Chapter 826: 823【The plan changes again and again】

  Chapter 826 823【The plan changes again and again】

  When Zhang Xianzhong offered his advice, by coincidence, the Dutch were also discussing night operations.

  Netherlands often play night raid tricks, but it is not a bad army, but the elite navy of the Netherlands.

  During the Thirty Years' War, the Dutch Navy repeatedly attacked Spanish ports at night. Later, in the Second Anglo-Dutch War, the Dutch navy repeated its old tricks and also attacked British ports at night many times. As long as the night attack is successful, the merchant ship will be burned if it can be burned. If there are enemy ships in the port, it will make a lot of money.

  Including this delivery of reinforcements, the Dutch fleet also came at night, docked ahead of time from a long distance, unloaded the army, and immediately fled. It was difficult for the Chinese navy to find its trace.

   Clapp said to Rainiers: "Your Excellency, our army is too bad to fight effectively at night. However, we can march at night, quietly leave the city from the north of the city, and arrive at the preset location before dawn."

   "Finish your plan." Rainiers nodded.

Clapp said: "The previous army mobilization was just to confuse the enemy and make the enemy misjudge that we will go out of the city tomorrow to fight. Therefore, they will focus on the west of the city and launch a surprise attack when we go out of the city tomorrow. And we can advance the time, in the Dispatch the army in the middle of the night, sneak out from the north of the city, and go west along the coast. It is best to join the reinforcements. If you can’t join the reinforcements, you can lie in ambush in the woods to the west.”

   "And then?" Rainiers was not very good at fighting.

Clapp explained: "Tomorrow, the Javanese, Indian and Arab soldiers will be ordered to swagger out from the west of the city. They will definitely be defeated, and what I need is for them to disperse. The Chinese army will chase and kill the defeated soldiers until they reach the city. At this time, our elite ambushing in the woods will take the opportunity to rush out from behind the Chinese army, and the reinforcements will also cooperate with us in fighting!"

   Rainiers said: "What if the Chinese army takes the opportunity to occupy the city?"

Clapp said with a smile: "Even if the Chinese army takes the opportunity to occupy the city, they will not be able to occupy the castle. Moreover, the army they left outside the city will be wiped out by us. At that time, it will be our turn to besiege the city and kill all the people in the city." The Chinese army besieged and starved to death."

   Rainiers asked: "What if the Chinese commander is on guard and finds us marching at night?"

"Return to the castle immediately!" Clapp said, "We have the support of the city defense artillery, and the moat has boats to support us. We will definitely be able to withdraw safely. In addition, we can send an army at night to make noise from the south of the city and attract the attention of the enemy. South of the city. Our elite went out from the north of the city and sneaked into the woods at night."


  In the afternoon of that day, both sides were pretending to deploy troops to make deceptive preparations for the night operation.

  The plan of the Dutch was to make noise in the south of the city, and the elite sneaked quietly to the woods in the west.

  Zhang Xianzhong's plan was to make noise in the west of the city, and the elite sneaked quietly to the east to attack the city.

  The biggest difference is that the Dutch Army is too poorly organized to fight at night and can only lurk until tomorrow. And the Chinese army is going to fight at night, and it will never delay the time until tomorrow.

   At midnight.

  The 800 Dutch Army started to move, went out from the north gate of the eastern half of the city, walked through a vegetable field, and came to the moat of the castle. Then cross the bridge and enter the castle, from the gap in the moat in the north of the castle, quietly came to the seaside, and marched westward along the coast.

   Zhang Xianzhong and Sun Kewang led the 800 ronin and acted as early as nightfall. Afraid of being discovered by the Dutch defenders, they headed southeast, circled for several miles, and followed the coast all the way to the east of the city.


   "Boom boom boom!"

  The Dutch took the lead in bombarding the south of the city. 200 Dutch troops, with more than 1,000 Javanese soldiers, rushed out of the south gate without warning.

  This situation shocked both Tie Hong and Zhang Xianzhong.

  Because the final plan after repeated discussions was to let the Johor soldiers and the Chinese rebels make noise in the west of the city to attract the Dutch. Zhang Xianzhong took people to the east of the city to seize the city, and Tie Hong personally led the Datong army, and cooperated in the attack in the south of the city at a critical moment.

  Tie Hong had already quietly lurked a few hundred meters outside the moat in the south of the city, waiting for the friendly troops on the west side to create momentum. Unexpectedly, the city wall he was facing suddenly opened fire, and it seemed that some enemy troops came out.

  A cannonball flew over Tie Hong's head, and the black buddy exclaimed: "I was discovered by the enemy, attack the city immediately!"


  Two thousand Datong troops, led by Tie Hong, rushed towards the south moat carrying ladders and rafts.

  Krapp, who was standing at the head of the city, was also frightened, and quickly shouted: "The enemy is attacking at night, blow the trumpet quickly, and let the army in the south of the city come back quickly!"

  Liu Hanyi is sitting in the camp, but the specific commander is Tie Hong's deputy general Zhan.

  Hearing the commotion in the south of the city, Liu Hanyi hurriedly went to Yu Zhan and asked, "The time hasn't come yet, why did General Tie strike ahead of time?"

  The Datong Army brought a pocket watch.

   It is said to be a pocket watch, but it is actually more like a small clock. The dial is as big as two palms.

  According to the plan, when the scheduled time came, the artillery of the Datong Army in the west of the city fired first, and the Han volunteers and Johor soldiers shouted together. Zhang Xianzhong in the east of the city heard the movement and immediately crossed the moat to attack the city. And Tie Hong in the south of the city chooses how to fight according to the battle situation.

  But now that his own people didn't fire, the enemy army in the city fired first instead.

Yu Zhan had gathered the remaining Datong army long ago, and he said to Liu Hanyi: "Angels continue to sit in the camp, and I will take people to the west of the city to feint. Relieve the pressure on the friendly forces in the east and south of the city. Blow the horn and shell immediately!"

   "Boom boom boom!"

  The artillerymen lurking in the west of the city fired immediately when they heard the trumpets.

  The Chinese rebel army led by Su Dingguo and the Johor soldiers led by the prince of Johor immediately lit torches when they heard the sound of friendly artillery, and yelled wildly while lighting the fire. Their combat power is too poor, and that's all there is to it.

  Dutch officer Matthews is leading the elite, sneaking westward along the coast.

  Walking and walking, a few shells came.

   But the fire was in the dark. The Chinese artillery was afraid of accidentally injuring friendly troops, so they did not dare to fire at the city wall, and all fired towards the sea.

   "Quick retreat, the Chinese have an ambush!"

   Matthews was so frightened that he turned around and ran away, not daring to run to the west half of the city, and retreated all the way along the coast to the Dutch castle.

  Krapp stood at the top of the city and could see clearly. Tens of thousands of torches lit up in the west of the city one after another, and they were rushing towards the moat at a fast speed. He instantly "understood" the Chinese's combat intentions, and said to the herald: "Go back and inform the governor that the Chinese army in the south of the city (Tiehong's Ministry) is only a feint attack, and the Chinese army in the west of the city (the Chinese rebels and Johor soldiers) is the main attack. Let the governor stick to the castle, and I can keep the city wall here!"

As he spoke, Clapp pulled out his command knife: "Indians and Arabs, transfer to the east of the city to prepare for a sneak attack. Java soldiers quickly transfer to the south of the city to defend the feint attacking troops here. Dutch soldiers, follow me to the west of the city to deal with the main force of the Chinese!" "

what's the situation?

   Zhang Xianzhong heard the movement from the south and west, but he couldn't figure out what happened.

   This guy fights ghosts and ghosts. The more unexpected the accident, the more calm he is. He didn't attack immediately, but lurked outside the moat and stood still.

  Sun Kewang leaned over to touch the cat, and said in a low voice, "Eight Kings, something is wrong."

   "Don't make noise, listen carefully to the movement." Zhang Xianzhong lay on the ground, with his ears firmly attached to the ground.

  After listening for a while, Zhang Xianzhong said: "The city is mobilizing troops. It seems that there are fewer defenders on our city wall. You can do it!"

  Two gangsters, dozens of long-standing thieves, and eight hundred Japanese wanderers, all with branches in their mouths, to prevent anyone from yelling accidentally.

  They quietly pushed the planks into the water, carried the long ladder on their shoulders, and sneaked across the moat with the planks.

  The Indians and Arabs defending the eastern city wall are not paying attention here at the moment, and they are looking west and south to observe the battle situation. They have no intention of defending the city. Once they find something is wrong, they immediately flee back to their community.

  West of the city, the Dutch elite who sneaked out of the city have already fled back to the castle in a hurry. But the Chinese rebels and the Johor soldiers, each holding several torches, formed a formation of tens of thousands of people attacking the city in the dark. They roared fiercely but did not cross the river for a long time, and they kept making noise outside the moat.

  In the south of the city, Tie Hong, who was in the middle, became the main attack for no reason.

  This black buddy's brain is not good, the only advantage is that he dares to work hard. As a normal general, if he encountered this situation, he would definitely order to withdraw his troops. There would be no fighting tonight, but he led his troops to attack the city with all his might.

  After Tie Hong led his troops across the river, the two thousand Datong troops carried wooden boards as shields and charged towards the south city wall without hesitation.

  Just as Zhang Xianzhong led his army across the moat, Tie Hong was already leading his troops to climb the city wall.

  Krapp finally realized something was wrong, and roared: "The west is a feint attack, and the south is the main force. Follow me to support the southern city wall!"

  The southern city wall is full of Javanese soldiers and Javanese militiamen, shooting arrows sparsely, crowded and people don’t know what they are doing.

  Tie Hong was wearing a chain armor and a sunshade hat, and carried a stick to make the first climb himself. The city wall is not very high, this guy is as nimble as a monkey, he has already climbed to the parapet in two or three moves.

  A Javanese soldier slashed at him with a knife. He grabbed the ladder with his left hand and swung a stick with his right, directly smashing the enemy's weapons into the air.

   Then turned over and rushed into the crowd, holding the stick horizontally and charging forward, actually pushed the Javanese in front of him back with the stick.

  The two ends of the stick are wrought iron, and the middle is wood, just like a golden cudgel.

  Slashed in the dark, Tie Hong suffered pain in his left hand, but his little finger was cut off, and his ring finger was chopped off with only a piece of skin attached.


  Under pain, Tie Hong shouted violently, overthrew the enemy in front of him, and then swung his stick to sweep across.

   Sweeping several times in a row, there was a huge gap of more than one meter in front of him, and the Javanese were all scared back.

   At this time, Tie Hong had free time, and directly tore off the ring finger of his left hand with only a trace of skin left, and threw it at the enemy. Then he rushed forward with a grinning grin. In the darkness, no human figure could be seen, only white teeth could be seen.

  The soldiers of the Datong Army behind them took the opportunity to board the city wall one after another, and killed the Java defenders who were several times their own and retreated steadily.

   East of the city.

  Zhang Xianzhong and Sun Kewang had already led the old thief and ronin across the river to the city to build a ladder.

   "There are enemies here!" A wealthy Arab businessman exclaimed.


  The Indians also found out, turned around and fled from the city wall, they were not willing to work hard for the Dutch.

  Seeing that the defenders did not resist, Zhang Xianzhong immediately said to the old thief beside him after he boarded the city: "Go and tell Sun Kewang to support the friendly army in the south of the city. I will go to the north to block the enemy's retreat!"

   This guy made the most correct decision in an instant. He wanted to eat all the Dutch soldiers guarding the city.

   Clapp led troops from the west of the city to support the south of the city. Halfway through, he heard that the east of the city had fallen. He stopped supporting and immediately ordered a retreat. All the Dutch soldiers withdrew to the castle. The city and the Javanese, Indians, and Arabs could all be abandoned. Only the Dutch soldiers and the castle must not be lost.

  The city and the castle are connected by only one passage.

  When Clapp came rushing with hundreds of Dutch soldiers, planning to exit through the north gate and retreat all the way to the castle, Zhang Xianzhong had already been waiting there for several minutes.

  (end of this chapter)

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