Chapter 827: 824 [Lonin Lin Laoshi]

  Chapter 827 824 [Lonren Lin Laoshi]

   Between the north city wall and the castle, there is a large vegetable field, which is privately owned by the Dutch, and it is usually cultivated by slaves from Bali.

  Zhang Xianzhong led dozens of old thieves and hundreds of Japanese wanderers, standing in a fan shape in the vegetable field, quietly waiting for the north gate to open.

   It can only be said that the Dutch deserve it. They are usually on guard against foreigners, afraid that the Han, Javanese, Indians, and Arabs will attack the castle, so they only leave a passage and a bridge between the city and the castle.

   Zhang Xianzhong had also seen the blueprints drawn by the hot air balloon observation, so of course he wanted to block the necessary road.


  The city gate opened slowly, and Dutch soldiers rushed out.


  After seventy or eighty Dutch soldiers rushed out of the city gate, Zhang Xianzhong gave an order, and the soldiers standing in a fan shape immediately surrounded and killed them.

  These Dutch soldiers rushed out of the city gate in a hurry, and they couldn't see clearly because of the darkness, and countless weapons came over them.

   Clapp rushed forward, subconsciously separated a samurai sword, and then his shoulder was slashed by the blade. Although the chain armor blocked the blade, it still made his shoulder hurt, and then another Japanese-style long spear stabbed him.

   "Quickly withdraw to the city!"

   Clapp cried out in pain. While speaking, he was stabbed in the waist by an old thief again.

  The Dutch soldiers behind were crowded in the doorway at this time, completely unaware of what was happening ahead, only guessing that they must have been ambushed. They turned around in panic and collided with the friendly troops further back. The doorway was crowded with people and it was impossible to move.

  An old thief slammed into him, and Clapp lost his balance and fell to the ground.

  The ronin next to him swooped up, holding the handle of the knife with one hand and the back of the knife with the other, pressing on his neck and cutting violently. The commander of the Dutch army raised his hand to push away the katana, but the neck artery was cut, blood flowed out, and his strength seemed to disappear with the blood.

   Along with the Dutch soldiers retreating to the castle, there were also slaves from Bali.

  These slaves were stuck in the city and unable to move forward before they could enter the gate. At first, he was a little confused, but then someone turned around and ran away.

  A Balinese slave named Boya raised his weapon and shouted: "Warriors of Bali, it's time for revenge, kill the Dutch with me!"

  Bali Island was called "Poli" in the Han and Tang Dynasties, "Mali" in the Song Dynasty, and "Poli" in the Ming Dynasty.

  When Zheng He's fleet visited Bali, King Paramesura held a grand welcome ceremony. Since then, Han merchants have continued to go to Bali to engage in overseas trade.

  Bali has script, and like Luzon script, it is a variant of Indian script.

  A nation with written characters would not be too poor in farming and textile technology.

  Some places in Bali are still preserved by the Zhenghe Temple, and there are still a few Han people who are settled.

  With the addition of Balinese slaves, the war situation is completely stable.

  The Dutch soldiers blocked in the doorway were flanked back and forth, and had no chance of surrendering. Many Dutch soldiers, after falling down, were trampled to death by friendly forces, and in a blink of an eye they were dead bodies.


  South of the city.

   Two thousand Datong troops entered the city one after another, killing more than 4,000 Javanese people and keeping them retreating.

   At the critical moment, Sun Kewang led his troops here.

  He led hundreds of ronin out, and the Javanese in the eastern section of the southern city wall were immediately pinched from left to right. These guys have no morale at all. Those who run fast leave the city wall quickly, while those who run slowly are completely blocked, and one by one they kneel down and surrender.

  Hearing the sound of killing spread from the city wall into the city, the Han Chinese rebels and Johor soldiers outside the moat in the west of the city immediately had the courage to attack the city.

  They did not bring rafts and planks, they jumped into the moat one after another, swam over with bare hands and entered through the city gate.


  Some of the Han rebels were hunted out from the city. They not only hated the Dutch, but also hated the Javanese who attacked them for no reason.

  After these Han rebels entered the city, they did not obey the military orders at all, and chased the Javanese in groups. Even the Javanese who had surrendered were served with knives, guns and sticks. Many Javanese were beaten until they could not find any good bones.

  The prince of Johor is even more ridiculous. He led 1,500 Johor soldiers to rob everywhere. When he saw the house, he went in to get things. In a blink of an eye, he lost his army organization.

   Grab the Indian and Arab communities.

  Indians and Arabs organized a militia to defend against the enemy, and defeated hundreds of Johor soldiers who rushed into the block.

In the situation where he was already winning, the Prince of Johor was slashed and fled to Tiehong with his wounds for help, crying: "General, there are still enemies over there, and they are very fierce. My army has collapsed, please general." Hurry up and lead your troops to kill them!"

   This guy Tie Hong really believed it, he took the army and charged.

  Rushing halfway, more than a dozen Indians and Arabs held torches and knelt in the middle of the street, shouting in Chinese: "We surrender, we didn't kill the Chinese, we are friends with the Chinese!"

  Tie Hong stopped marching, and sent an order: "Let them put down their weapons and put them all in custody." Then he remembered something, turned around and scolded the Johor prince: "Hurry up and gather your soldiers, and don't take advantage of the chaos to rob again!"

  Prince of Johor said: "Don't worry, general, for the spoils you have snatched, the general will take the big head, and we will only take the small head."

  The black buddy was so angry that he kicked it over: "I'll say it again, listen carefully. I told you to withdraw your troops and stop robbing, not to give you a penny!"

   "Boom boom boom!"

  Suddenly there was the sound of a cannonball, and a shell hit the roof more than ten meters away from Tiehong.

  It was the governor of the Netherlands who discovered that the city had been breached, and the Dutch soldiers had not returned for a long time, so he ordered to fire indiscriminately towards the city.

  West of the city, outside the moat.

   Lieutenant General Zhan led hundreds of Datong troops and stayed there all the time, because there was a forest further west, and the Dutch reinforcements were in the forest.

  The commander of the reinforcements was called Dirk, who commanded 600 Dutch troops and more than 3,000 Indian soldiers. These Indian soldiers did not come from the Mughal Empire, but from small states in southern India, and all of them came from the untouchable class.

   "Sir, Batavia is fighting, why don't we go to the rescue?" the adjutant asked.

Dirk said angrily: "We only have 600 people, and the rest of the Indian soldiers have no morale in the daytime battle, and they are not directly broken up in the night battle? The battle situation in Batavia is unknown, and we can't rescue them now, otherwise it will be easy in the middle of the battle." Ambushed. Don't worry, Batavia's castle and city are very strong, and it is impossible to be breached in one night. We wait patiently until daytime, and then cooperate with the friendly forces in the city to fight."

  In the direction of Batavia, it gradually became quiet, and the sound of the artillery had completely stopped.

  Dilke immediately felt relieved, and said to the soldiers: "The enemy has been repelled, and the friendly army has defended the city wall. Let's wait for the dawn together."

  In the castle, there are only more than 800 Dutch defenders left.

Governor Rainiers was very worried, and said to the adjutant: "The Dutch soldiers in the city should have been killed. The civilians who retreated into the castle, as well as the civilian staff, should all take up arms and stand firm. I hope that the enemy will suffer heavy casualties from the siege. We can continue to fight with reinforcements.”

  At this moment, Zhang Xianzhong was saying to Tie Hong: "General Tie, your soldiers are so fast, give me a thousand soldiers, and immediately attack the Dutch reinforcements in the west!"

   Tie Hong had already convinced Zhang Xianzhong, and immediately said: "Okay, I will give you a thousand people."

  The old thieves under Zhang Xianzhong's command, as well as those rogues, spared several miles of land after nightfall, and fought all the time in the middle of the night, so they were already out of breath.

  But Zhang Xianzhong didn't take a break at all, and with dozens of old thieves, hundreds of ronin, and a thousand Datong troops, he went out from the west of the city to raid the Dutch reinforcements. On the way, I ran into Lieutenant General Zhan, and Yu Zhan also set off with a few hundred Datong troops. Naturally, Zhan took over the temporary command.

   At the beginning, I walked very slowly. After all, everyone was tired, which is equivalent to taking a walk to rest.

   Gradually regaining some strength, Zhang Xianzhong said to Zhan: "General Yu, we have strength now."

  Yu Zhan nodded and said, "Accelerate the march."

  When they arrived at the woods, it was almost dawn, and the speed slowed down again, and the soldiers moved forward lightly and carefully.

  The old thieves under Zhang Xianzhong and Sun Kewang were used to drilling in the woods in Taiwan, and they were responsible for scouting the way ahead.

   "Dang dong dong!"

  Going forward in the woods for more than 20 minutes, an old thief who was looking for the way raised his foot and kicked a thin rope, and a bell immediately rang on the tree.

  The Dutch sentinel, who was dozing off on the tree, was awakened by the bell in an instant, took out his whistle and blew violently.


  Yu Zhan was about to give an order, but Zhang Xianzhong had already roared.

  The Datong army, ronin, and old thieves quickened their pace and charged towards the unknown front.

   "Enemy attack, enemy attack, get up and fight!"

   Dutch Commander Dirk shouted.

  Six hundred Dutch soldiers acted "quickly", but the quality of the army is there, and the speed cannot be fast at all. You can't expect too much from a bunch of drunken bums on a small payroll, and they've been marching all day and woke up at night to the sound of gunfire, trying to get some sleep.

  The Dutch soldiers assembled there quickly, and the performance of the Indian soldiers was even more unbearable.

  More than 3,000 Indian soldiers from untouchable backgrounds woke up from a dream in a daze. When they heard that the enemy was coming, their first reaction was not to fight, but to throw down their weapons and run away.

  Whoever they love, they simply receive their wages. They are brave in fighting against the wind during the day, and don’t run away too quickly when they encounter surprise attacks at night.

  The camp of the Dutch reinforcements has only simple wooden fences.

   Facing the shouts of killing in the dark, the Dutch soldiers hurriedly opened fire. Shooting in the direction of the sound, they have no idea where the enemy is and how far the enemy is.

   One gunshot, only a few unlucky ones were hit.

  After the Dutch soldiers fired their guns, they couldn't reload their ammunition at all, so they had to take up cold weapons and retreat.

  Kanjiro held a Japanese-style spear, and the wooden fence in front of him had been pushed down by the Datong Army. He raised his gun and jumped over, rushing to kill with enthusiasm, but also couldn't see the enemy clearly, and only followed the enemy's cry to pursue.

   Kanjiro’s grandfather was just a ronin before, and became a samurai of the Fukui clan during the Sengoku period.

  With the end of the Warring States Period, all the vassals laid off the samurai, and his family became unemployed due to policy.

  The Qing’an incident broke out a few years ago. A group of unemployed unlucky warriors attempted to assassinate Tokugawa Iezuna who had just succeeded to the throne. Not to mention the failure of the assassination, the great purge followed. The shogunate and feudal lords arrested ronin everywhere, and Kanjiro could only escape to Ryukyu by boat.

   moved to Luzon, took care of the home of the Han landlords, and came to Batavia to fight in a daze.

  Kanjiro stabbed a Dutch soldier to death before, and now he is getting more aggressive. Because the governor of Luzon promised that as long as the battle is won, the native wives will be distributed when they return to Luzon, and a few acres of land will be allocated for their great achievements.

   I don't know how long I have been chasing in the dark, but the sky is already getting brighter.

   Kanjiro found that there was no one around him, and he had already left the main force. But further ahead, there is still an enemy on the run, rushing up and chopping off his head is a battle achievement!

  Commander Dirk was out of breath and couldn't run anymore. He drew out his command knife and turned around to fight.

  Kanjiro ran more and more vigorously. Since he was enlisted in the army, he has been able to eat enough every day. Now that the military achievements are in front of him, he feels full of strength.

  A Dutchman and a Japanese approached slowly.

  The command knife in Dirk's hand was less than one meter long.

  The Japanese-style spear in Kanjiro's hand is a full two meters long.

   Moreover, Dirk woke up in a dream, not wearing armor at all, while Kanjiro was wearing leather armor.

  Dilke swung his knife and slashed, Kanjiro used the spear technique "one pull", and the spear stirred and interfered. Then, Kanjiro came up with another move "Introduction", followed by the ultimate move "Reverse Fold".

  The tip of the gun pierced Dirk's abdomen fiercely, pulling, poking, pulling, poking... The abdomen was quickly pierced into a sieve.

  Cut off Dirk's head, picked up Dirk's command knife, Kanjiro grinned. He has made meritorious service, and when he returns to Luzon, not only will he have a native wife, but he will definitely be granted several acres of land.

  By the way, Kanjiro is not called Kanjiro now, the Chinese emperor ordered the ronin to change their name.

  He followed the landlord who hired him with the surname Lin, and the landlord named him Laoshi Lin...

  (end of this chapter)

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