Chapter 814: 811 [Datong Law and Publication Law]

  Chapter 814 811 [Datong Law and Publication Law]

   "Scholars Picking Up Fun" magazine.

  The atmosphere in the past few days is not very good, and two shareholders are clamoring to withdraw their capital. It can't be called divestment, it's purely a withdrawal of shares, the money invested in the original is gone, and I want to completely dissociate from the magazine.

  Zhai Wenben, Zhang Tianzhi and Li Xun sat together frowning.

   Those who cried and knocked on the door were not only those who failed the exam, but also a few former scholars.

  The students who failed the exam were taken to the Ministry of Punishment. After reporting each other, several leaders were quickly confessed.

  The imperial court also kept its word, and only took back the three most quarreling ones, withdrew their university diplomas, deprived them of their honors, and never used them again. In addition, there are two leaders who have withdrawn their university diplomas, but their honors are still there, and they can go to the official examination as middle school graduates.

  As for the scholars of the former dynasty who participated, they were not so easily released, and have been locked up in the Ministry of Punishment for repeated interrogations.

"This morning, the last failed student has been released," Li Xun said worriedly, "but all the scholars from the former court who were arrested are currently being detained. Their family members are not allowed to visit, and even money is not allowed. I don't know how the court will deal with it. "

  Zhang Tianzhi was still lucky: "All the scholars who failed the exam have been released, and there should be no accidents to the scholars from the previous dynasty."

  Zhai Wenben said: "In the past two days, my right eyelid has been twitching, and I always feel that a catastrophe is imminent."

   "Go pretend to be brother, don't scare me." Li Xun became more and more nervous.

Zhai Wenben shook his head and said: "Today's day is quite similar to the Taizu of the Ming Dynasty. I have read half of the Miscellaneous Notes, and the Taizu of the Ming Dynasty had a prison of writing. Lu Xiong, the magistrate of Yanzhou, wrote the word 'Yan' as 'Gun', which is disrespectful. Beheaded. Zhongshu Zhan Xiyuan wrote a plaque for Taixue. The word "door" was missing a tick, which was regarded as hindering the recruitment of talents, so he was beheaded. Hangzhou professor Xu Yikui entered the congratulatory table, with the four words "set an example for the world" 'Ze' sounds like 'thief', Ming Taizu thought it was an allusion, and ordered to beheaded!"

   "Is there such a thing?" Zhang Tianzhi also tightened his neck.

   "It's true!"

  Zhai Wenben said worriedly: "Your Majesty, learn more from Ming Taizu in doing things, just in case... Sigh!"

  The literati of the Ming Dynasty often wrote articles about emperors, including Zhu Yuanzhang. In the "History of Ming Dynasty" edited by the Manchu Qing Dynasty, many outrageous contents came from the notes of literati in the Ming Dynasty.

  Take the literary inquisition in the early Ming Dynasty as an example, maybe there may have been, but it was definitely not that excessive.

  Just talking about the three people Zhai Wenben just cited, Xu Yikui lived more than 80 years old in the official history, how could it be possible to say that he died because "ze" and "thief" have the same pronunciation? There is also Zhan Xiyuan from Zhongshushe, the Taixue was built in the fifteenth year of Hongwu, and the inscription on the plaque was also at that time. However, there are historical records that until the twenty-fifth year of Hongwu, Zhan Xiyuan was still alive and well, and under Zhu Yuanzhang's order, he wrote articles and inscribed seal foreheads on the stele of Zhou Dianxian.

   It is estimated that Zhu Yuanzhang offended too many literati, and after his death, he was frantically smeared by literati writing books.

  No matter what, the three people in front of them, the more they thought about it, the more they frightened themselves.


  The downstairs door was slammed open, and then there was a noise, and footsteps sounded at the stairs.

   "Death!" Li Xun was so frightened that his whole body went limp, and he shivered on the Taishi chair.

  Zhai Wenben also seemed to be discouraged, and muttered to himself: "Today, with a big heart, you really want to kill someone just because of your words?"


  The door is wide open.

  Several scholars from the former dynasty were escorted in by officials of the Ministry of Punishment, followed by many policemen.

  A scholar from the former dynasty pointed to Zhang Tianzhi and said, "It was he who got drunk on the boat last year, insulted the Holy Son of Heaven in public, and criticized the imperial court's policy of dividing land. Not only we can testify, but the famous prostitutes in the boat can also testify."

   "I didn't, I didn't!" Zhang Tianzhi stood up in panic, hurriedly defending.

   Another scholar from the former dynasty pointed to Zhai Wenben: "This guy also criticizes the Holy Son of Heaven, saying that the emperor is so confused that he shouldn't have set a time limit for the former scholars to take the imperial examination."

"Also, this time they cried at the door and knocked on the gate, and they were connected with it. Otherwise, we scholars from the previous dynasty, who did not fail the imperial examination, why should we go to the door together? They said that they should take the opportunity to ask His Majesty for orders, maybe the former court Everyone can take the exam!"

   "Li Xun also slandered the government, saying that the officials in the new dynasty are ignorant and incompetent!"

  The leading official of the Criminal Department said with a gloomy face: "Take these people away, seal up the newspaper, and see if there are any articles that slander the court!"

  The three of them were held up by the police, as if their bones had been removed from their bodies, and they were dragged away like boiled noodles.

   Regarding swearing, the "Da Ming Law" is very strict.

   Swearing at people for no reason, caning ten sticks.

  Calling the elders, one year in prison, and sixty canes. If you scold the elders of the same generation, you will be whipped with a hundred sticks.

  Calling immediate elders, such as grandparents, parents, in-laws, may be sentenced to death by hanging depending on the seriousness of the case. Even if the emperor pardons the world, such prisoners are not included in the amnesty.

  Calling the court, depending on the specific circumstances, can be sentenced up to Ling Chi and Zhu Clan!

  Now the "Law of Great Harmony" has long been promulgated throughout the world, and in the process of implementation, some regulations have been revised.

   Relatively speaking, it is much looser than the "Da Ming Law".

  The relevant contents of Datong Law are as follows:

   Swearing at someone for no reason will be punished with a whip (you must take off your trousers and beat in public, the same applies below).

   Scolding the elders, if the elders make a big mistake, they will not be punished. If the elders are not at fault, those who scold others will be punished with ten lashes. When scolding the immediate elders, if the elders make a serious mistake, the scolder will be punished with ten lashes. If the elders are not wrong, the staff will be responsible for sixty!

  Confucianism governs the world with filial piety, and Zhao Han can only modify it to this extent.

  In fact, no matter which dynasty it is in, the legal provisions on swearing are basically not strictly enforced. When someone scolds, the first reaction is to scold at each other, who is full enough to report to the official?

   "Datong Law" also has clauses criticizing the emperor and the court.

  First, as long as there is conclusive evidence to prove that the person criticizes the emperor and the court (criticism of the local government is not counted, local officials can be scolded if they do not do a good job). Regardless of whether this person is right or wrong, he can be whipped twenty times before he speaks. If there is a second offense, the sentence will be fixed-term imprisonment for half a year. Those who refuse to mend their ways will be exiled to the frontier.

  Second, regarding the land distribution policy, there are open critics. For the first offense, he will be sentenced to half a year in prison, his meritorious service will be revoked, and he will not be allowed to operate a franchise business. For the second crime, he was exiled to the frontier.

  Compared to previous dynasties, this is already very benevolent.

   And so far, no one has been punished for this, mainly because no one has reported to the government. Whispering in private, there is no way to prove it - only fools talk in public.

   Zhai Wenben, Zhang Tianzhi, and Li Xun were quickly taken to the Ministry of Punishment, and the famous prostitute was also called in for questioning.

  Dali Temple tried it in person, and found out the details in a few days.


  The gavel fell, and the judge of Dali Temple (Judge Qipin) made a verdict in court:

"Zhang Tianzhi, male, from Xiushui, Jiaxing, Zhejiang. He insulted the emperor in public, criticized the imperial court's land administration, and connected scholars to kneel and cry at the Donghua gate. The evidence is convincing. According to the "Law of Datong", multiple crimes are punished: 40 whippings, and half a year in prison. A fine of twenty taels of silver. If there is another offence, it will be dealt with severely!"

"Zhai Wenben, male, was born in Zichuan, Jinan, Shandong. He insulted the emperor in public, and connected scholars to kneel and cry at the Donghua Gate. The evidence is conclusive. According to the "Law of Great Harmony", several crimes were punished together: forty lashes and twenty taels of silver. .If there is a recidivism, it will be dealt with severely."

"Li Xun, male, was born in Jiangning County, Jinling Prefecture. He slandered the imperial court in public and connected scholars to kneel and cry at the Donghua Gate. The evidence is convincing. According to the Law of Great Harmony, he was punished for several crimes: forty lashes and twenty taels of silver. If there is a recurrence, it will be dealt with severely."

   "Do you have any objections? If you have any objections, appeal as soon as possible, and let my superior judge the case instead."

  The three of them looked at each other in dismay, and they all had a feeling of joy for the rest of their lives.

  Dali Temple actually judged according to the "Law of Datong" and did not behead them because they scolded the emperor.

  Li Xun quickly knelt down and kowtowed and said: "Thank you for your kindness, the judge, the grassroots have no objections, and I promise that I will never do it again.

   This guy is really scared, and if he commits another crime, he will be imprisoned for half a year. If you refuse to change after repeated admonitions, you will be exiled directly!

  He only had the guts to complain, and he really didn't want to go to jail or exile.

  Zhang Tianzhi complained in court: "I don't accept it, why should I go to jail for half a year when the two of them just whipped and fined money?"

  The judge of Dali Temple said: "Because you criticize Tianzheng."

  Zhang Tianzhi asked: "Could it be that the punishment for criticizing Tianzheng is heavier than that for criticizing the emperor?"

  The judge of Dali Temple sneered, and patted the "Law of Datong" on the table: "That's how the law is set! What else can you say?"

   Zhang Tianzhi hesitated to speak, but finally did not bite the other two.

   At the same time, Zhai Wenben and Li Xun bowed their heads and dared not speak. They also criticized Tian Zheng in private, but outsiders didn't know it. At this moment, they were afraid that Zhang Tianzhi would confess them.

   "Leave the court, and choose another day to try the case of "Schools of Scholars" again." Dali Temple commented.

  The stone that had just fallen in his heart hung up again, and Li Xun dared to ask: "Have... not finished the trial yet?"

The judge of Dali Temple said: "Your personal case has been closed, and the case of "Schools of Scholars" has not yet been tried. You have jointly run a newspaper. Haven't you read the "Fuji Law"? About running a newspaper, the "Fuji Law" has Strict regulations. You must not slander others, and you must not discuss government affairs indiscriminately. The Guangxi imperial examination fraud case has basically been found out. This is slander! And you criticize the imperial examination in newspapers, which is a false discussion of government affairs!"

   According to the laws of the Datong New Dynasty, the imperial court and the local government are separated.

  The local government formulates local regulations indiscriminately, or local officials commit crimes, and newspapers can discuss them. However, slander cannot be slandered, and slander is defamation. (This clause is actually not clearly defined, and there is a lot of room for manipulation when deciding a case.)

   Arbitrarily discussing government affairs is aimed at the central court. According to the policy formulated by the central government, newspapers are not allowed to arrange it at will!

  The "Law of the Great Ming Dynasty" was revised six times before and after it was confirmed. The "Law of Great Harmony" has only been revised once at present, and will continue to be revised according to the implementation situation.

  Li Xun kowtowed and cried, "Master, please forgive me. The grassroots will withdraw their shares when they go back, and they will never run a newspaper again!"

   Discussing government affairs indiscriminately, if serious consequences are caused, the maximum penalty is to be exiled. This guy is so scared that he almost peed his pants.

  The judge of Dali Temple scolded: "Stand up, the new court will decide the case, and you must not kneel! If you dare to kneel again, you will disturb the court. If you drag it down, you will hit the board first."

  Zhai Wenben didn't speak anymore, and he was even more frightened. There was a manuscript of a novel in the newspaper. The novel has not had time to be revised, and there are many violations. If it is targeted, it will be more serious than slander and false comments on the government.

  The manuscript of this novel has been placed in front of the emperor!

  (end of this chapter)

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