I, Zuo Tian Leizi, Absolute Ability

I, Zuo Tian Leizi, Absolute Ability Chapter 296

So, this time, let this person's regrets end here!


"This is the first time I have seen science and religion. It seems to be too common. I thought there would be a picture of Master Jiaozu hanging in it~"

Seeing the group of students who were eating as usual, who were unmoved even if the murder happened downstairs, Claire did not sigh, but joked with a chuckle.

"It doesn't seem to be dangerous...huh?"

But at this time, the students who were supposed to be eating obediently suddenly stared in the direction of the four of them, their eyes full of indifference!

How is this going?!Didn’t you say you can’t see it?!

"It doesn't seem very good. It is impossible for people on the surface of the coin to see us on the back of the coin..."

"...In other words, they have come to the back now, right, and they are still controlled."

Heizi narrowed his eyes slightly, and slowly uttered these words in his mouth.

It can be seen that the eyes of this group of students have been quite wrong. It seems that it should not only keep the students calm on the facade, but also control the students together... Hey, I thought there would be a little bit Bottom line, I didn't expect to have reached this point.

Heizi's mood is not very good, and even these students are controlled together, but I can imagine that this person basically has no moral bottom line, she even wants to go directly in and recruit that person and then just throw it down. Up!

... But this is obviously quite messy, the ability to move in space is not omnipotent after all, who knows that there is something on that person's body to guard against, she would definitely be very dangerous if she rushed past this way.

"The Wings of Blazing Sky are the shining light..."

But at this time, a student suddenly opened his mouth and began to speak strange words.

"The shining light is to expose the pure whiteness of sin..."

At this time, a student next to him also said the same, his tone was full of indifference...

"Pure whiteness is proof of purification..."

"Evidence is the result of action..."

Sentence after sentence, the tone was also full of coldness, and gradually made the few people present feel that something was wrong...because there were blue balls of light next to them!

"Damn...Although it is a counterfeit, it can actually sing the'Gregor Anthem'..."

"What the hell is that?"

"Originally, 3333 monks chanted the great magic of sacred spells in the temple."

"...If you deal with it head-on like that, you won't have a chance of winning!"

After hearing this news, Tears couldn't help but uttered a grievance to Claire.

After all, the number of these balls of light is too much, and they are still on the students, so you can't go straight to them and knock them over...

"Get out of the way, I'll take care of it! Tears, can you use your ability to stop everyone?!"

But at this time, Mikoto suddenly stretched out her hand to stop everyone, and then looked forward with a serious face, and blue electric currents began to appear on her body from time to time!

"Huh? Hmm!"

Tears froze for a moment after hearing the words, then immediately nodded, and directly stretched out his hands, and then covered her, Chuchun, and Claire with a layer of translucent strange fluid around her!

She doesn't know what substance it is, but this thing is very useful anyway, not only for physical attacks, but also for fire and water resistance... Of course, the strength is limited, and she can't really block Misaka. Senior sister's full blow.

"Be careful!"

But if it's just a large-scale scattered attack, she has no problem!

With Mikoto’s burst, the surrounding students did not respond, but the tears and others had already shrunk into a ball, and with Mikoto as the center, countless electric lights suddenly burst out of the ground where she was, directly in the presence Everyone, even those tables, chairs, benches, and plants gave them all electricity!

Although it may be a little bit painful, Mikoto can no longer control so much at this time, as long as it does not endanger her life to the degree of danger!


The sound of electric current still came out of the students from time to time. When they recovered, the surrounding students had all lay on the ground, and then twitched all over...

"...Huh! As expected, Misaka-senpai's electric shock is easy to use~"

Leizi also unlocked her barrier at this time. Looking at the students lying around on the ground, she was finally relieved and then smiled.

Misaka-senpai’s ability is really very versatile, and she can easily resolve incidents in many cases~

"Well, it's really amazing. It seems that you are all genuine elites."

Claire also nodded, with a little entanglement in her eyes... I thought it was good for her to be able to have this kind of combat power at her own age, but now it seems that she is still insignificant. This girl is really talented. There is no one in a million!

......Although it is still a bit worse than that strange thing.

But after all, it has been solved now. After clicking to solve it, they should not...

"The result is the future... the future is time... the time is the same... the whole is the same... it is the past that created all..."



"What's going on?! Why are you still moving!"

Seeing that the students who were originally lying on the ground suddenly began to brace themselves to get up, and even some of them could hear the sound of "fracture", the faces of all four of them changed!

To make matters worse, the blue balls of light next to the students began to gather again!

"The past is the cause... the single reason... the single sin... the sin is man..."

The spells are still being recited, some even lying directly on the ground, and these balls of light are still appearing constantly, and gradually surrounding the tears and others!

"Can't think about it! Let's rush out of the encirclement first! My sister and I go to the other two sides first to distract. If you are familiar with it, try to find a way! If you are in trouble, let us know as soon as possible!"

Heizi directly took Mikoto's hand and teleported out, and then immediately ran in a direction by herself. After Mikoto saw this scene, he immediately reacted, and followed Claire and the others nodded, and then ran towards In another direction.

Indeed, if you still gather together at this time, there is no benefit. It is too easy to be caught fire by these things.

"People are afraid of sin... fear as sin... Sin lies in your heart... If there is something taboo in your heart... expose your sin with the wings of the blazing sky... Eliminate sin from your body..."

"Hey! You used your back to block the'Dragon King's sigh' anyway! But now you just turned around and ran away, what are you thinking about!"

Claire, who managed to escape from the cracks, couldn’t help complaining to the tears next to him. If it’s that guy, he should be able to directly conjure that kind of thing to trap those people, or maybe Just trap those light balls, why can't she do it!

"You are so embarrassed to say me! Can't you also use that exaggerated dying flame to attack?! Use your invincible flame to find a way! You said it so exaggerated before, why don't you do it at all? what!"

Maybe it's because they are the only two of them present. Tear Zi has already started complaining at this time. This guy, Claire, just kept talking about acknowledging others, but didn't he perform at all?!Just commented a few words, it is about the same level as Yamu*!

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