Chapter 803: 800 [Emperor's review of "History of Ming Dynasty"]

  Chapter 803 800 [Emperor's review of "History of Ming Dynasty"]

  Hall of Qinzheng.

  Zhao Han flipped through the sent manuscript, and asked casually, "Is Zhang Pu sick again?"

  Qian Qianyi sighed: "Oh, this winter is very cold, unlike previous years, Dr. Zhang is so sick that he coughs up blood, and I don't know if he can survive it."

   "Send some medicine over here." Zhao Han ordered the female officer, and continued to immerse himself in the manuscript.

   This is the "Field Mu Kao in Past Dynasties" compiled by the Imperial Academy. After several years of tossing, it was finally finished and sent to the emperor for his own review.

   Zhao Han couldn't help frowning when he saw the original chapter of the well field system, and then picked up the red pen to give suggestions for revision.

  Historians of the Imperial Academy, discussing the well field system is very nonsense. Common people collectively cultivate well fields, which is considered to be "the emperor's benevolent government, the people's folk customs are simple, and everyone is selfless."

  Zhao Han's red-letter instructions read: During the Spring and Autumn period, ironware was scarce and crops were scarce. How many acres can one person cultivate? People are selfless, this statement is absurd! For example, the Guangdong Guoshan Yao, slash-and-burn farming, and the same farming can only harvest food. Today, the Guangdong government organizes households for Guoshan Yao, teaches them the farming skills of the Han people, and gives them iron farm tools, sweet potato and corn seeds. There have been thousands of Yao who have passed through the mountains and have given up farming and farming, which is no different from the surrounding Han people.

  Sitting not far away, Qian Qianyi watched the emperor's criticisms increase, and suddenly felt a deep sense of powerlessness in his heart.

  The scholars of the Imperial Academy edited the book for several years, but it still needs a lot of revisions when it is sent to the emperor!

  Zhao Han sat on the top to review manuscripts, while Qian Qianyi waited below. Until lunch time, Zhao Han didn't lift his head, and ordered: "Let's eat here together."

   Not long after, a female official brought meals, and Qian Qianyi, Ding Shijing and others followed suit.

  During lunch, Zhao Han finally spoke and asked, "Is there really that many acres in the Sui Dynasty?"

Qian Qianyi hurriedly put down his chopsticks, cupped his hands and replied, "Your Majesty, the ministers were also very surprised and thought it was a calculation error. According to historical data, I recalculated more than a dozen times, and the results were all the same. At the time of Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty, there were about 20 acres of land in the Sui Dynasty. billion mu. By the time of Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty, the country’s farmland in the Sui Dynasty had exceeded 5 billion mu.”

  Zhao Han sighed: "The death of the second generation of the Sui Dynasty is indeed not unjust!"

   Regardless of the Han Dynasty or the Tang Dynasty, the arable land at its peak was only about 500 million mu. Agriculture developed greatly in the Ming Dynasty, and a lot of land was newly opened up. The national arable land area was only more than 800 million mu. Hundreds of years later, New China, once again developed agriculture, turning the Great Northern Wilderness into the Great Northern Cang, and the country's arable land area is only 1.8 billion mu.

  What the **** was the more than 5 billion mu of cultivated land in the Sui Dynasty?

Qian Qianyi explained: "Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty took advantage of the prestige of the founding of the country and ordered the clearing of acres of land in the world. Officials all over the country wantonly falsely reported the amount. Ministers and others estimated that although Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty ordered the equalization of land and reduction of taxes, he was committed to implementing benevolent governance. But such a false report The tax that farmers need to pay is at least three times higher than that before the founding of the Sui Dynasty. By the time of Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty, the land tax that farmers had to pay was probably ten times that before the Sui Dynasty.”

Holding chopsticks in one hand, Zhao Han flipped through the manuscript, swallowed the food in his mouth, and said with a sneer, "It's impossible for local officials to make such false reports purely for political achievements. After all, they have to go out to collect taxes. If they report less, officials can earn more. ?Compared with political achievements, it is more cost-effective to embezzle more taxes."

  Qian Qianyi said: "This matter is quite puzzling, and I can't figure it out."

  Zhao Han turned his chopsticks over, pointed to the contents of the manuscript and said, "What is so mysterious, you have already written it."

   "This... Excuse me for being stupid." Qian Qianyi really didn't understand, and always felt that the behavior of local officials in the Sui Dynasty was unreasonable.

   "Here, isn't it written here?"

Zhao Han pointed to the manuscript and said: "When Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty and Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty checked the land, they also checked the refugees' hidden households, and distributed the land to the common people. Slaves and maidservants are equal to husbands. Men can get 80 acres of open fields and women 40 acres. mu, and another 20 mu of Yongye field. After the death, the dew field will be redistributed by the government, and Yongye field can be passed on to the descendants. This is indeed a benevolent government, but at the same time, the emperor ordered an inventory of the land and population in the world. General, there are regulations on the quota of slaves and maidservants. If Aiqing is a powerful figure in the Sui Dynasty, what do you think can be done to quickly annex the land?"

   After thinking carefully, Qian Qianyi said: "Natural disasters and man-made disasters make the people have nothing to live on, so I took the opportunity to lend them money. If the people can't pay back the money, they can only sell their land."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Zhao Han burst out laughing suddenly: "Qian Aiqing, Qian Aiqing, how can you apply the methods of the gentry of the Ming Dynasty to the clans of the Sui Dynasty? If the clans were so kind, the Sui Dynasty might last for two hundred years. .”

  Qian Qianyi still didn't understand: "Is it good to annex the land?"

Zhao Han said: "If I were an official in the Sui Dynasty, the imperial court would give me 500 slaves. Then I would try every means to recruit the hidden people in the mountains as slaves. If all these slaves were men, they would get 40,000 mu of open fields, 10,000 mu of Yongye farmland. These 500 male slaves are all dead, 40,000 mu of open land will be returned to the court, and the remaining 10,000 mu of Yongye farmland will be mine. Then I will continue to accept another 500 slaves and let them all go If I die, I can get another 10,000 mu of Yongye farmland."

  Qian Qianyi said: "This is indeed a loophole, but how can a slave live for decades?"

"Why should I let them live for decades?" Zhao Han suddenly had a cold expression, "I can send them to build the Grand Canal. I am a powerful official who supervises the construction of the Grand Canal. Either my clan or my friend's clan Send the slaves to the construction site and let them die in three months. They will not live for half a year! I have 500 slaves, my son has 300 slaves, my nephew has 300 slaves, and my clan has countless slaves. I will kill them A group of slaves can get 10,000 mu of Yongye Field, and my entire family can count hundreds of thousands of mu a year, right?"

  Qian Qianyi was dumbfounded: "This... this is okay?"

  Zhao Han said: "I feel sorry for killing so many servants. Then don't kill them, drive them as refugees, and report to the court that the servants are dead. In fact, the effect is the same."

Qian Qianyi seemed to have been shattered, and muttered to himself: "Could it be that Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty was forced to death by the rich when he built the Grand Canal and killed countless servants? At the end of the Sui Dynasty, the refugees were all over the place, and they were also driven by the rich? "

  Zhao Han said with a smile: "I didn't say it, and I don't dare to be sure, but I do see loopholes that can be exploited."

  Qian Qianyi has nothing to say.

  The gentry after the Song Dynasty really couldn't appreciate the "magnificence" of the Sui and Tang dynasties. Those aristocrats, but those who have legal divisions, not only have countless servants, but also have private armed forces.

Zhao Han said: "So when I distributed the land, I didn't think about taking it back. Even though I knew that land annexation would continue after a hundred years, I didn't dare to order the deceased to return the land to the government. If the deceased were to return the land to the government, One is to force the people to hide their land and population, and the other is that the officials can do their best to return the land. The gentry can also collude with the officials, disregarding human lives, forcing countless people to death, and taking the opportunity to take back the land and distribute the land to the gentry's family!"

  Qian Qianyi's mood was complicated, and he cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty is wise."

  The review lasted until the evening, when Zhao Han finally finished the "Field Mu Test in Past Dynasties" and said to Qian Qianyi, "Take it back and revise it according to Zhu's review."

   "Follow the order!"

  Qian Qianyi couldn't leave yet, so he continued to wait because there were other manuscripts.

  The Benji part of "History of Ming Dynasty" was also sent, and the emperor had to read it in person.

  Zhao Han first read Zhu Yuanzhang's Chronicle, and he felt that it was not bad. It was all positive deeds, and he didn't add any messy unofficial history.

  Seeing Zhu Di's biography all the time, Zhao Han finally picked up his brush and wrote: Emperor Yongle should be Ming Taizong, and the temple name is Chengzu. Isn't it a change of dynasty?

   This is a downgrade for Zhu Di, Chengzu must be better than Taizong.

  The idea that Jiajing changed Zhu Di's temple name to Chengzu in order to make room for his father is pure nonsense.

  The ancient ceremony was "Seven Temples of the Son of Heaven", but since Emperor Huizong of Song Dynasty, it has always been the "Nine Temples of the Son of Heaven".

   During the Jiajing period, there were a total of nine emperors in the ancestral temple. Take out Zhu Yuanzhang's grandparents, exactly eight, and spare one for Jiajing's father. Where else is needed?

  The real reason is that Zhu Di was appointed to sacrifice to the Ming Hall, and Jiajing sent his own father to the Ming Hall. This practice is simply nonsense!

  Because his own father robbed Zhu Di of Mingtang incense, Jiajing changed Ming Taizong to Ming Chengzu in order to compensate Zhu Di. In this way, Zhu Di's level has been raised, and he can enjoy the annual suburban sacrifices with Zhu Yuanzhang—equal to the incense that should have been exclusive to Zhu Yuanzhang, but somehow Zhu Di shared half of it.

   Therefore, Jiajing changed Zhu Di to Ming Chengzu, and the biggest victim was actually Zhu Yuanzhang...Of course, if Zhu Di knew about it, he would be very upset, making him look like a traitor.

   Next, Zhao Han quickly scanned Ming Baozong and the like, and carefully checked Ming Xianzong's Benji.

  This edition of "History of the Ming Dynasty" is finally normal. There is no concubine Wan Gui who killed the prince, and Zhu Jianshen's achievements are more objective. In addition to resettling millions of refugees, Zhu Jianshen's achievements in Mongolia and Liaodong are also written in full detail.

  After all, the Jianzhou Tartars were the sworn enemies of the Datong New Dynasty. Zhu Jianshen, who had once raided the Tartars’ lairs, would naturally be described as a talented and bold monarch.

  Of course, there are also negative comments, and Zhu Jianshen became dizzy at the end of his life.

   After reading Emperor Zhengde's biography, Zhao Han couldn't laugh or cry: "The two armies fought for seven days, but they only beheaded the sixteenth level of Mongolia?"

Qian Qianyi replied: "Your Majesty, the ministers were afraid of making mistakes, so they specifically consulted the generals of the Dudu Mansion. The "Records of Emperor Wuzong of the Ming Dynasty" should not be scribbled, and it may even be protecting Wuzong. The Ming army may die more than in the Records of Wuzong." More."

   "Let me tell you in detail," Zhao Han said.

  Qian Qianyi estimated that he had really studied it carefully, and talked eloquently: "Beheading the sixteenth level does not mean killing sixteen enemies. It should be that the Ming army had no time to cut off the heads of the Mongols."

   "On the first day of this battle, the two sides encountered an accident, and the Mongols ran away without much fighting."

   "On the second day of the battle, Wang Xun of the Ming Army was besieged by a lone army. According to records, the two armies killed each other. But the Ming army was always surrounded, so it was naturally impossible to cut off the head."

   "On the third day of the battle, there was a heavy fog. The Mongols were afraid of being attacked, so they took the initiative to withdraw and leave. The two sides did not fight fiercely."

"On the fourth day of the battle, Wang Xun should have received Wu Zong's order to go out of the city to fight, using himself as a bait to keep the Mongols behind. On this day, Wang Xun was always besieged. It didn’t work. Moreover, the Ming army’s war was quite unfavorable, and there was no time to cut off the Mongolian head.”

"On the fifth day of the battle, Wu Zong personally went into battle, trying to surround and annihilate the Mongols. People from all walks of life feared that Wu Zong would lose, fought desperately, and finally succeeded in joining forces, but still could not surround the Mongols. Wu Zong's car almost fell, and Wu Zong said that he personally Killing one enemy should also be at this time. The Ming army is always at a disadvantage, and there is no chance of cutting off the head."

   "On the sixth day of the battle, the Mongols ran away and were unable to break through the Ming army's formation, so they were unwilling to fight the Ming army."

   "On the seventh day of the battle, the Mongols rode horses and ran very far, and the Ming army could not catch up at all."

  Zhao Han listened carefully to the whole process, and found that there was indeed no loophole. The casualties of the Mongols must be more than double digits. However, the Ming army was suppressed and attacked, so they could only form defensive formations, and it was difficult to go out to cut off their heads. Once the heads were cut, the formation would be chaotic. Therefore, no matter how many casualties the Mongols have, they can leave calmly with their corpses.

   This is a standard battle between infantry and cavalry. The cavalry cannot break through the infantry formation, and the infantry cannot catch up with the cavalry who want to leave.

  Strictly speaking, it should be a tie.

  The defect of the Ming army is that there are too few cavalry, and a lone army is used as a bait to let other reinforcements come to encircle and wipe out. But the reinforcements came too slowly, and some arrived first and some later, the encirclement plan became a refueling tactic. In the end, if Zhu Houzhao hadn't played in person, forcing the generals to desperately, Wang Xun, who was used as a bait, was likely to be surrounded and wiped out by the Mongols.

   "Let's write it like this, the "History of Ming Dynasty" is no problem." Zhao Han said.


  Qian Qianyi let out a long sigh of relief.

   On the second day, when Zhao Han was doing his daily work, Li Xiangjun suddenly brought a magazine.

   Today's magazines and newspapers are basically monthly, and some are quarterly and semi-annual. These publications, Zhao Han must read, in order to understand the situation of the people.

  Zhao Han was puzzled: "It's the end of the month, why are there new publications?"

  Li Xiangjun said: "It's a supplement. Some scholars, after learning about this exam, that some women signed up for it, wrote an article saying that the women's imperial examination is the morning of the rooster."

  (end of this chapter)

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