Chapter 844: 840【Military Academy】

  Chapter 844 840【Military Academy】

   "The prince is studying in a military academy?" Li Zicheng asked in surprise.

Zhang Nai temporarily settled down in Nanjing, and changed back to the old name of Li Zicheng's "foster father": "Bo'er lost his student status at the military academy two days ago, received some textbooks, and went to the dormitory. In the dormitory, there were three other people besides Hai'er." , two of us are from Dashun... from Hetao, and one is an officer from Anhui. The boy asked the Anhui classmate that the prince and the son of Zhang Dudu (Zhang Tieniu) are both studying in the military academy. There is also Huang The son of the governor (Huang Yao), has already graduated from the military academy, and was sent to Liaoning to be a cavalry sentry commander."

  Li Zicheng said with emotion: "This Emperor Zhao wants to teach his son both civil and military skills."

  Prince Zhao Kuanghuan, after graduating from Huangcheng Middle School, was immediately thrown to Nanjing Military Academy to study.

  Zhao Han did not expect his son to lead the army to fight, but he must understand the basic military knowledge, so as not to be blinded by the military in the future.

  Zhang Nai took out the basic military school textbooks: "Father, the military academy in the new dynasty is a four-year system, and there is also a special crash course. The child is studying the crash course, and he can graduate after only two years of study."

  The students in the crash course are either generals or excellent soldiers sent by the army.

Li Zicheng looked at the few textbooks. The titles of the books are: "Datong Army Ideology and System", "On War", "Infantry Exercise Code", "Artillery Exercise Code", "Cavalry Exercise Code", "Military Equipment Record", "Names of Past Dynasties" The Story of Famous Generals", "Detailed Explanation of Battle Cases of Past Dynasties".

   Curiously opened "Datong Army Ideology and System", the opening chapter briefly introduced Datong theory and explained the concept of Huaxia. It clearly pointed out that the responsibility of the Datong Army is to serve the country and the people, protect the country and the people from internal and external enemies, and strive for more and better living space for the Chinese people.

  It's all theoretical stuff, Li Zicheng quickly flipped through it, and soon turned to the military system part.

  The military system is clearly stated at the beginning, the emperor is the supreme commander of the army, and he also elaborates on the Ministry of War, the Governor's Mansion and other institutions, all the way to the composition of military units at all levels. There is also a chapter devoted to the missionary officer system.

  Li Zicheng spent the whole morning getting a general understanding of "The Thought and System of the Datong Army", and then went to read the "On War".

  The author of "On War" is signed by Zhao Han, so it is also called "Tianjia Art of War" among the people.

   "On War" condenses many ideas of "Sun Tzu's Art of War". The opening chapter points out that war is an extension of politics and an extreme means to achieve political goals.

  Then elaborates on the three stages of war: destroying the enemy's army, occupying the enemy's land, and conquering the enemy's ideas.

  Then define the three elements of war: strategy, tactics, and combat.

  The main content of this book is about strategy, tactics and combat. Especially the strategic chapters, even the civil servants of the cabinet and the Ministry of war must learn.

  As for the traditional cognition of the art of war, it is basically concentrated in the "tactics chapter", with command, logistics, arms, etc. all available. This part of the content was definitely not written by Zhao Han out of thin air, but a refined summary of the articles and reports of the commanders-in-chief of the various armies across the country.

  The recruitment, training, combat readiness, terrain, climate, etc., all belong to the "Strategy Chapter". Among them, the elements of combat readiness also include logistics, but the logistics of the "Strategy Chapter" is more macroscopic, and the logistics of the "Tactical Chapter" is much narrower.

   "Battle Chapter" is more specific, the content is almost all written by the frontline generals, and Zhao Han improved the height after refining and summarizing. It can be divided into: definition of battle, purpose of battle, means of battle, result of battle, etc. And a large number of ancient and modern actual combat cases are used to analyze and explain the whole process of combat.

   Li Zicheng stayed up all night to read "On War".

  He got this book as if he had found a treasure, and he watched until dawn, and found Zhang Nai with bloodshot eyes: "This book, all students in the military academy must learn it?"

  Zhang Nai explained: "On War" takes four years to complete. The crash course mainly studies the "Battle Chapter", but it is required to continue self-study in the army."

  Li Zicheng asked: "How many students graduate from the Nanjing Military Academy every year?"

Zhang Nai said: "The number of students in the crash course varies every year. Each army recommends 50 outstanding soldiers to enroll each year. In addition, the general class can recruit 80 high school graduates every year. It is a general of hundreds of people (post leader). I heard that the graduation examination is very strict. If you cannot graduate after three years of delay, you can only get a certificate of graduation. The top ten dropouts can apply to be captains overseas or in Heilongjiang (approximately equivalent to platoon leaders) .”

   "Even if only 50 people graduate from this Nanjing Military Academy a year, they are still 50 young generals." Li Zicheng became more emotional and asked, "How many military academies are there in the country?"

  Zhang Nai said: "Now there seem to be six schools, but I'm not too sure."

  Li Zicheng secretly rejoiced that he chose to surrender. Every year they train a bunch of hundreds of generals, and the more they fight, the more powerful they become. How can the Dashun Army survive with that little foundation?

   After falling asleep, Li Zicheng went to read some other textbooks.

   "Infantry Exercises", "Cavalry Exercises", and "Artillery Exercises" are easy to understand. Military students must learn these three books to prepare for their future training. Ordinarily disabled or too old generals, some will leave the front-line troops and turn to work such as recruiting and training. The three "Operation Code" are actually written for grassroots soldiers.

  Shanghai will set up a navy school this year, and the "Sailor Drill Code" has been compiled, mainly to train inland water troops and naval officers. In today's Datong Navy, the influence of the Zheng family is still very large, and it can be gradually weakened through the Naval Academy.

  Another book, "Wu Bei Lu", recorded various military equipment, including hot and cold weapons, armor, and chariots.

   "Stories of Famous Officials and Generals of Past Dynasties" mainly cultivates patriotism and martial spirit. Wei Qing, Huo Qubing, Su Wu, Yue Fei, Wen Tianxiang...all are here.


  Nanjing Military Academy.

  Going for a run in the morning, the prince is used to it.

  When he first entered school, he was practicing according to the "Infantry Drill Code", and he was put on the ground on the first day. Now that I am about to graduate, the intensity of physical training has dropped a lot, mainly to learn various theoretical knowledge.

  The five-mile long-distance run ended, and Zhao Kuanghuan walked slowly.

   This is an order issued by the emperor himself. Military students or soldiers should not sit and lie down immediately after a long-distance run, saying that they are prone to sudden death or something.

   "Zongxue, you will be graduating soon, where are you going?" Zhao Kuanghuan asked.

  Zhang Tieniu himself has little knowledge, but he cares about his son very much. The eldest son's name is Zhang Tingxun, and his name is Zongxue. The name and characters are all given by the great Confucianism.

  Zhang Tingxun used to study with the prince in Huangcheng Primary School, but was soon eliminated. Later, he went to a noble middle school in Nanjing, but he didn't get a middle school diploma, and he didn't even have the qualifications to enter a military academy. The emperor made an exception and let him go to a military academy.

After walking for a while, Zhang Tingxun sat on the edge of the school field and sighed: "Then what logistics calculation questions, where can I pass the test? There are other definitions, elements, terrain, and climate. I am dizzy by memorizing them. I will definitely not graduate from the military academy." But I am very good at practical subjects, and I will definitely be among the top students among dropouts. I want to apply to be the team leader in Heilongjiang."

   "Heilongjiang?" Zhao Kuanghuan was quite surprised, "It's very remote there, so you don't plan to ask His Majesty to intercede again?"

Zhang Tingxun said: "Let's forget it, I'm ashamed. I was disgraced once by Huangcheng Primary School. I was disgraced again when I didn't get a high school diploma. My father didn't come back from the north, but he sent people twice. Nanjing, take off your pants and beat me hard. This time I won’t wait for him to beat me up, I will go to Heilongjiang after graduation, and become a general with real swords and guns!"

   "Ambition!" Zhao Kuanghuan praised.

  Military schools are different from ordinary schools. Ordinary schools recruit students in summer, while military schools recruit students in spring. After graduating every winter, I will be assigned to the army after the Chinese New Year, so that I can have a good reunion before leaving home.

  The academic system of ordinary schools has also been adjusted this year.

  Three-year primary school, recommended to enter at the age of seven.

  Four-year middle school, recommended to enroll at the age of ten.

  Four-year university, the graduation age is about eighteen years old.

   This is very difficult for girls. Eighteen is already an old girl, and she will definitely get married early. Once married, they may be bound by their husband's family, and nine out of ten they will not be able to continue their studies.

  Zhang Tingxun suddenly said: "I heard that you are going to get married, when will you accept the crown princess?"

   "The court is still arguing, and it has been more than a year." Zhao Kuanghuan felt very helpless.

  Most civil servants hope to continue the Ming Dynasty system and select concubines for the prince from commoner families. A small number of civil servants and most of the generals wrote letters, hoping to choose a crown princess from the minister's family.

  The prince himself also has a woman he likes, and he went to the queen to talk about it many times.

  Zhang Tingxun said: "If I choose my concubine before the Chinese New Year, I can still attend your wedding. After the Chinese New Year, I will go to Heilongjiang."

  Zhao Kuanghuan asked: "When you go to Heilongjiang, will you take your lovely wife with you?"

   "No," Zhang Tingxun shook his head, "How can the pampered daughter's family endure the bitter cold? When I make meritorious service in the future, I will be promoted to Shanshaanbei, and then I will take her to reunite."

  Zhang Tieniu himself is a rough man, and his wife is a strong widow. Zhang Tingxun inherited the advantages of his parents. He has been nourished since he was a child, and his body is as strong as a calf. But the sweet wife in his family is the daughter of an official. The couple stood together and vividly explained what beauty and the beast are.

   "Dang Dang Dang Dang!"

  When the class bell rang, Zhao Kuanghuan and Zhang Tingxun quickly stood up and ran towards their respective classes.

  The teacher is Zhu Huai, a native of Hunan, a former Ming Tongsheng, who was a division-level mission officer in the army, and was transferred to the military academy as a teacher due to injuries. He now receives double salary, enjoys the treatment of deputy teacher, and stands upright on the podium: "Today we will talk about 'Battle'. What is the definition of fighting? It is to use various means to destroy or subdue the enemy! Do you want to fight? How should you do it?" Fighting, or subduing others without fighting, is what the 'Battle Chapter' is about..."

  The crown prince who had studied in the Imperial City School for many years became a top student in an instant when he arrived at the Military Academy.

  Practical subjects are definitely not the strongest, but theoretical subjects often take the top three.

  The main issue is the source of students. Most of the military students come from middle school graduates who cannot go to college at public expense, and at the same time have no money to go to college at their own expense. A high school diploma guarantees that the cultural courses of military school students will not be too bad, but it still cannot be compared with the real top students.

  Of course, it is impossible to talk about wars on paper.

  The real famous generals are all trained in actual combat. Therefore, when a military student arrives in the army, he can only be a sentry commander who leads a hundred soldiers. He needs to be honed slowly before he can be promoted.

   At the end of the day's class, Zhao Kuanghuan ran away immediately.

  He spends half of his time studying in the military academy, and half of the time he has to study Chu (how can this be harmonious?) Jun courses.

  Leaving the military academy, Zhao Kuanghuan sent a letter to his attendants, telling him: "Old rules, hurry back!"

  The attendant took the letter and ran to Jinling University, which was helping the prince deliver the love letter.

  (end of this chapter)

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