Chapter 823: 820【Chaotic War Prelude】

  Chapter 823 820 [Chaotic War Prelude]

  Liu Hanyi agreed on a time for the start of the war, and asked the Han people in Bacheng to connect with each other half a month in advance. The purpose was to keep it as secret as possible and leave room for adjustment.

   It turns out that plans always change.

  The Chinese naval fleet was discovered ahead of time, leading to an earlier attack time.

  The spy lurking in the city found that the Dutch blocked the port and prevented the remaining Chinese merchant ships from leaving the port, so he hurried to the countryside to report.

   Act early, otherwise the Dutch will do it first.

  Su Dingguo summoned several sons and more than 30 fellow villagers. Only he himself has an arquebus, and the rest are all swords and spears, and they are all dressed in civilian clothes, not even a decent armor.

More than 400 Javanese slaves were also gathered together. Su Dingguo spoke in local language: "The emperor of China sent a hundred thousand troops over. The Dutch are doomed this time. Don't try to take advantage of the opportunity to make trouble. Some people stay in the countryside. , protect our farm, and the rest, all the food and grass will be transported with the army! Let’s go, and destroy the Yang family first!”

  Dozens of Han people held weapons, and more than two hundred Javanese slaves accompanied the army to transport food.

  Meet Su Dingbang's younger brother Su Dingbang on the way, Su Dingbang also brought a similar army. In this way, the troops continued to gather, and the direction was not Batavia, but the Yang family plantation, which also belonged to the Han people.

  The current Jiapitan, surnamed Yang, is the son of Yang Kun, the contractor of the Batavia city wall and canal.

  Yang Kun is also over sixty years old, and his property is handed over to his son, and he is living in a newly built mansion in the countryside for the elderly.


   Shocking shouts of killing came from a distance, and the rebel troops were completely incapable of fighting, and began to shout and charge two miles away. Not only did he give the Yang family time to react, but he also made himself so tired that he was out of breath when he rushed to the wall of Yang's house.

  Yang Kun was lying on a rocking chair listening to a little song when he was suddenly startled by the shouts and stood up, and hurriedly shouted: "But the Bandan bandits are here? Quickly gather troops to guard the hospital wall, let them **** the sugarcane in the field!"

   "Old man, it's too bad, it's a Han Chinese from the village!" The housekeeper scrambled in.

  Yang Kun hurriedly went out to check, took a ladder and leaned on the wall, and saw two or three hundred people killed from the east. He quickly shouted: "Flee to the city!"

  This old guy no longer cared about his property, let a strong slave run away behind his back. Before he ran far, hundreds of people came from the north and blocked his way to Bacheng, scaring him almost out of his wits.

  In order to save their lives, the Javanese slave left Yang Kun and ran away. The old man fell to the ground.

   After finally getting up, the rebel army had already reached the vicinity, so Yang Kun could only ask loudly: "They are all Han Chinese who go out to sea to beg for trouble. Why did you come to kill me?"

The leading Han landlord said: "You old man, when you contracted the city walls and canals, how much hard-earned money did you squeeze out of the folks? You took many folks out to sea, and you drove them to death! Now your son is doing He took Kapitan and became a dog for the Dutch, and today he avenged his revenge!"

  Yang Kun hurriedly defended: "The Dutch are urging the construction period to build the city wall, and the Dutch are also raising taxes in the past two years. My Yang family can't help it either!"

   "Kill the bastard!"

  Suddenly one person yelled, and the rest of the Han people rushed to kill them immediately, spreading their anger towards the Dutch on these **** of the Yang family.

  Yang Kun turned around and fled. Before he could take a few steps, he was knocked down by a shoulder pole, hit by a hoe, and smashed into a sieve by more than a dozen spears. His second son and grandchildren were also beaten, and even his old wife was beaten to death, and then the rebel army rushed into the house and looted it.

   With this "great victory", the morale of the rebel army was instantly high, and they headed towards the city with their heads held high.

  The city is already in chaos.

  Thousands of Javanese aboriginal residents were incited, men, women and children, all holding sticks, rushed frantically towards the neighborhood where the Han people lived. There are also two thousand Javanese servants, armed with machetes and bows and arrows, charging as the vanguard.

  Thousands of Han residents, also connected by spies and businessmen, took up arms one after another, and built fortifications at the street entrances with furniture and door panels.

  The Arabs and Indians in the nearby communities panicked at the same time, thinking that the Banten army was coming to attack the city again.

   "Take up arms and come out to defend the city!" Indian and Arab leaders ordered one after another.

  No matter what nationality they are, as long as they have settled in Batavia for a long time, they must have personally participated in the war.

  Because in the past few decades, the Banten and Mata blue troops have often come to besiege Batavia.

  The Dutch defenders were short of troops, and every time they fought defensively and counterattacked.

  The combat process is as follows: the Dutch army defends the castle, and the residents of various ethnic groups defend the city. The Dutch navy raided the enemy's ports and burned as many of the enemy's food stations as possible. When the enemy's army was short of food and morale fell into a slump, the Dutch defenders fought out to win.

  One of the most thrilling times, Ma Talan dispatched 100,000 troops to besiege the city. After a large amount of food and grass were burned, they did not retreat, but went all out to attack the city.

  At that time, the walls of the residential area were breached in many places, and the people of all ethnic groups withdrew to the area near the castle. The Han and Indians were the bravest. They formed a coalition to help the Netherlands defend the city, and even fought **** street battles.

   Just as the Dutch castle was in danger, cholera suddenly broke out in the army. Due to the large number of casualties and the epidemic, the Sultan of Matalam could only choose to withdraw his troops. Batavia finally escaped, but the governor of the Netherlands also fell ill and died.

  As long as they have been connected in series beforehand and are not caught off guard, the Han residents will not be lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

  It is said that Han people are forbidden to hold weapons, but at this moment, many Han people are holding big knives and spears. Every street has a Han Chinese street leader. Under the leadership of the street leader, women and children go into battle with sticks.

  The two sides fought back and forth between the barricades built with furniture. The Javanese servants with bows and arrows could not attack for a while.

  Governor Rainiers stood on the castle, observed the battle situation with a telescope, and complained helplessly: "These Javanese soldiers are really trash, even Chinese civilians can't beat them."

  Army Commander asked: "Do you want to help?"

   "Fire some shots," Rainiers said.

  Batavia, Malacca, Manila, Zeelandia, these European colonial castles, the main forts are not aimed at the sea, but invariably aimed at the Han Chinese settlements.

   "Boom boom boom!"

  More than 20 shells fell on the Han people's block, and many roofs collapsed. There were not many Han people killed or injured. However, local chaos was caused, and the timid Han people were running like headless chickens.

   "Boom boom boom!"

   Another cannon sounded, but a naval battle broke out a few miles away.

   Rainiers said: "Leave 200 people to defend the castle, and the rest will attack the Chinese in the city."

   Clapp asked: "Don't you stick to the castle?"

Rainiers said: "From Zeelandia to Malacca, as well as Manila lost by the Spaniards, they were all besieged by the Chinese army. We are more than a year away from the mainland. It only takes one month for China to send troops. It only takes ten days to come to Batavia with smooth sailing. The longer the war drags on, the more unfavorable it will be for us, and we will definitely be surrounded until we run out of ammunition and food. So, I want to go out of the city to fight a decisive battle!"

   "Not waiting for the Navy to finish?" Clapp asked.

   Rainiers asked back: "Do you think the Navy can win?"

   Clapp stopped talking for a moment.

  The Netherlands had only 60 warships in Asia at its peak, and that was a hundred years later. At this time, the Dutch Asian Fleet had only more than 40 warships at its peak, and half of them were distributed in the Indian Ocean. If we really want to fight a big battle, we have to call up merchant ships temporarily.

  With many battles with the Datong Navy, it is no longer the pinnacle of the Dutch Asian Fleet.

   In addition, let’s talk about the income and expenditure of the Dutch East India Company (the whole of Asia). The total expenditure in the past ten years is about 7 million taels of silver (700,000 taels per year), and the total income is 9.6 million taels (960,000 taels per year). In other words, the annual net profit in Asia is 260,000 taels of silver.

  The annual income has not broken one million, because corruption has become more and more serious. From the governor to senior staff, everyone is frantically making money.

But the expenditure remains high. First, there are wars everywhere, and military expenditures are rising steadily; second, the structure is bloated, and the number of employees is increasing; Before the net profit is calculated, dividends must be distributed to major shareholders, and debt repayment is the next thing.

Historically, when the first Anglo-Dutch war broke out, and in the following years, due to the frantic building of warships in the Netherlands after the defeat, the income and expenditure could almost offset each other. The total profit in ten years was only 590,000 taels of silver, and the average annual net profit was 59,000. Two (whole of Asia).

   What's even more funny is that from 1689 to 1790, the Dutch East India Company lost money every year.

   At its peak, the average annual loss was 2.6 million taels of silver.

  In the last ten years of the company's bankruptcy, the average annual loss was 1.29 million taels of silver.

  Why did a company go bankrupt after losing money for a hundred years?

  Because it is the company that loses money, and it is the major shareholders who make money. No matter how much the loss is, the major shareholders can pay dividends before the accounts are evened out, and the company's executives can also fill their pockets crazily!

  Who will pay for the loss?

  The common people of all ethnic groups in the colonies, as well as the countless small shareholders of the company, the Dutch who bought the company's bonds, and the bullies who lent to the company. In the end, the whole of the Netherlands came to take over because the company was "forced" to be nationalized.

   This is the Netherlands ruled by merchants!

  Under the concept of putting profits first, the Dutch Asian Fleet, which has suffered repeated defeats, is frighteningly slow in building ships. Of the more than 20 Dutch warships currently fighting with the Datong Navy, half of them are refitted merchant ships, and they are instant ships, and the wood does not meet the standards of warships at all.

  Only ten minutes after the battle started, two Dutch warships were teetering.

  Navy Commander Balthazar Burt decisively chose to break out, and broke out in the direction of the Datong Navy (so it went smoothly). After sinking three warships, the Dutch Navy successfully broke out from the northwest, leaving two immobile warships waiting to be captured.

  Balthazar Burt’s intention was to break out to the Bay of Bengal first, join the Indian Ocean Fleet, and then fight back. Or, attack Chinese ports and destroy Chinese port grain storage stations.

  The Datong Navy did not pursue immediately, but escorted the army to land first, and unloaded the food and grass brought along by the way.

  City direction.

  The governor left two or three hundred people to defend the castle, and the army commander led the Dutch soldiers and quickly rushed towards the Han Chinese neighborhood.

   "Why don't the servants set fire to the house?" Clapp was furious.

  But those Javanese soldiers were reluctant to burn down the house, burning a large area so that they could not rob.

   While urging the soldiers to burn down the house, Clapp led his troops up the city wall, intending to fight directly along the city wall to the Han Chinese neighborhood.

   "Run, the red-haired ghost is coming!"

  The Han people standing guard on the city wall were so scared that they ran back and shouted.

  The gates of the city were quickly opened, and thousands of Han people swarmed out, fleeing towards the countryside on the outskirts.

  The Javanese residents and Javanese soldiers took the opportunity to break through the barricades and chased after the Han Chinese. After chasing and chasing, they stopped chasing. Instead, they rushed into the houses of the Han people and snatched everything they thought was valuable.

   There were only a dozen or so Dutch cavalrymen who went out of the city and ran along the city wall, and soon caught up with the tail of the Han people.

  The heroic and fearless Han Chinese in street fighting turned into a mess outside the city. Thousands of people with various weapons were chased by more than a dozen Dutch cavalry, and they were hacked to death by the Dutch cavalry when they ran slowly.

   "Dang Dang Dang Dang!"

  The bell rang in the castle, which meant that the Datong Army was about to land, and the Governor of the Netherlands ordered the army to be called up.

  The Indians and Arabs in the city were confused and at a loss.

  The goal of the Dutch has been achieved. It is not necessary to kill all the Han people, but to drive the Han people out of the city. A castle, plus a city, first defend for a period of time, looking for an opportunity to go out of the city to fight a decisive battle.

   This is a common tactic used by the Netherlands to defend Batavia. First defend the city, then the navy attacks the port grain depot, and then kills out when the enemy runs out of food and grass.

  (end of this chapter)

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