I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 151 Severe Muscle Control

Outside the fully transparent tempered glass elevator is Ishigami's greenhouse courtyard. As the height rises, the scenery outside is unobstructed.

The elevator door is of a retro type, with metal fences woven into beautiful patterns layered on top of each other, which goes well with the European courtyard style.

"Ishigami-kun, look, that's where we were standing just now."

Chika Fujiwara pulled Ishigami's sleeve and pointed to a place in the distance. Shinomiya and President Shirogane were on the other side.

Four normal-sized students and an "abnormal-sized" person like Ozu Toshio would be crowded in the same space, but thanks to the large elevator, it didn't matter.

Moreover, this elevator seems to be used to transport large equipment. There are scratches around it, and it is at least four meters high. It may also serve as a sightseeing elevator, but the elevator's upward speed is a bit slow.

The second floor where Ozu Toshio led Ishigami and the others was the most proud place in the entire academy. There are two floors of elevator buttons, but according to visual inspection, the distance between the two floors exceeds fifteen meters but less than twenty meters, which is the height of an average five-story building.

"Senior Qianhua, stop looking when we are almost there."

"Let's go and stand in front of the elevator door. Then we can see that mysterious place at a glance, okay?"

Ishigami touched Senka Qianhua's head and asked

"Okay, let's go then."

Chika Fujiwara was lying on the glass looking at the scene. After hearing Ishigami's words, she took his hand and walked to the elevator door very actively.

After a while, the elevator doors opened one after another.

But unlike the warm welcome that Ishigami expected, what came oncoming was a high-speed, dark, unknown object that hit the elevator like a cannonball, connected to the chain above.

The sound of breaking through the air was mixed with the screams and exclamations of girls.

"Ah, get out of the way quickly"

"Oops, get out of the way!"

The sound is quite noisy

The unknown object moves very fast. In addition, the visual inspection shows that the length and mass of the standard adult height are very heavy. I don’t know why at this alarming speed, if it hits someone, it will be no less than Got hit by a small car.

Most people would probably die on the spot, or they would be seriously injured.

The situation is very critical, and who would have thought that it would be such a special situation as soon as the elevator door opened. This resulted in Toshio Ozu, the "strongest man" who should have reacted immediately, not having time to think and respond.

When the incident happened, Toshio Ozu was still looking out the window. It wasn't until he saw a dark shadow getting closer and closer on the window that he realized something was wrong.

On the contrary, President Shirogane, who was next to the elevator button, looked anxious and immediately wanted to press the button to close the elevator door. But the damn thing could close the door as fast as the elevator could move up, and there was no time.


Some girls turned pale

Ozu Toshio's originally kind face turned into quite ferocious in an instant. The bloody muscles on his lower thighs instantly burst out of his slim trousers. He wanted to use his own terrifying explosive power to jump up and block Ishigami and the others.

But can Toshio Ozu's actions really succeed?

The answer is of course still impossible

This man's emergency response only increased the risk to everyone in the elevator!

Because there is a necessary forward swing before jumping up, that is, you have to bend down and accumulate force like a coiled spring and then release all the force in one breath.

Don't forget that the environment they are in now is in a small elevator. The elevator is only connected by a few steel cables and is very "fragile". You can't jump in the elevator. Children all know this. But whether Ozu Toshio could care about it, he didn't even think about it that much.

The astonishing force generated by Toshio Ozu's heavy leap instantly exceeded the maximum load capacity of the elevator, and the entire elevator trembled violently and felt like it was about to fall.

Power generation techniques should be balanced

But in order to pursue the ultimate explosive power, Toshio Ozu gave up all these. The elevator suddenly shuddered, causing subtle errors, and everything went wrong.

Therefore, this emergency response is ineffective and more dangerous than pressing the elevator button.

But in fact, this is another kind of tram problem. If Ozu Toshio doesn't do anything, he can at least save two people. That is President Shirogane on the other side of the elevator button, and Shinomiya Kaguya is next to Toshio Ozu.

The only price was to abandon Ishigami and Fujiwara Chika at the elevator door.

All of this happened in a very short period of time. How come everyone who was laughing and joking one second was about to face a life-or-death crisis the next second.

Now the eyes of everyone present are focused on Ishigami and Fujiwara Chika.

"Will you die?"

Fujiwara Chika's pupils reflected the ever-expanding black shadow, and she couldn't help but murmur.

Ishigami pulled the girl who was still stunned and put her behind him

"You little idiot, you're still standing there stupidly."

Ishigami felt the elevator tremble suddenly and seemed to be shaky, but he didn't panic at all.

He stood firmly in front of Chika Fujiwara without wavering, and Ishigami's fists were already clenched.

“What a warm welcome”

The bumpy elevator had no effect on Shi Shang. He stood on it as if walking on flat ground, and his shoes were never separated from the ground.

Ishigami's eyes were always fixed on the black figure, and he disappeared in the next second. The speed is so fast that you can only vaguely see the afterimage that stayed just now, and it is impossible to predict.

But Ishigami didn't rely on his own speed to forcefully avoid it, but took the initiative to greet it because he thought the enclave was too slow.

He accurately appeared on the path in front of the black shadow, and hit the unknown black shadow that was about to attack like a cannonball with a super-fast punch.

The high-temperature gas produced at the moment of collision and the air interaction ring appeared.


Everyone saw only a flash of white light, and then heard a very loud and crisp sound in their ears. It seemed that the leather products had been violently torn apart and finally couldn't bear it. In the end, their vision was covered by yellow sand that exploded and exploded.

In other words, Ishigami's fierce and sharp punch, the force brought about by the extreme compression, acted on the object and actually blasted the unknown object.

This resulted in things that could not be distinguished from sand or gravel all over the air, making it difficult to see the scene in front of them clearly.

"Cough cough cough"

"Go and turn on the ventilation system, maximum power."

"How are they doing?"

As the smoke and dust dispersed, they saw the fair-skinned boy in Shuchi Academy uniform standing intact. There was nothing serious about him except for some dust on his hair and body.

The girls breathed a sigh of relief.

Ishigami opened the thing he was holding tightly in his hand. He was holding a broken chain in his hand. It could be vaguely seen that the steel was torn off by brute force.

The jacket is made of leather, with various cushioning materials placed inside to absorb energy, and there are also chains as fixings.

And when Ishigami felt the familiar touch from his fist, he frowned and said in an uncertain tone.


Sandbags are an indispensable item when practicing fighting skills or fitness. Generally speaking, leather is used as the outer material, and the inside is filled with various anti-cushioning shock-absorbing materials. This thing basically exists in any level of gym and is considered standard equipment.

But generally speaking, sandbags are firmly tied to chains. Most people's blows will only shake it. I have never heard of punches that can knock away sandbags.

As for a being like Ishigami who could blow up a sandbag with one punch, he was completely out of the realm of normal people.

And although it is not difficult for the boxing warriors to blow away the sandbags, this is an all-girls school like Royal Sakura Academy, where all girls are. There needs to be someone who can blow away the sandbags. How outrageous the girls are.

Among millions of people, there may only be one.

But Ishigami glanced around just now, and there were no other men except him, President Shirogane, and Mr. Ozu.

But the cracks on the chain in Ishigami's hand completely told the reality of being torn apart by brute force.

When all impossibilities are eliminated, even the most outrageous ones are the answers.

He looked at the three girls with different styles leaning on each other and lying helplessly on the ground and thought.

"That means one of these three girls is responsible for blowing that sandbag away!"

"I'm really sorry, I'm really sorry"

The girl in front of her, wearing loose black fitness short-sleeves and red sports shorts, is a girl with beautiful long blond hair and tanned skin.

She was bowing and apologizing to Ishigami and his group, with the frequency of the bends and her mournful face.

As for Ozu Toshio, because his pants had been torn in the explosion just now, he felt very unseemly (eyesore) and went to change clothes.

The regret on this girl's face is easy to imagine that she, who looks a little fat but very cute, is the culprit that Ishigami just guessed was responsible for the sandbags flying out of the three of them.

"Okay, okay, no need to bow anymore."

"We accept your apology, get up."

The so-called apology means that it is sincere only if it shows Obai.

Ishigami could see that this girl was a real person. She was so sincere that he felt a little embarrassed to see her.

Her figure looks very hot against the backdrop of this sports top. In addition, his clothes are relatively loose, which shows his sincerity.

What does it mean to have a trench? That's it.

She was so nervous that she sweated, and her skin looked very plump and curved under the sweat, like a round apple.

Moreover, the girl's constantly bending body will produce waves of fluctuations. Every time she apologized, Ishigami would rub his nose involuntarily.

People always refuse to take their eyes away from scenes they have never seen before. I've seen snow-white ones a lot, but this is the first time I've seen this bronze color.

As for President Shirogane, who was originally standing next to Ishigami, he returned to her side angrily when he saw the murderous look in Shinomiya-senpai's eyes, not looking at the almost free benefits there.

What is going on in this school? Everyone is so big. Shinomiya Kaguya, who is naturally weaker than others, vomited blood unwillingly. Although this girl has dark skin, she has a good figure

She didn't know whether the president was moved or not. Kaguya Shinomiya only knew that scene made her a little moved as a girl, let alone a boy who was in puberty.

Shinomiya Kaguya felt that fortunately she was right to follow him today, otherwise she would have been reminded of the way those girls stared at President Shirogane just now.

Shinomiya Kaguya felt that her head was very green

And she's thinking

If you want to talk to Hayasaka too, you should take a picture of Ishigami-kun looking like he's coming home. Let her see what kind of playboy she has found as her boyfriend.

Ishigami, who had no idea that he was almost betrayed by Shinomiya-senpai, said

"That's right, Qianhua-senpai."

He pushed Chika Fujiwara calmly. It would be more appropriate for Chika Fujiwara, who is also a girl, to come forward for a girl like this who is not familiar with her.

Fujiwara Chika had already recovered from the thrill just now, she said

"Yes, I'm not angry anymore. Is your name Saakura-san?"

Saakura Hibiki, who felt very guilty, immediately responded:

"Just call me Hibiki, Fujiwara-san."

"I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to do that."

The reason why there was such an outrageous scene of sandbags flying in the air just now was because of the girl named "Sakura Hibiki" in front of Ishigami.

He is the general manager of the student union of Koyo Women's College.

Before Ishigami and the others came, she had no patience to wait. I was just thinking about hitting sandbags to kill time, but I didn't expect that when I thought about the novel I read last night, I immediately became excited.

"A serious punch."

She just imitated the appearance in the comics and just shook her fist normally. By the time he reacted, Sagura Hibiki's fist had already been blasted out.

As a result, the iron chain on the sandbag looked like it was made of paper. It broke without applying much force and flew out.

Her heart almost stopped when she saw that scene.

But there's no point in regretting it, it's just that luckily the person is fine.

Otherwise, it would be really hard to tell, and it would almost bring down Shuchiin's student union, and a major safety accident would be brewing.

Maybe, Huang Ying Academy will experience the crisis of abolition of the school, but in reality, there is no such thing as an idol debuting to save the school.

Not to mention Saakura's voice, her two friends haven't recovered from the shock just now.

A girl with a similar skin color to Saakura Hibiki, she wears a single ponytail

This girl's name is Uehara Ayaka. She is a good friend of Saakura Hibiki and also serves as the executive committee member of the student union of Kozakura Women's College.

Her current clothes are similar to Sagura Hibiki's, they are both sports shorts and tops that show off her figure.

In fact, there is a reason why they dress like this. It also shows the best student style of Imperial Sakura Academy.

I never expected that such a fork would come out.

Ayaka Uehara touched the girl with straight black hair next to her with her arm and whispered.

"Fortunately, they didn't pursue it, otherwise I really wouldn't know what to do."

"We must educate this guy Hibiki well later, otherwise we may cause some trouble next time."

But no matter how much she poked, the girl next to her named Soryuin Akemi seemed to be immersed in her own world and unmoved.

Ayaka Uehara felt that her student council president seemed a little strange today, and she was still saying something.

As a result, when I listened closely, I heard that this usually very dignified young lady now looked as if she had exercised strenuously.

I don’t know what happened

Tsuruin Akemi was panting heavily, hot breaths came out of the girl's mouth, and her face was all abnormally red.

If you look carefully, you will find that her emerald-like eyes are shining with pink light, and there is love mixed in them.

After hearing clearly what her president was saying, Ayaka Uehara became even more confused and repeated

"Give me some silk?"

"What is it, so awesome?"

"Ye Xiang, don't you think those biceps are simply a gift from God?"


Zhumei Soryuin's eyes were fixed on Ishigami's arm that had just exploded with great strength. The tattered clothes there could not hide the streamlined muscle lines at all.

She's drooling

Uehara Ayaka helplessly touched her forehead, and then she remembered

My president is fine with everything on weekdays, but the biggest problem is

She is a serious muscle control!

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