I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 156 The disappearing sword light (named after Ishigami Jinfu)

Wu Yaksha's eyes are completely different from the typical white pupils on a black background that are typical of the Wu clan. This old aunt's eyes are a coquettish red when they are fully opened. The vertical pupils in it were as fierce as wild beasts.

The name "Ghost Yaksha" is well deserved.

But this kimono "ghost" still had a gentle smile on his face. As her "enemy", Ishigami couldn't feel any warmth at all. He only felt that his exposed skin seemed to be pricked by countless needles. , bursts of pain.

Wu Yaksha held a sharp blade in each hand, and the smile on his face did not diminish. The hair flying in the air inadvertently flew over his head and was split into two in an instant.

She just stood there, her whole body like a sharp knife unsheathed, cutting everything.

The sword has the intention of the sword, and the sword has the power of the sword. Being able to comprehend such terrifying sword power that blows away hair and breaks hair is a top-notch existence even among "sword masters".

Shi Shang's eyes were fixed on the blade, and the cold light on it could reflect his face. He was so nervous that he couldn't suppress the rising corners of his mouth.

This sense of urgency that the next second might be cut into pieces by a ruthless blade greatly stimulated Shi Shang's nerves.

he is excited

Even trembling

But it was so exciting that I couldn’t be proud of it.

Feeling this sense of crisis and desire for destruction for the first time forced him to immediately enter a more violent "full concentration" state to seek safety.

"Sa, accept me!"

In the dark spiritual world, a cow skull with wide-open scarlet eyes and a terrifying face opened its jaws and breathed out hot air, laughing wildly.

"Like before, use powerful force to tear apart all the enemies in front of you."

The trash talk kept repeating in Ishigami's mind, and all kinds of cruel negative emotions surged into his heart.

"What a Yaksha, isn't it just death when a person is killed?"

"Old woman, you are pretending to be naughty."

"Punch you in the face and see if you still lose your mind."

"What's wrong? What are you doing!"

"Why haven't you accepted my power yet?"

Ishigami bit his tongue lightly, and the sweet and fishy feeling in his mouth temporarily calmed his brain.

"In other people's minds, it's so noisy!"

He suppressed his murderous heart

This is a rare opportunity.

With such a skilled master, it would really be a waste to kill him with one punch.

Although Wu Bei was also a good hand with a knife, compared to Wu Yaksha, he could only be regarded as wielding a wooden stick and waving it around randomly.

Ishigami wants to test his ability to withstand stress in "daily conditions".

He regarded Wu Yaksha as a step for him to enter the next stage, and he wanted to step on her to climb up.

The body of Shuchi Ishigami's school uniform seems to be tight but not tight. This is to relax the muscles of the whole body and put them into a better state.

The high level of adrenaline secretion worsened breathing. A large amount of fresh oxygen is transported throughout the body along with the blood, followed by the spread of power and a highly alert brain.

This feeling is really high.

"This boy!"

Wu Yasha noticed that Shi Shang was not retreating but advancing, and was even actively approaching her sword evil realm.

The five meters around her were all within her attack range. (A naginata is ten meters)

Wu Yaksha is so confident that any creature that steps into this restricted area will turn into a dead creature in an instant.

"So he is crazy."


From the fight just now, Wu Yaksha knew that this boy's fighting style was not one of recklessness but of caution at every step.

In this case, just ignore it.

Wu Yasha, who felt that he had been slighted, was completely irritated, and the smile on his face had completely disappeared. Her hand gripped the blade harder, and veins popped up on her forehead without knowing when.

The face that was as gentle as water just now has become ferocious like a Yaksha demon in purgatory, about to choose someone to devour.

"Damn you brat, it looks like I'm going to teach you a lesson that will stick in my mind."

"Let you know how serious the consequences of looking down on your sister are."

The power of the sword on Wu Yaksha's body was also more terrifying than before, and he began to invade reality.

Knife marks began to appear on the ground all around her.

In the Wu clan, order is inherently evil.

All morals and etiquette in the world are bullshit. Anyway, what Wu Yaksha wants is a tool that can stably produce high-quality offspring for the clan, and the rest doesn't matter.

In other words, as long as there are no injuries there, just broken limbs and limbs, it might be easier to control him.

Furthermore, Wu Zhiju's medical team can save you even if you only have one breath left.

So there is no scruple at all

You can let go of your hands and feet and do whatever you want.

Wu Yaksha licked his lips, his eyes full of murderous intent. She bent her body in advance, and all the muscles in her body were fully prepared.

Because there is only one step left before that boy will step into her territory.

"It's now!"

Raising land is like catching a fleeting flash of inspiration.

Wu Yaksha's lithe figure disappeared instantly without even a moment's pause.

She waved two blades, and her whole body was ejected with incredible speed and explosive power. The polished and translucent blade was driven by its owner's high-speed movement, and the trajectory could not be seen clearly.

There were only two bright sword lights flashing in Shi Shang's sight, no, more than two.

The sharp sword light seemed to leave no way for people to survive, and was mixed with dense slashes that wanted to cut people into pieces. The air was first slid away, making a shrill whimpering sound.

A bit of cold light arrived first, and the sword came out like a dragon.

The brilliant sword light and lightning flashed like a waterfall, and exploded on Shi Shang's body with deadly murderous intention.

Yes, it exploded.

Countless meteor-like sparks bloomed like scattered dust.

But Wu Yaksha's face froze as he displayed such brilliant sword skills, as if this was beyond her expectation.

As the attacker, Wu Yaksha clutched her abdomen and knelt on the ground. Even though the punch seemed to have knotted the intestines in her stomach, it could not hide the shock on her face.

"What did you do?"

The scattered sparks just now were actually the fragments of her blade turning into streams of light. Just now, all that was left of the blade in Wu Yasha's hand was the handle.

It is completely unusable.

And more than that, Wu Yasha frowned and glanced at the kimono with blood spilling from her body. Quite a few fragments were reflected on herself by the force she exerted.

As for the fact that there were no scars on her face, that was because she covered her face with her sleeves the moment she realized something was wrong.

This way the crisis of appearance loss was avoided.

Shi Shang smiled, loosened his hands, and countless small pieces of Ding Ling fell to the ground.

"I don't know if the teacher has ever heard a sentence, risk your life and live."

No matter how weird or unpredictable the sword technique is. Essentially, they are all created to kill the enemy, which means that there will be at least a few tenths of a second of reaction time to react to which part of the body it appears on.

Then just hold the blade in your hand and punch it before the stinging sensation comes. As for the two knives, just repeat this action twice.

There is no need to wait for the analysis of "Little Heart" to be completed. This time Ishigami put himself in a dangerous situation and was brave and careful.

You draw the sword, and the female assassin is a tank in the face without any brains. I will directly charge up my fist and give you a real injury to see if you can bear it.

Ishigami looked down at him. Wu Yaksha, who was very fierce just now but now fell to the ground and could not stand up, smiled.

"Teacher Wu, do you want to continue?"

The situation has been completely reversed, and the roles between hunter and prey have been completely reversed.

A serious punch from Ishigami in his normal state caused the partially unfinished building to collapse.

It was all on the news.

Just such a punch only knocked Wu Yaksha to the ground, and he appeared to be slightly injured.

But this is just a woman from the Wu clan who has to be strong throughout her life.

This woman's back molars are almost broken.

Wu Yasha, who had lost consciousness in his upper body and could not move, and whose broken ribs were inserted into his internal organs, causing internal bleeding, just gritted his teeth and glared at Shishang without saying a word.

Alas, you have to live to save face.

Ishigami was just a visiting student from an outside school. What if he accidentally killed the teacher of their school?

He is a peace-loving man, and he has been fighting and killing a lot all day long.

Doesn't look like a student

Not to mention, he just hit a woman.

In short, the evil person on the stone said

Let’s compare notes and stop there.

Ishigami is not the kind of person who gets angry when caught.

But to be honest, Ishigami is really not at ease with this old aunt who wants to be his mother-in-law.

He can attack his own students, but Zhu Mei is still lying on the ground and hasn't woken up yet.

It's the best wake-up call.

Moreover, she is from the Wu clan and is known as a "bad woman" per capita. Who knows if there are any special poisonous needles on the body that will fall out, and who will I cry to when the time comes?

Also, the old aunt said that her daughter should come. If we really go, who knows if it will be a father and son soldier.

Boys, you should really take care of yourself outside.

So Ishigami decided to knock this old aunt unconscious. When the time comes, it will be safer to take him to the infirmary.

So when Ishigami was about to knock Wu Yaksha unconscious on the ground, the door opened.

His fist was less than five centimeters away from Wu Yaksha's head.

"on a stone?"

Hearing the noise coming from the door, Ishigami raised his head stiffly and looked at several familiar figures at the door as well as them from the Imperial Sakura Academy Student Union.

It was President Shirogane of the Ishigami Student Union, Shinomiya Kaguya and Fujiwara Chika. These people all stared at him in disbelief.

Ishigami didn't know why, but some of the tendons were wrong and he replied.

"Hey, everyone is here."

His fist was still directed at the top of Wu Yaksha's head, making a striking gesture.

"How about we come together?"

"Well, that's what it is."

Ishigami sat on the sofa, his expression as innocent as possible.

"She, an old comrade in her thirties, attacked me, a teenage comrade."

"How can I feel relieved if I don't knock her out?"

She was obviously the one who made the first move, acting like a bad student like me who beat up the teacher.

Too outrageous

After listening to his explanation, Chika Fujiwara breathed a sigh of relief and spoke first.

"Ah hahaha, great!"

"It really scared me before."

"That's right, Kaguya-san."

Shinomiya Kaguya actually breathed a sigh of relief. She really felt a big headache after seeing Ishigami-kun and the student council president of Kozakura Academy leaving.

Hayasaka is away again, so the only person who can supervise Ishigami-kun is Shinomiya Kaguya.

But she still has to look at President Baiyin

One person cannot look at two people

Fujiwara-san is so useless again

Is it true that all men are so carefree?

Really, I can't stand it.

And the scene just now, she didn't know what to say. If there is a real conflict between a teacher and a student, it is a safety incident.

It is true that the scene just now was too hardcore. The female teacher fell to the ground with bruises all over her body, and a female student also fell asleep on the ground.

The identity of a girl is a bit sensitive. The sister of the chairman of this school is also the student council president.

This is not the same as a student visiting the school and knocking out Shinomiya Kaguya.

Properly call the police directly.

Therefore, as the only person standing in the audience at that time, he reached out to hit Teacher Wu.

Naturally, Ishigami is the most suspicious person, but it would be nice to clear up the misunderstanding.

"Although, teacher Wu, why don't you go to the medical room?"

Ishigami saw that Wu Yaksha was on the sofa like him, but he was sitting while Wu Yaksha was lying down.

After resting for a while, Wu Yaksha was finally able to sit up from the sofa, letting out a slight roar of pain. Sakura Hibiki supported her, while Sayaka was at Soryuin Shumei's place.

She also needs care.

President Shirogane explained to Ishigami

"It seems like this school has issued a warning."

This alert pops up directly on the phone and every student receives it.

"Students have been informed not to leave the teaching building, not to move around at will, and to stay where they are now."

"Wait until the alarm is lifted before you can move again."

Ishigami asked

"what happened?"

Everyone present shook their heads

"I don't know. There doesn't seem to be much notice in the warning."

Ishigami turned his attention to Wu Yasha. She was the most likely to know the inside story among them. She is the school director!

Wu Yaksha snorted and rolled his eyes. He pulled off the quilt and was about to answer Shi Shang's question.

A call came on Wu Yaksha's cell phone.

On the sharp-eyed stone, I saw the incoming call reminder written "Ziyin."

He thought, Ziyin, isn't that the chairman of the board of directors of this school?

Wu Yaksha coughed and answered the phone

A rather cold and indifferent voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Hey, Yasha, where were you just now?"

"I sent you a text message and you didn't even reply."

Wu Yaksha coughed up some internal organ fragments and replied

"Ahem, cough, cough, I was inconvenient just now, what's the matter?"

"It seems that things are not going well over there at Ozu."

If they don't go, there will be no combatants in Huangying Women's Academy.

The cold female voice replied

"Where are you? I'll pick you up."

Wu Yaksha shook his head,

"I'm over there in the indoor garden, but I'm in a bit of a bad situation right now."

"It's very possible that I won't be able to help you with anything."

That cold voice finally changed a little bit

"How can it be"

"You are hurt?"

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