Chapter 845: 841 [Princess also chooses a consort]

  Chapter 845 841 [The princess also chooses a son-in-law]


Sitting on the main hall, Zhao Han said to the courtiers: "The crown prince is seventeen years old, and the marriage has been discussed for a full year. Since the disputes are endless, I will make a compromise decision today. Poor or rich, they are selected only from among the female students in each province. The following conditions must be met—”

  "First, dignified appearance and virtuous personality; second, at least a middle school graduate; third, age above fifteen and under twenty; fourth, no marriage contract is required, and those who repent and send off their marriages will be severely punished."

"Ten people are selected from each province, and they will be re-elected by the Supervisor of Rituals. The culture test is the first, and the difficulty is slightly lower than that of the middle school graduation test, so as to prevent local officials from fraudulent selection. The top 100 people will be selected in the test, and the rest of the process will be selected according to the previous dynasty. Follow the concubine's rules."

  As soon as this remark came out, the officials were in an uproar.

  The cabinet officials looked at each other in blank dismay. The emperor didn't say hello in advance and announced the decision directly at the court meeting. Only the foolish would object again.

  Families with female middle school graduates may be overwhelmed to sign up when they get the news. There are certainly not a few people who bribe officials and break up engagements, so they want to put their daughters in the palace. Even if he loses the election in the end, he still has face when he returns to his hometown, and the threshold of the family will be broken by the matchmaker.

   There are also a few officials who understand that the emperor has other deep meanings. This is to encourage women to study.

  The prince got married, with one main concubine and two side concubines.

   But this time there is only one spot left, because the prince already has two "childhood sweethearts". The woman's family also knew about the situation, so they never engaged their daughter, and almost dragged her into an old maid.

  The right servant of the household department, Qiao Hongdao, was excited and nervous at the moment.

  His daughter, Qiao Wuhua, has a deep relationship with the prince. If my daughter becomes a princess, will it affect my career? According to the rules of the former Ming Dynasty, the father-in-law of the emperor or the prince cannot continue to be a civil servant. Generally, he is rewarded with the position of Jinyiwei, and then he is granted the title of Marquis or Uncle, and he will be a rich and leisurely noble from then on.

   Soon someone came out holding a wat board and asked the question Qiao Hongdao wanted to ask.

   Chief Assistant Song Yingxing asked: "Your Majesty, if the daughter of a minister is elected as the crown princess, will she be exempted from the official position and then conferred the title of knighthood? If the official position is not removed, will there be foreign relatives interfering in politics?"

Zhao Han had thought about this for a long time, but he never made it public: "The former Ming Dynasty raised millions of useless clans, and the new dynasty of Datong must not repeat the same mistakes. Make a living. However, the clan and relatives can only be officials of the third rank at most. In addition, the clans other than the emperor's five clothes are not restricted by any rank, even the chief assistant can do it."

  The chief envoy belongs to the second rank, and the restriction of the third rank is set to prevent the clan's relatives from ruling a province.

   As for the clans other than the emperor's fifth service, the orthodoxy of blood is already very low, and it is impossible to rebel through a coup, so there is no need to restrict it. If the coup d'état of the clan really succeeds, it means that the Datong Dynasty has been rotten to the bone, and it might be better for a capable clan to be the emperor.

   "Your Majesty is wise!" Song Yingxing returned to the train.

   Qiao Hongdao was dumbfounded, he is now the third rank, if his daughter becomes the princess, his official career will basically come to an end. You can continue to climb up, but at most you can climb to Zuo Shilang.

  Zhao Han also said: "The eldest daughter of the emperor has also reached the age of marriage. Are there any unmarried young talents in the Hanlin and Qintian academies? They must be under twenty years old, and graduate students are also acceptable."

  Qian Qianyi and Xiao Shixuan appeared at the same time.

  Qian Qianyi said: "Reporting to Your Majesty, after I retire from the court, I will go to find out the situation."

  Xiao Shixuan said: "I have a disciple, eighteen years old, with an innocent background, proficient in mathematics, and excellent in character and learning."

  Zhao Han said: "I will go hunting in the eastern suburbs in a few days, you bring all the suitable talents here, and let them meet the princess."

  When it came to Emperor Zhao, it was even more interesting to choose a son-in-law. He actually chose directly from the Imperial Academy and Qintian Academy. Anyway, scholars from these two houses generally do not become political officials, and it has no influence on their careers.

  A few days later, the emperor took his concubines and children to the Zijin Mountain hunting ground.

   Not only the eldest son Zhao Kuanghuan and the eldest daughter Zhao Furong accompanied him, but also the second daughter Zhao Hanjin and the second son Zhao Kuangtang.

  These princes and princesses are all studying in the Imperial City School, but they don't hire extra teachers like the prince.

  To put it bluntly, in case the crown prince dies unexpectedly, the other princes can immediately make up for it, which is nothing more than adding relevant Chu (God, what harmony) monarch courses.

  Zhao Hanjin is fourteen years old this year. She lifted the curtains of the carriage, poked her head out to look back, and even took out the binoculars. After some observation, he retracted and said, "Eldest sister, I can see clearly. There are seven of those young talents, and two of them are quite handsome."

   "What does it have to do with me?" Zhao Furong blushed.

  Zhao Hanjin said: "There is one inside, but it is your future husband-in-law."

  Zhao Furong said: "Daddy said, if you don't like any of them, you can choose again."

  Zhao Hanjin came over and asked in a low voice: "Does my sister have a favorite man in school?"

   "Nonsense!" Zhao Furong blushed even more.

   "I got it right." Zhao Hanjin smiled triumphantly.

  Zhao Furong became anxious immediately: "No, don't talk nonsense!"

  I don't have any crushes, but there are a few who are pleasing to the eye, and they are all good-educated and handsome.

  Different from the prestige of the prince in the Imperial City School, those boys dare not play with the princess in order to avoid suspicion. If you get in touch with the princess more, you will even be criticized by the teacher. The princesses' usual playmates are all female students of the Imperial City School.

  Everyone first came to the racecourse, which has been closed in advance, and no one else can come in or out.

  Zhao Han called Li Zicheng to his side, pointed to a group of fine horses and said, "Chuang Wang, let's see, how do my horses compare with those in Hetao?"

  Li Zicheng replied truthfully: "It is much taller than the horses in Hetao."

   "The best way to breed for more than ten years is to have this appearance," Zhao Han said proudly, "Chuang Wang, go and choose a horse. Try my BMW and see if it can still be ridden."

  While Li Zicheng was picking a good horse, Fei Rulan was observing the seven talents.

   Zhao Furong, who is about to marry, is Fei Rulan's daughter born in Luling. Naturally, she must choose her husband carefully and conscientiously.

   "Minister (student) so-and-so, pay my respects to the empress!"

  Seven young people stepped forward to salute, while Qian Qianyi and Xiao Shixuan took the opportunity to introduce their specific situation.

  After some understanding, Fei Rulan said: "You young people, let's go play."

  Princes and princesses, accompanied by guards, went to play polo with these seven young men.

  Fei Rumei came over: "Sister, which one do you like?"

  Pan Qimei said: "The one named Feng Qizhi is very good, handsome in appearance, good in conversation, suitable to be a son-in-law."

  Fei Rulan asked Liu Rushi: "How does Sister Liu feel?"

  Liu Rushi said: "My sister chooses a son-in-law, but my sister is inconvenient to speak."

   "But it's okay to say." Fei Rulan smiled.

   "Then my younger sister has the guts to say a few words," Liu Rushi said, "That Feng Qizhi, with wandering eyes and unstable temperament, might not be a good match for a princess. But that Tian Yang, although ordinary in appearance, has firm eyes, neither humble nor overbearing."

Fei Rulan took out the detailed information given by the two courts, and read: "Tian Yang, style name Angqi, is from Shaxian County, Fujian. His mother died young, and his father worked for the county government office. This person is eighteen years old and ranks second in the provincial examination. He was admitted to Jinling University at public expense. He graduated two months ago and has not yet taken the imperial examination. He is now a graduate student at Jinling University and is currently working as a scholar at Qintian Academy. He has excellent accomplishments in astronomy, geography, mathematics and physics. During his university years, he invented… I don’t understand this, so don’t mention it.”

   "What about Feng Qizhi?" Fei Rumei asked.

Fei Rulan said: "Feng Qizhi, courtesy name Pengju, was born in Jiangpu, Jinling. He was born in a prominent Jiangpu family. His father was a scholar of the former Ming Dynasty. He is currently engaged in a shipping business. He is seventeen years old and ranks 65th in the Jinling Mansion Examination. Enrolled in Jinling University. He also graduated two months ago. He has not yet taken the imperial examination, and he is studying at the Imperial Academy. He is a student of Qian Qianyi, who is good at poetry and painting, good at classics and history, and quite talented in literature."

Fei Rumei said: "I think this one is not bad. His family background is good, he is handsome, and he is talented. Put it in the drama, he is a very good husband. As for the wandering eyes, a seventeen-year-old boy has not yet developed a heart." Let’s decide, how many people can have firm eyes?”

  Fei Rulan was noncommittal, and then asked Tian Xiuying: "What do you think, sister?"

  Tian Xiuying said: "I am more optimistic about that Li Quan. Although he is not as handsome as Feng Qizhi, he is still handsome. What's more rare is that this person has a heroic spirit, and he looks like he can do great things."

Fei Rulan glanced at Li Quan's information, and said to Fei Rumei: "This man is still from our hometown in Jiangxi. His father joined the Datong Army in Nanchang County, and he is currently serving as brigade commander in Yunnan. It's just that he is a bit old. At the age of 20, and had a marriage contract, his fiancée died of illness three years ago. This man graduated from university two years ago, gave up the imperial examination, traveled to several provinces, and even went to Luzon and Taiwan. No, no, no. It's too lively and escaped, and I'm afraid I won't be able to stay home all day after marriage."

   After a game of polo, the princes and daughters came back.

  Fei Rulan pulled her daughter aside and asked, "Which one do you prefer?"

   Zhao Furong blushed and said, "Li Quan is okay."

  Hearing this answer, Fei Rulan's face turned dark, even if Tian Yang wasn't selected, that little boy Feng Qizhi would do.

  Fei Rulan endured not losing her temper, and asked her daughter, "Why is Li Quan not bad?"

   Zhao Furong said: "He is funny, knowledgeable, and has a good personality."

  Fei Rulan asked, "Where's Feng Qizhi?"

  Zhao Furong shook his head: "This man is no good, he is slick, he looks like a libertine."

  Fei Rulan asked again: "What about Tian Yang?"

  Zhao Furong said: "Tian Yang is not good either, just like a goose, he doesn't talk much when he's bored."

   To put it more intuitively, Li Quan belongs to the kind of sunny boy who has traveled to several provinces and even went to Luzon alone. This kind of heroic and sunny boy has traveled all over the world and is well-informed, and he is humorous and chats. How can girls not be attracted?

  Fei Rulan remained silent, she wanted to talk to the emperor carefully.

  (end of this chapter)

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