turned his head and glanced at the serious-faced Kobo next to him, and brilliant laughter broke out in the originally silent carriage.

"why are you laughing!"

If it weren't for the fact that Yu Ishigami was driving, Xiaobo would have wanted to hit him.

I was obviously talking to him seriously, but this bad guy actually smiled so happily.

"Okay, okay, I won't laugh."

Ishigami Yu let go of Kobo's hand, and then wiped the tears from his eyes.

"Oh, it's true, Mom."

"You are so humble in front of your daughter-in-law, but now people are starting to doubt the strength of our family."

Ishigami Yu told his mother: Kobo has been seen on the streets of Ginza for two years.

How could such a simple small goal take two years?

As long as Yu Ishigami thinks, he will appear on the big screen in Ginza in ten minutes.

This is not the power of little love

It's about human nature.

After all, among the top ten forces in the Boxing Club, who doesn't have more than a dozen or twenty internationally renowned names?

Sixty percent of the rent on the entire Ginza street belongs to a company affiliated with Manniu Kai.

So endorsements can really be obtained.

As for international influence, it would be nice to make a few movies specifically for Xiaobo.

Ishigami and his family are not short of money.

Then go to some film festival, walk the red carpet, and win a few trophies.

Return to China and hire some clever newspaper agents

Blow randomly

Isn’t this a proper movie queen?

Therefore, what Xiaobo is worried about is really not a big deal in the eyes of Ishigami Yu and his family.

In the entertainment industry, resources are king, so why not have an entertainment agency on hand? Just try to win over the parent companies of several well-known firms.

"Xiao Bo, why don't you take a guess?"

"What is the game we're going to watch later about."

Ishigami Yu just told Xiaobo that the two of them could go out at night.

For Xiaobo, who felt a little cautious about staying at Ishigami's house, this was like a timely help.

So Xiaobo didn't ask any questions and couldn't wait to follow Ishigami Yu out.

"Made you laugh at me."

Xiaobo looked out the window

"Huh, how do I know?"

Ishigami Yu chuckled lightly

"It's nothing."

"It's a battle for a total value equivalent to 100 billion yen."

"Don't you want to know what our family does?"

"That's the answer right there."

Where Ishigami looked, he saw a huge and magnificent unfinished building.

If completed, Tokyo may be adding another landmark building.

But it was brightly lit now, and the searchlights from several huge tower cranes illuminated the place like daylight.

Ishigami released his foot on the accelerator, and there was a road control checkpoint ahead. Only members of the Boxing Club can enter.

Xiaobo, who was sitting in the passenger seat, noticed it. The cars passing by are basically limited editions of ultra-luxury brands, and sports cars are constantly roaring past.

Ishigami Yu smiled

"Xiaobo, welcome."

"This is the world of our boxing club."

"A world where money is measured in billions."

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