I, Zuo Tian Leizi, Absolute Ability

I, Zuo Tian Leizi, Absolute Ability Chapter 295

The moment I heard these words, Mikoto, and Chuchun, who was listening to the radio voices of the people in the distance, couldn't help but lose her voice directly, and together with the tears who got the undesired confirmation answer, three Human pupils shrank instantly at the same time!


Why are there corpses here?!

"It's not surprising. This is on the battlefield. Even if there are one or two corpses on the ground, it is normal. Of course, it may not be used to you."

Claire was not surprised at all, on the contrary, just like before, as if nothing happened, she said calmly... It's just that her cold attitude made the four girls tolerate. Can't help being a little shocked... Is this really the attitude you should have when you see a dead person?Obviously she looks like they are the same age, can she face them so calmly...

"……what the hell is it?"

Before Mikoto could speak, Heizi was already looking at Claire with a serious face.

Of course, she was not angry at Claire, she was just feeling angry!

As a member of the discipline committee, it was the first time she saw a dead person appear directly in front of her!

In normal times, although the students are messy, they are students after all. They are really serious, that is, they have suffered some injuries and shed some blood. Anyway, they are young and energetic and full of blood. In a few days, it's basically fine.

But the problem is that this is too exaggerated!

"Looking at the appearance of this armor, it should be the thirteen knights of the Mule Mazheng Sect. It seems that the entire army has been wiped out. I told you just now. He was originally the secret recorder of the Mule Mazheng Sect. It is normal for the boss to come to the door."

"..." x3


After listening to Claire's answer, the four of them fell into silence.

Oreos was originally the secret recorder of the Mule Mazheng Church, writing the magic book.He believes that by doing this, innocent people can be protected from persecution by the witch.However, the Mule Mazheng Sect regards these magic books as his "ace card, and even threatens it. If he wants to avoid being persecuted by the witch, he must convert to their sect. He cannot tolerate this kind of thing, so he decides to take himself The "book" he wrote was secretly taken out, and then contacted with members of the Puritanism of their country...In short, it was "apostasy".

But ah!Even if that is the case, do you need to give sha to someone who you might even be an acquaintance you met before?!It's too much too much!

"There is nothing to be surprised. People will become crazy for their own purposes, and... his general purpose, I can also guess."

Probably the same as her...

If she had this ability, maybe she would do it like this...

This approach seems ridiculous to others, but Oreos, who has been severely hit one after another, is not impossible even if he would do it like this...

"His purpose...what is his purpose?!"

Mikoto had already clenched her fist at this time, bit her teeth firmly, suppressing her emotions as much as possible.

hateful!Actually killed the killer directly!Is that person crazy?!

"It's still too early to say anything. I'm not so sure, but before that, let's pay attention to the other side of the mirror."

"...What does the other side of the mirror mean?"

"Have you not found out yet?"


……Yes indeed!

Obviously there are si people here, but why are these people so calm?!

Author's message:

Well, let’s stop here. Anyway, there is nothing to look forward to in the plot, right? The results have plummeted... The previous plot is a bit regretful, but now it’s useless to regret it, forget it, anyway, I’m just a poor one. Pounce on the street...

Well, tears have become a big boss, so it should be the first time that a boss with no cards appears~

Chapter 8 Use your invincible ** to find a way!

"Xiaohui~Thank you~"


"What happened just now?"

Seeing a girl who ignored them, then followed the other girl next to him with a smile and greeted them and went straight out, Mikoto and others couldn't help but feel a little confused... It was like breaking into another one. The world is the same.

What kind of "holographic cinema" is this?

"These are the two sides of the coin. The students on the surface of the coin will not notice the people on the back of the coin, that is, the existence of foreign enemies like us."

Claire took out a coin, placed it on the front, and then gently tossed it, covering it with his hand, after taking it out... it was still front.

"...Ahem! In short! We can't interfere with them at all! As long as there is no core of callback magic, this enchantment cannot be destroyed, but the core should be outside the enchantment."

Seeing that his "acrobatics" had failed, Claire quickly took the coin back quickly, and then pretended to cough, and continued to explain calmly, pretending as if nothing had happened.

But at this time, Mikoto and the three of them, of course, had already discovered this and wanted to laugh.

...But they really can't laugh at all now.

The knights who died in battle had this other side, which made them feel as if they had entered another world...

And the coin just now reminded them of their previous tearful behavior...

This time, will they really break into the world they shouldn't be exposed to too hastily?

Although they have just made up their minds, and their current minds have not changed, the things to be done are still determined, but when they saw this corpse, they really felt a completely different kind of cruelty. The world...tears, did you live in such a world before?

... Well, it's not as exaggerated as they thought, tears are just a simple peddler.

Setting up a street stall or something, even if it is magic, is to attract the attention of customers. In addition, you can't find others, so you can only do it on your own.

It’s just that even if it’s like this, he has a lot more knowledge than these little girls, plus the influence of those strange novels, videos, etc., as a house for a long time, and now he has a lot of practical experience. For young people, tears can now be regarded as a mature adult physically and mentally, and the ability to bear it is relatively strong.

"In short, the reasons for fighting have also increased."

After regaining her calmness, Claire sighed a little, then put her hand in front of her and scribbled a few times, drew a cross in the handwriting, mourned for a while, and then silently walked forward, her eyes were It was still full of peace, but already a little worried look.

Even if it is an enemy, it would be too ruthless to start in this way. Is he completely planning to break with the Mule Ma Zhengjiao?Although he had committed a serious crime and wanted to reconcile it is almost impossible, but Claire still feels that the meticulous, serious and rigorous man who used to work has now become like this. The cold-blooded animal in Caosuga feels a little sad... Well, if that child is not saved, will she become like him in a few years?

do not know.

Claire really didn't know.

Originally, she didn't have many friends, and her personality was not very likable, so it is very, very cherished to have such friends.

It is a pity that since she was 10 years old, she suddenly became only able to keep her memory for a year like this, but it is a pity that she has been sent outside to do tasks, and Claire can't get in touch with her at all. ...Later, after she teamed up with Sister Huozhi, she finally joined her.

The time of that year was really happy. The three of them just kept laughing and playing together... Now she, although she has no memories of that time, but the two of them still have them, and they will have more in the future. New ones!

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