I, Zuo Tian Leizi, Absolute Ability

I, Zuo Tian Leizi, Absolute Ability Chapter 557

"That is, Meiyin has always remembered everything that the blind fisheye fool did. On the night when the first day of Meiyin went to the blind fisheye fool's house, the blind fisheye fool quietly covered Meiyin with a quilt. Before five o'clock in the morning, I went back a little bit, trying to avoid being discovered."

"Woo! You... how do you know this!"

After hearing these words, Yuriko couldn't help running away!

But... Damn it!This matter should be top secret, how could she know such a thing!

"But Meiyin didn't sleep that night, so I saw it clearly. So Meiyin thought at the time that this person was just a silly girl who was too hypocritical. She seemed cold, but in fact she was just a arrogant girl. This kind of personality, no wonder that going to society suffers so much. Really, Meiyin feels so pitiful when he sees this kind of person."

"Hey! If you are good to you, you still have to scold you like this!"

Damn it!Conscience is fed to the dog!

"To beat is to curse and love, so Meiyin is deeply in love with dead fish-eye fools, right? All of the Meiyin loves dead fish-eye fools very much. If possible, it is a good choice to pester you for a lifetime, so Don't get married."

"Why should I be destined to die alone for you!"

Bastard!Shouldn't you say something nice to comfort her at this time, or thank you for something?

Something like "I have been taking care of you for such a long time, and the Meiyin people will take care of themselves and don't bother you." After she heard it, tears might fall.

"Anyway, if you look like this, I'm afraid I won't find a man anymore. It's rare that there are more than 20,000 young potential stocks waiting for you to nurture. This kind of thing is impossible to meet, as long as you raise it for three or four years, wait until We are all grown-ups, and you will be able to start making money at a profit. Don't worry, the American Musicians will find a good target for you."

"Go! I don't want you to introduce it!"

"Then Meiyin introduced Teacher Lei to you?"

"I said no...you are really boring."

Yuriko, who wanted to continue arguing, suddenly reacted, her face a little tangled.

...If you are in tears, just reluctantly.

Of course, she didn't mean to care about tears, and she didn't feel that way about tears.

It's just that if you want to say rejection directly at this time, it seems to be a bit unfair to tears, a bit too much, after all, tears can be regarded as the only "male friend" around her.

Although she didn't treat tears as a boy too much, you would look at a cute girl's face all day, obviously you wouldn't treat him as a boy.

"Meiyin doesn’t usually do anything. Of course, it’s better to think of something interesting. Teacher Lei is basically a personal demon anyway, but it’s still a bit popular. Meiyin thinks that if he can get a lily harem, it seems like there will be more It's pretty good."

"..." x2

This girl, what kind of ghost is in her head, this kind of thing can be thought of.

"Don't think about it, Meiyin, think about how to practice."

Tears were a little bit hard to laugh. This kind of thing, that is, only Mei Yin can think of it, he dare not think so.

"Mei Yin is thinking about it, but for Mei Yin, this kind of thing is actually considered to be her own future. If it is possible to spend, Mei Yin also wants to spend a lifetime at Teacher Tear’s house and be the second wife of Teacher Tear. ."

"Don't say this kind of thing with pride, it's shameful!"

Tears couldn't help but continued to vomit this girl's words vigorously.

What's in my mind is getting more and more dirty. If it continues like this, can it still be done?

However, this kind of thing may not be so caring for the clone... Or, it is meaningless to the beautiful music.

"Mei Yin knows, but for the sake of future jobs, we still have to say it well."

"Hey! Is it still for your own job?! I said that I will raise you!"

Tears couldn't help but spit out again.

Even if he tried his best to keep himself calm, but don't know why, in front of this girl, he always couldn't keep calm.

Obviously, he is only a little girl who has not been involved in the world, but for some reason, he always loses his calmness, and the whole person becomes agitated or something, just like a child... alas, Forget it, the more I think, the more headache I feel.

"That's just a verbal promise. It's not a real agreement. Even if you sign it, you can destroy it at any time. Therefore, it is the only way to tie your heart. Meiyin feels that she has learned the posture from the book. There are still quite a few. Taking advantage of being at the beach now, if possible, Meiyin wants to make herself look more attractive to seduce the head of the family. In this case, Teacher Leizi will have no choice but to accept it, and then she can do whatever she wants. Of course, Meiyin just wants to keep this idea in her heart, and doesn't want to say it directly, so after Teacher Lei hears it, please clear the memory in your mind within five minutes."

"This kind of parasite-like speech is unforgettable."

Tears sighed helplessly, and shook his head with a wry smile.

The more you talk, the worse, it's better not to say.

"By the way, Yuriko, why is there only Mei Yin here, the last work?"

Tears also want to change the topic at this time, continue to say this, the brain will become more and more painful.

But he was also a little surprised at this time.

The final work is still the same as in the original book. I like Yuriko very much. It can almost be said that I like to stick to it all day long. Now it does not appear here, which is a bit surprising.

Of course, with so many people here, it's normal to take her away to play feeding games and the like. After all, the final piece looks really cute and simple.

"She was taken away by Phoebe and the others. She was very happy back then, so I didn't care about her."

"That's it, it's true, they are indeed more accompanied by young girls like them~"

Tears smiled, although I didn't see that scene, but now it's beautiful enough just to imagine.

Three little girls, the last one is standing in the middle, while Phoebe and Jenny are standing on both sides holding her left and right hands respectively, with a pure and brilliant smile on their faces, happily running on the beach... this Just imagining this scene is enough to make tears laugh for a long time.

These three children are very simple children.

Children at this age should know a little bit, but the situation of their three little girls is quite special, two artificial humans and one clone. For them, it hasn’t been long since they were born. It was impossible to imagine the life like this before.

"Yes, if possible, I also hope that they can stay together more, so that it will save her from coming and bothering me~"

Yuriko also smiled, but although she said so on her mouth, her face was obviously pampered.

Although this little girl says she has unlimited energy, she likes to make noise all day long, and her mouth keeps arguing, she never stops... but she is really cute~

She still likes this little girl very much, and her behavior is basically some cute behavior, rather than the more dumbfounding behavior like Meiyin.

... With Meiyin, she really can't cure her at all. Maybe it's possible for Meiyin to cry someday so angry.

I have to say that she had never imagined that she would have such a relationship with Mikoto's clones now.

She should have been alone, but she has become accustomed to so many people around her.

In the beginning, there was one, followed by two and three, but now there are six or seven settled... ahem!It seems a bit too much!

Although she sighed, the twitching of Yuriko's mouth did not stop.

These girls are indeed getting messy, one by one, they all regard her home as their own home!

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