Chapter 802: 799【Feminists】

  Chapter 802 799【Feminists】

  In the extreme northeast region, another Tsarist Russian "army" has arrived.

  The ones who came this time were not the mud-legged Cossacks, but the real Tsarist Russian nobles who led the regular Russian army to kill them.

  The reason is that the tsarist government received news from the Far East, the whole court was in turmoil, the monarchs and ministers were excited, and decided to completely conquer the wealthy Heilongjiang.

  The specific plan is as follows: Duke Lobanov Rostovsky will lead an army of 3,000 to bring the entire Heilongjiang River Basin into the territory of Tsarist Russia. He also ordered the Tsarist Russian forces in Siberia to build 100 inland river warships within two years. Then send the noble general Zinoviev to lead 150 regular troops as a vanguard to Heilongjiang to raise rations for 3000 expeditionary troops and obtain more military intelligence about Heilongjiang.

   Just when the Yangtze River was frozen, the 3,000 Tsarist Russian Expeditionary Force had not yet set off, but the vanguard of 150 people had already arrived at the shore of Lake Baikal.

   Did not continue to march, one is that the weather is too cold to walk, and the other is that I heard that Khabarov was "defeated and died".

  At this time, the Tsarist Russian forces had built three castles on the shore of Lake Baikal. In the east of Lake Baikal, two castles were built along the river. The territory of the Buryat Mongols has been occupied to a small extent, and many herdsmen have been taken in as lackeys.

  Tsarist Russian aristocratic general Zinoviev, in order to complete his military mission, also coveted the wealth of Heilongjiang. While he dared not continue to go east, he began to spread rumors that Heilongjiang was full of gold and food could not be eaten up.

  The nearby Cossacks were very moved, and people kept finding Zinoviev, hoping to follow him to Heilongjiang to make a fortune.

  Before the end of winter, Zinoviev's troops had increased dramatically. In addition to the 150 people brought from Moscow, there were also 207 Cossacks recruited from Lake Baikal, and more than 400 indigenous Siberian hunters.

   These guys plan to come to the coast of Heilongjiang to plunder after the snow melts.

  Nanjing certainly didn't know about such trivial matters. On the one hand, he was immersed in the joy of the grassland victory, and on the other hand, he began to prepare for the test in two months.

  The second session of the Datong Imperial Court Examination is about to be held!

  Some students from other provinces couldn’t wait to celebrate the New Year at home, so they came to Nanjing early to stay.

  Just after the winter solstice, a family came to Nanjing.

  The middle-aged man is named Qi Biaojia. He committed suicide and died for his country in history. Now he is doing business in Shanyin County, and he is the largest bibliophile in Shanyin County. His wife's name is Shang Jinglan, the daughter of Shang Zuo, Shangshu of the Ministry of War in the late Ming Dynasty, and she is also a female leader of the Jiangnan literary circle.

  Their second son, Qi Bansun, and third daughter, Qi Deqiong, have received university diplomas successively, and they will only take part in the general examination together after the beginning of spring. In addition, Qi Bansun's fiancée, Zhu Derong, also came to take the imperial examination this time. Originally they had already reached the age of marriage, but the young couple had an agreement in private that they would get married only after passing the Jinshi examination together.

   In the second imperial examination of Datong New Dynasty, there were finally female candidates, and there were more than one!

  The whole family landed at Nanjing Wharf. The eldest son had already gone out to be an official, so he did not come to accompany the exam. But Qi Biaojia's sister-in-law came. This woman's name is Shang Jinghui, and she is also a famous Jiangnan talented woman.

  The ancient children's enlightenment book "Children's Learning Qionglin", when it was re-edited in the Qing Dynasty, added the following sentence: "Bo Shang Zhong Shang was called Yuexiu at that time; De Rong De Hui reflected the Qi family."

"Qi's family" is Qi Biaojia's family, "Boshang" is his wife Shang Jinglan, "Zhongshang" is his sister-in-law Shang Jinghui, "Derong" is his youngest daughter-in-law Zhu Derong, and "Dehui" is his eldest son. Daughter-in-law Zhang Dehui.

  The snowstorm has stopped, but the pier is covered with heavy snow. The temporary cleaners hired by the government have come to clear the snow just after dawn.

   "Do you want to enter the city?" Several bearers carrying sliding poles rushed over to take the work.

  The bearers are all wearing ragged cotton jackets, and new ones are also available, but they have to be saved for the New Year. They wore dog fur hats and leather ear protectors, but their faces were flushed from the cold, they rubbed their hands together in front of their mouths to breathe, and their feet jumped on the spot to avoid freezing.

   In fact, if you go a little further, you can rent horse-drawn carts and ox carts, and the carriages can withstand the cold wind.

   But Qi Biaojia saw these porters were pitiful, so he said: "Look for an inn to stay in. I have female relatives here, so I want a clean inn."

   "Okay, guests please get on the sedan chair!"

  The bearers were overjoyed, and several pairs of sliding poles were lowered, carrying the Qi family steadily into the city.

  The government stipulates that bearers engaged in the taxi business are not allowed to use sedan chairs with compartments, but only simple sliding poles. The sedan chairs occupy too much area, and a whole row of sedan chairs is parked there waiting for work, which is easy to block the traffic. The sliding pole is much more convenient. It can be erected against the wall without taking up too much ground.

  Walking forward for a while, Qi Biaojia suddenly said: "Go closer to the inn in Gongyuan."

The bearer asked: "Is the guest sending your son to the imperial examination? Then you have arrived. A few days later, after the Chinese New Year, the inns near the Gongyuan will be full." The bearer raised his voice again, and said to his companions Shouted, "Go to the Gongyuan Inn!"

  There is still snow on the road, the bearers dare not run too fast, and they introduce the street conditions to passengers along the way, which is equivalent to playing the role of a guest guide by the way.

  Walking to a street, Shang Jinglan suddenly said, "Why is there a fan building here?"

The bearer smiled and said, "So that Madam can know that this place used to be called Chunfenglou, and it was sold by Master Lou of Jiujiang (the Queen's uncle). The business was not good when it first opened, and I don't know who came up with the idea to change the name to Fanlou. Suddenly, many scholars came to drink."

   "I know how to do business." Shang Jinglan couldn't help laughing.

  Bypassing the Forbidden City, everyone came to the Gongyuan, and the bearers helped them choose the best inn.

  Before they walked in to open the room, another pair of sliders came over and stopped: "Ma'am, we're here."

   "Thank you!"

   This is a lonely woman, about twenty-seven or eight years old. Wearing a fur suit and a cloak, a long sword hangs from his waist, and a pair of luggage hangs from his back.

   Dressed up like this, it attracts attention.

   Seeing this woman also entered the inn, Shang Jinglan clasped her fists and said, "My surname is Shang, my name is Jinglan, and my name is Meisheng. I don't know the name of my younger brother?"

  The woman was stunned for a moment, and bowed her hands in return: "Little brother Liu Shuying, whose name is Muping, and whose name is Geshan, the female brother is very polite."

  Shang Jinghui heard the words, and also leaned over: "It turns out that it is Liu Geshan in Jiangxi, and I have admired her name for a long time!"

  Zhao Han's "personality theory" was not without influence. Many ladies and prostitutes in brothels began to shout for women's rights. Their feminist thoughts are roughly as follows: women can also take imperial examinations, women can also be officials, women can also work, and women can also write books.

  These women flaunt their independence and call each other "female brother" and "female brother".

  Shang Jinglan asked: "Why did Geshan come to Nanjing alone?"

  Liu Shuying replied: "Living in Jiangxi is boring, so I came to Nanjing to take the examination for female officials in the palace. When the imperial examination is over, the examination for female officials will be held in this Gongyuan."

  Shang Jinghui was surprised and said: "Your brother is so famous, you actually want to take the female officer exam?"

   "Fame is just a burden." Liu Shuying smiled miserably.

  Liu Shuying's father, who used to be the magistrate of Yangzhou, was persecuted to death by the Eunuch Party. Historically, she was a widow at the age of eighteen. Although she was not a widow, her husband died of illness not long after her marriage.

   When the Qing army went south, Liu Shuying scattered all her wealth and gathered more than a thousand soldiers to serve the country. She led troops out of Jiangxi to try to rescue the small court of the Southern Ming Dynasty, but met He Tengjiao's general Zhang Xianbi on the way. Zhang Xianbi was greedy for her beauty, so he forced Liu Shuying to be a concubine, but Liu Shuying refused and was arrested and imprisoned by Zhang Xianbi. This matter was quite a big deal, Zhang Xianbi had no choice but to let Liu Shuying go, but Liu Shuying's troops were annexed.

  The Qing army killed Jiangxi, Liu Shuying fled to Hunan with her mother, and later became a nun.

  In this time and space, Liu Shuying also became a widow early. When the Datong Army occupied Anfu County, many officers admired her talent and fame, and the matchmaker broke the threshold of her house.

  But this widow, who was familiar with military books since childhood and dared to recruit soldiers to fight against the Qing Dynasty, wanted to be a widow for her dead husband. She worked as a teacher in Anfu County Middle School, and often published articles in newspapers, and her fame even spread to Jiangnan.

  But it’s a crime to be pregnant!

  Although the property of her husband's family and her mother's family were divided by the government, a lot of money was left on both sides. There is only one mother left in her natal family, and a younger uncle in her husband's family. My brother-in-law connected with the tribe, saying that she didn't teach at the girls' school, but insisted on teaching at the county middle school. She hung out with male teachers and students all day long, and often attended literary fairs to hook up with promiscuous wits.

   It's nothing more than my brother-in-law having evil thoughts, wanting to tarnish her reputation and force her to hand over the money in her hand!

  Liu Shuying refused to give in, but she really couldn't live in Anfu County. So I entrusted my mother to relatives to take care of, and deposited money in Datong Bank, and relatives could go to the bank to withdraw money every month. Then donate half of the silver in his hand to the Anfu county government to build water conservancy, which is tantamount to asking the county government officials to take care of his mother. She left Jiangxi alone and came to Nanjing to take the female officer exam. She felt that female officers would definitely not be discriminated against.

   After staying in the inn, the two sisters, Shang Jinglan and Shang Jinghui, went to Liu Shuying's room to visit.

  Liu Shuying was polishing the sword, Shang Jinghui saw it and praised: "Your brother is really a hero among women!"

Liu Shuying was a little embarrassed, and clasped her fists and said: "Brother is absurd. Although my younger brother has practiced martial arts since childhood, he is all fake moves, which can only scare the disciples in the city. If real swords and guns are used to fight, I am afraid that it will be a fight in the countryside." The Datong peasants and soldiers can also stab the younger brother to death with a single shot."

Shang Jinglan persuaded: "My virtuous brother left Jiangxi because he must have been made useless. They are all rotten Confucians and fools who look down on women like me. How do they know the true meaning of personality theory? Women are born in the world, husbands and children are natural. Duty. But apart from husband and son, can’t you show your face? I heard that the atmosphere in Nanjing is much more open than that in the countryside. With the reputation of a good brother, you will be able to make a living in Nanjing. At that time, find a like-minded man If you are married, why go to the Forbidden City to be a female official? Once you enter the Forbidden City, you will no longer be free."

  Liu Shuying said: "The Forbidden City recruits female officials every year. It can be inferred that there are female officials who go home every year. When you are a pilgrimage to the emperor, you allow female officials and maids to resign. If you are not happy with what you are doing, it is not too late to resign and leave the palace."

   "It's a pity, the literary world has lost another female general!" Shang Jinglan sighed.

Liu Shuying said with a smile: "Poems and articles are just small things. My ambition is not here. It is my true ambition to assist the sage to rule the world. Two brothers, I believe that one day, women in the world can be like men." Helping the world and benefiting the people, fighting on the battlefield! I didn’t understand this kind of truth before, but after reading the "Datong Collection" in recent years, I really understand what His Majesty means today!"

  (end of this chapter)

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