Chapter 804: 801 [Fan Lou's Argument]

  Chapter 804 801 [Debate of Fan Lou]

   Fan Lou.

  Since it was changed to this name, literati like to come here for banquets, and merchants have followed suit.

  A scholar about forty years old, holding a magazine at the moment, stood in the lobby and said: "This majestic essay is a new work by Cang Xuzi. It criticizes the current problems, and every sentence makes sense..."

  The authors of novels in the Ming Dynasty all used pen names, and they didn’t even bother to keep their pen names. Now that publications are popular, besides poetry, other articles also like to use pseudonyms.

  This "Cang Xuzi", who knows who it is, often writes articles to give advice.

  The scholar read: ""The Book of Rites · Nei Ze" says: The child can eat food, teach the right hand... For seven years, men and women sit at different seats and do not eat together. Eight years..."

Scholars are afraid that some diners will not understand, so after reading a paragraph, they translate a paragraph: "What do you mean? It is the "Book of Rites" that stipulates that children can eat and teach them to use their right hands. Children can speak, and they need to teach them the etiquette of answering. Boys use Wei, girls use Yu. The purses on the body are made of leather for boys, and they can be brave when they grow up; they are made of silk for girls, and they can weave when they grow up. At the age of seven, men and women should not sit at the same table. Eat...at the age of ten, boys have to leave home to learn poetry, books, and arithmetic, and girls have to stay at home and learn to do housework..."

   "What a man should do, what a woman should do, is determined at birth. How can the principles passed down by sages go wrong?"

"Today's Holy Son of Heaven, studying heaven and man, realized the theory of personality. Scholars like me agree with the theory of personality. The theory of personality is equal in the world, but their personalities are different. Men and women are also equal, but they have different functions. Male For work, women are kun, men are strong, women are soft, men are outside, women are inside. Mr. Cang Xuzi also believes that men and women should be equal, but they should perform their duties. Men are busy outside, women should take care of the house Only when the husband and wife are harmonious can the family business prosper."

"The "Yi Family Hexagram" also says that women are in the right place, and men are in the outside. Men and women are right, the righteousness of heaven and earth. When this woman comes out to show her face, it violates both the "Book of Rites" and the "Book of Changes." If things go on like this, the position of men and women is not right, and the righteousness of heaven and earth will not exist!"

"Nowadays, boys and girls sit together in the same room to study, disregarding the difference between men and women. There are women participating in the imperial examination..."


   At this moment, a young student slammed the table, stood up and pointed at the scholar and cursed: "Nonsense, you're such a jerk!"

  The scholar was interrupted suddenly, and asked sullenly, "Who is your Excellency?"

  The young student held his head high and held his chest high: "Xiatang Zhen, whose character is Zhuwan, is a native of Dazhou, Sichuan. He graduated from Chengdu University. He is a candidate for a bachelor's degree!"

  The middle-aged scholar suddenly had a conversation: "Since I want to catch up with the scholars, you should help me to speak up. How can you let women occupy the imperial examination places? You shouldn't come to make trouble!"

   Feminist thought already appeared in the Ming Dynasty, to be precise, it was equal rights thought.

  Historically, Tang Zhen served as a county magistrate in the Qing Dynasty for ten months. When he was unhappy, he went to do business, and when he stopped doing business in his later years, he went to give lectures. This gentleman's "theory of moral status" is very similar to Zhao Han's "theory of status".

  He believes that heaven and earth are equal, all living beings are equal, and men and women are equal.

  The sky is above the earth, but it is different. The earth is under the sky, which is a virtue of humility. If the husband is above, it is a position; if the wife is below, it is virtue. Husband and wife are equal and should respect each other. The relationship between husband and wife is the foundation of society. If a husband does not respect his wife, there will be disharmony in the family. Emperors, officials, and common people are also equal. If the emperor does not respect his subjects, and the officials do not respect the people, the country will surely perish.

   Tang Zhen pointed at the other party and asked, "Can men farm and women weave?"

  The middle-aged scholar said: "It should be so."

   Tang Zhen asked again: "You can go to the countryside to see if there are any women among the people who work in the fields?"

   "This..." The middle-aged scholar defended, "The woman in the field is here to deliver food to her husband, and she can do a little favor by the way."

"You are either deceiving yourself, or you don't know about farming," Tang Zhen said without saving face. "I don't know about other places, but in Sichuan, there is no difference between men farming and women weaving! When it is busy farming season, peasant women also When going to the fields to plant seedlings, the peasant women also cut rice and threshed the rice, and the peasant women also picked manure to irrigate the fields. As for sericulture, men also had to pick mulberries, men also fed silkworms, and men also peeled silk. Where did men plow and women weave? "

  Middle-aged scholars belong to the former scholars, have read many sage classics, and are full of great truths. But facing this fact, he didn't know how to refute it at all, so he could only bite the bullet and say: "In the land of Sichuan and Sichuan, education is not prosperous, so we must pay attention to the difference between men and women."

Tang Zhen sneered: "Pay attention to the difference between men and women. Could it be that only men farm and women weave? The season for planting seedlings is only a few days, and now farmers have divided the land, and every household has a lot of land. Could it be that the husband is too busy planting seedlings, and the wife can only stay at home?" Are you in a hurry? Because of the so-called men farming and women weaving, who will be responsible for the delay in farming? Are you going to help farmers plant seedlings?"

   "I..." The middle-aged scholar is trying to recall the classics, trying to find rebuttals from the sages' books.

Tang Zhen didn't give him a chance to breathe, and continued: "Do you understand what is the change of the world? Men plow and women weave, it is an ancient etiquette. I have read through the agricultural books of the past dynasties. This kind of field tool has always been used It has changed for the better. In ancient times, farm tools were simple, and plowing was really hard work, and women were powerless. Today, farm tools are excellent, and women can also plow and cultivate the land, so why are you clinging to men and women for weaving?"

The middle-aged scholar gave up struggling with male farming and female weaving, and tried to change the subject: "Ahem...Farming is hard. Since women can help, it is also okay to violate the etiquette. ..."


  Tang Zhen interrupted again: "Women plant seedlings and plow the fields, which means that women can also be in charge of outsiders. Men who pick mulberry and peel shreds, it means that men can also be in charge of insiders!"

  Middle-aged scholars feel that they have grasped the loophole: "The man is in charge of the outside, and the woman is in charge of the inside. The key lies in the main character. The woman helps the husband plant the rice, but the husband is still the master, and the husband still needs to do more farm work."

Tang Zhen said with a smile: "Women can also take part in the imperial examination. Nowadays, there are not many women who take the imperial examination, and few women are officials. The imperial examinations and officials are still dominated by men. This is not helping my wife. Is the husband planting rice seedlings the same as the husband helping the wife shred the rice?"

  The middle-aged scholar was so depressed that he almost vomited blood, and said angrily: "How can the imperial examination and farming be the same? The national talent ceremony is the foundation of this society, and you must not mess around!"

   Tang Zhen said: "Agriculture is the foundation of the country, and farming is also the foundation of the country, just like the imperial examination. Don't you think that farming is not the foundation of the country?"


  The middle-aged scholar really wanted to pass out, because many of the diners in Fan Lou were watching him make fun of him.

Another scholar couldn't stand it any longer, so he stood up to help and said, "The Book of Rites says that a woman is like her uncle, like her parents. When the rooster crows, washes in salty water, combs the scorpion, the boss, the gentleman in clothes... If a woman is for How can you be filial to your parents-in-law when you are busy with paperwork?"

  Tang Zhen asked: "If a woman does not become an official, can she serve her parents-in-law in the dark every day when the **** crows, as the "Book of Rites" says? Is your wife able to do that?"

  The second scholar was stunned for a moment, and then said: "My wife is very virtuous, she can do it herself! Don't talk about such useless things. If a woman becomes an official through the imperial examination, how can she have time to care for her husband and teach her children?"

  Tang Zhen said: "In a rich family, you can hire servants to serve your parents-in-law, and you can hire a husband to teach your children. In a poor family, women don't serve as officials, and they are also busy with their livelihoods all day long. How can they have time to care for their husbands and children?"

The scholar was furious: "You are talking nonsense. Even if you are from a poor family and are busy with making ends meet, you should take care of your husband and children. What's more, can hiring servants to serve your parents-in-law be the same as serving yourself? Can hiring a husband to teach your children be the same as teaching yourself?" ?”

Tang Zhen stood with his hands behind his back: "Two years ago, I graduated from Chengdu University and have been traveling around. Especially in the south of the Yangtze River, where textiles are booming, countless women work as weavers. They earn far more silver taels than their husbands. This is already It’s not about helping, but a real hostess! I’ve asked many weavers, they don’t have time to care for their husbands and children, and they don’t have time to serve their parents-in-law. But they also have a harmonious family, and even their parents-in-law feel sorry for their hard work. Prepare meals and wait for the daughter-in-law to come home to enjoy!"

  Tang Zhen looked around, pointed to many diners and said: "You people only know the difference between men and women, you only know the difference between men and women, and you only know how to search for chapters and excerpts. Why have you ever cared about rural farmers or visited textile factories?"

"well said!"

Another young student stood up and bowed his hands to the diners: "My lord, Yan Yuan, styled Yizhi, is from Boye, Hebei. Whether it is a local or an immigrant from other provinces, who doesn’t work with her husband in the countryside? Have you ever seen land reclamation? It’s very tiring, shoulders and backs. How can a woman avoid it? It’s the urban women in Hebei. , and because the population is not prosperous, they still do men's work. The largest restaurant in Boye County is run by a woman, but her husband can only help!"

  Yan Yuan's thoughts are based on his own experience. He has seen too many human tragedies in Hebei.

  So in history, he said that if there is no woman, human beings cannot reproduce, and husband and wife should be equal. He also said that he only knows how to reprimand women for losing their virginity, and men should also be condemned for having extramarital affairs. The birth of this idea is probably because of the war in Hebei, too many women lost their virginity.

  The emergence of this idea of ​​equal rights is due to the development of productive forces, women can work and do farm work, and their economic status will inevitably lead to the improvement of family status;

  Zhao Han put forward the "Gate Theory" in his capacity as the emperor, and undoubtedly poured a spoonful of oil into it.

  Shang Jinglan was eating wine on the second floor, and said with a smile: "Well said, we can make friends."

  Liu Shuying's eyes fell on Tang Zhen all the time, and said: "There are also good men in the world, who can speak for our women."

  (end of this chapter)

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