Chapter 816: 813 [All]

  Chapter 816 813【All of them】

"Your Majesty, the Governor of Luzon sent someone to report that the Nanbawa (Manpawa) Sultanate had discovered a gold mine. The sultan of the country was unable to mine the mine, so he went to Brunei to hire dozens of Han people and succeeded in mining the gold mine in one fell swoop. The Han people in Luzon heard that In short, they crossed the sea to go to gold mining, and at least hundreds of people left every month. As a result, there were not many Han people on Luzon Island, and there were fewer and fewer Han people because of the Nanbawa gold mine.”

"Secondly, the Netherlands is also eyeing the Nambawa gold mine. But the Netherlands is short of manpower. It must first conquer the Nambawa Sultanate before arresting the natives to mine the gold mines. At the end of last year, the Netherlands sent 300 troops and was captured by the Nambawa Sultanate. Repel. The Sultan of Nanbawa is afraid that he will come again, and seeks the help of the Sultanate of Sanfa, Landak (Pontianak) and Brunei Sultanate. All countries in Borneo are afraid and ask the Governor of Luzon to send troops.”

   "Nambawa Sultanate, because of the small size of the country, dare not fall to any side. Now it has been invaded by the Netherlands, and has sent envoys to Luzon, asking His Majesty to be the king, and willing to submit the whole country to our Datong court."

   Throughout Kalimantan, there are a bunch of sultanates, many of which have become vassal states of Datong China.

  As for this Nanbawa gold mine, it also caused a sensation in history.

  The country is a port city-state, centered on the city, and its territory does not radiate far to the surrounding area. Sudan doesn't even have miners available, so it has to go to Brunei to find Chinese miners. At that time, China was under the rule of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, and a large number of landless farmers flocked from Guangdong. At least 2,000 people arrived every spring, and hundreds of people returned home with gold in summer.

  Wow, the news of the gold production is spreading more and more evil. In less than a hundred years, there are more than 100,000 Chinese there. Later, instead of mining gold, they went there to do business and farm with the ties of clan and fellow villagers. The famous "Lanfang Republic" was established on the basis of these Han people.

  Nowadays, the two provinces of Fujian and Guangdong widely divide the land, and there are no farmers who have lost their land. Therefore, there are not many people who go to sea to mine gold. There are also one or two hundred people going south every month, all of whom are unwilling to be lonely and want to make a fortune with gold. But Luzon Island is very embarrassing. Most of the Han people there are adventurers and are losing their population at a rate of hundreds per month. The Governor of Luzon is already in a hurry.

Zhao Han said: "Order the Ministry of Rites to engrave the golden seal of the king of Nanbawa, and condemn the envoys to canonize the king and his son. Luzon's army, don't dispatch it for now. First note to the Dutch that Nanbawa is a vassal state of China. Once the Netherlands invades Nanbawa Wow, it is equivalent to tearing up the contract and going to war with China. If the Netherlands sends troops, it will not be too late for Luzon to send troops. Then order the Governor of Palembang, once the war starts, immediately send troops to harass Batavia."

  Kalimantan Island has a tropical rainforest climate, and the number of Han people is small, so the development speed is very slow. Therefore, Zhao Han never thought about occupying, but kept recruiting younger brothers and recruiting vassal states, focusing on developing Luzon.

   Now that this incident suddenly pops up, it must be intervened, and the Dutch cannot be allowed to interfere with the island.

   But there is no need to be too active. Who knows when the Netherlands will come again, and sending troops to stay for a long time is too expensive. It is best to be able to intimidate the Netherlands diplomatically. If you can't be scared, you can go to war with each other. It is best if the Sudan is killed by the Dutch and takes the opportunity to occupy this city-state.

  Nambawa Sultanate, the land is fertile and can grow food.

  Landak Sultanate further south, which is the capital of the "Lanfang Republic", Pontianak, where the alluvial plains are more fertile.

  The two places are not far apart, they can be occupied and connected together, and they can also be self-sufficient in food.

  The gold mine is second to none. The main focus is on its sea trade location, which can establish the "Palembang-Pontianak-Luzon-Taiwan-Fujian" route.

  In addition, it can also form the iron triangle of "Malacca-Palembang-Pontianak". If any one is attacked, the other two can quickly provide support.

   "Numba, that's settled, let those three come in." Zhao Han said.

  Yan Ruozhu, who was disqualified from the imperial examination, and Yan Yuan, the first Jinshi in the second class of this subject, and Tang Zhen, the seventh Jinshi in the second class, were taken to the hall by the female officials.

  After the adjustment of the policy of Jinshi in the new department, the third place in the first list and the Shujishi can already be released from the seventh rank. But you must first observe politics in the cabinet. After the internship period is over, you can be released to work as Cong Qipin.

  From the seventh-rank officials, there are not only county magistrates (small county chief officials), but also other yamen officials at all levels. For example, the governors and deputy governors of provincial yamen, the master book of local horse breeding institutions, the experience and deputy nominations of local salt yamen, the state judges of directly governed states, and so on. These are all positions that have to deal with actual government affairs and exercise their ability to handle affairs.

  Every imperial examination champion, second place, Tanhua, and Shujishi, first practice in the cabinet center, and then send to the local area to do the training of the seventh grade, and then promoted to the county magistrate. The promotion route for the first few years was designed in this way.

  The Jinshi on the second list can be released to the top eight ranks.

   There are more official positions at this level, and the more famous one is the county magistrate. There are also the governors of provincial government offices, the experience of government government offices, the governors of minority areas, and so on.

  Three-rank Jinshi can be released from the eighth rank.

  After such adjustments, the Jinshi is distinguished in detail, otherwise the second and third rankings are similar.

  Yan Yuan is number one on the second list and is currently waiting for an internship. His internship unit is the Ministry of Household Affairs, and when there is a vacancy in the place, he can be released to the county magistrate or other official positions. If you do well, you can be promoted from the seventh rank in three years, and you can be a magistrate in six years. It is true that he has excellent political performance, and he may be the county magistrate in three years.

   "Why don't you go to take the examination of Shujishi?" Zhao Han asked.

  The Shu Jishi of the Datong New Dynasty cannot be trained as a minister, but they have the opportunity to practice in the cabinet. Every three years, there are 15 places for Shu Jishi, and new subjects can take the exam, and once they pass the exam, they will focus on training cadres.

  Yan Yuan replied: "The minister is waiting for His Majesty to summon you."

  Zhao Han took out the memorial: "Whose chief writer is this?"

  Yan Ruozhu cupped his hands and said, "Young people are not talented."

   Zhao Han asked: "Your father was exiled in Heilongjiang, and you were also disqualified from the imperial examination. Do you have any complaints in your heart?"

Yan Ruoqi replied: "Reporting to Your Majesty, my father broke the court rules by doing business illegally, and Xiaomin has no complaints in his heart. But Xiaomin has a passion for serving the country. Although he cannot be an official in the imperial examination, he also wants to contribute to the country and the people. I beseech His Majesty to give Xiaomin another chance."

   "You are only seventeen years old this year, how can you have such insights? Could it be that Huang Zongxi did it for you?" Zhao Han laughed.

   "There is absolutely no such thing." Yan Ruoqiu hastily defended.

  Zhao Han didn't speak any more, but re-read the memorial in front of him.

  Yan Ruozhu is still young after all, and as an ancient person, his vision is limited by the times. In the eyes of Zhao Han, this memorial has a greater significance, and it has already involved China's future industrialization development route.

  One is the traditional European and American industrialization route. The industry is mainly concentrated in the city, absorbing the population, money, and resources of the whole country, and forming a location advantage for large-scale production.

  The second is an evolutionary version of China's rural economy. Industries are distributed in large and small towns, and the layout is spread out like a goddess. Population, money, and resources are concentrated in towns and cities around the world, driving surrounding farmers to develop together.

  Both routes have their pros and cons.

  The second route is not conducive to large-scale industrial production, and will only create a bunch of small township enterprises. But in the end, the development will definitely lead to the same goal. Towns with prosperous industries and commerce will gradually evolve into new cities.

  However, there must be a prerequisite, that is, China took the lead in carrying out the industrial revolution and has enough time for the development of town industries. If Europe takes the lead in completing the industrial revolution, this route will not be conducive to competition, and it will force China to take the former route.

  In the early days of the reform and opening up of New China, that is, in the 1980s, China's private industries spontaneously took the second path. At that time, even the inland provinces began to set up a large number of factories. Instead of one factory per town, some places even had one factory per village. However, the pressure from external competition is too great, and there is no future for doing so. It can only shrink the loans of township enterprises and limit the channels for resource acquisition of township enterprises, thus leading to the bankruptcy of most township enterprises.

  Zhao Han's expression became kind, and he smiled towards the three of them, and praised: "It's good that you have ideas, so you should think more and do more."

   All three were happy, and thanked the emperor for his compliment.

  Zhao Han has already made a choice, which is to relax the industrial land grants in various towns.

  Emperor Zhao did not have diode thinking, and he did not think that the European industrial development model must be the best, nor would he think that the rural industrial model was better. Children only choose one of the two, adults of course want both.

  Urban industry can develop, and township industry can also develop, both at the same time.

  Urban industry has better location advantages, and township industry has the support of small-scale peasant economy. For a long period of time, there will be no winner or loser, or even a winner and loser. The two can coexist for a long time.

  Of course, the separation of population, money and resources by township industry will definitely hinder the rapid development of urban industry, and even delay the completion of the industrial revolution. But it is more conducive to a smooth transition, and the small peasant economy will not be destroyed quickly, which is conducive to the stability of the country and society in the long run.

  Yan Ruoqiu said: "Your Majesty, Xiaomin can go to more provinces to investigate."

"No need," Zhao Han said, "Yan Yuan and Tang Zhen, although you missed the selection for the library, you can be specially enrolled as Shujishi. First, you will practice in the cabinet as an observer of politics. local officials."

   "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

  Yan Yuan and Tang Zhen thanked each other excitedly. The important point is not the concubines, but the fact that they are remembered by the emperor.

  Zhao Han looked at Yan Ruoqi again: "You have made great contributions to your suggestions and regained your qualifications for the imperial examination. I hope you will have a good life and contribute to the country in the future."

   "Your Majesty is holy!"

  Yan Ruozhu was so excited that he forgot the rules, and immediately knelt down and kowtowed.

  The three of them bowed and exited the hall, their joy was beyond words. As for the arrest of literati by the imperial court, they didn't bother to pay attention to them. Who would care about those poor scholars who would become officials in the future.

   After more than half a month of arrest, the actions inside and outside Nanjing were finally stopped by the emperor. More than 2,100 people were exiled to Heilongjiang, including their wives and children. There are such a large number because there are too many "Beijing drifters", and many wealthy literati who cannot be officials have come to Nanjing to mix in the cultural and entertainment circles.

  But the arrest operation in Jinling Mansion is still going on, and the bookstores in the surrounding counties are no longer able to operate normally.

  Everyone is in danger, and many run away, and some even cross the sea to Japan and North Korea. Settling in Japan and North Korea is better than exile in Heilongjiang, which was too cold during the Little Ice Age. There are also those who change their names and surnames and go to Luzon, and they can spend money to become landlords in Luzon.

  The orders of the imperial court are being implemented in various provinces one after another, and the folk scholars are made to feel insecure.

   Zhao Han's evaluation in the minds of literati is falling off a cliff. But the effect is obvious, and too obvious, the literary creation and publishing industry has suffered a very serious blow. Even some academic schools dare not talk nonsense anymore. A prosperous cultural and ideological circle seems to have suddenly encountered a cold winter.

  For this phenomenon, Zhao Han can only let the "Datong Monthly" take action.

  First, the official reprint of Chen Que’s article not only encourages and supports related ideas, but also expresses an attitude that it will not indiscriminately attack academic discussions. As long as Tian Zheng is not criticized, as long as black and white are not confused, academic circles can continue to argue.

  Second, publish a commentator's article to clarify the reasons for the promotion of the prison. List the bad deeds of the novelist Shen Lu, who inverts black and white in her works, smears smears indiscriminately, and uses the heroic deeds of other people's families to put gold on her own family's face. And once again reiterated that there should be no criticism of Tian Zheng, Tian Zheng is the foundation of the new dynasty of Datong.

  (end of this chapter)

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