Chapter 834: 830 [Bet on the negotiation table]

  Chapter 834 830 [Bet on the negotiation table]

   Not to mention the Governor of Batavia, even the Dutch Seventeen-member Conference is not qualified to sign the treaty on behalf of the Netherlands.

   But in practice, the Dutch government chose to accept all the treaties signed by Governor Batavia. Because of these treaties, most of them are beneficial to the Netherlands.

  Since all favorable treaties are recognized, unfavorable treaties must be recognized even if they are not recognized, otherwise it will give Britain, Portugal, and Spain an excuse to tear up the treaty.

  The two envoys, Liu Hanyi and Sun Jie, made such a big commotion, they just wanted to sign the treaty quickly and finalize the fruits of victory.

  Bag is safe!

  Su Dingguo was called to help out with ideas. This guy has dealt with the Dutch since he was a child, and he is full of bad ideas:

   "Dutch East India Company, in recent years, there has been a distinction between the local faction and the local faction. Many of the officials of the local faction are not nobles.

"The Dutch headquarters, in order to curb this phenomenon, either recalled the high-level staff to the country, or transferred the high-level staff between the colonies. The high-level staff who were transferred will marry each other, and this marriage is not known by the Dutch headquarters. Yes. Because the object of the marriage is their illegitimate child here. Young employees with potential will also be recruited as son-in-law. Son-in-law is more important than son-in-law, and is often assigned to take up important positions."

"The councilors and councilor representatives arrested by the governor belong to the local faction and often oppose the governor. This time the governor and the governor's cronies can be released, but those local councilors cannot be let go. After the governor signs the treaty, let him take the The cronies went to India. In order to protect himself, the governor must have poured dirty water on the heads of the congressmen, saying that Batavia was lost because the congressmen surrendered."

"The Dutch headquarters has been suppressing the local faction, and even no longer allows the local faction to be the governor. At that time, the headquarters is very likely to favor the governor, and the main reason for the loss of Batavia is that these congressmen surrendered. The Dutch East India Company's local Pai, the contradiction between Ken and the headquarters will become more and more serious. One day the imperial court will go to India to attack the Dutch castle, and it is estimated that the Dutch will break out their own internal strife."

  After hearing these words, Liu Hanyi exchanged a glance with Sun Jie.

  The so-called local school was formed in the past ten years.

  At the beginning, the environment faced by the Dutch East India Company was very harsh, and a group of poor people struggled with their heads in Asia. And those real nobles will run away after a few years, so the rise of ordinary employees is very fast.

  It's like the little old man who slapped the table and scolded the governor. From a low-level businessman, he became the chairman of the municipal council in a few years, and then took full control of the Taiwanese colony. Even if he is forcibly transferred back to the headquarters, he will have to be given the post of commander-in-chief of the East India Fleet.

  The most powerful governor, Van Diemen, also rose from the bottom.

   And now, the governor and the commander-in-chief of the fleet can only be served by nobles sent from the country. Those low-level employees of the company have their room for improvement sealed. At most, they can become company councilors, and they simply form cliques to cultivate local influence.

  If it were not for the rise of China, the next step for these local factions would be to build a colonial society with all their might: encourage the Dutch to build plantations, encourage the Dutch to start companies, and then do business in partnership with the Chinese and Javanese nobles. Then build various public facilities and entertainment facilities, treat the colony as their own home, and even if they retire, they will never return to the Netherlands.

  What are you doing back home?

   They are not nobles when they return to the Netherlands, but they can continue to be masters if they stay in the colony.

  One afternoon, Governor Rainiers was escorted to negotiate.

   Sitting at the negotiating table, Rainiers was very dissatisfied: "Is this your country's negotiating attitude? I need an adjutant and a clerk."

   Liu Hanyi sneered: "I give you two choices, one is to continue the negotiation, and the other is to be taken to Nanjing for trial. I can guarantee that after the trial, you will definitely be beheaded."

   Rainiers fell silent for a moment.

  Seeing that the guy didn't make a statement, Sun Jie shouted: "Put it down and bring it back to Nanjing!"

  Two soldiers immediately dragged Rainiers out, this guy was obviously frightened, and quickly shouted: "I am willing to negotiate!"

  Liu Hanyi raised her hand: "Bring it back."

Sitting down again, Rainiers said: "I am now a prisoner, and a prisoner is not qualified to negotiate on behalf of the company. Moreover, I need the authorization of the council. If there is no authorization, it is useless for the governor to sign the treaty. "

   Liu Hanyi asked: "You still need authorization from the council? But you have arrested all the councilors."

   "It was an extraordinary moment," Rainiers said.

  Sun Jie said: "Now is also a very important time. But don't worry, those congressmen will definitely sign the power of attorney."

  Raelness said: "They won't."

   "They will." Sun Jie's tone was very certain.

  Rainiers said helplessly: "Then let's talk. I have two requests. First, to ensure my safety and let me go to India; second, to return part of my property. I need 50,000 Dutch guilders."

  Fifty thousand Dutch guilders is more than ten thousand taels of silver.

  Liu Hanyi said: "I can promise you the first one, but don't even think about the second one. If you cooperate honestly with the negotiation, I can leave you 3,000 Dutch guilders and send your mistress and illegitimate child to India together."

   "Come out with the terms you have prepared." Rainiers knew he could only accept it.

  A drafted treaty was pushed to Rainiers.

  The treaty is as formal as ever, a bilingual document in Chinese and Latin.

   Rainiers read it carefully and was speechless for a long time.

  Article 1, the cause of this war was the Dutch East India Company’s unauthorized attack on China’s vassal states. Holland tore up the last treaty and took full responsibility for the war.

  Article 2, Batavia and its surrounding lands were taken by force by the Chinese army in a state of war. The Netherlands promised to abandon Batavia and recognize Batavia as an overseas territory of China.

  Article 3, as military compensation for instigating the war, the Netherlands ceded Ambon Island and its surrounding islands to China.

  Article 4, the Netherlands renounces its suzerainty over Matalam.

  The four items in the district seem to be very simple, but they are actually driving the Dutch forces out of Southeast Asia.

  Especially Ambon Island and its surrounding islands, which are the Spice Islands in a narrow sense, and are the main source of spices for the Dutch East India Company.

  Silence for a long time, Rainiers said: "If I sign this treaty, I will be hanged when I return to the Netherlands. Moreover, the headquarters will not recognize this treaty. Even if I sign it, it is a piece of paper!"

Liu Hanyi said: "Whether you sign or not is your business. Whether the East India Company recognizes it or not is the business of the East India Company. If you sign, you may die when you return to the Netherlands. If you don't sign, you will definitely die when you go to Nanjing!" "

   "Do I have any other options?" Rainiers was lying flat.

   "No." Liu Hanyi said firmly.

  Rainiers picked up the quill pen, scribbled his name on the treaty, and said, "Where's my seal?"

  Sun Jie snatched the treaty, took out the governor's seal from his pocket, dipped it in inkpad and took a few breaths to stamp it. Then, he threw the governor's seal to Rainiers: "I'll return this to you, I guess you can use it with it."

   Half an hour later, in another room.

  The members and representatives of the Batavia Council of the East India Company gathered together again after being interrogated separately.

  Sun Jie took out the draft power of attorney for the council: "Sign it, you authorize the governor to negotiate and sign. No matter what the content of the treaty is, the responsibility rests with the governor, and you are all forced."

   Little old man Hans Putmans said: "We will see the treaty."

  Sun Jie sarcastically said: "I have asked clearly, you are a German commoner, not a Dutchman at all, let alone a Dutch nobleman. What do you care about the treaty?"

   "The company's business is my business." Hans Putmans said.

  Sun Jie said to several soldiers: "This man used to be the governor of Taiwan, China, and massacred tens of thousands of Chinese people (Taiwan natives). Kill him!"

  The Dutch parliamentarians didn't react, and the Chinese soldiers rushed up and hacked Putmans to death.

  One of the congressmen was even spattered with blood.

  Sun Jie smiled and said to the rest of the councilors: "This person died in battle while guarding the castle, and you can reward him. But before rewarding him, please sign the negotiation authorization letter."

  The congressmen looked at each other, and they all looked at Putmans' body in unison.

  Whoever dares not to sign will probably die because of guarding the castle.

   "Raise the knife!" Sun Jie shouted.

   "I sign!"

  A congressman trembled with fright, and tremblingly picked up a quill.

  Sun Jie took the power of attorney and left, and went to discuss with Liu Hanyi with a smile.

  Su Dingguo said that the congressman could not be sent back, but after the two envoys discussed it, they felt that they should be released. Not only should they be released, but the safety of the congressmen should also be protected. They should not be put together with the governor to prevent them from being silenced by the governor on the way.

  When all the governors and congressmen arrived in India, they would definitely bite the dog, accusing each other of collaborating with the enemy and traitorous country.

  This treaty must be shown to the British, French, Portuguese, and Spaniards for appreciation. These countries have all signed treaties with the Netherlands that have not yet expired. As long as the Netherlands dares not admit it, other countries will also have an excuse to tear up the treaty.

  Several warships, transporting 500 Datong troops, headed quickly towards Ambon Island.

  Ambon Island is next to Seram Island, and there is a Buru Island to the west.

  The aboriginals on the island are extremely fierce, and have broken through Portuguese and Spanish castles many times, and once defeated the Dutch colonists.

  In order to prevent indigenous rebellion, the Netherlands has carried out massacres many times. Because the massacre was so excessive, even Britain, Portugal, Spain and other countries couldn't stand it, and accused the Dutch colonists of being inhumane.

  By the way, during the negotiations between Cromwell and the Netherlands, one of the clauses of the armistice treaty was actually: The Netherlands compensated 300,000 Dutch guilders to the slaughtered descendants of the indigenous people of Ambon Island.

  The Netherlands really agreed. As for whether to pay or not, only the devil knows.

   Even if the Dutch are willing to accompany them, the natives dare not take them. The treaty only said that the money should be paid, but it didn't say that the massacre could not continue. It was enough to kill the natives who received the compensation.

  Cromwell never thought about making the Netherlands lose money. Many contents of the armistice treaty are not operable, and they are simply disgusting the Netherlands.

   Of course, there is a sum of money that must be paid.

  Because when the Netherlands carried out the massacre, it killed all the British on the island.

  Seeing the Chinese ships approaching, the Dutch officers in Ambon City hurriedly blew their horns to gather soldiers for defense.

  There are only more than 80 Dutch defenders here, and there are only a hundred people including civilians and civilians.

  The writer Neuhof went ashore in a small boat, took out a document issued by the governor, and said to the Dutch in the city: "We have lost the war. Ambon Island was ceded to China. You pack up your things and prepare to leave."

  An island rich in spices fell into the hands of China.

  (end of this chapter)

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