I, Zuo Tian Leizi, Absolute Ability

I, Zuo Tian Leizi, Absolute Ability Chapter 571

And this protective cover, she has seen it in tears many times!

Although Tear said that this ability has not yet reached the level of comparable to him, and it is not really an ideal fluid, Tear Zi can already feel the difference between this protective shield and the protective shield she used to imitate tears. There is a difference... Even if she is sniped by a sniper rifle, she feels that she won't be hurt in the first place!

Of course, it’s better not to think too much about such terrible things. She doesn’t really want to suffer such things one day. She is obviously just an ordinary little girl. If she suddenly encounters such things, she does. It's scary.

"It is indeed an ideal fluid. Although the effect is a hundred times different, but with its existence, as long as you do not run out of power, you should be able to carry out any attacks without restrictions, even if it is Yuriko's rebound. Hurt you."


Miss Yuriko...

After hearing the name, Tears' eyes also brightened.

From an lv0 to an existence comparable to lv5, her changes during this period of time are really too great, so she has no idea where her limit is.

Will one day suddenly become a person of absolute ability, and with tears, doing things that were absolutely unimaginable before?

"Of course, there is still an absolute gap between combat experience and the application of power. According to my estimation, if Yuriko fights with all his strength, it will be able to break your protective shield in about half a minute, and then you will lose. Up."


Okay, I poured cold water on her again.

Chapter 36 The Title of Tears

"And being able to confront Yuriko-san in such a short time is really fast. Don't be too bloated!"

Chuchun smiled, and started teasing with tears, even a little bit angry.

Obviously she has just been promoted to lv2, but now classmate Saten has unexpectedly reached the point where she can stand up against Yuriko?

It's really enviable.

What is even more annoying is that the first reaction of student Zuotian was actually "dissatisfaction"!

Really!Is this still the original student Saten who complained about his inability and complained about him all day?!

Sure enough, power will corrupt a person's kind and innocent nature. The former innocent and lovely student Saten has now become this impure appearance, and he knows that he has fallen!

"Ahaha~ I'm sorry~ I actually know my strength very well. The gap between myself and Ms. Yuriko is a world away, and I am very happy to have the opportunity to get close. But you, I heard you in the early spring. After your ability was promoted, Yuriko restrained Miss Yuriko, very powerful~"

The tears slapped haha, and then smiled at Chuchun.

In fact, at first, she really felt that Miss Yuriko's ability was extremely strong. If it weren't for tears to crush her with absolute calculation power, she shouldn't be her opponent.

Vector control, this ability can be said to be the nemesis of most abilities. There are few abilities that can match such terrifying ability.

But I did not expect that the inexplicable ability of the most humble "constant temperature preservation" in early spring is actually the nemesis of Miss Yuriko's ability!

"...Well, that's impossible, maybe there is such a coincidence in ability, but the difference in combat effectiveness between the two of us is absolute, and it is impossible to compare with Yuriko-san."

Of course, Chuchun is self-aware.

This kind of thing is completely saying that you can win other people's rocks with a piece of cloth, but if you really fight, how can your piece of rag block the attack of the stone?

"You don't need to be so arrogant. I think you are quite promising in the early spring. If you become an lv5 someday, you will be called something like a'constant temperature death'~"

"..." x 2

Only after hearing the words of tears, both Leizi and Chuchun couldn't help being stunned, and then looked at each other, their expressions a little tangled...

This title is too "dominant"!

Not to mention tears, even Chuchun himself felt that if her own strength was called this, it would be a bit too demanding, and it was not in line with it. Why is she so domineering!

"...What about me, tears, what am I?"

Leizi blinked her eyes curiously. Although it was a bit fake, after hearing the "title" given to Chuchun by tears, she also wanted to have such a "title"!

Super electromagnetic gun!

One way!

This way, just listening to the title makes blood boil, and the second soul of tears can't help but become restless!

"Uh... Tears, you... want me to think about it?"

"Of course~! Think of something nice~!"

"... Then call it'updraft'."

"Huh?" x2

Eat with colleagues, take a boat, barbecue, sing and drink... I vomit, so tired.Working hard.

I hope everyone will support my new book "My Dragon King's identity was exposed by my sister".The work of the devil dragon king, teacher Huang Man and other comprehensive daily novels

Chapter 37 Upskirt Madness

After hearing the tears, the two couldn't help making a somewhat confused voice. After reacting, their faces became even more weird.

The domineering title just now made Chuchun feel a little ashamed, but it was really nice.

But what is this inexplicable "updraft"?

It sounds ugly, and it's frustrating.

Although the naming level of Tears has never been very good, this is really weird, right?

"Well~ I was based on my first impression of tears~"

"First impression? My first impression is so weird?"

Tears blinked, obviously a little unhappy.

What is updraft?I don't understand it at all, and such an inexplicable statement is also... uh!

Although he was reluctant, but I don’t know why, Leizi suddenly thought of an unsuitable result. If you use that to describe it, it seems to be really suitable...

"Why is it called updraft? Mr. Lei, the reason is...wow! What are you...what are you doing! Saten-san! This is a swimsuit!"

Chuchun asked in a bewildered voice, but halfway through, she suddenly felt a cool breeze coming behind her!

Since the swimsuit she wore was more concealed, and she was still wearing a short skirt, she looked a little bit immature, but after being persuaded to wear this one suits her well, she wore it... but she didn't expect this Under the circumstances, Zuotian has to lift her skirt as usual!

"Well~ don't care~ You also said that this is a swimsuit, there is nothing to be shy, right? And I think this is probably the so-called'updraft' right?"

Leizi smiled, and then ignored the shy and angry Chuchun side, blinked at the tears, and cast a lovely wink, looking very lively and lovely.

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