I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 152 Anyone with narrowed eyes is a monster

During the entertainment with the Kozakura Academy Student Council, President Shirogane and Vice President Shinomiya were both there. How could Ishigami get his turn? This was one aspect, so all he had to do was watch Chika-senpai from the sidelines.

On the other hand, Ishigami always felt that something was not right about the way the student council president looked at him. It made him feel like he wanted to swallow him whole.

I wonder if the second young lady of the Kansuruin family is also a "carnivore". Ishigami had this association inexplicably. He wiped the sweat from his head and thought of keeping a distance from her for the time being.

Let President Shirogane and Senior Sister Shinomiya deal with it.

However, although they experienced some unpleasant things at the beginning, Saakura-san didn't mean it. Ishigami and the others decided that it was just an accident and no one was injured, so let's leave it at that.

During the chat, Ishigami learned that the student council members of Kozakura Academy were all second-year first-year students who were not specially recruited like him, so these three were all sisters.

However, Ishigami looked at Saakura-senpai, who had already become involved with Chika Fujiwara, and still couldn't believe how her skinny arms and legs could do such an outrageous thing as knocking away a sandbag with one punch.

It can only be said that human physiques cannot be compared, and Chika Fujiwara's attack in extreme anger could only tickle Ishigami.

But this dark-skinned JK hottie can actually do things that most of the strong men in the world cannot do with a single punch. Not to mention an ordinary person, if she were a candidate fighting artist from an ordinary company, she would not be able to stand up for a punch if she stretched out her head and was hit directly. Then this careless senior Saakura would kneel on the ground and beg him not to die.

Besides, someone has not gone through professional training to achieve this level. Ishigami is a little suspicious that this senior's muscle density is not low.

It may not be as good as the "Tiger" Wakatsuki Samurai, but it is still far above the average person's level. If someone starts as an ordinary person, she starts at the level of an average fighter.

It's a pity that there is no precedent for female combatants in the Boxing Club. They are all passionate battles between men. Otherwise, she would be a low-profile version of the "Tiger".

If I have this wish, Ishigami is willing to train the first female fighter in Neon. It's not about her physique or how many good grades she can get, but the most important thing is to show the momentum of "who said women are inferior to men".

Some combatants are not very strong, but they are good at beating women. If Saakura Hibiki were to defeat these arrogant men, I don't know how exciting the expressions on the faces of those macho guys would be.

But I just thought of it as a joke. Why would a little girl fight in an arena with a bunch of men covered in stinky sweats if she didn't have any deep hatred?

“But it’s really professional here.”

He looked around. Under the bright light, the second floor they were on was a ring-shaped space. He originally thought that the second floor would be some kind of more precious plant garden or a tea party where the ladies would gather for afternoon tea. land.

But what caught Ishigami's eyes was a variety of sports equipment, including treadmills, exercise bikes, elliptical machines, and dozens more. Just take the barbell as an example. There are Olympic barbells, fixed barbells, curved barbells, thick barbells, etc. There are many types. And it’s not like you just leave it here after you buy it. It’s not used but shows signs of use day after day.

“Isn’t this the benchmark Silver Gym?”

Seeing that the level of specialization here is quite high, Ishigami thought so. As for the choice of coach, isn't Mr. Ozu the best fitness coach they can get?

His body fat ratio is probably no more than 10% for his terrifying muscles that have been tempered for many times. It seems that they can only be trained to a very strict fitness level.

It is estimated that this place can accommodate a class of people at a time. The oxygen ions rich in the air on the stone can be felt to be the same as the air in the courtyard below.

What a big deal!

He now understands why Mr. Ozu said that the indoor garden outside is just a supporting facility here. Imagine that when exercising, you can directly breathe the freshest oxygen-rich air as long as you cooperate with the air circulation system. Close your eyes and breathe, as if you were in a garden.

The large amount of carbon dioxide emitted during exercise can also be absorbed by plants. Not only that, people who exercise can also watch the green trees below through the single-sided glass without affecting others, further improving physical and mental pleasure and healing the feeling of fatigue.

Whether it is aerobic exercise or anaerobic exercise, having the blessing of this kind of top-quality air is very beneficial to people's fitness.

The best coaches, the best equipment, and the best environment have created the Royal Sakura Gym here, which is what Teacher Ozu said is the pride of the entire college.

Looking at the equipment, Shi Shang was a little ready to move. But when he saw Fujiwara Chika and Saakura-senpai heading to a large sports equipment area to play, he immediately stepped forward to stop them.

"Wait a minute, Qianhua-senpai."

Chika Fujiwara, who was suddenly stopped, was still a little confused. What was going on?

"Senior Qianhua, do you feel a little more relaxed?"

But Fujiwara Chika, who was "ravaged", didn't feel that way at all. She just felt that her whole body was about to fall apart.

Chika Fujiwara is now wearing a red sportswear, which is different from Saakura-senpai and others who are dressed a bit hotly. Ishigami specially asked the seniors to find a more conservative one, with a sports T-shirt and a jacket on top. This may be the possessiveness of the "blue friend".

There is a faint blush on her face now, which is quite pleasant.

"No, Yujun, are you so harsh?"

"I asked you to take it easy"

Ishigami heard Fujiwara Chika's complaints and replied

"Isn't this because, Senior Qianhua, your body is too stiff?"

"Otherwise, why would I be so harsh?"

Chika Fujiwara was feeling so uncomfortable just now because Ishigami thought she was lazy in warming up, so he made it even more difficult for her.

This guy is really not conscious at all. He fishes during the warm-up. This is an irresponsible behavior towards himself.

Generally speaking, warming up before exercise is a must and very important. Although the content of warm-up has nothing to do with exercise content, it has a very comprehensive effect.

Firstly, it can raise the body temperature, improve muscle elasticity and speed up blood oxygen delivery in advance, so that the eyes will not go dark after a sudden intense exercise. Secondly, it can also have an effect on the body's internal system and overcome the "functional inertia" of the internal organs. The third point is that it can make the cerebral cortex enter an excited state, improve the response speed of reflex nerves, and prevent accidents.

This is just a part of the benefits of warm-up as preparation before exercise, but this is not the only one, there are many more that I will not expand on.

Sasakura-senpai had already done warm-up exercises in advance, but Chika Fujiwara would have to play on large equipment if she didn't do enough preparations. If she didn't do this well, she would get injured.

So Ishigami immediately stopped the energetic senior and asked her to change into clothes that would be convenient for exercise. (Shujiin’s school uniform is a long skirt!)

It was really a hawk catching a chick just now. Ishigami caught Fujiwara Chika to change clothes and took her to do warm-up exercises.

It's really not easy for this old father, Ishigami, to have his heart broken.

He asked Sakura Hibiki who didn't dare to speak.

"Sakura-senpai, which one did you guys plan to use just now?"

They are the home court here, so asking Fujiwara Chika would be better than asking Sayakura Hibiki.

Saakura Hibiki, who was suddenly called by Ishigami, had a serious look on her face. Sweat broke out on her head. She straightened up involuntarily and answered.

"Report, Ishigami-kun, where we are going."

Even though Sasakura Hibiki already knew that this cool and handsome guy was younger than her, she didn't dare to answer honestly like a senior.

It is true that the tragic situation of Chika-chan just now was seen by Saakura Hibiki. He never expected that this handsome junior would be so ruthless and do what he did to her.

Cold-blooded, ruthless.

And even though they didn't get along for long, Sasakura Hibiki could tell that Chika-chan seemed to have an unusual relationship with Ishigami-kun and that she was very dependent on him.

It's not uncommon for siblings to fall in love with each other these days, but the older one relies on the younger one. This...

To exaggerate, this is a father-daughter game.

Saakura Hibiki just wanted to say that people in the city really know how to play, but she, a person from the suburbs and the city, really can't understand. So she was named by Ishigami, can she not be super nervous?

Ishigami looked in the direction of Sakura Hibiki's finger. Looking at the equipment there, he couldn't help but slowly uttered two words.

"evil ways."

Chika Fujiwara repeated

"evil ways?"

She felt very strange

That machine has a simple structure, and Hibiki-san said it is very suitable for beginners, but why is it associated with evil ways?

The evil path Ishigami talks about is caused by some chains of contempt that exist among fitness people.

many people think

"The noble chest muscle exercise should be done with free weights. Using equipment is evil!" They look down on the method of using equipment to exercise chest muscles.

So-called free weights: generally refer to exercise equipment that can be moved at will, can increase or decrease the load and change the movement trajectory of the equipment. Typical examples are dumbbells and barbells.

That is to say, the bench press. A person lies flat on a leather board and holds up the barbell with both hands. The weight of the barbell can be controlled by the person according to his wishes, such as the movement trajectory and weight. The movement trajectory during use is determined by himself. Therefore, the requirements for my control ability are relatively high.

Considered an advanced version

The machine that Sasakura Hibiki and Chika Fujiwara want to go to is the machine version of the bench press, and the characteristic of fixed equipment is that its movement trajectory is fixed. This simple operation can still be used by people without any training foundation. Accurately use the force-producing muscles to complete the movement according to the movement trajectory designed by the equipment.

It's rather mindless.

Therefore, people with free weights generally look down on those who use fixed equipment, forming this chain of contempt, which is just some veterans condescending to some novices.

Therefore, those who have some basic fitness knowledge will not choose fixed equipment, but pursue free equipment with skills.

"Hey, newcomer~" This feeling of disdain.

But Ishigami was just making jokes, not laughing at others, and he didn’t mean to look down on the novices. Which high-level player didn’t come from Xiaobai?

He is a results-oriented person, and no matter what kind of equipment it is, it will be fine as long as it really plays a role in fitness.

There is no choice in stone

It is enough to know that that machine is indeed the most suitable for Qianhua-senpai who has no fitness foundation.

"It's nothing, Qianhua-senpai."

Now that you have warmed up, do some exercise before your body cools down.

Ishigami first, right?

"Just like Saakura-senpai said, this one is especially suitable for you."

Here’s a little tip: The free bench press not only exercises the pectoralis major, but also the deltoids and triceps. But in the fixed mechanical version, since the motion trajectory is fixed, the amplitude for the deltoid and triceps brachii muscles is small.

Only the pectoralis major muscles were exercised!

So for Chika Fujiwara, whose "pectoralis major" is slightly (abnormally) exaggerated, this is good news.

It can play a role in making your body more beautiful, tall and straight, and perfecting your body curves.

In other words, as long as Fujiwara Chika persists for a long time, she will become more and more envied by Shinomiya Kaguya.

However, the corresponding situation will also become more dangerous (the angry Shinomiya Kaguya raised a butcher knife at Fujiwara Chika), but Fujiwara Chika has become more beautiful and this danger is not a problem.

Knowing that he should not starve his son, Ishigami was very active in training Fujiwara Chika.

"Senior Chika"

"Come, let me teach you."

The official name of this machine is the "Seated Chest Press".

"Senior, please sit down."

Ishigami asked Chika Fujiwara to sit on a chair, while he prepared to add or subtract weights

"Wait a minute, how much does Kangkang weigh now?"

"40kg, that's right. Senior sister, let me reduce it to 15kg for you."

"I mean it first, if you think it's too easy, I'll add it later."

"Okay, senior, hold this grab bar with both hands and slowly apply force."

Ishigami was still uneasy, as his big hands had already surrounded his little hands.

"Yes, don't force yourself to take your time."

"What a fuss, Yu-kun, this isn't quite simple."

Seeing Chika Fujiwara push the mechanical arm up and down to pull up the weight easily, Ishigami gradually felt relieved.

"Then senior sister, you go ahead and I'll give it a try too."

"Then you sit next to me and we push together, hey hey hey."

Fujiwara Chika moved half of her body, leaving Ishigami

"No, no, I'm going to try something a little harder."

Ishigami smiled

For Ishigami, who has already become a fitness enthusiast under the training of Ming Zaoge, when it comes to bench press, he naturally chooses free bench press.

Choose 50kg as the counterweight. The free bench press is actually more strenuous than the mechanical bench press. 50kg is equivalent to 60kg of the mechanical bench press.

But Ishigami still used a fairly standard posture and easily lifted him up.

Experts will know if there is one as soon as they take action.

After changing clothes, Toshio Ozu walked in and saw the scene of Ishigami bench pressing, and his blood boiled.

"This is youth!"

The clothes I just put on seemed a little shaky again.

"This boy challenged 50kg. In this case, I will burn myself."

"100kg, double!"

Just when Ozu Toshio wanted to vent his passion, a mature woman's voice seemed to appear out of thin air and surrounded his ears. He couldn't help but stiffen.

Like a poisonous snake, it is spitting out messages.

"Teacher Ozu, there seems to be some commotion in the gymnasium. Can you go and help solve it?"

A rather gentle-looking woman wearing a purple kimono walked out of the darkness, but what was concerning was that her eyes were closed and not opened.

What else does Ozu Toshio want to say?

"But, Chairman."

The order given to him by the chairman was to protect these distinguished guests at all times.

But Toshio Ozu knew the identity of the person in front of him, so he was very embarrassed.

Conflict with the chairman's order

But Ozu Toshio's hesitation seemed to make this gentle woman a little impatient.

The woman opened her eyes slightly and looked at Toshio Ozu with her narrowed eyes.

"Please, Ozu-sensei."

Her narrowed eyes flashed with a dangerous light, and she said please, but Ozu Toshio understood that it was a tone that would not let anyone refuse.

"Just having me here is enough."

Toshio Ozu could only sigh

"I understand, Teacher Wu."

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