Chapter 820: 817【Zhang Huangyan】

  Chapter 820 817【Zhang Huangyan】


  Governor of Luzon, Zhang Huangyan, personally went to the pier to meet the emperor's envoy.

   After some politeness, Liu Hanyi was taken to the Governor's Mansion, which is the castle left by the Spaniards.

   Before entering the castle, I heard cheers and shouts from the northeast of the city.

   "Da da da da!"

As soon as they came riding on a fast horse, the soldiers got off their horses, cupped their hands and said to Zhang Huangyan, "Reporting to the General Command, our army has won a complete victory. Only 6 people were slightly injured, 1 person was seriously injured, and 1 person was bitten to death by a poisonous snake. Five barbarian villages, more than 300 barbarians were killed, and more than 1,600 barbarians were captured!"

"it is good!"

  Zhang Huangyan was very happy.

   Liu Hanyi asked curiously: "There are often wars in Luzon?"

  Zhang Huangyan explained: "The barbarians in this conquest often attacked the Han farms, and occasionally attacked the indigenous tribes close to the government. The previous governor mainly focused on appeasing, but who knew that the barbarians made an inch of progress. The governor couldn't bear it and launched a crusade."

   "So that's the case." After hearing this, Liu Hanyi was more confident in persuading Zhang Huangyan to send troops.

  The previous governor of Luzon, Zheng Guozhong, only sent troops once during his seven years in office. Its main energy is busy with resettling the Han people, educating the aborigines, building ports, building roads, and digging canals. The small frictions on the periphery of the site are often resolved by peaceful means.

   Today's Zhang Huangyan is obviously much tougher, and he sent troops directly after only half a year in office.

Afraid of being misunderstood by the emperor's envoy, Zhang Huangyan said in more detail: "The natives of Luzon Island are mainly Tagalogs. These Tagalogs are scattered into large and small tribes, and they have no affiliation with each other. They said People with the same language can farm and weave, and the closer they are to the sea, the easier it is to be civilized. But the more they go to the mountains, the more unruly they are. Every year, they plunder the Han people’s farms, and even hunt the heads of the Han people. The Han people on the border can’t bear it anymore. Even if I don’t send troops, those Han landlords will unite to conquer.”

  Tagalog people are the main ethnic group in Luzon Island.

  Tagalog is very close to Miyako. The Miyako Islands, located between Taiwan and Ryukyu, are currently under the jurisdiction of Ryukyu County.

  The Tagalog people are deeply influenced by Indian culture, and at the same time have been in contact with the Han people for a long time. The Tagalog people in the coastal areas are extremely civilized and good at planting and weaving. They cannot be regarded as ordinary barbarians. As long as schools are popularized, a large area of ​​Sinicization can be achieved in two or three generations.

  Liu Hanyi requested to visit the triumphant return of the army, and Zhang Huangyan took him to the northeast of the city.

  Small boats returned with soldiers and luggage. There were also sergeants on the bank, leading the prisoners along the river, and many female prisoners were crying.

  The 3,000 Datong Army stationed in Luzon have brought their families to settle here. Each person gets a full quota of 100 mu of land, and a few family members get hundreds of mu of land. It can be said that all of them belong to small landlords. If there is a battle loss, recruit troops from the local Han people to supplement.

  The armor of the soldiers has also changed, and they no longer wear cotton armor, because it is too hot and not suitable for combat in tropical areas. Now they wear all chain armor and chain helmets, and wear a sunshade bamboo hat, and also wear a standard coir raincoat on rainy days. The 100% armor rate is enough to crush the aborigines.

   Liu Hanyi asked: "How to deal with those prisoners?"

Zhang Huangyan replied: "Priority is sold to soldiers as tenants (essentially serfs), and the rest are sold to local Han people. Children are raised in orphanages and become Han people when they grow up. It's not that the government can't govern benevolently, but It is this kind of barbarians who are afraid of prestige and do not obey virtue, and plunder farms again and again. Now that they have sent troops, of course they must be done once and for all, and they must not let the captives go back to the mountains."

   "That's true." Liu Hanyi echoed.

  Liu Hanyi pointed at the boatmen again, and asked, "The oarsmen are dark-skinned, aren't they Han Chinese?"

Zhang Huangyan said: "Most of them belong to Pampanga people. When Spain ruled here, the indigenous servants were all Pampanga people. They can speak Chinese and Spanish. In the Battle of Manila, most of the Pampanga soldiers were killed, and the rest were all loyal. Subordination. This race is very obedient, and more than 2,000 people have naturalized into Han people one after another. They are afraid that the government will not trust them, so they convert to Mazu one after another, and they even speak Chinese at home.”

   To put it bluntly, it is Mu Qiang.

  Before serving as lackeys for Spain, they collectively converted to Catholicism. Now they are acting as lackeys for China, and collectively converted to Taoism. The Datong Army came to Luzon, and the most killed were the Pampanga people. The more they were killed, the more they would obey the Han rule!

  Nowadays, among the people of Pampanga, those who can speak Chinese can be superior to others, and they walk with wind on their feet. On any occasion, they deliberately speak Chinese to show off, and the spread of Chinese is very fast.

  Other tribes still need the persuasion and enlightenment of the government.

  The people in Pampanga actually took the initiative to accept indoctrination and asked the government to allow their children to enter the school.

   Liu Hanyi asked as he walked: "Can the natives of Luzon have writing?"

  Zhang Huangyan explained: "There were books in the past that were destroyed by the Spaniards. As long as there were books written in local languages, the Spaniards would burn them all, which paved the way for us to educate the indigenous people."

  Some tribes in Luzon really gave birth to writing, but they did not create it entirely by themselves, but borrowed part of Indian writing.

  After the Spanish colonization, the Luzon language was completely banned, leaving only some oral literature, such as oral epics, dramas, myths, riddles, proverbs, etc. The Ifugao people, who are good at terraced fields, still have narrative poems such as "Ali Gurong" and "Hunting Song".

   After inspecting the triumphant troops, Zhang Huangyan led Liu Hanyi into the city again.

  Zhang Huangyan pointed to the block in front of him and said: "When the Spaniards were here, each ethnic group had to live in separate areas. Now the city must live in a mixed way to facilitate the assimilation of the ethnic groups."

   "This way of governance is prone to chaos." Liu Hanyi expressed concern.

Zhang Huangyan explained: "Small disputes continue, but there are no major disturbances. Because in the city, the number of Han people is the largest. Every block has a police station. Out of ten policemen, eight are Han Chinese. There are two remaining police officers. to other ethnic groups in the neighborhood."

   This is not clearly stated, 20% of the foreign police will definitely behave positively and will settle the residents of their own race.

  Once there is trouble, the foreign police will be pushed to take the blame: the government is good and treats the people well, and the bad things are done by the foreign police. Punishment of foreign police officers can not only quell public anger, but also gain people's support.

   And those scapegoat policemen were not wronged. They acted like dog legs in front of the Han people, so they would naturally seek compensation from their compatriots, and even oppressed their own compatriots by taking bribes and perverting the law.

   Liu Hanyi observed the neighborhood along the way. Except for the castle, most of the other areas in the city belong to Chinese-style buildings. At first glance, he thought he had returned to China.

   There are also beggars, but there are no Han Chinese beggars.

   Every once in a while, the government will clean up the beggars and sell them to the Han landlords as tenants. This is certainly unfair. The Han landlords in the suburbs will rob the aborigines of their living space, and the aborigines can only go to the city to find a way out. Those who are lucky can make a living by themselves, but those who are unlucky will be dealt with by the government.

   To put it bluntly, they are still engaged in colonization.

   It’s just that this kind of colonization is infinitely more benevolent than the European ghosts. There are no naked people to squeeze to death, let alone exterminate people for no reason—the tribes attacked by the Luzon Datong Army all robbed farms repeatedly.

  The Netherlands was the most brutal. They killed off Xiaoliuqiu Island in Taiwan. The reason was that they captured female slaves and assigned them to soldiers and crew. In the Spice Islands, more than 100,000 aborigines were exterminated, because too many aborigines were prone to rebellion. Many of the Han Chinese wives in Batavia are from Bali. In order to keep the Han Chinese, the Dutch slaughtered the indigenous tribes in Bali, and robbed the women, sold them and gave them to the Han people to settle down.

  Liu Hanyi passed by a blacksmith's shop, heard the conversation inside, and couldn't help asking: "There are still Japanese people?"

Zhang Huangyan said: "A few years ago, the Japanese ronin rioted, and the shogunate arrested and killed ronin wantonly. Many ronin fled to Ryukyu. His Majesty feared that Ryukyu would be unstable, so he moved some Japanese ronin to Luzon. Taiwan, Palembang and Malacca, They were assigned some ronin, ranging in number from a few hundred to a thousand."

  The two entered the castle and came to Zhang Huangyan's office.

  Zhang Huangyan took the initiative to ask: "I've heard about the matter of Nabawa, what is the angel going to do?"

  Liu Hanyi told the details of Su Minggang's account, and said: "President Zhang please send two thousand troops, and then mobilize the Luzon and Taiwan navy to take down the Dutch city of Batavia!"

Zhang Huangyan was taken aback. He knew that the envoys who went to sea were all daring, but he never expected to be so courageous, so he couldn't laugh or cry: "The angel is really bold. I thought that the angel planned to send troops to capture Nanba, but the lesson is that it's backfired." Nambah Sultan."

   "What's there to capture with a murmur? If you want to fight, hit Batavia!" Liu Hanyi said loudly.

Zhang Huangyan said: "But the order I received is that once the Netherlands attacks Nanbawa, Luzon will send troops to rescue and occupy Nanbawa according to the situation. Sending troops to Batavia has exceeded the power of the governor of Luzon. .”

  Liu Hanyi asked: "The order received by President Zhang, did you say something about it? Wow, what should I do if I go to the Netherlands?"

   "No," Zhang Huangyan shook his head and said, "So, I have to ask the imperial court for instructions on this matter."

"I ask the imperial court for instructions on everything. How much time will it take to come and go? Wait until then to send troops. I guess the Dutch will be muttering about building the castle," Liu Hanyi said. "I don't know how to fight, but I also know how to fight." The story of besieging Wei and rescuing Zhao. Our army went straight to Batavia, and the Dutch defenders of Nabawa must return to the army to rescue them. Nabawa will be defeated. Even if our army cannot take Batavia, it will be no problem to retreat safely. Right? On the way to withdraw the troops, you can easily occupy Nanbawa, isn't it easier than directly attacking Nanbawa?"

   "Indeed." Zhang Huangyan nodded in approval.

Liu Hanyi continued: "I have already inquired. In order to capture Ceylon, the Dutch sank one warship and severely damaged three warships by the Portuguese. In addition, a few years ago, the Dutch warship was severely damaged by our Datong Navy, and it is still there. It has not been fully restored. Although the number of ships has been replenished, most of them are converted from merchant ships, and they cannot beat our Datong Navy. As long as the navy of Guangdong, Taiwan, Luzon, Palembang, and Malacca are dispatched, they can suppress the Dutch Navy ships , successfully sent the army to Batavia to land."

  Zhang Huangyan asked: "Our army is small, how can we capture Batavia?"

Liu Hanyi said: "There is no need to attack by force. With the support of the local Han people, as long as we give money, we can buy enough food on the spot. Our army is small, and the Dutch have even fewer soldiers. Batavia has only a thousand defenders. They dare not go out of the city to fight. , can only be surrounded until they run out of ammunition and food."

  Zhang Huangyan said: "The Sultan of Matalan is a puppet of the Dutch. Will Matalan send troops?"

Liu Hanyi said: "You can incite the nobles in Matalan to rebel. There was a rebellion in the past two years, and the capital of Matalan was occupied, and the old sultan of Matalan was killed. The current sultan of Matalan, the whole country Only by relying on the support of the Dutch can we quell the uprising and return to the capital. As long as we contain the Dutch, the Matalan nobles will respond. At that time, the Sultan of Matalan will not be able to take care of himself, how can he rescue Batavia?"

   "Since the angels have made up their minds, then I will send troops." Zhang Huangyan is actually unwilling to be lonely, he needs enough reasons to convince himself.

   And sending troops to Batavia did not disobey the imperial order.

   When Zhao Han issued the order, he took into account the rapidly changing situation, so the military order was very vague, giving the frontline governor and officers and soldiers enough autonomy.

  (end of this chapter)

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