Chapter 815: 812【Xing Da Prison】

  Chapter 815 812【Xing Da Prison】

  Hall of Qinzheng.

  Zhao Han flipped through the manuscript of the novel and asked, "Who is the author of this novel 'Haiyong Sanren'?"

Huang Zundu replied in detail: "This person's real name is Shen Lu, and he is a descendant of the Shen family of the Eight Great Families of Shangqiu. He joined the Haijin Society in his early years, and the Haijin Society was once merged into the Fushe. The Shen family was still a military household in the early Ming Dynasty, and one branch moved to the In Shangqiu, there are several Jinshi and dozens of Juren."

  Zhao Han tapped the manuscript: "Is the Shen family as loyal and brave as it is written in the book?"

Huang Zundu replied: "Plausible, patchwork. When the rogues passed by Shangqiu, the Shen family did recruit soldiers to resist, and dozens of members of the Shen clan died. Because they couldn't beat the rogues, the head clan of the Shen family fled with the whole family. The rogues left and returned to the village. Later, the bandits in Henan ran rampant, and the Shen family formed a stronghold to protect themselves and colluded with the bandits. When the Tartars came to Henan, the Shen family surrendered. Secretly contacted our Datong Army. The Shen family did contribute to the battle in Henan, but only passed on some information. After the recovery of Henan, our court did not treat the Shen family lightly. Multiple."

   "The loyalty and bravery in the book are all made up?" Zhao Han asked.

Huang Zundu said: "It's all true, but it's not from the Shen family. Shen Lu copied some of the deeds of loyalty and bravery from other big families in Henan, one family borrowed some, and compiled them all in her own family. Moreover, Shen Lu is not Shen Lu. The chief clan of the family, he is only a branch of the Shen family. No one in his branch died for the country. Facing the rogues and Tartars, he either fled or surrendered. Moreover, his family's land was divided due to the sharp decline in the local population. More than half of the fields were left unused when the fields were divided.”

  Zhao Han asked again: "Did he recruit it himself?"

  Huang Zundu said: "It was his friend's confession. His friend's surname is Ye, and he also came from the Eight Great Masters of Shangqiu. He is currently wandering around Nanjing, often attending literary conferences, and often writing some grievance articles."

   "This novel has not yet been published, how many people have read the manuscript?" Zhao Han asked.

Huang Zundu said: "At least 20 or 30 people have read it, and they all think this novel is well written, and encourage him to find a bookseller to print it out. After looking for several booksellers, they dare not print and sell this book. Finally, they found "Schools of Scholars" "Serialized. "Schools of Scholars" has been accepted, and several shareholders were arrested before it could be serialized."

   "Go down." Zhao Han said.

  Huang Zundu bowed and retreated, Zhao Han's face was gloomy, and the female officials and maids around him were afraid to speak.

   After a long time, Zhao Han sighed: "Is this forcing me to start a literary prison?"

  Zhao Han suddenly asked Ding Shijing: "How do you think such shameless people should be dealt with?"

  Ding Shijing is one who writes daily life notes, and he doesn't want to get involved, so he replied tactfully: "Your Majesty is wise, make your own decision."

Zhao Han wrote: "Order the Ministry of Punishment to investigate this case strictly. Order officials from all over the country to check out the published novels and story books, and check out the operas performed at the Washe Theater in Goulan. But there are some who confuse black and white, but some distort and slander Datong. The army, missionary groups, peasant associations, and land-distributing officials will all be severely punished! The literati, actors, and merchants involved will all be severely punished! Those who have the most bad influence will be hanged. Next, they will be exiled! All will be exiled to Heilongjiang, where there is a shortage of people. Let's go into exile together!"

  Zhao Han was really angry this time, the novel was written too disgustingly, trying his best to turn black and white.

  A branch of a rich family that annexed land and exploited tenants became the head of a local prominent family in the novel. Seeing the rogues and Tartars fleeing in anticipation, in the novel they become heroes who killed the enemy and died for the country, and even the women of the clan committed suicide one after another. Put all the loyal and brave deeds of others on yourself. He also said that it was a family of good deeds, and that he built bridges and paved roads, which helped countless victims of disasters. Full **** fart!

  Also all kinds of insinuations and smears on the land-distributing officials, turned the people's aspirations into people's grievances.

  Even if it is enlarged this time and used by local officials to avenge personal revenge, Zhao Han will investigate it nationwide. If this trend is not stopped, the foundation of the country will be completely ruined in the long run!


  The emperor was angry, and the world boiled.

  The first thing to boil was Nanjing. The Ministry of Punishment, the Ministry of Rites, the National Security Council, and the Jinling Mansion, together with their officials, seconded the police force to conduct a comprehensive investigation inside and outside Nanjing.

  The key targets of the investigation are bookstores, theaters, brothels and painting boats.

   "I'm wronged, I really didn't write that book, I just asked someone to copy it!"

   "I originally wrote that story, but it was changed by the owner of the theater. The two episodes that slandered the imperial court were all the owner's idea. I really didn't write it!"

   "Forgive me, sir, I will never write novels again!"


   Every day, literati are arrested, opera actors, brothel prostitutes, and theater owners are also arrested a lot.

  Many people feel that they are innocent, such as opera actors, who only acted in a few problematic plays, but were also arrested by the government. Their charges are simple, disseminating prohibited works, and not reporting what they know. Some famous prostitutes in brothels also did not report their knowledge, and the guests they received often gathered to criticize Tian Zheng. Even a famous prostitute played a ditty that criticized Tian Zheng.

  Qian Qianyi lifted the curtain of the sedan chair and watched a group of official officers approaching, escorting more than a dozen **** men and women. He couldn't help but sigh: "Why bother, the fields have been divided, and you have to write articles to complain. What's the use of complaining? Can you still get the land back? Your Majesty has endured long enough to wait until this year to do anything." .”

  In half a month, more than 700 people were arrested inside and outside Nanjing alone.

   There must be wrongdoings, but not completely wronged, and they are more or less implicated in the criticism of Tianzheng.

  Suddenly, a middle-aged man rushed to Qian Qianyi's sedan chair and knelt down: "Master, please save my master!"

  Qian Qianyi was a little surprised: "Wu Meicun was also arrested?"

   "I was just taken away this morning. I beg the shepherd to come into the palace and say something nice for my master." The man kowtowed frantically on the ground.

  Qian Qianyi said: "I will look for opportunities to help, but this matter is quite big, so I may not be able to help."

   "Thank you, shepherd, thank you, shepherd!" The man continued to kowtow.

  Qian Qianyi asked the bearer to move on, but the man kept following, obviously urging him to enter the palace to face the saint.

   Qian Qianyi was a little impatient, so he said to the bearer: "Go to the Forbidden City!"

   This guy waited outside the palace for a long time, and was finally summoned.

  Zhao Han continued to review the memorial, didn't bother to glance at it, and asked, "Who are you here to intercede for?"

Qian Qianyi shrank his neck and said: "The people who have been arrested are all to blame. How can I plead for such people? I am asking to see you today to report to His Majesty. The annals and tables of "History of the Ming Dynasty" have been edited and proofread. May I ask why?" When will you send it to His Majesty for a review?"

   "Let someone deliver it tomorrow." Zhao Han said.

  Qian Qianyi resigned immediately, not daring to stay any longer.

  After leaving the palace, he said to Wu Weiye's servant: "I have already persuaded His Majesty, but His Majesty was noncommittal. Go home and wait for the news."

  The man knelt down and kowtowed again: "Thank you for your generous help!"

   Another day later, Zhu Shunshui entered the palace to face the saint, but he really came to intercede with Wu Weiye.

Zhu Shunshui said: "Your Majesty, Wu Weiye only writes poems, not novels and story books. Moreover, although Wu Weiye's poems seem to be nostalgic for the former Ming Dynasty, they do not criticize the land administration of the new dynasty. Those who arrest people are really messing around. Your Majesty Like Wu Weiye and others, there are not a few people who have been arrested. Please...Please don't set up a big prison. There are many wronged people in Nanjing. If you go to various provinces, there may be thousands, or even tens of thousands of wronged people. !"

Zhao Han glanced at Zhu Shunshui, and his old friend gave him face: "If Wu Weiye is really okay, he can be released. As for the national investigation, if we don't stop, there will be tens of thousands of people who are wronged. This matter must be investigated to the end! Qing If we continue to persuade, Wu Weiye will be exiled to Heilongjiang. Of course, I am not a tyrant. This case only implicates my wife and children, and I will be exiled to Heilongjiang. It does not implicate my parents, let alone my clan and friends."

  Zhu Shunshui had no choice but to shut up, sighed, and silently exited the hall.

  A few days later, Wu Weiye was indeed proved innocent and did not write any poems or articles criticizing Tian Zheng.

  But there are reasons for his arrest. In his poems and works, he often longs for the former Ming Dynasty, and faintly reveals his dissatisfaction with the new dynasty. Zhao Han can tolerate this kind of situation, as long as he doesn't reverse black and white and splash dirty water indiscriminately.

  After Wu Weiye was released, he learned from his servant that it was Qian Qianyi who entered the palace to intercede for him. When I was moved, I prepared a gift and went to visit: "Thank you, Mu Weng, for your generous help!"

Qian Qianyi didn't explain, but took Wu Weiye's hand earnestly and earnestly: "Meicun, today's emperor is a sage, and Chongzhen is a fool. Even if you don't praise the prosperity of the new dynasty, don't write poems to commemorate the faint emperor of the past. what!"

  Wu Weiye said: "What I yearn for is not the faint emperor Chongzhen, but the Three Hundred Years of the Ming Dynasty."

"Confused," Qian Qianyi reprimanded, "now the people live and work in peace and contentment, the generals are victorious in all battles, and the new dynasty of Datong is catching up with the prosperity of the Han and Tang Dynasties. What is there to miss about the decaying Ming Dynasty? You miss the old dynasty, it is better to praise the new one. towards."

   Facing his "savior", Wu Weiye was not easy to refute, he just said: "The shepherd taught me the lesson."

Qian Qianyi put on a high posture: "Since ancient times, there is no benevolent king better than your majesty. Even if he insulted the emperor, he would only be whipped for the first time, imprisoned for the second time, and exiled for the third time. When encountering such a benevolent king, he should be punished." Swearing to serve the imperial court to the death, you actually have the heart to criticize? From my point of view, His Majesty is right in arresting people, and treacherous people should be arrested! Kill a few more, exile a few more, so as to correct the government and the wild!"

   After agreeing, Wu Weiye resigned and walked down the street in a daze.

  The arrest operation continued, and after walking two streets, Wu Weiye saw another person being arrested.


Liu Rushi was loudly reprimanding the maid: "You dare to ask me to intercede on behalf of someone after you have had the heart and courage of a leopard. Do you know what it means once I plead? Someone bribed the guards and maids and passed the words to the harem ! I don't know how many palace people have been implicated!"

  The palace maid was trembling with fear: "Your Majesty, it is... a sister of mine. She is working outside (outside the harem, inside the Forbidden City). When she was out of the Forbidden City on business, a relative and descendant entrusted her..."

   "Don't say any more," Liu Rushi warned, "Don't mention a single word about this matter. If you take money, return it immediately!"

  The palace people in the Forbidden City, no matter which dynasty they are in, will definitely have contact with the outside world. This time, someone really stuffed money into the Forbidden City.

  Even a few writers who wrote daily notes, because they often saw the emperor, were asked for help by all kinds of money.

   Except for Zhu Shunshui, no one dared to talk too much.

  Although Wu Weiye was acquitted and acquitted of all charges, he was accused of insinuating Tian Zheng by actually writing poems. Due to the large number of people arrested, the case was judged quickly. Mao Pijiang was exiled to Heilongjiang together with his wife, concubine and children.

  Of course, these exiles will not be deliberately made things difficult, because there is a shortage of Han people in Heilongjiang. In the past, it was possible to divide the land and settle down, but the weather is very cold, and I am afraid that many people will be sick.

  This time the case has spread across the country, and it also involves wives and children. It is estimated that the number of exiles will exceed 10,000. The Anton Governor's Mansion (Heilongjiang Capital) finally gained popularity.

  Even the three in "Schools of Scholars" were sentenced to exile in Heilongjiang for accepting manuscripts of prohibited novels, apparently planning to publish them. This matter is obviously illegal, because they haven't published it yet, and they can't say "attempted murder" but treat it as a murderer.

   But if you do special things, you will be exiled!

  Pushed and boarded the boat, Zhai Wenben wanted to cry, but said to Zhang Tianzhi beside him, "Brother Zhang, I was hurt by you, why did you accept that novel manuscript?"

  Zhang Tianzhi was dejected and was too lazy to defend himself.

  There were not only the three of them on board, but more than two hundred people with their families. This was only the first batch of exiles.

   Soon someone recognized them and glared at each other.

   It was these three guys who messed around and provoked the emperor to create a big prison. It's a pity that they are all educated people, and all of them come from rich families. They don't know how to farm at all, let alone farming in the cold and remote Heilongjiang!

  If it wasn’t for the small population in Heilongjiang, the Anton Protectorate would definitely prepare enough food and clothing for the Han people in order to enrich the Han people. Then, if these guys were exiled, at least half of them would freeze to death and starve to death!

   This is the first time that Zhao Han has been arrested and sentenced without reason since he came to the throne.

  The emperor owns the world, the power is in his hands, and life and death are taken away, which cannot be restrained all the time. Zhao Han thought he was very restrained, but someone always forced him to act recklessly.

  (end of this chapter)

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