I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 157 The neck was rotated 180 degrees

A white campus tour bus carried three people. It was specially modified so that it could drive on the road at a very fast speed.

The short-haired and rather formally dressed woman in the driver's seat is called Tomoko Matsuda. She is a secretary by profession, and her job is to be responsible for all matters related to the chairman of Huangying Education Group.

Sitting next to her in the co-pilot was the secretary's boss, Soryuin Shione, who had long red shawl hair and a rather cold look in her eyes.

She was wearing a burgundy women's suit. From at least three buttons above the collar, she could see a hint of purple and a rather attractive gully inside. Judging from her dressing style, she is a very generous sister, and she can look at her as much as she wants.

Don't mind at all.

Speaking of which, the two of them have one thing in common, that is, the boss and the secretary are actually focusing their attention and eyes on the back row.

Tomoko Matsuda's cheeks were suspiciously red, and her breathing was a little short.

"Shassha, you are a beautiful young man."

"Is this the current "little wolf dog" of the junior generation? It's too aggressive."

"Ahhh, you really poked me."

This woman is a real beauty, and she has a tendency to be more beautiful.

Seeing the handsome boy, Tomoko Matsuda had crystal clear and unknown liquid coming out of her mouth. The secretary who was not serious about driving hurriedly wiped it on to avoid losing her temper in front of her boss.

"And the looming thing under the torn clothes, oh, absolutely, I can't stand it anymore."

Tomoko Matsuda's nose has started to itch


If I don't stop thinking about it, my nose will bleed.

Her boss, Soryuin Shione, was not as rude as her secretary. He just frowned and seemed dissatisfied.

It's not that she judges people by their appearance, but

"Isn't this exactly a brat?"

"Except for the muscle mass, it's a little bit, emm, good-looking, but other than that, there's nothing special about it."

"Speaking of which, Yasha is getting older and his skills are indeed not as good as before. He was actually defeated by such a brat."

Zuoruin Shione, who couldn't understand, took a deep breath of the women's cigarette, and then slowly exhaled it.

There is deep sadness in her eyebrows

"Hey, I don't know what's going on with Ozu."

Suddenly she noticed something, and the cigarette from Soryuin Shione's mouth almost dropped. She hurriedly patted Tomoko Matsuda next to her.

"What are you doing? Look at the road! Look at the road ahead! Tomoko."

Led by the secretary who only focused on the "beautiful boy" in the rearview mirror, the sightseeing bus almost hit a tree.

Fortunately, Zuo Liuyuan Shiyin discovered it and avoided the consequences of overturning.

And the one sitting in the back seat, who successfully attracted the "affectionate" gaze of the two scary big sisters, was Master Ishigami who beat Master Wu Yasha to the ground with a charged punch.

Facing the undisguised prying eyes of the two "female hooligans", his expression was not abnormal but he rubbed the bridge of his nose in distress.

"No, what on earth are you two doing?"

Can you drive well?

Are all adults so unreliable?

The APad in Ishigami's hand was given to him by Soryuin Shione, and he was watching the surveillance in the auditorium. But this was a video from more than ten minutes ago, because it seemed that the aftermath of the battle was too intense and an unknown malfunction occurred in the line, causing the monitoring to be interrupted.

It’s still unknown what the current situation is like

Looking at the two people in the picture, the faces of evil ghosts are constantly colliding with each other.

Just as Ishigami thought, the person who fought against Mr. Ozu was the long-haired man who he initially perceived to be extremely malicious.

I had learned from Teacher Wu Yasha before that Teacher Ozu was going to fight an unknown enemy, and Wu Yasha actually thought he was a sure shot. But after receiving a call from the previous chairman, Yu Jie, I realized that the situation seemed not to be good.

The entire security force of the college was concentrated in the auditorium and scrapped together. The only back-up man, "Wu Yaksha", seemed to leave at will from time to time.

Ishigami, who was worried about Teacher Ozu, had no choice but to say goodbye to his friends at Shuchiin for a while, and took this train to meet the long-haired man.

Now it seems that with the unreliable secretary in front of him, whether he can get to the auditorium is a problem. It is really better for Ishigami to run away by himself.

He looked at the video and sighed. Not only was the situation not good, it was almost over. Ozu-sensei's ability to remain undefeated was all due to his strong physical strength.

And Ishigami noticed the special black and blue spiral scars on Mr. Ozu's body, and the steel-like muscles were forcibly twisted.

"This is."

If this is what Ishigami thinks, then Mr. Ozu's ability to persist until now may be because his opponents are playing tricks on him.

Just like a cat and a mouse, the harder the prey struggles, the more excited the hunter becomes. But once the hunter gets tired of playing, the fate of being hunted will only become more miserable.

Mr. Ozu, it’s dangerous.

Ishigami stretched out his finger and tapped Matsuda Tomoko's shoulder.

Tomoko Matsuda was so happy that she was touched by the beautiful boy, but she still pretended to be reserved and asked.

"What's wrong, little brother, I'm driving."

Shi Shangyan replied to her in two words concisely


Matsuda Daiko doesn’t know why


Ishigami repeated it again

"I said change."

Ishigami turned over and got out of the car, heading straight to the auditorium in front of him that had fallen into an eerie silence.

Behind him is a short-haired girl who is kneeling on the ground, and another lady in a suit is standing, but her expression is quite ugly, and she must be feeling uncomfortable.


Matsuda Tomoko vomited and vomited out her lunch. She never thought that someone could drive a flat car like a roller coaster.

If Ishigami knew it, he would definitely say

"This is just the limit of this car, not my limit, Yu Ishigami."

Moreover, Huangying College is really big. I don’t know how the place was approved when the land was approved. It can only be said that the members of the Boxing Club are arrogant. They took such a large piece of land and did not develop real estate to build a school. Their greenhouse garden is in the back yard of the school, and the auditorium is in the front yard.

In order to pursue speed, Ishigami quickly memorized the entire college floor plan and then took a small road to rush over.

This resulted in a very bad perception among passengers, which can be said to be a poor experience. There is ventilation on all sides, let alone wind thief. Especially Tomoko Matsuda, who was in the back row, was holding the railing tightly with her hands. She was going so fast that even her seat belt could no longer give her a sense of security. She felt like she would fly out as soon as she let go.

"Cheer up, Daiko, what do you look like now."

While scolding her subordinates, Shione Soryuin took out a women's cigarette from the cigarette case with trembling hands. She wanted to take out a lighter, but found that the lighter in her pocket was missing.

It probably fell off during the bump just now.


After wanting to "do something", the frightened Soryuin Shione had to give up with a cigarette, but she still held the cigarette in her mouth.

This can bring her a certain sense of comfort (the caliber of ps cigarettes is particular, interested friends can check it out)

"What a useless guy."

Soryuin Shione used a rather disgusted voice but still pulled up the subordinate on the ground.

"Don't let a brat look down on us adults."

Matsuda Tomoko, who was being supported, had a look of despair on her face

"Sorry, Master Ziyin, I lost my temper."

Soryuin Shione helped Matsuda Tomoko move forward and said in a rather dissatisfied tone.

"Hey, if you know, don't put all your weight on me."

But someone didn’t have any consciousness at all, Tomoko Matsuda just smiled stupidly

"Hey, I'm sorry, Master Ziyin~"

Here, the secretary and the boss finally opened the door of the auditorium, and when they walked in, they were shocked by this rather tragic scene.

Tomoko Matsuda's pupils dilated instantly and she covered her mouth with both hands. It looked like she couldn't accept the scene in front of her at all. If she hadn't been supported by her boss, she would have fallen to the ground.

And Tomoko Matsuda was very lucky because she had already vomited after being fucked by Ishigami just now. Otherwise, just smelling the pungent smell of blood in the air would be enough for her to vomit all her inventory.

The large auditorium, which used to be spacious and bright and could accommodate many students to hold large-scale events, has been turned into ruins as if it had been bombed.

This is massacre

The most terrifying thing is that there are dozens of miserable corpses in the dilapidated ruins, some of which can still be distinguished clearly.

Some have simply lost their human physical characteristics, and their limbs have been broken until they look like tattered toys. The bones of the corpses that were still attached to the flesh and blood had poked their heads out from the open wounds.

The basketball court was stained red with blood, and there were splatters of blood all around the walls. There are bloody handprints on the door behind them. It can be seen that some fighters faced unmatched enemies and tried to escape, but were mercilessly killed by the enemies.

"twenty five"

This was the rough estimate of the number of people that Zoryuyuan Ziyin Guangguang had seen when she saw the scene in front of her.

"There are eleven more."

Seeing this situation, it would be too naive for Soryuin Shiyin to be optimistic about these missing people. They are probably all lying under the broken ruins.

A total of thirty-seven combatants kept in captivity by the Soryuin family were all killed by one person.

This is an immeasurable loss, and many of them are orphans who were taken in by the previous head of the clan and warriors who were personally trained.

A true family member

But everything is gone

Although he had made the most severe psychological preparations, the current head of Zuo Liuyuan Ziyin couldn't help but his vision went dark and he couldn't stand still.

"Where's that man?"

Gritting his teeth, Soryuin Shione looked around, biting the cigarette holder with a pair of silver teeth that were about to break.

Not only the long-haired man, but also the little brother who came in a few minutes before them was also missing.

There is a dead silence here, and these dead subordinates make everyone here feel weird

"He's up there."

After hearing what Soryuin Shione said, Ishigami straightened up from the ruins on the side and reminded him.


Zuoryuin Ziyin immediately raised her head when Ishigami reminded her, and now she could see clearly.

There was actually a person sitting on the three-meter-high basketball hoop next to him. He was the instigator of the bloody scene in front of him, and he was actually sitting on it.

Zuoryuin Ziyin's eyes widened.

She finally noticed that there was a long-haired man sitting above her with his shirtless body showing off his proud figure. He crossed his legs and looked at them in the field with interest.

Noticing Soryuin Shiyin's gaze, the man smiled at her.

But when she saw this smile, she felt that she couldn't move her body. This demon in human skin smiled like this when she slaughtered the fighters under her.

"Sister, just stand there."

"Look after it for me, Mr. Ozu."

Ishigami didn't make a sound when the two people outside just stepped into this place, just because he couldn't make a move.

I’m really busy and it’s a race against time.

Ishigami was concentrating on giving first aid to Mr. Ozu who was seriously injured and unconscious. The situation was really anxious.

Have you ever seen a person's neck rotated 180 degrees by an external force?

With a weird smile on his face

This outrageous scene was what Ishigami saw when he first stepped into the auditorium.

A long-haired man stood in the middle of the auditorium, with a gentle smile on his face. There is no clue that this guy is responsible for the hell on earth here.

Teacher Ozu's neck was rotated 180 degrees by the long-haired man, until it was completely facing the stone. Like Ozu, but Ozu is forced.

It's a fatal injury, and there are no medical equipment here. Therefore, Ishigami could only make basic responses for the time being and let Mr. Ozu wait until the professional team arrived.

As for the rotating head, Ishigami didn't dare to move rashly. There are too many complex and delicate blood vessels, and if one is wrongly connected, it may cause paralysis of the patient.

He dragged the bruised Ozu Toshio to Soryuin Shione and Matsuda Tomoko and told them not to move and wait for rescue.

But the tragic situation of Ozu Toshio made Soryuin Shione not even notice when the cigarette in his mouth fell to the ground.

Never would he have thought that the strongest fighter in his Huangying Education Group would one day have his neck violently broken.


Tomoko Matsuda’s former university teacher was Toshio Ozu. That invincible teacher actually

I was speechless for a long time.

Ishigami ignored their complicated moods and walked over.

There is a man there who beat Mr. Ozu into such a miserable state, waiting for him to clean it up.

Seeing that Ishigami was finally done, the long-haired man who was quite leisurely jumped off the basketball hoop.

He walked straight up to Ishi Shang, his nose moving slightly as if he was sniffing something.

He lifted his long hair from his ears and showed a rather confident smile.

"I'll give you the time you want."

But then the man's face became quite ferocious, as if he was angry that his most beloved thing had been defiled.

The long hair began to float around due to the owner's emotions, like a beast finally opening its fangs.

"Then, can you please tell me."

"Why do I feel his breath on your body?"

Facing this scorching long-haired man, Ishigami smiled indifferently.

"Hey, who is it?"

"There are too many people who have been defeated by me."

"I don't have time to remember their names one by one."

Ishigami's tone became quite serious.

"Also, stay away from me."

"You're such a pervert."

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