Chapter 828: 825 [One person captures hundreds]

  Chapter 828 825 [One person captures hundreds of people]


   Kanjiro, or Lin Laoshi, slowly returned following the sound of the bugle.

  The cheeks of the soldiers who played the trumpet were already sore. Several trumpeters stood in different places to blow their trumpets, fearing that the soldiers would not be able to hear them if they chased too far.

  Walking, Lin Laoshi suddenly heard footsteps. He turned around and saw hundreds of enemies approaching. He was so frightened that he quickly threw away his head, picked up his spear and hid behind a big tree.

   "Go faster!"

   But someone was yelling in Chinese, and the accent was very familiar, which obviously had the taste of southern Fujian dialect, which is the mainstream language in Luzon.

  Lin Laoshi quickly jumped out and shouted: "But the military master of the Datong Army?"

   "Exactly, I have captured a few prisoners, brother, come and help **** them!" The other party replied.

  Lin honestly ran over to check, but he was dumbfounded.

  A total of two to three hundred captives, with an average of four or five people, were strung together with a long gun. Of course, not skewered like a kebab, but tied to a spear with a belt. It is estimated that the long guns are not enough, and some prisoners directly tied each other's hands with belts, and the knots could not be untied.

   And there was only one soldier of the Datong Army who escorted these captives.

   One person escorted two or three hundred people, and they beat and urged them all the way. Any prisoner who walks slowly will be hit with a stick.

  Lin Laoshi's Chinese level is still at the stage of daily communication. He couldn't find any words to express his mood, so he was stunned for a while and exclaimed: "Master Jun is really... brave!"

  The soldier shouted: "Don't be dazed, come and help quickly, I'm too scared to stop to pee."

  Lin Laoshi hurried over, and the soldier immediately untied his trouser belt, and poured water into the bushes.

  The prisoner in front of him was also very obedient, he automatically stopped and waited, with flattering smiles on his face.

  Lin honestly asked: "What is the name of the military master?"

  The soldier shuddered, shaking the bird and said: "Wan Jun, call me Wan Laosan. What about you? You don't sound like a Han Chinese."

  Lin Laoshi nodded and bowed his waist and said: "The villain's Chinese name is Lin Laoshi, and he used to be Kanjiro. Why did the military master arrest two or three hundred by himself?"

Wan Jun smiled and said: "Damn, I was running in the dark in the woods last night, and almost passed out when I hit a tree halfway. I don't know which direction it is. I got out of the woods in a daze, and I ran to the beach. Thinking about how to go back, I walked on the beach for a while, and it was dawn, and suddenly I saw a lying on the beach."

   "Just... just caught it?" Lin honestly couldn't figure it out.

"I'm not stupid, how can I catch hundreds of them by myself?" Wan Jun was so happy from ear to ear when he recalled the scene at that time, "I rushed in the direction of the forest for a while, leaning against the forest and shouting: 'Come and kill the enemy! !' Actually, these captives didn’t understand at all. I yelled in vain. I’ve gained a lot of experience, and when I yelled out, two or three hundred people were scared to kneel down and beg for mercy. I pretended that there were soldiers in the forest, and let them They untie their belts and tie themselves up. These people don’t understand, so I have to teach them to tie them up. Fortunately, they are very honest, so they tie themselves up obediently and let them go wherever they want.”

  Lin Laoshi was silent for a moment, can he still fight like this?

   It can only be said that the Indian soldiers are too awesome!

  According to the data, Dutch East India Company’s army only accounted for 16%, while German poor accounted for 75%, most of them were tramps, beggars, drunkards, poor people, and criminals.

   When enlisting in the army, a matchlock gun, a saber, and a helmet are issued. He didn't have any armor at all. If he wanted to wear leather armor, he would pick it up on the battlefield by himself.

   The daily meal is porridge, and if you want to add a meal, you can buy it with your own money.

  They couldn't even fight in formation. When facing hard steel, they couldn't even beat Zheng Chenggong's troops.

  The commander at that time was called Ba Guizai (Captain Thomas Peddle), who rose from a small soldier to the highest military position in Taiwan, and represented the military as a member of the Senior Staff Council. This guy led the 500 Dutch army, and Zheng Chenggong's 500 musketeers fired at each other, and they didn't hurt each other for a long time. Then, Zheng Chenggong sent 500 rattan players to go back and charge, and the Dutch soldiers broke up, and Captain Baguizai was also killed on the spot.

   European soldiers can only eat porridge, what else can servants eat?

  When the Netherlands recruited servants in India, even the Sudras could not recruit a few. In desperation, the untouchables could only be temporarily enlisted in the army, and hurriedly transported to Java Island for rescue.

   These untouchables have been tossing at sea for more than a month, and marched on land for dozens of miles. They didn't sleep well last night. Not to mention tired and sleepy, but also so hungry, the Dutch don't give them enough food. Fleeing to the beach at dawn, seeing that they had escaped the pursuit, the two or three hundred Indian soldiers lay flat and slept well first.

  Wan Jun was yelling all by himself, and the Indian soldiers couldn't understand it at all, but it didn't prevent them from surrendering quickly.

   Those who are not familiar with the place of life, it is good to surrender, at least they can make a living in the prisoner camp.

  Seeing that Wanjun wanted to tie them up, the Indian soldiers were overjoyed. It's good to tie it up, if it is tied up, it will prove that the prisoners will not be killed, and today's food is finally available.

   Therefore, the scene at that time was very joyous.

  Wan Jun stood by himself, nervous, his heart beating wildly. Two or three hundred Indian prisoners were in high spirits, helping each other to tie the ropes, and they were eager to go to the prisoner camp for dinner.


  The sound of the bugle was still ringing in the distance, Wan Jun and Lin Laoshi, escorting two or three hundred prisoners, gradually approached the main force.

  The nearest army, led by Sun Kewang, has gathered more than 400 people.

   "Enemy attack, enemy attack!"


  The sentinel squatting on the tree blew the copper whistle frantically. Sun Kewang heard the news and shouted: "Arrange to defend against the enemy!"

   Blowing and blowing, the copper whistle stopped, and the sentry came over with a smile and reported: "It's not the enemy, it's the captives who have returned."

  Sun Kewang stepped forward to check the situation, but suddenly became silent.

   After careful counting, there were 286 prisoners in this group. They were obedient when being escorted on the road, and even more obedient when they saw the big troops. They all knelt down very consciously, with flattering smiles on their faces, and their eyes rolled around looking for food.

   Until the afternoon, the ministries gathered outside the woods.

   "General, there are still more than a dozen people who have not come back. They may have lost their way after chasing too far." The military judge reported.

   Yu Zhan said: "Leave 30 people, continue to blow the trumpet farther west, and make sure to bring all the brothers back. The rest of the soldiers, follow me back to Batavia for dinner!"

  Attacked the woods at night, killing 2 Datong soldiers, 3 ronin, and more than 20 people were injured. The 5 dead were all shot to death by Dutch soldiers indiscriminately, and most of the wounded were caused by chasing and falling in the dark.

   A total of more than 500 enemy troops were beheaded, 65 Dutch soldiers were captured, and 923 Indian soldiers were captured.



  The two sides relied on castles and cities to confront each other, and no longer fired or fired guns. The fighting seemed to have completely stopped.

  Deputy envoy Sun Jie approached Liu Hanyi in private: "Ambassador, it's time to persuade you to surrender. Just take down Batavia, and you can't wipe out the enemy in the castle. Otherwise, you and I will lose our hats!"

   "Why?" Liu Hanyi didn't want to understand.

Sun Jie explained: "The Dutch sent so many troops to rescue them in India. It is estimated that they have been wiped out by Zhang Xianzhong's troops. If they kill all the Dutch elite in the castle, how can the Dutch gain a foothold in India? Especially the Netherlands The fleet, let alone beat them too hard. Many of the goods from the southern provinces have to go to sea and be sold to Europe by the Dutch. If the Netherlands cannot gain a firm foothold in India, merchants from Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian and Guangdong will be in a hurry, and officials there will also It’s urgent. It’s not just merchants who lose, but also many people who work to support their families.”

  Liu Hanyi shook her head and said, "Without the Dutch, there are still British, French and Portuguese."

"Britain, France, and Portugal don't have as many merchant ships combined as the Netherlands," Sun Jie said. "The Dutch must fight, but not too hard. They need to be weakened bit by bit, devoured bit by bit. We need to leave enough time for merchants from various countries to build more ships to buy goods. If we use too much force, a large number of domestic goods will be unsalable! At that time, the local officials in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian and Guangdong are afraid that they will impeach us collectively for provoking border disputes. "

   Liu Hanyi thought over and over again, nodded and said: "You are right, I haven't thought about this matter yet. Send someone to persuade them to surrender. As long as the Dutch surrender, I promise not to kill them, and send a ship to transport them away."

   "I'm going to persuade you to surrender." Sun Jie volunteered.

  Governor Rainiers was inspecting the fort, and suddenly got news that the Chinese had sent a negotiating envoy.

  He came to the bastion and looked out. There were only four Chinese negotiators.

  Sun Jie stood in front, with an interpreter beside him, and two soldiers behind him.

   Rainiers picked up the binoculars to observe, feeling desperate. The two Chinese soldiers carried heads in their hands, one from the commander of the Batavia army, and the other from the commander of the reinforcements.

   There will be no more reinforcements, just a lonely castle.

  The bamboo basket was hung down, and Sun Jie was hung on the city wall.

   Rainiers scolded angrily: "Why do you want to tear up the armistice treaty between the two countries?"

  Sun Jie smiled and said: "Arbitrarily attacking China's vassal states, in the face of the Chinese envoy's representations, the Netherlands did not seem to withdraw at all. You are the ones who tore up the treaty. There is nothing wrong with China's sending troops."

   Rainiers said: "Since it is because of Nanbawa, we agree to hand it back, and ask the Chinese army to withdraw immediately."

  Facing this unreasonable guy, Sun Jie suppressed his anger and said calmly, "If you don't want to negotiate, I can leave immediately and leave everything to the soldiers."

  Rainiers was at a loss for words, and then said sternly: "Well, let me see what else you want to talk about!"

  Sun Jie showed a disdainful smile: "I am not negotiating with you, but with the Batavia Council. Call all the members, or representatives of the members, to talk slowly."

   Rainiers said: "I am the governor, and I have full power to negotiate."

"No, you can't," Sun Jie put himself back into the basket, let the Dutch soldiers put himself outside the city, and said to Rainiers, "Whenever you want the parliament to negotiate, you can fire three times into the sea .”

  The governor's negotiations must be very tough, and the congressmen will attend collectively, and they will inevitably compromise wildly.

  Because this is a "coalition under the city", the congressmen are spared their lives. The biggest scapegoat is the governor's responsibility, and the congressmen just want to leave this place, otherwise they will end up starving to death without ammunition.

  In the Naval Governor's Mansion, there are senior staff of the Dutch East India Company who have defected.

  Before Sun Jie left Beijing, he went to the Admiralty’s Mansion for advice and knew how to negotiate with the Dutch!

  (end of this chapter)

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