Chapter 801: 798【Contribution】

  Chapter 801 798【Contribution】

  Zhao Han picked up a document sent by Zheng Guozhong and asked, "Where did you get these statistics?"

   Zheng Guozhong replied: "The data before the Datong Army occupied Manila came from the Philippine Governor's Palace in Spain."

   "Why is the trade volume fluctuating, and the disparity is so large?" Zhao Han asked.

  The entire document records the trade volume of the former Spanish Philippines and the current Chinese Luzon.

Zheng Guozhong explained: "When Spain ruled Luzon in the past, the main trading partners were Han merchants. Every time there were too many Chinese goods, the Spanish governor either raised tariffs, or raised the head tax of Han people in Luzon, or simply slaughtered Luzon. Han people, robbing Chinese merchant ships. After doing this, the trade volume will inevitably plummet, and then gradually recover. After the recovery of prosperity, then do it again, and then plummet again.”

  Is the Spanish governor crazy?

   Oops, too much trade, too much tariffs. No, you have to raise taxes, you have to massacre the Han Chinese, and you have to suppress the tax revenue of the Philippines!

   "The governor of Spain thinks the money is too hot?" Zhao Han asked doubtfully.

Zheng Guozhong explained: "Once the trade flourishes, there will be more Han people in Luzon. In order to collect more taxes, the Spaniards will increase the commercial tax and the head tax of the Han people. The Han people will be angry and will revolt many times. The Spaniards can only engage in Massacre. After the massacre, although trade tax revenue plummeted, local officials in Spain were able to rob countless goods from it.”

   Okay, Zhao Han understands.

  Spanish colonial officials saw the prosperity of business and the increase of Han Chinese, so they tried to raise taxes to make more money.

  The Han people were driven back, so they took the opportunity to engage in massacres.

  The massacre led to a decline in tax revenue, and the loss was the income of the Spanish royal family. Colonial officials, on the other hand, were able to take the opportunity to rob. Officials and missionaries made a lot of money, and as soon as their terms were up, they returned home and left the mess to the next colonial government.

   The peak of trade between China (Daming) and the Philippines (Philippines) was in the 40th year of Wanli. Then it fell all the way, the trade volume was cut in half, and then continued to cut in half. During the reign of Chongzhen, it finally recovered to half of what it was in the forty years of Wanli, and Spain carried out massacres in Luzon again, so the trade volume was cut in half and then cut in half.

Zheng Guozhong said: "Nowadays, Luzon's trade volume with Spain has barely recovered to the end of the Wanli period. Many Han merchants are still afraid of the massacre, and they are unwilling to trade with Spain. However, other European countries have continued to increase their trade in Luzon, especially The Netherlands rose the fastest. After the Netherlands lost southern Taiwan, the trade between Japan and the Netherlands sometimes chose to stop in Luzon, which by the way increased the trade volume of Luzon.”

  Netherlands and Japan trade, choose to stop in Luzon for supplies, and only charge for port berthing. However, if there are many berthings, trade will gradually arise. For example, the Netherlands will buy more and more tobacco from Luzon.

  Zhao Han asked: "Compared to the Spanish period, has Luzon's tariffs on Han merchants been reduced?"

   Zheng Guozhong said: "Take cotton cloth as an example, it has dropped from 6% to 5%, and Han businessmen are happy."

  When Spain first occupied Luzon, the cotton cloth tariff was only 2%.

  After the volume of trade increased, the governor of the Spanish Philippines said: "Businessmen from other countries only charge 2% in tariffs, but Han people should charge 3%."

   Obviously discriminated against the Han people, and the Han merchants were furious, saying that they would never come to Luzon to do business again. The trade was deserted for a while, and it was time to do business, and the Han merchants accepted the tariff. All the way up, and finally rose to 6%, Han merchants still can only accept it.

  Zhao Han asked again: "Is there any change in Spain in the Philippines?"

  The current "Philippines" does not include Luzon Island, but specifically refers to the large and small islands in the south of Luzon Island.

Zheng Guozhong said: "Indigenous uprisings occur every year in the islands of the Philippines. The Spanish governor is too busy to quell the chaos, so he doesn't care about our troubles. On those islands, there are also Han settlers who are gradually migrating to Luzon Island. Every year, one or two Thousands of Han people migrated from the islands ruled by Spain to Luzon Island. According to the information provided by the Han people who migrated, Spain is getting worse and worse. After the soldiers are killed, the replenishment speed is very slow. No more rebuilding, Spain has fewer and fewer ships. The latest one was built more than ten years ago."

  Zhao Han was very pleased: "This is great."

Zheng Guozhong quickly vaccinated: "Your Majesty, I feel that Luzon should not continue to develop southward. It is best to hand over those large and small islands to Spain to rule. If our country snatches it and drives Spain away, it will be the same as Spain. The trade with America is over, and the trade with America (America) is gone, and America’s gold and silver can’t be lost.”

  No matter how much Spain declines, it is still the overlord of the Americas, firmly controlling the Pacific waterways.

   It is true that Spain cannot be driven out of the Philippines. Once Spain is driven out, it means that the trade from America to Asia will be cut off.

  Zhao Han nodded and said: "That's true. Wait until our navy has the energy to go to America someday, and then consider driving Spain out of the Philippines."

  After talking about the business, Zheng Guozhong said: "Your Majesty, when I returned to Beijing this time, many Luzon native chiefs offered treasures to His Majesty one after another. Although those treasures...although they are a bit crude, they are also the wishes of the Luzon natives."

  Zhao Han asked: "Where is the tribute?"

   Zheng Guozhong said: "It has been handed over to the Ministry of Rites, and the Ministry of Rites should hand it over to the Supervisor of Rites."

  Zhao Han ordered: "Just bring it."

  Ten minutes later, the tributes of the Luzon native chiefs were brought over by the female officer and the guards.

   There are two big boxes, some of which are really simple.

   There is even a bamboo carving, which is carved with bamboo roots. It is exquisitely made, but the craftsmanship is relatively ordinary, and similar ones can be bought on the streets of Nanjing.

   "What kind of knife is this?" Zhao Han picked up a knife and asked.

   Zheng Guozhong said: "I don't know its name, but I only know that it is a machete made by a tribe. It is used to cut off the heads of prisoners of war during sacrifices."

   It is a bit like a machete with a dog leg, and it is a bit like a hatchet in some provinces of China. However, it is more carefully made. The handle is made of buffalo horn and inlaid with silver ornaments.

  Continuing to pick and choose, Zhao Han suddenly said: "Hey, this ax is very strange."

   Zheng Guozhong explained: "This is the Kalinga axe, a special weapon for the Kalinga chief."

  The shape of this thing is extremely exaggerated, not like a practical weapon, more like a heroic weapon in a video game, a VIP weapon that can only be owned after recharging. Its function is more similar to a scepter, which is used to show the majesty of the chief.

  In addition to weapons, there are more so-called treasures.

   "This is for you." Zhao Han picked up a pair of tortoiseshell bracelets.

  Li Xiangjun was overjoyed: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for the reward!"

  Pearl necklaces are the most common. The concubines in the harem can almost give one by hand.

  Zhao Han can fully understand the enthusiasm of the emperors of all dynasties for the coming of all nations, and even understand why they gave more gifts in return. It's all the wishes of a small country and a small family. How can the monarch of the Central Dynasty not be more generous?

  Of course, this kind of behavior cannot become a system, otherwise it will completely change.

Zhao Han said: "Decree to the cabinet, in the future, when tax money is brought back from overseas territories every year, three indigenous chiefs can be brought with them. They must be the most obedient tribes, chiefs or children of chiefs. Bring them to Nanjing to have a look. It will cost the royal family Give money. This is a reward for the loyal and obedient tribes, let them appreciate the prosperity of China!"

   Not only to appreciate the prosperity of China, these indigenous chiefs, after returning to their hometown, must brag about their knowledge in China. The wider the story spread, the stronger the aboriginal yearning for China, and the more envious other tribes would be of these rewarded chiefs.

Zheng Guozhong said: "On Luzon Island, the most important people to appease and recruit are those tribes who can build terraced fields. Luzon Island is as mountainous as Yunnan and Guizhou, and terraced field technology is particularly important. Moreover, although some of these terraced field tribes still retain They follow the tradition of headhunting, but they are relatively docile and talkative, and it is easier to accept Chinese culture.”

"It's true for farming tribes," said Zhao Han. "Let the Hanlin Academy make up a story. Since they can build terraced fields, they say that their ancestors came from Yunnan and Guizhou, and they were one family thousands of years ago. In schools in Luzon, they also We must teach the children this way, and guide those children to change their Chinese names and Chinese surnames."

  The terraced fields of Luzon Island not only exist in the later Ifugao Province, but also in other surrounding provinces.

  For example, Baguio City, which is rich in gold, has many terraced fields. Today, the aborigines around Baguio are already in contact with the Han people. Unfortunately, several large gold mines have not been discovered yet—near the Baguio gold mine, there are also silver mines and copper mines. Moreover, the scenery is beautiful, the seasons are like spring, and the climate is pleasant. It is simply a treasure land.

  Waving Zheng Guozhong back, Zhao Han began to arrange the recipients of the tribute.

  Not only to the concubines and princes and daughters of the harem, but also to certain ministers in the court.

  I also specially picked two pieces and gave them to my sister and sister.

  Zheng Sen has been promoted to be the director of Shandong, Zhao Zhenfang naturally went to Shandong with her husband, and let the postman send him there after the beginning of spring.

  After Zheng Guozhong resigned as the governor of Luzon, he temporarily rested in Nanjing. The imperial court is discussing the reform of the chief envoy. In the future, each province will have two right chief envoys, and Zheng Guozhong's next position will be the right chief envoy.

   Luzon Island sounds big, but the areas that can be actually controlled today are the west, northwest, and southwest coasts, which are placed on the territory of only a few counties in the country. Therefore, Zheng Guozhong still needs experience, and it is very suitable to be the right minister.

  The new governor of Luzon has already arrived in Manila, and his name is Zhang Huangyan.

  Choosing the two most beautiful pearl necklaces carefully, Zhao Han returned to the harem after get off work and called sisters Fei Rulan and Fei Rumei.

   "Come and take a look, this is from the chief of Luzon." Zhao Han said with a smile.

   It’s actually not very expensive, but the emperor gave it to them, and the sisters were very happy, and immediately put it on their chests and twirled it around.

  Fei Rumei said: "After the beginning of spring, it looks better when I wear it. These days, it's so cold that I almost wear it into a ball."

  Zhao Han said: "It's really cold, how cold is it in the north?"

  Fei Rulan said: "I heard that the price of furs in Nanjing has risen a lot, and rich people are buying furs. Cotton jackets don't look good, but furs are more popular."

  Zhao Han looked to the northeast: "The three major furs, sable, sea otter, and lynx, are all available in the Northeast. If you want to wear fur, you must hold the Northeast firmly in your hands!"

  (end of this chapter)

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