Chapter 819: 816【The envoys holding the festival are all ruthless people】

  Chapter 819 816 [The envoys who hold the festival are all ruthless people]

  Liu Hanyi was born in the former Ming Dynasty. If Zhao Han hadn't changed history, he would have died fighting the Qing Dynasty in Licheng, Shandong.

   "Angel Liu, do you want to return to Beijing immediately?" Captain Zhang Yue asked.

  Liu Hanyi slammed the scepter on the deck, and the scepter swayed endlessly. He stared at the Dutch warship in the distance, gritted his teeth, and said, "Nah, wow, I have become a vassal of the Netherlands. Why should I go back to Beijing to recover my life? If Kuang Hong was sent to Nanyang, if he can take the city of Malacca, I can take that Badawi." Ya! Do you want to become a marquis at sea?"

  From Zhang Dai to Liu Xiangke, and then from Liu Xiangke to Kuang Hong, they all served as envoys and were promoted.

  Especially Kwong Hung, who gathered troops from various countries in Southeast Asia on festivals, captured Malacca in one fell swoop, and was reused and promoted to Governor of Palembang. This incident has irritated many Honglu Temple officials, Liu Hanyi is now full of anger, how can he have the face to go back to Nanjing in despair? What he wanted was not to occupy Nanbawa, but to take down Batavia directly.

  Zhang Yue was tempted by the words of "Marquis of the Sea", and wanted to join in the trouble, and asked, "Then go to Luzon and move reinforcements?"

  Liu Hanyi said: "Go to Tong'an, Fujian first!"

   Zhang Yue didn't know why, so he asked, "What are you doing in Tong'an?"

Liu Hanyi said: "It is impossible for the imperial court to raise troops on a large scale. At most we can mobilize the troops of Luzon and Palembang. This force is not enough to defeat Batavia, so we can only win by strategy. There is an old gentleman in Tong'an who can help Make an idea."

   "Could it be that there are crouching dragons and phoenix chicks in Tong'an County?" Zhang Yue asked curiously.

  Liu Hanyi complained: "You have watched too much "Romance of the Three Kingdoms."


  Fujian, Quanzhou Prefecture, Tong'an County.

  Su Minggang lived in a large country house. The original owner was executed by a public trial when he divided the land in Fujian because of plundering and plundering.

   "My lord, the angel is here!"

  Su Minggang was squinting his eyes to bask in the sun when the butler rushed in and shouted in an excited tone.


   Su Minggang was overjoyed. Could it be that Shangda Tianting was praised by the emperor because of his donation to help his education? Or, it was the report on Batavia that won him the emperor's favor?

  He stood up tremblingly, and said, "Help me to meet the angel!"

  Su Minggang is already 73 years old, and his body is quite strong. He put on his glasses as he walked, and sure enough, in the living room, he saw an imperial envoy holding a scepter.

  Emissaries of the emperor do not use a scepter in the country.

  Then, the angel in front of me must be going to sea for business.

   Su Minggang had some calculations in his heart, cupped his hands and said: "I pay my respects to Master Angel!"

   "You are very polite, old man," Liu Hanyi held the other's hands and said in a low voice, "Please turn away from the left and right sides."

  Su Minggang understood immediately, and ordered: "You all go down."

  There were only two people left in the room, Liu Hanyi closed the door herself, and watched the idlers wait for them to leave.

  Su Minggang asked: "The angel wants to attack Bacheng (Batavia)?"

   Liu Hanyi said in surprise: "The old man knows things like a god!"

  Su Minggang shook his head and said with a smile: "I have no other skills, but I am familiar with Bacheng. The angel is holding a scepter, and it seems that he is going to go overseas for an embassy. The combination of the two things means that he is going to attack Bacheng."

   "It's really Dutch, and Namba wow Sultan, this time he did too much, and he didn't pay attention to the Celestial Dynasty at all!" Liu Hanyi began to explain the specific reasons.

  After hearing this, Su Minggang asked, "How many troops can the Celestial Dynasty send?"

Liu Hanyi said: "There are 3,000 garrisons in Luzon and 500 garrisons in Palembang. It is impossible to use all the troops in these two places. There can be more than 2,000 soldiers for the siege. Of course, Manila and Palembang We can also provide some naval soldiers. If it is not enough, we can go to Malacca to borrow 200 troops.”

  Su Minggang was stunned: "Bacheng is the lair of Dutch ghosts, how can this little force be enough?"

   "That's why I came to ask the old man for advice. This battle must use strategy, and it needs the help of the Han people in Bacheng." Liu Hanyi showed a fox-like smile.

  Su Minggang had studied in a private school and also learned martial arts. Because of his family's decline, he went to sea to make a living in his teens.

  Thirty-four years ago, the Netherlands occupied Batavia. At that time, Su Minggang had already started from scratch, owned a sea-going ship of his own, and owned land on the outskirts of Batavia. He helped the Dutch transport the Han people to build the city. Because of his generosity and righteousness, he stood out among many ship owners and was unanimously supported by the Han people.

   Therefore, Su Minggang was appointed by the governor of the Netherlands as Kapitan to manage the civil affairs of the Han people in Batavia, and he was also asked to handle disputes between the Han people. Immediately afterwards, he was appointed as a member of the Council of Batavia.

  Historically, he resigned from Jiapitan in the eighth year of Chongzhen and returned to his hometown to return to his roots. But when he arrived in Taiwan, he heard that Fujian was strictly investigating those who went to sea. He was so frightened that he stayed in Taiwan for three years, and had no choice but to return to Batavia to die.

  How do you say this guy?

  The compatriots must have been cheated, but it is true that they have won a lot of benefits for the Han people in Batavia. At the same time, it also has an excellent relationship with the Dutch. He even took pride in this, hanging lanterns at the gate of his mansion in Bacheng, with the words "Founding Father" written on the lanterns, thinking that he assisted the Dutch in establishing a foundation.

  In this time and space, Su Minggang returned to China smoothly, and spent money to buy the mansion left by the evil gentry, and even got a few acres of land without paying the money.

  One of his sons was brought back to the country. He started as an official and is now a seventh-rank official. The other children and grandchildren continued to operate industries in Batavia, mainly doing trade and opening plantations.

  He also took the initiative to write a report, which introduced the situation in Batavia in detail, and all Honglu Temple officials had read the report.

   Facing Liu Hanyi's request for help, Su Minggang said: "My son is in Bacheng, and he often writes back. These years, Bacheng is different from when I was working as Jiapidan."

   Liu Hanyi quickly asked: "What's the difference?"

Su Minggang said: "The Dutch lost Taiwan and suddenly lost the source of sugar. They wanted to do sugar business again, so they encouraged the Han people to plant sugar, and even captured the indigenous people and sold them to the Han people as serfs at a low price. The Han people reclaimed large forests to grow sugar cane. At the beginning, everyone was very happy to get what they needed, and gradually the Dutch showed their true nature. The Han people are prohibited from selling sugarcane privately, and the Han people are forbidden to open sugar mills privately, and the price of sugarcane is also lowered. The Han people who grow sugarcane are very dissatisfied with this. These Han people, But they are all big landlords!"

   "If you are dissatisfied, you can contact me. Please continue to talk, old man." Liu Hanyi said happily.

Su Minggang said: "When I was working as a kapitan, I tried my best to ease the relationship between the Dutch and the Han people, and tried to help the Han people to speak. After I left, I changed to a kapitan, and it completely changed. The Datong Army and the Netherlands have repeatedly During the war, the Dutch distrusted the Han people more and more, so they only selected the people who ate inside and outside to make Jiapidan. Now this Jiapidan raises thugs and oppresses the compatriots, and the Han people have been dissatisfied with it for a long time."

   "This person must be killed before we can unite the Han people in Bacheng." Liu Hanyi said.

Su Minggang also said: "At the beginning of the establishment of Bacheng, there was an extreme shortage of food. So the Han shipowners were invited to transport more Han people to encourage the Han people to reclaim the suburbs. The Han people who were the first to reclaim the land have now become landlords and no longer work in the fields themselves. The Han landlords also learned from the missionaries and set up plantations in the suburbs, so-called farms, and bought indigenous people as serfs. There are more and more plantations, and they are getting farther and farther away from the city of Batavia. They were plundered by Banten bandits, and the plantations were burned one after another. The Han landlords asked the Dutch to send troops, but the Banten bandits ran away after robbing and burning them. Let the Bandan bandits plunder the Han farms."

   Liu Hanyi pondered: "Mr. said that the big Han Chinese landlords in Banten, because sugar cane was suppressed in price and ignored because it was looted, have already separated from the Dutch."

   "That's it." Su Minggang nodded.

   Liu Hanyi asked again: "What else?"

Su Minggang said: "The last time the Chinese Empire signed a contract with the Netherlands, the Netherlands shall not tax the Han people in Bacheng differently. The Netherlands has indeed kept its promise, but contracted the head tax to Jiapitan. Jiapitan is a Han nationality. It does not violate the contract between the two countries. The Han people in Bacheng are even more angry because of this, thinking that the Dutch have turned their backs on their promises. As long as the Chinese army is dispatched, ordinary Han people will help fight. As long as the Han landlords outside the city give enough preferential treatment promises, they will definitely I am willing to sell grain to the Datong Army. If the Datong Army is besieging the city with 3,000 people, they don’t have to worry about two years of military food, and they can buy it from the Han landlords.”

   "Great kindness!" Liu Hanyi said happily.

  Su Minggang said again: "The dog sent a letter, and a big event happened last year."

  Liu Hanyi quickly said: "Old sir, please tell me."

  Su Minggang said: "Bacheng has a total of 21 types of taxes, 17 of which are contracted to the Han people for collection. Every New Year's Day, at the mansion of Jiapitan, bid for these contracted taxes. It changed last year!"

   "Changed?" Liu Hanyi asked.

Su Minggang said: "The tax-included bidding was moved from the mansion of Kapitan to Batavia Castle. There was an employee of the Dutch East India Company who married the widow of a Javanese nobleman and connected with other councilors. He acted recklessly during the bidding. 17 One of the Han Chinese tax categories was taken away by the Javanese nobles. Although the other two tax categories were won by the Han Chinese, the winning bidders were relatives of Kapitan who served as a dog for the Netherlands. dissatisfied."

   "Wonderful!" Liu Hanyi laughed.

Su Minggang said: "The old man can write a letter and give it to Quanzi when the angel sends troops to Bacheng. Quanzi will contact the rich Han merchants and landlords in Bacheng. We are unable to help the Datong army attack the city, but as long as the Datong army is willing to pay, we will guarantee Provide rations for 3,000 soldiers for two years. We can also enlist thousands of civilians to be peasants for the Datong Army, helping to cut down trees, dig ditches, and fill trenches.”

  Liu Hanyi stood up and cupped his hands: "Thank you for your righteousness, old man. After the matter is completed, I will definitely ask for credit for the old man."

   "No, it's enough for me to spend my old age in my hometown." Su Minggang was actually dissatisfied with the Netherlands. After he left Batavia, the tea was cold, and the new Kapitan was in Batavia to get his hands on the property he left for his son.

  The next day.

  Liu Hanyi carried Su Minggang's personal letter in his arms, held a scepter, and boarded the ship again. He had to persuade the Governor of Luzon and the Governor of Palembang to send troops.

  (end of this chapter)

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