Chapter 822: 819【Jieyan】

  Chapter 822 819 [Jie Yan]

  The Han Chinese in Batavia had a delicate relationship with the Dutch colonial government.

   There is even a saying that Batavia is a Chinese colonial city!

   This place was originally called Jakarta, and it was snatched by the Netherlands from the Banten Kingdom. At the beginning of the occupation, the Banten Kingdom, Mataram Kingdom, the United Kingdom and other forces sent troops to besiege the city in turn. If the surrender conditions were not too harsh, the Netherlands would have chosen to surrender long ago.

  In order to gain a firm foothold, the Netherlands chose to join forces with the Han Chinese.

  The castle was completely built by the Han people. The city bricks were fired by the Han people, the moat was dug by the Han people, and the Netherlands was only responsible for transporting stones and grain from other places.

  Before the castle was even built, the Han Chinese Kapitan Su Minggang was appointed as a member of the Councilor to participate in the discussion of Batavia's government affairs.

  At that time, there were forests and swamps around the city, and the forests were full of hostile Javanese natives. It is impossible to transport all the food from other places, and the Netherlands teamed up with the Han people. The Netherlands was responsible for military development, and the Han people were responsible for reclaiming farmland, and they achieved food self-sufficiency in a few years.

  Everything stabilized, the Netherlands showed its fangs and began to impose heavy taxes on the Han people. As far as poll tax is concerned, the tax rate of the Han people is several times that of the Javanese natives.

  However, the Han people are still strong.

  If the history is not changed, the Han people will gain more power. With the increase of Han people, two positions, Lei Zhenlan and street chief, were established under Jiapitan to fully realize the autonomy of Han people inside and outside the city. Wu Zhi fans will also be set up, and the power of the Han people will be further enhanced.

   Then Confucian temples, academies, hospitals, and nursing homes appeared, and with the expansion of Dutch power, this system of Han people spread throughout Indonesia.

  Even the countryside is controlled by Han plantation owners, and the indigenous landowners and Dutch plantation owners can only survive in the cracks.

  Finally, the Netherlands felt that it could not be suppressed, and incited the aborigines to massacre the Han people.

  It is not that overseas Han Chinese are not united, nor are they not interested in politics. They have been holding groups, and even set up nursing homes to adopt orphans, and the Han Chamber of Commerce also provides education for orphans. They have been fighting for political power, with more and more Han Chinese in official positions, and more and more Han Chinese parliamentarians.

   There is no support from the state at all, and it is all up to the Han people to fight for themselves. It is good enough to be able to develop into that.

  It's a pity that the Han people don't have guns, not because they don't want to, but because the Netherlands doesn't give them. The Han people are forbidden to hold weapons, and they have no power to resist the butcher's knife.

   "500,000 taels of silver? That's more than 1.9 million Dutch guilders!"

  Carl Rainiers was not even in the mood to bargain when he heard the amount of compensation, and said directly: "Get ready to go to war!"

  This is the net profit of the Dutch East India Company for two full years in Asia. Note, the profits of the whole of Asia, including India, Ceylon, Japan and the Spice Islands.

Naval commander Balthazar Burt said: "Our fleet in the Far East cannot defeat the Chinese navy. In the past few years, we lost too many warships, and now more than half of them are converted from merchant ships. And the Chinese navy, this Three capital ships were launched in two years. If we transfer fleet support from India, the Chinese can also transfer fleet support from the mainland. So the real decisive battle depends on the victory of the army.”

Army Commander William Clapp said: "I can guarantee that we will stick to the castle until we run out of ammunition and food. But there are too many Chinese residents inside and outside the city. They will definitely help the Chinese army fight and provide food for the Chinese army. We must Take the lead, kill the Chinese residents as much as possible, and grab as much food as possible to defend the city."

   Rainiers worried: "If a massacre is carried out against the Chinese, Batavia will be destroyed. Not only will the city not be able to function, but the food will not be self-sufficient. In the future, food will only be transported from other places."

  The Dutch immigrants in Batavia did not grow food at all at this time.

  In history, more than ten years later, more than half of the plantations of the Han people were burned down by Bandan bandits, causing a continuous food shortage in Batavia. The Han Chinese were dissatisfied with the failure of the Dutch army to provide protection, and took the opportunity to demand more power. Until then, the governor called on the Dutch to open plantations in the suburbs, and gave them super preferential treatment that was almost tax-free.

   Massacre the Han people now, even if they win this battle, the future of Batavia will be bleak, and there will be a food shortage for several years 100%.

  Because of a Nanbawa gold mine, taking the risk of falling out with China and taking over that gold mine is enough to prove how short-sighted the Dutch colonial authorities are. When they think about it, even if China sends troops, it will not be so fast. By the time China sends troops, these high-level officials have already returned to China, and the mess will be a headache for the next governor.

Clapp said: "The first task now is to defend the castle, and we will talk about it later. The Chinese, especially the Chinese in the urban area, must be killed! Let the Javanese servants kill them, and all the Dutch soldiers stay in the castle to guard against China. Troops suddenly landed."

Rainiers thought over and over again, and finally made up his mind: "Okay, kill those Chinese, and steal their property and food! Then send people to the plantations in the outskirts to incite Javanese slaves to make trouble. Promise to those slaves, as long as they kill The Chinese master can divide the master's land, property and women!"

  At this time, summer has already entered, and the journey from Batavia to Guangdong is smooth.

  The Chinese merchant ship that stayed for a long time couldn't wait to return home with a full load of goods. In the port of Batavia, there are not many Chinese ships left, and they have to wait for the northeast monsoon to blow before heading south again.

   This is the time for dispatching troops after discussion between Liu Hanyi and Su Minggang. The large army stayed in Guangzhou first, waiting for the monsoon and ocean currents to change, and rushed to Batavia against the wind and current, so as to minimize the loss of Chinese merchant ships.

  As for the rainy season in Batavia, it is concentrated from November to February, as long as you avoid these three months.

  The governor of the Netherlands summoned the Javanese servant army, which also took time. Coupled with the closure of the port by the Dutch warships, this series of operations quickly attracted the attention of the Han people.

  The Chinese maritime merchants who hadn’t had time to leave the port abandoned their ships and went ashore one after another. They didn’t even want their goods, and took their buddies into the city to seek refuge.

   Liu Hanyi was afraid of leaking the military plan, so she didn't notify these Han merchants in advance!

  However, an envoy was also secretly sent to contact Su Minggang's son on a Matalan merchant ship.


  One month ago, Wangkalai.

  Wangkalai is Bekasi hundreds of years later, a full 30 miles away from the city of Batavia.

  Thirty years ago, the Han people only cultivated land outside the city, but now they have cultivated land 30 miles away. It used to be full of woods and swamps, but under the patient transformation of the Han people, it became one piece after another of fertile fields.

  In the beginning, they only grew food, but gradually there were native slaves, and they followed the example of Europeans to engage in plantation economy. Tobacco, sugar cane, fruit, oil palm... The economic strength of the Han landlords grew rapidly, forcing the Netherlands to vigorously support the Javanese landlords. The Dutch were ungrateful and levied heavy taxes on the Han landlords while helping the Javanese landlords capture serfs.

  In this way, the Han landlords are still powerful, and the land area they own is more than ten times that of the Javanese landlords.

  The Su family’s mansion was built in Wangjialai, and the lantern at the door was written with the four Chinese characters "Founding Father".

  This country refers specifically to Batavia.

  The Su family believed that Batavia was a country that they assisted the Dutch to build, but they were just tools for the Dutch to gain a foothold.

  Su Dingguo is over forty years old. In recent years, his most proud achievement is the establishment of a free school in Wangjialai, where all Han children can come to study for free. The most depressing thing for him is that after his father Su Minggang left, the Su family could no longer obtain the position of "Jiabidan".

  His father, too serious, kept asking for expediency for the Han people, which caused the Dutch to become more and more dissatisfied with the Su family.

   "Master, a merchant from the Han family came to visit and said that he brought a letter from the old man." The housekeeper came to report.

  As soon as Su Dingguo heard the letter from his old father, he got up quickly and ran to the outer courtyard to greet him.

  The visitor was a young man, about thirty years old.

  Su Dingguo looked at it carefully, and asked in doubt: "Your Excellency is a member of the Su family in Tong'an?"

  The young man did not answer the question, but said, "Give me a bamboo or wooden stick, please."

   Su Dingguo was confused, so he asked the housekeeper to find a bamboo stick.

  The young man took out things from his bosom, which were strung together with ropes, knots of yak tail hair. These yak tails were soon tied to bamboo sticks, reflecting the setting sun and fluttering in the wind.

  Su Minggang was educated back then, and he went to sea to make a living because of his family’s decline. He was very concerned about the education of his children and grandchildren.

  Su Dingguo, who has studied the Four Books and Five Classics since he was a child, is also very familiar with the allusions of the Han family.

   After being dazed for a moment, Su Dingguo guessed what it was. Thinking of the experience of the Su family being discriminated against in the past few years, the blood surged up in my heart, and I knelt down and prostrated, tearfully shouting: "Su Dingguo, an overseas abandoned citizen, pay homage to Lord Angel, long live the Holy Son of Heaven, long live, long live!"

  The young man clasped his hands: "My little Sun Jie, as a deputy envoy, was ordered to go to sea to be the king of Nanbawa. Here is a handwritten letter from Mr. Su, please read it first."

  Su Dingguo knelt and dared not get up, holding his father's letter with both hands.

After reading the letter, Su Dingguo gritted his teeth and said: "Master Angel Rong Bing, that Dutch red-haired ghost, ungrateful, crossed the river and demolished the bridge, and treated us Han people more and more harshly. My father has made great contributions, but he left the tea cold. People from the Su family even Kapitan can’t do it anymore. There are also Chinese farms, the farther they are cultivated, they are often plundered by Javanese robbers, and the Netherlands will not send troops to help. If the army is killed today, as a Han, I should try my best to serve the country. I dare not do anything else Guaranteed, the Su family will give as much food as they want, and will not accept a tael of silver! If the Han army besieges the city for a year, all the Su family's sugarcane gardens will be used to grow food until the army captures Bacheng!"

  Sun Jie was greatly moved, and quickly helped Su Dingguo up: "Your Excellency has the heart to serve the country with fists and fists. When I return to Nanjing, I will definitely report to His Majesty!"

  Ten years ago, the Han landlords here would have hesitated and even helped the Dutch fight the Datong army. But it is different now. The Netherlands has been defeated repeatedly, and the local Han people are more optimistic about the Chinese army.

  Su Dingguo got up and ordered the housekeeper: "Take off the lantern at the door!"

   "No need for now, don't let the news out." Sun Jie stopped.

Su Dingguo said with a smile: "Angel, please don't worry, the area outside the city for dozens of miles is our territory of the Han people, and the Dutch will not leave the city. Even the taxes in the countryside outside the city are contracted to the Han gentry, but the tax amount is more than that. The higher and higher. The Dutch only go out of the city twice a year, not to go to the countryside to collect taxes, but to check whether the Han people have hidden military armor.”

"So that's how it is," said Sun Jie. "It is inevitable that there will be traitors and traitors who inform us, so it is better not to pick up the lanterns. Ambassador Liu has already made an appointment to dispatch troops. Mr. Su, don't connect with Han gentry for the time being. When the agreed time is approaching, we will go to connect half a month in advance." , so as to avoid exposing the military situation as much as possible.”

   "The angel has a well-planned plan, and the grassroots must follow it." Su Dingguo said.

   Then he said: "Although the red-haired ghost forbids the Han people to own armor, the gentry of various families have quietly bought some, and they can also pull hundreds or thousands of rebels."

  For rural Han people, recruiting thousands of soldiers is already the limit.

   Regardless of the tens of miles around, most of the land belongs to the Han people. But there are few real farmers, and they mainly use slaves to cultivate. Those Javanese slaves are not of the same heart as the Han landlords.

  (end of this chapter)

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