I, Zuo Tian Leizi, Absolute Ability

I, Zuo Tian Leizi, Absolute Ability Chapter 558

She wants her to take care of things like eating and drinking, it's totally against the guest!

But myself... why should I be so "bad"!

Obviously I don't need to take care of them at all, but now it has completely become my responsibility!

"Well~ I think Yuriko is quite suitable for you to be a kindergarten teacher~ Do you want to consider doing this in the future~"

"...Forget it, I'm already too busy with this, and it's annoying to think about those things."

Yuriko chuckled and sighed, a little helpless.

She herself doesn't know what to do now, what kind of kindergarten teacher she has to do... She doesn't necessarily have any good looks.

The strongest superpower in Academy City, such a title would scare people to death.

But does it make sense to be a kindergarten teacher?

It scared the children to death. Even the children nowadays are bolder, but she doesn't dare to teach anything, and she will teach them badly for fear.

"That's not certain, I think you seem to like to take care of children~ And under your instructor, I think no matter what children are, they will not go wrong... After all, everyone does not want to be as pitiful as you~ "

"...You want to fight."

Chapter 22-What Evidence Is There for Rumors?

Yuriko's forehead couldn't help but a # character appeared, and the corners of her mouth began to twitch constantly.

Although it is said that she and Tear often "have sympathy for the same disease", such as being forced to take in the American Voices and the others, and often asked by the upper management to do various tasks, in some respects, they are quite similar.

But the difference is that the guy Tear often teased her!

hateful!This guy also likes to play!Having said that, the reason why Meiyin has become like this is that it is also this guy's pot!

"Ahaha~ don't be angry~ I'm also complimenting you. Not everyone can be a good wife and mother, but I think you are surprisingly suitable for raising children. If you are a mother, you will definitely be a Good mother~"


"...Uh, what, I'm leaving now~"

After listening to the tears, Yuriko was silent and did not speak. Maybe she was a little angry. After watching the tears, she was also a little embarrassed. Then she waved her hand and left, leaving only Yuriko standing there and wondering. What...

"That's great, good mother, this is a direct confession, right? Meiyin vomited quietly, and then talked to her with a volume just enough to make the fool's eyes heard. Meiyin thought, Teacher Lei. Although very shrewd in many cases, sometimes it is actually quite silly. After speaking, I realize that there is a problem in my words, but I don’t want to correct it. It is probably because I am not as embarrassed. I want to ignore it like this. In the past, but in fact, there may have been yy in my heart, idiot die fisheye, what do you think? Meiyin thought secretly in her heart, and then quietly watched the blushing face in front of her sprouting heart Young girl."

"...Can't you guys stop so much nonsense?"

After listening to this passage, Yuriko sighed deeply, scolded her that it was not, it was not that it was ignoring her, and finally decided to complain about her.

Alas, why did she become a Tucao for no reason? This is too ridiculous, right?

Anyway, mother...

Yuriko blushed a little, probably because she had been exposed to the sun for too long, and her face was a little hot.

She is an orphan.

Since she was a child, she has not had any relatives. When she was conscious, she was not in the orphanage, but in the research institute.

Moreover, most of my childhood memories are spent in the research institute.

Maybe she is born with a strong power, she can use vector control this ability when she is conscious.

At the beginning, it was not too strong, that is, to the extent that it could barely balance the falling rocks, so at that time, she still stupidly put the pile of rocks on her face all day long. Above, I watched them floating boredly... But sometimes if they are too heavy or too heavy, I can’t control it, and I smashed myself into a black and swollen face. It was very painful and uncomfortable. That should be the heaviest she has ever suffered in her life. Is hurt.

But I don't know if it should be said that it is very lucky, or it is a pity, after that time, her ability seems to have become stronger.

The stone no longer hit her face, but was directly bounced out.

Later, she could basically play everything, rocks, tables, beds, cars... and then to houses, tanks and so on.

When she got to the back, even if she was bombarded by those tanks, she didn't have any reaction.

Things like power are really boring.

She obviously just wants to be a girl, but why does God give her such a powerful force?

Finally, when she was 12 years old, she became the first, and then her nightmare appeared.

He said that men don’t like to bully women, but she has to be provoked by the boys all day long. She obviously doesn’t want to do anything to them, but she has to attack them one by one...

Oh, obviously she just wants to be like an ordinary girl, look at the flowers, stroll around the amusement park, touch the cute animals... ahem!It seemed a bit embarrassing, but she was not much better in general.

If she waits until she grows up, she hopes that she can become an ordinary woman, getting married and having children is also a good thing.

For her significant other, she has no requirements, as long as she is an honest person.

She can be a little decent, she doesn't have any requirements for her appearance, she doesn't care whether she is strong or weak, even the incompetent...After all, no matter how strong she is, it is impossible to be stronger than her, unless it is tears.

Of course, you have to fit in character.

Forget the kind of angry at every turn. She has a quieter personality and doesn't speak well, so it's better to be a little empathetic.

... Tears can barely be regarded as one.

It's a pity that he already has tears, and his body is also a woman now. Although she is called Yuriko, she has no interest in "Lily" or something.

But the sentence he just said, "You might be a good mother" or something, made her a little bit happy...

This has always been a small wish of her...

She's obviously such a boring woman, but she has such a wish or something, isn't it shameful, but she really wants to be an ordinary girl...

"Nonsense, no nonsense, it's just a small thing for Meiyin, it should be very important for a fisheye fool. But having said that, if you can, please don't be so blushing. , Meiyin couldn’t help but some legs trembled. You didn’t want to do anything to Meiyin’s pure and flawless body, did you? Oh, I almost forgot, this is your own body, if you want to defile If you do, please do it after Mei Yin leaves your body?"

"I said it's not the kind of situation you imagined! Who else has a girly posture! This is to make you angry!"

This damn girl!

I really want to make her alive!

"Well, this kind of thing should be a normal thing for Teacher Tear. There will be girls blushing at him at every turn. If possible, Meiyin also hopes that you can become our "tears." "Teacher Harem Garden's help."

"...What gang do you have?"

Yuriko couldn't help rolling her eyes.

Such a silly name, it seems that these Misaka sisters made it themselves, and is such a boring thing so serious?

"Of course, the 20,000 sisters, including Meiyin, have agreed. If the law allows, Meiyin already wants to put on a wedding dress and enter the marriage hall with Teacher Lei."

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