Chapter 833: 829【Breaking the Governor's Mansion】

  Chapter 833 829 [Breaking the Governor's Mansion]

   "Bang bang bang bang!"

  Inside the castle, there were sporadic gunshots.

  After hearing the news, civil and military officials came to the north city wall to check.

   Liu Hanyi asked: "What are the Dutch doing?"

A watchman who just got off the hot air balloon pointed in the direction of the castle and said, "There are gunshots coming from the position of the Dutch Governor's Palace. At first there were sporadic gunshots, then the sounds became denser, and then became sparser again. It has been going on for a long time. For more than ten minutes. The defenders of the four bastions of the enemy army went towards the governor's mansion one after another."

  This is the function of the hot air balloon. If you stand on the city wall and observe, you will definitely not be able to see it so clearly.

   "The enemy is fighting among themselves?" Liu Hanyi asked doubtfully.

   Deputy envoy Sun Jie asked: "Is it because the enemy is using tricks to lure us to attack, and then kill us by surprise?"

   "I'll go up and have a look!" Zhang Xianzhong said.

   Soon, Zhang Xianzhong also boarded the hot air balloon, picked up the binoculars and observed carefully.

  Due to the occlusion of the building, it is difficult for outsiders to see clearly what is going on inside the castle.

   Fortunately, the Governor's Mansion was built quite high, and Dutch soldiers could be vaguely seen hiding on the roof of the Governor's Mansion, shooting continuously towards the outside of the Governor's Mansion. Similarly, there are also soldiers outside the Governor's Mansion, firing guns into it, and bullets leave marks on the outer wall from time to time.

  And outside the Governor's Mansion, there seems to be more than one force, and they are also firing at each other.

  Zhang Xianzhong said to the flag commander: "Wave the flag and gather troops to attack!"

   It is impossible for the flag commander to listen to Zhang Xianzhong, but he admired Zhang Xianzhong a lot, and chose to carry out half of it, waving the flag order to gather soldiers.

  Liu Hanyi couldn't understand Ling Qi and asked, "What did you say on the hot air balloon?"

  Tie Hong explained: "Gather soldiers."

  Liu Hanyi was overjoyed: "Cun Zhang has been on the battlefield for a long time, and he must be right. Hurry up and gather troops to attack the castle!"

  Zhang Xianzhong slipped down from the hot air balloon and said impatiently: "I can't wait, we count as much as we gather, and immediately attack the city. This opportunity must be seized, and the enemy must not be allowed to quell the civil strife!"

Tie Hong immediately said: "The soldiers here, you and I, go to the nearest bastion at the southeast corner. I will attack the southwest side of the bastion, and you will attack the southeast side of the bastion. Yu Zhan, you continue to gather troops, depending on the situation. Choose which side to support."


  Deputy General Zhan responded.

  Boards, rafts and wooden ladders have been stationed in Beicheng District. At this moment, the soldiers rushed out of the city gate after lifting them up.

  The Datong Army, the Ronin, and the Han Rebel Army are all crossing the river. The Dutch defenders in the bastions are still hesitating whether to fire. Because their commanders are attacking each other around the governor's mansion. Some people want to rebel and seize the governor, while others want to quell the chaos and protect the governor. There are no officers in the bastion to command for the time being.

  Even if there is no commander, the first reaction of the defenders should be to fire.

  The reason why they hesitate is because they still want to survive in their hearts, and they don't want to be besieged by the Chinese army until they starve to death.

   This time, there are a few European soldiers who are attacking the city together.

  When they voluntarily surrendered in Malacca, they promised to let them continue to serve as soldiers, but at first they were only auxiliary soldiers. Some of the soldiers of the Datong Army stationed in Malacca died of illness due to acclimatization and illness, so they recruited European auxiliary soldiers to supplement them, and were borrowed by Liu Hanyi to attack Batavia.

  Although these are the Dutch army who surrendered, the Portuguese and Germans are the most.

At this moment, the ladder was just being built, and before they had time to climb, the European soldiers shouted in Portuguese and German: "We surrendered in Malacca, served as soldiers for the Chinese emperor, we can eat enough every day, and take our money several times." I can save money to buy silk and make clothes for the army! I have married a wife and is a very obedient Malay woman. She washes and mends my clothes and gives birth to my children. Do you want to ask for a wife? Do you want Don't want to eat? Do you want to have a son?"

   There were not many soldiers staying in the bastion. Seeing that the enemy was already climbing the city wall, and there were European soldiers shouting, they actually put down their weapons and surrendered on the spot.

  The Dutch civilians on the city wall threw down their weapons and fled to the Governor's Palace the moment the Chinese army entered the bastion.

  The prince of Johor also came with Johor soldiers. Seeing that the siege was going well, his eyes lit up immediately, and he drew out his scimitar and shouted: "Heroes and fearless Johor warriors, come and kill the Dutch with me!"

  Seeing this, Sun Jie shouted anxiously: "Don't let Johor soldiers enter the castle, they will kill indiscriminately, these Dutchmen are still useful!"

  In fact, there was no need for Johor soldiers to kill indiscriminately. The Dutch soldiers who had defected had already rushed in with the Chinese army. They killed Dutch civilians when they encountered them, and robbed property by the way, without any psychological burden at all.

  As we said earlier, Germans accounted for 75% of the Dutch overseas army.

  The hundreds of years of religious wars in Europe were first detonated in Germany. There are countless big and small lords there, playing dog brains with each other, and countries often use the German region as a battlefield. After fighting for more than a hundred years, poor people are everywhere in Germany, and they are also discriminated against. They also have resentment towards Dutch civilians.

  Once you seize the opportunity, you must kill yourself!

   Outside the Governor's Mansion.

   Justice Siddens, hiding behind a building, shouted anxiously: "Climb up to the Governor's Mansion from the side!"

  Another Dutch official replied: "I can't climb up, there are also lackeys of the Governor!"

  Sidens said again: "Leave the governor's office alone, go to negotiate with the officers who attacked us, and ask them to lead troops to arrest the governor!"

  The well-endowed rebel raid turned into an offensive and defensive battle for the Governor's Palace. These Dutch civilians were too stretched.

  The Dutch army is now divided into four groups, one is the governor's cronies who defend the Governor's Palace, one is the official's cronies who attack the Governor's Palace, one is the Dutch officers who help the Governor suppress the rebels, and the other is the neutral faction who stays behind the bastion.

  The soldiers who stayed behind at the bastion followed the Chinese army and entered, while the other three forces were still fighting around the Governor's Mansion.


  The Han rebels and ronin who were advancing lightly also rushed the fastest this time. They had no armor burden, crossed rivers and climbed walls very quickly, and killed the Dutch soldiers who were fighting from behind.

  Sidensi saw the Chinese army coming, and walked out from behind a pillar excitedly: "I am the Batavia City Judge, my name is Sidensi, and I am going to surrender if I capture the governor...I...ah...don't kill..."

   This guy was so confused that he was shot to death by the rebel army.

  The writer Neuhof, who was hiding nearby, was so frightened that his vest sweated. He knelt down very neatly, and then walked on his knees with his head in his arms. He said in very poor Chinese: "Surrender, surrender!"

   And their enemies outside the Governor's Mansion, there are about a hundred soldiers, all of whom are diehards who do not want to surrender.

  At this moment, relying on the building, hiding and constantly firing cold shots.

  This kind of cold gun is particularly disgusting. Tie Hong didn't want to sacrifice the lives of his subordinates for nothing, so he asked Zhang Xianzhong to take the ronin to clean up. As for the Datong soldiers, they shot towards the governor's mansion to cover the ronin charging to kill the enemy.

  Zhang Xianzhong and Sun Kewang led their respective teams, relying on the building to move forward slowly.

   With an order, hundreds of ronin rushed out, and in an instant more than a dozen were knocked down by cold guns. The rest of the ronin continued to charge, there were no decent fortifications here, and when they got close, they swung their samurai swords and chopped off their heads.

   Lin Laoshi was shot in the right ear by a bullet, and rushed across the flower bed bleeding all the way, and stabbed the Dutch soldier to death with a gun. Then he continued to move forward, and there was an enemy hiding behind a pillar. He just heard the gunshots.

  When Lin Laoshi rushed to the side of the column, the Dutch soldiers were still buried in filling the ammunition. They only raised their heads when they heard footsteps, and a long gun had already pierced his throat.

  The battle gradually subsided, and the two Dutch armies in the diplomatic war in the Governor's Palace were no longer struggling. They were either killed or surrendered.

  The Dutch civilians who were chased over also knelt down one after another near the Governor's Palace, lying there trembling.

  However, the governor is still inside, and there are still a group of cronies.

  Zhang Xianzhong roared: "Who is the most powerful official here, come and talk!"

  No one answered, no interpreter.

  A German-born Malacca Datong Army took the initiative to translate these words.

  Neuhof quickly crawled over and said: "The most... the highest position is the Batavia City Judge. He was killed by mistake by you just now. The other councilors were all arrested by the governor."

  Zhang Xianzhong pointed to the Governor's Mansion and asked, "How many defenders are there?"

  Neuhoff said: "They are all close friends of the governor. There are about 20 soldiers and a few civilians."

   "Damn it, there are only more than 20 defenders of the governor's mansion, and you haven't attacked it for an hour. This is a fart rebellion!" Zhang Xianzhong cursed, "Where are the most firecrackers?"

Neuhof raised his arm and pointed: "There are more than ten people on the balcony on the second floor. As long as they show their heads, they will shoot. At first, we attacked the lobby on the first floor, but unfortunately we were defeated at the corner of the stairs. Now the governor The gate of the mansion has been blocked by furniture, and it cannot be pushed open if there are fewer people."

   Tie Hong ordered: "Surround the Governor's Mansion, bring the artillery over, aim at the gate and blast it open! Call Yu Zhan and let him take the prisoners."

  Governor Rainiers climbed to the top of the building and watched the Datong Army move the artillery, and fell into despair in an instant.

  He said to the adjutant: "Go out and tell the Chinese that I am willing to surrender and give them all my treasures, and they must guarantee my safety."

  The adjutant turned down from the balcony on the second floor tremblingly, raised his hands and walked forward, repeating what Rainiers said.

  Zhang Xianzhong couldn't help but sneer: "Surrender only at the door of the house. If there were such cheap things in the world, I wouldn't be the village head in Taiwan."

   During the night attack, Tie Hong had his left ring finger and little finger cut off. He was very upset with the governor who ordered resistance, and said with a blank expression at the moment: "Open the gate of the governor's mansion!"

   "Boom boom boom!"

   Several shells flew by, and the adjutant was so frightened that he quickly lay down on the ground.

  The enemy on the balcony on the second floor still wanted to shoot, but the artillery was already aimed at the balcony, smashing the stone railing to pieces.

  Sun Kewang took the opportunity to lead the crowd to rush over, and together they smashed open the door blocked by the furniture. In fact, half of the gate had been blown to pieces, and the rotten cabinets blocked inside were hard to deal with, and soldiers were hiding somewhere and firing guns at the gate.

  Zhang Xianzhong ordered the ronin to climb from all sides, and after paying a few lives, he occupied the messy balcony.

  Governor Rainiers was arrested, but he still wanted to maintain his aristocratic demeanor and refused to kneel down. He was hit on the shoulder by the **** of a gun, kicked violently in the crook of his leg, and slammed his knee on the ground. He struggled to get up: "I am a nobleman, please give me the treatment I deserve. China is the same as the Netherlands. In a civilized country, we are not the kind of uncivilized natives. I admit that I have failed, and you can take everything here. But please be kind to me, give me a separate room, and preferably a few more books for entertainment. My family will send enough silver taels to redeem me at a high price."

  Neuhof shouted: "We all surrender, and the governor ordered us to stand!"

  Tie Hong heard the words and immediately ordered: "Catch them, **** them to Nanjing, and hand them over to His Majesty for disposal."

   Not long after, soldiers dragged out a corpse, and the director-general committed suicide in the Governor's Palace.

  The congressmen arrested by the governor, as well as Mrs. Witson, were also brought out by the soldiers for questioning.

  Mrs. Witsen is a Japanese-Portuguese-Dutch mixed race. She is petite, fair-skinned, and blue-eyed. She is charming in her twenties, and she winks at everyone as soon as she shows up.

   There is no other meaning, she brought a lot of property and hid in the castle, the city also has her shop property, she just wants to keep these properties of her own.

   Don't even think about it!

  As long as they hide in the castle, all property will be confiscated. Otherwise, where will military spending come from?

   It's still good for the Johor soldiers. Although these guys are useless, they are still very qualified to fill the scene. If you don't give me some sweets, I'm afraid it won't be so easy to ask Johor to borrow troops next time.

   Datong soldiers, Han rebels and Luzon rogues must also be given sufficient rewards.

  Anyway, from officers to soldiers, they will participate in the distribution of spoils. Envoys such as Liu Hanyi and Sun Jie value merit, and the rest of the soldiers can get money.

  The imperial court will receive a very reasonable account. As for how much will be divided in private, only the ghost knows.

  It is difficult to find out about things overseas.

  Many Dutch people were taken away, crying all the way.

  Especially those civilians, most of whom are of mixed race. They have lived in Batavia since they were young and have no sense of belonging to the Netherlands. And their "homeland" is no longer theirs, and they don't know what to do in the future.

Sun Jie took the statistical list, found Liu Hanyi and said: "The castle was confiscated and many people were killed indiscriminately. Dutch soldiers, there are 426 people left. Dutch civilians, there are 914 people left. East India Company employees, there are more than 30 people left. .”

Liu Hanyi said: "The governor cannot be killed, he must be released. We need him to sign the armistice treaty. If he is not released, the treaty he signed will be invalid. Instead, let him go back. Keep fighting."

  (end of this chapter)

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