I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 155 Chapter 155 Ishigami doesn’t want to be a son-in-law

"Ah, ah, ah."

This is the shrill howl of a death crow, as if it has sensed the passing breath and raised its dark wings to hover in the sky.

The shadow of death arises from unknown time and completely envelopes this place. Although the weather outside was sunny, the chilly atmosphere inside the auditorium of Imperial Sakura Academy was completely different, making the temperature extremely cold.

Some crows stood on the railings, their blood-red eyes looking inside through the glass above the auditorium. Others were impatient and kept pecking at the glass with their sharp beaks.

The lights at the top of the auditorium were out of order, flickering on and off only occasionally providing brief light inside. The scene on the ground was already a bloody purgatory. The walls were covered with splatters of blood. The basketball court that was supposed to be a normal student basketball court was filled with many corpses that had died in miserable forms.

The nauseating smell of blood mixed with the faint sounds of deep pain seemed very strange in this quiet environment, but most of them were already filled with air that had not been released yet.

He died soon after.

Anyone who sees this horrific scene will instantly break through the defenses of their soul.

"Stab it."

A shrill and shrill sound tore through the tranquility here, and the door of the auditorium was slowly opened from the outside.

A man with muscles as strong as fine steel walked in. He was none other than Toshio Ozu, who had come all the way from the indoor garden.

Facing the tragic situation in front of him, he remained silent, but the muscles in his body were so tense that countless blood vessels bulged like dragons. Under the extreme pressure in the master's heart, it could no longer bear it and burst violently. You don't need to think about it to know that this is a sign of extreme anger.


Hearing the faint voice next to him, the tough guy with blood dripping from his body wanted to show a soft smile, but he couldn't do it and could only show a smile that was uglier than crying.

The face of the young man lying in a pool of blood was unrecognizable. All his limbs were broken off, and the red and mottled white bone spurs were directly exposed from the bloody flesh. Blood was still pouring out in some places, and the whole body was so tattered that it looked like a "doll" that had been torn apart by violence.

It's hopeless

But his eyes were still looking from bottom to top, looking directly at Toshio Ozu, and he kept repeating in a small voice


After reading his eyes, Toshio Ozu squatted down with a solemn expression, stretched out his hand and shook it hard without any hesitation.


There was a crisp sound of bones breaking, which was the sound of a neck being twisted.

The young man finally showed a relaxed look on his face. He coughed out a large amount of blood foam and opened his mouth, revealing his white teeth that were stained by blood.

I wanted to say something last, but my vocal cords had been cleanly damaged. He just opened his mouth and gestured "Thank you." with his last bit of strength.

Then I lost my breath

So the only person at the scene who was still barely alive was killed by Toshio Ozu himself.

"Hahaha, you actually killed one of your own people. This is really a masterpiece."

A handsome man with long hair and a bare upper body smiled and walked slowly and gracefully from a distance. The most ironic thing was that he was still clapping in his hands. It seems to be thanking Toshio Ozu for bringing him the wonderful scene just now.

"I want to ask, uncle, how are you feeling now."

There is no doubt that all the tragedy in front of me is the work of this man.

Ozu Toshio didn't answer and lowered his head. After helping the dead apprentice on the ground to close his eyes, he stood up again.

But when he raised his head, those two pairs of eyes were already covered with bloodshot eyes. Toshio Ozu said in a cold tone:

"These are your last words?"

The long-haired man hugged his body with one hand, showing a scared look on his face.

"Wow, what a scary uncle."

But the next second, this leisurely long-haired man flew backwards at high speed like a spinning top until he slammed into the wall.

The huge force shattered the wall.

Among the ruins of reinforced concrete, the man who looked arrogant just now was lying there, lying flat on his back without any movement.

"Stand up and get dirty."

Toshio Ozu, who looked like a demon, was filled with murderous intent, and smoke was still rising from his fists.

"I just said hello."

Extremely angry, he unleashed his power without mercy. Right where Ozu Toshio was standing just now, the ground had sunk several centimeters as if it had been bombed.

"Don't tell me, is this your level?"

The man lying on the ground moved his fingers slightly. His mouth stretched to his ears.


"I was looked down upon."

There was scoffing in the distance. Ozu Toshio's "meeting gift" just now only slightly injured the long-haired man.

The muscular monster opposite that exuded a terrifying aura was still staring at him with its scarlet eyes.

The long-haired man put down his hair to reveal a delicate face. He stood up unsteadily with a playful look on his face.

"This toy seems to last longer."

On the other side, the battle between Ishigami and Wu Yaksha also entered a fever pitch. There were knife marks on the surrounding walls. Under the knife light, which was denser than the rain curtain, there was endless murderous intention hidden.

There is nowhere to hide

The neatly cut fragments of fitness equipment scattered on the ground are the best witness. If they hadn't intentionally avoided Soryuin Akemi during their battle, she would have died in the aftermath of the fight between the two.

Ishigami touched his bangs, which were as jagged as those gnawed by dogs. He was forced to make sacrifices because he had no time to dodge the attack of the crazy woman.

"This teacher is really difficult to deal with."

As he is also a technical type, he naturally knows how disgusting the sword master is. Extremely brilliant skills, even a knife is played with tricks. It can strike you with a knife from various unexpected angles.

Anyway, he was disgusted. Unless the melee master has combat experience and has stronger physical fitness than the sword master, he will be crushed.

But the old aunt really taught Shi a lesson. It can only be said that ginger is still hotter than old. Impeccable skills, rich combat experience, and ridiculous strength.

If Ishigami hadn't seen with his own eyes that Wu Yasha's sleeves slipped down to reveal his fair and slender wrists, he would have thought that what was under the sleeves was a thick arm like a "muscular man".

I really don't know how those slender arms can exert such strength that it would make Ishigami numb just by using his arms to force him.

The Wu family is truly gifted.

Before the thorough analysis of "Little Heart" is completed, Ishigami can only concentrate highly and relax his vigilance slightly. Maybe what he got in exchange was a blow from a tricky angle, which gave him a chill.

But this is actually Ishigami’s modesty.

He found it difficult to deal with, and his opponent was never the same.

Wu Yaksha is not a simple killer, she is also the head of the Wu clan. And to be able to hold the position of clan elder with such young qualifications can already explain a lot of problems.

Although she is a woman, her strength is the best among the Wu clan. If it weren't for his personality, he would definitely be the best candidate for the clan leader.

Without Wu Yaksha as a guarantee in Tokyo, how could that "granddaughter-controlled" old guy trust Garuda and Wu Fengshui to go to school in Tokyo?

Could it be protected by a Wu Bianzao whose liberation level does not exceed 20%?

Therefore, Wu Yasha is at the top level in both skills and strength. It is outrageous that at Ishigami's age he can be on par with a monster like her.

Although Wu Yasha is more comfortable with the naginata, she is not weak in the double sword.

The only difference is the attack distance.

Originally, she just wanted to cut him off with a knife to make him lose resistance, but the more she beat him, the more frightened she became.

From the beginning, I was restrained, and now I am enjoying the glory. Wu Yasha had put away his contempt and became completely serious towards a junior.

She glanced at the inconspicuous pits on the sharp blade, which were the marks left by the opponent's knife exchange.

This kid doesn't look like a high school student at all. On the contrary, it was like those martial arts celebrities who had been famous for a long time, who were experienced enough to predict her attacks.

Not only that, but for Wu Yasha's superb skills and timely stopping, his weapon would have been crushed by that brat several times.

"Is this the man my daughter likes?"

Although she didn't want to admit it, she was wrong this time. Ishigami's skills have proven his worth.

This situation should have been a sure thing, but she couldn't attack it for a long time. Wu Yaksha looked a little angry and felt very uncomfortable.

But the movement on her hand stopped

Ishigami noticed it but still did not let down his guard. Who knew what this old aunt was thinking.

Wu Yaksha restrained his murderous intent and once again returned to his original soft and elegant appearance. There was no way to tell that the person with the ferocious face and the mad sword light just now was her.

There was a tone of discussion in her voice.


"I admit that I underestimated you."

"Since you already have such strength at a young age, you should have discovered my origin from the beginning."

I don’t know what kind of medicine she sells in the gourd, but Ishigami still answered.

"The Wu clan is Neon's strongest killer group."

Wu Yaksha nodded in agreement. Hearing "the strongest" was obviously very helpful.

"Then do you know the traditions of our clan?"

"In other words, it is the obligation of every Wu family member."

Ishigami said with an uncertain tone.

"Intermarry with strong men to improve family genes?"

"So you even know about this kind of thing. It seems that the outside world has a deep misunderstanding of the second young master of the Ishigami family."

The outside world's impression of Ishigami Yu is roughly the same as that of Soruin Akemi, the second daughter of the Soruin family. The eldest sister is in charge, and in the Ishigami family, the eldest brother is the one who takes the initiative.

Wu Yaksha showed an interested expression, which was very meaningful.

She looked at Ishigami and said

"Well, speaking of our clan's tradition, that's why I came to see you today."

Yes, that's right.

The reason why the Shuchiin Student Union was able to receive an invitation from Kozakura Academy far away in the suburbs of Tokyo was because Wu Yasha, a member of the Kozakura Council, secretly added fuel to the flames and eliminated all objections.

Because she was still curious about what kind of brat could make her daughter still miss him when she first fell in love.

I have seen it now and have been testing it till now.

Ishigami's performance cannot be summed up by just "very good". A full night or a hundred nights is normal, they will find their own way.

If what Wu Yaksha thought at first was to "borrow the chicken to lay the egg" from Shi Shang and take away a little bit of the "water of life". It's a one-shot deal, but who would be willing to adopt a child of unknown origin.

Give some girls in the clan who cannot find good men for the time being, so that they can give birth to high-quality offspring.

Later, Ishigami used his amazing strength to tell her that his learning ability and martial arts were all top-notch in Neon.

So now Wu Yaksha is preparing to capture this kid with Huairou.

Ishigami pointed at himself, in disbelief

"not me?"

Wu Yaksha nodded.

Ishigami hesitated instead.

"Ah this."

He pondered for a long time, but he didn't expect that the attack of swords and swords was actually asking for a child.

Who can accept this?

Shi Shang looked her up and down, making Wu Yaksha very uncomfortable.

"What's wrong?"

Ishigami seemed to have made a difficult decision and said to Wu Yaksha

"Feel sorry!"

"Teacher Wu, we are not suitable."


Wu Yaksha didn't react at first? what's the situation.

Am I not looking for a partner for my daughter?

How come you and I are no longer suitable?

Wu Yaksha won't be able to deal with this.

Soon, she reacted. His face was turning blue and purple.

"This brat!"

Mom, are you being teased?

"How could it be with me!"

"I am already a mother of two children."

In other words, this mature charm of life is even more exciting.

"It's for my daughter!"

Wu Yaksha pulled up the photo of his daughter from his mobile phone

"I don't know if you have any impression."

"Anyway, since the last time we said goodbye, my daughter has been thinking about you."

"This time, because the environment in Tokyo is not safe, I was recalled to my hometown."

Ishigami still kept a fairly safe distance from Wu Yasha. He leaned over and saw the person in the photo.

In an instant, he felt as big as one head and two heads. He patted his forehead.

Said very helplessly

"What the hell, it took a long time and it turned out to be her."

What is Stockholm?

The girl on Teacher Wu Yasha's cell phone turned out to be the "hooded girl" Ishigami had encountered before, and she was beaten up by him.

"Good guy, it's all up to you."

Now even her mother has come and slapped him with a knife if she disagreed with him.

It’s really outrageous.

Wu Yaksha saw Shi Shang beating his chest and stamping his feet, and knew that he had remembered it.

said laughingly

"Ishigami-san, I know you have an older brother at home."

"Instead of fighting for that unrealistic family property, it would be more practical for a man to become the leader of our Wu clan."

When he heard about being the clan leader, Ishigami was speechless.

It turns out that outsiders can still be the leader of the Wu clan.

This family is also surprisingly sensible.

It would be interesting to have a wife and a clan leader.

"Then you want to change your last name?"

Ishigami asked

Wu Yaksha nodded.

"That's natural. Anyone who wants to join our Wu clan."

"It must be changed to our clan's surname."

Although the name Wu You sounds nice

But Ishigami shook his head, his tone firm.

"Wouldn't that make her a married woman? I won't go."

"Even if your condition is for me to be the clan leader, I won't go."

Ishigami was quite unhappy about becoming a son-in-law.

"When did I propose that you be the clan leader?"

Wu Yaksha was slightly startled.

"Huh? Teacher Wu, wasn't he the man who said before that I would become the leader of your clan?"

The corners of Wu Yaksha's mouth twitched

"My daughter is a strong candidate for the next clan leader"

Ishigami rolled his eyes

"So the man who becomes the clan leader is a man in a literal sense."

"Then I won't go even more."

"You have to go even if you don't want to."

Wu Yasha, who didn't want to talk nonsense anymore, opened his eyes slightly, and all he could see was the dark and gloomy color, and a hint of deep red hidden in it.

"Next, I will be serious."

You can't defeat this guy with such an innocent attitude of capturing him alive. Wu Yaksha understands

So she had to be determined to kill this guy before she could win.

"Don't die, kid."

"I'm still waiting for you to be my son-in-law!"

"I told you, I won't go!"

Ishigami was helpless. This family just likes to force others, right?

Why is this mother-in-law so cruel?

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