I, Zuo Tian Leizi, Absolute Ability

I, Zuo Tian Leizi, Absolutely Powerful Chapter 570

I don't know why, she feels this layer of sand, as if it can protect her from being harmed by anything!

"The form of existence is fair. After taking the same advantage, it will leave you with another advantage. This liquid sand armor should still be good~"

"...This feeling seems very reassuring, but I don't know the specific defense power."

Leizi frowned slightly, her face showing a little tangled color.

Although she did feel a very comfortable and reassuring feeling, it was just her own feeling after all, and she really didn't know what effect it could actually have.

"Then I will try and know~ Don't scold me later~"

"...Hit it, don't hit it too painful."

Seeing Tears posing to "beat" her, Tears couldn't help but shed a few drops of cold sweat.

But she is also empathetic. At this time, it is most suitable to start with tears. You can't let the early spring on the side start... It's probably the same as tickle.

"Don't worry~ Just don't defend."

Tears smiled, and then immediately disappeared in place, and then immediately blew right in front of Tears, and then kicked her hard and kicked her abdomen!

How could this reassure her!

It’s just surprising that the moment the tears were kicked, the tears’ feet sank in a little bit, and then the body began to retreat back several meters quickly, and then stood firmly on the ground. Looked at his body in a daze.

...Nothing at all.

Of course, it could also be because her body is a tearful body. How could it be dangerous that the kick from her own body just now.

What only made her even more surprised was that her stomach had not been affected in any way just now, not to mention the pain, the foot just now was completely blocked by the armor on her body!

When she was attacked just now, although it looked exaggerated, it actually had no effect. The sand armor on her face just lost the outer layer of crispy skin, and it was quickly replaced with sand.

I have to say, this kind of thing is really weird. Can some sand be able to achieve this level?

The answer is obviously impossible.

The sand just blocked the attack on the front surface, and there was a layer of water armor inside, which weakened the attack power by more than half again.

And this second layer of armor is the real defense of the tears.

Of course, this is just like the ideal fluid of tears. After being wrapped in sand, the water inside becomes denser, and the power is superimposed in it, completely transforming the lethality into a thorough defense.

I have to say that this kind of defense is even more effective than usual.

For tears, self-preservation is naturally more important, so learn this power.

"It's pretty good. You can achieve this level of defense. If you can do it well, I think you should be able to compete with Mikoto~"

"Huh?" x2

It's just that after hearing the words of tears, not only the early spring, but tears were also directly stunned at this time.

She just wanted to brag and talk about it before, and only said that she could support it, but in fact, she couldn't hold on for long.

After all, isn't most of things like fluids water?

Fighting with water and electricity is very dangerous!

"You can control sand, Mikoto can also affect sand and iron, and you can control water, Mikoto can also control lightning, but pure water does not conduct electricity. You should be very clear about this. You only need to purify enough. With pure water as your ideal fluid protection, there is no problem~"


Is this kind of thing really possible?

There is no problem with protecting the body, and there is no big problem with interfering with electromagnetic fields.

But the problem is that the extraction of pure water is too difficult...

Pure water has only pure H2o and no other substances in it. Otherwise, wouldn’t it be easy to conduct electricity?


Ideal fluid...

After hearing this word, Leizi took a long time to react, and suddenly there was an expression that seemed to be "suddenly realized"!

Indeed, if that kind of substance is used, something purer than pure water can indeed be extracted.

Tear said before that she uses fluids with many flaws, so she will have various defects, but now, she has enough combat power to fight lv5... Could it be that she can really create an ideal fluid ?!

Thinking of this, Leizi couldn't help getting a little excited.

Because she had just used fluid to block Misaka-senpai’s electric shock when she had just awakened.

Even though Misaka-senpai was not serious at that time, she is not the same as before!

She can really do it now!

Chapter 35 Ideal Fluid·False


After feeling the water element on the body began to exude the incomparable pure water quality, the tears showed an excited smile!

Really refined water!

"Congratulations~ Student Saten~"

After seeing this scene, Chuchun on the side also showed a happy and sincere smile.

She just saw something beyond common sense. The former classmate Saten, who was just an ordinary person, has now become an existence at the same level as Misaka-senpai, even more exaggerated, because next to her is a A person of absolute ability.

"Indeed, it can be regarded as the first step to achieve an ideal fluid. Although it is not a complete ideal fluid, it is already somewhat similar~"

Tears were also very happy, and the eyes were slightly relieved.

Being able to manipulate fluids like this is indeed a new realm.

Even if she is normal to lv5, she may not be able to use the ideal fluid. After all, this kind of fluid with almost no friction does not exist in reality. Although lv5 is strong, it is still in the category of human beings. within.

But thanks to the help of tears, tears have already felt this ability in advance, and saw the power of this ability.

"Is it ideal fluid..."

After feeling that he was surrounded by a faint protective cover that looked extremely pure, Tears also said this in silence...

This kind of ability is really special, and it feels like a person has completely changed. With this, he becomes a superman...

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