Chapter 298: 296【Family with a Good Wife】(Add more for the penguin boss)

  Chapter 298 296 [The family has a good wife] (Add more for the penguin boss)

   Goose Lake, Fei Zhai.

  Because the second child and the third child were arguing about the separation of the family and property, Ehu Fei's main family has been divided into three.

  The household registration is divided, and the house is shared.

   Moreover, the boundaries of the scope are clearly drawn, which courtyard belongs to which family, and generally they will not randomly drop by.

   Two-thirds of the domestic slaves left, and those who remained were all converted into employment contracts. The shopkeepers of the shops, who used to belong to domestic slaves, are now all hired workers.


   "Ah! Ma'am, don't beat me, the servant will be beaten to death!"

   "Screaming so loudly, I think you are far from death!"


  The second child, Fei Yingqi, has a shrewd wife, the Zheng family, who has never dared to take a concubine.

  This fierce wife is very fierce. She has beaten and killed domestic slaves before, but she still hasn't restrained herself much.

   Zheng Shi was sitting in the hall at the moment, holding a bamboo stick, and said with a stern expression: "Do you know what's wrong?"

   "I know I'm wrong, this servant knows I'm wrong." The maid knelt on the ground, not daring to make a sound even if she wanted to sob.

Mrs. Zheng sneered and said: "You bitch, you are becoming more and more lawless. Don't think that you **** will be able to turn around if Brother Han releases the slaves. In this E Lake, it is still my Fei family who has the final say, Brother Han He is also the son-in-law of the Fei family. If you report to the officials, from the village to the town to the county, which official would dare to disgrace my Fei family?"

  The maid repeatedly begged for mercy: "Madam, please forgive me, this servant will not dare, this servant will not dare!"

"Hmph, don't fight for three days, and go to the house to remove the roof tiles," Zheng muttered and complained, "This brother Han is really good. It's all right to divide the family and property, and distribute it to your own family. The land is distributed to the lowly and shabby outsiders. , turning your elbows outward. The worst thing is to release you house slaves!"

  The maid immediately kowtowed: "The servant is born to belong to the wife, and dies to be the ghost of the wife. In the next life, she will be a cow or a horse and serve her."

   "You are smart, go back." Zheng Shi just gave up.

  But he said that the entire Ehu Fei family treated the slaves quite normally. Even Mr. Fei, who framed Zhao Han, was still kind and would not beat and scold his servants frequently.

  Only the Zheng family of the second family is almost abusive.

   Zhao Han's land division order and slave release order, many old masters, bosses, and domestic slaves in the third courtyard are willing to stay and become servants.

  Especially for married women, when their husbands share the property, they can work as servants in Fei's family to make money, and their small life becomes more and more prosperous.

  Only in the courtyard of the second child, all the house slaves ran away, and there was no one left. They could not bear Zheng's abuse.

  After the work of dividing the land was over, the missionary officers withdrew collectively, leaving only the missionary department in the county government. Although the farmer's association was formed, its key members were transferred in various ways. Now the village head and the farmer's association dare not offend the Fei family.

  Therefore, the Zheng family forcibly recalled the former servants.

  She didn't dare to provoke those with too strong a temper, and only dared to call back those with weak personalities. They were forced to sign employment contracts, and they were beaten severely if they disobeyed. The number of beatings was even more than before.

   "Third Master, Zhao Tianwang is back!"

  It was getting dark, and the youngest Fei Yingke was in the concubine's room. Hearing the news, he hurriedly got up and put on his clothes.

  The first wife's first wife is fierce and has never dared to take concubines.

  The wife of the third child is weak. She has ten concubines and has given birth to six sons and thirteen daughters.

  Concubine's room, no division of land!

   This is the rule set by Zhao Han, the purpose is to let the concubine leave voluntarily, and not to be greedy for a man's power and money.

  The third eldest, Fei Yingke, is a lover, with one wife and ten concubines. No one wants to leave, and everyone thinks he is a good husband.

  Fei Yingke put on her clothes, opened the door and asked, "Where is Mr. Zhao?"

  The male servant replied: "It seems that I don't want to interfere with the commercial passenger ship. It stopped between Hekou Town and Ehu Town and didn't disembark."

  Fei Yingke said: "It's getting late, don't bother me. Prepare your etiquette, set off at midnight tonight, and meet at the riverside tomorrow morning."

   "Okay, I'll get ready now." The maid left immediately.

  Although Fei Yingke coaxed the family into a filial piety, she forced her father to share the family property. But he is really kind to his wives and concubines, and his sons and daughters are also filial. Three sons have been sent to be officials, and two of them will definitely be promoted this time.

  The servants in the yard got busy, and they were in full swing, just like a New Year's holiday.

  The second son Fei Yingqi in the yard next door was woken up and asked confusedly, "Is this the third son's house being burglarized?"

   "It's so noisy, and let people not sleep!" Zheng sat up and cursed.

   Fei Yingqi was made even more upset, why didn't this wicked woman die? He was very envious of his third brother having ten concubines. He took one in his early years and was beaten to death by his wife.

  Seeing that her husband didn't speak, Zheng scolded: "You are dead? Why don't you go and see what's going on outside!"

  Fei Yingqi could only shout: "Xilan, Xilan!"

   Responding to several shouts, Mrs. Zheng scolded: "This lowly servant girl has only been beaten up, and she pretends to be deaf and dumb and refuses to listen."

  The couple could only get up by themselves, and when they got dressed and went out, they found that all the servants in their yard had run away, and the servants under their children were gone.

  Fei Yingqi muttered, "I'm afraid something serious will happen."

  Ms. Zheng was terrified: "Could it be the officers and soldiers from Zhejiang who came here? I said it, I said it, Zhao Han, a domestic slave, how can he beat the officers and soldiers of the imperial court..."

   "Shut up!" Fei Yingqi said angrily.

   "How dare you yell at me?"

  Zheng directly began to mourn: "Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow..."

   "I'm too lazy to have the same knowledge as you!" Fei Yingqi said depressedly.

   Zheng's usual trick is to cry, make trouble and hang himself. If this trick fails, I will go back to my mother's house and cry. If it still doesn't work, then go outside and cry and make noises, picking the best time for Fei Yingqi to get together with friends.

   After coming down several times, Fei Yingqi humiliated herself in front of her friends, and never dared to provoke the shrewd wife at home again.

  Fei Yingqi ran towards the third brother's courtyard, and saw many items, such as sedan chairs and gift boxes, were dug out and placed in the courtyard outside.

   "Is this something serious?" Fei Yingqi asked.

  A servant smiled and said: "Zhao Tianwang has returned to Qianshan Mountain, and he is on the boat by the river. Second Master, you must be careful, I am afraid that some servants will complain in the middle of the night."

   "Zhao... Zhao..."

   Fei Yingqi felt great fear in his heart. He knew where the servants in his yard had gone.

   It's not that some servants are going to sue, but all the servants are on the way to sue!

   "Die, die, die."

  Fei Yingqi walked back in a daze, just in time to bump into Mrs. Zheng who was chasing her.

  Zheng asked: "Did the officers and soldiers from Zhejiang come here?"


  Fei Yingqi slapped it away, and cursed: "Bitch, you made me suffer!"

   Mrs. Zheng was stunned by the slap, but she didn't dare to make a fuss. She covered her face and asked cautiously, "What happened?"

   "Zhao Han is back, and all the servants at home have run away!" Fei Yingqi just wanted to cry now, he felt that he was a failure.

   There are three brothers in the family, and the eldest brother is very successful, so there is no need to say more.

  Although the third brother has no ability, he has a wife and ten concubines, with many children and a harmonious family. The servants in the courtyard are also willing to stay and continue to be servants for the third brother. Wherever they go, they will hug each other and enjoy the scenery.

   And what about myself?

  Just a shrewd wife with a yellow face, crying everywhere to embarrass him. All the servants were beaten and left, and if he wanted to command a few servants, he had to use force to force the servants to come back as servants.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo," Fei Yingqi cried out suddenly, beating her chest and stamping her feet, "Why is my life so miserable? Father, what kind of marriage did you arrange for me? Virtuous and virtuous, everyone is a lady, and the matchmaker talked about it. With this wicked woman? Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..."

   Mrs. Zheng was stunned for a long time, and screamed: "Hurry up, chase those low maids back and lock them up!"

   It's strange to be able to recover the black light.

  Fei Yingqi laughed loudly, went back to the room to get the silver, leisurely held up the lantern, and walked to Ehu Town to visit the kilns.

  He is under the control of his shrewd wife, and he hasn't touched another woman for a long time. It's probably not good this time, go enjoy a moment of tenderness first, and ignore other troubles for now.

   "Where are you going?" Zheng Shi caught up.


  Fei Yingqi kicked his foot, and said in a relaxed mood: "Master, go drink flower wine, you just wait at home to die!"

Mrs. Zheng was kicked to the ground, terrified, and then shouted: "Who is it for who has been controlling you? It's not to let you get close to women and concentrate on taking the imperial examination. If you fail the imperial examination, I will let you take care of it carefully." Family business, our family's business is doing better than the third one! Just look at it, the third one will ruin the family property sooner or later, the property under our name is enough for ten generations of wealth!"

  Fei Yingqi turned around and roared angrily: "No matter how good the business is, what about the wealth of EMI? A man is living a miserable life, and you have to question him when you go out to meet friends. Why don't you just die!"

  The husband and wife broke up unhappy.

   Mrs. Zheng called her son and daughter, searched the courtyard everywhere, and finally found four strong men in the woodshed.

   Those were the evil slaves raised by her. They usually relied on these four people to be fierce, but now they were **** and stuffed into the woodshed.

   "You four, quickly chase him back!" Mrs. Zheng stomped her feet anxiously.

  Old man Fei Yuanyi has also been woken up.

   Ask about the situation and let the slaves prepare as well. When he went out in the middle of the night, he dared not sit in a sedan chair, and was assisted on the road with a walking stick.

  No matter what the previous relationship was, he must go to see him.

  But it said that the servants in the second courtyard collectively fled at night and ran wildly in the direction of Hekou Town.


   "Get up, I'll help you."

  Everyone supported each other, and after passing through Ehu Town, they finally relaxed and walked slowly.

   "Will Zhao Tianwang care about this?"

   "Brother Han is righteous, so he must take care of it."

   "But he is the son-in-law of the Fei family, and most likely he wants to speak for the Fei family."

   "Everywhere in the country says that Brother Han is a good person, and he is for the poor."

   "It's different when we meet Fei's family. Let's go to the village chief first, and then the town mayor, who dares to meddle in his own business? Not only did he ignore it, but someone tipped off the news, and Liang Zi was beaten to death by that wicked woman."

   "If you don't believe Brother Han, who else can you trust? If you risk your life, you have to gamble!"


   More than a dozen servants finally vaguely saw a fleet of ships by the river with apprehension.


  Most of the soldiers did not disembark, but troops were stationed on the shore, and there were soldiers standing guard at the front and rear.

  These servants immediately knelt down: "Jun Ye, I know Zhao Tianwang, we are here to avenge justice!"

   "Brother Han, help me!"

   "Brother Han, I am Fei Gu, I have spoken to you!"


   (Ask for a monthly pass.)

  (end of this chapter)

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