Chapter 863: 859【Not easy】

  Chapter 863 859 [not simple]

  The crown princess has no titles at all, one is the main concubine, and the rest are side concubines.

  The main concubine Jiang Yuan, the daughter of a farmer.

  side concubine Qiao Wuhua, the daughter of the third-rank minister.

   Side concubine Zhu Junmo, the daughter of a county middle school teacher.

  side concubine Li Ruosu, the daughter of a general of the Datong Army (the niece of Li Zheng, the governor of Anton).

  From the backgrounds of the four princesses, it can be seen that the new imperial concubines do not recognize their backgrounds at all.

  Unlike the Han and Tang Dynasties, it only selects prominent families.

   It is not like the Ming Dynasty, most of them come from small families.

  It’s more like the Song Dynasty, noble ladies and ladies can be fine, and Xiaojiabiyu can also be fine, it all depends on the emperor’s preference. The most outrageous thing is Liu E, who first married a silversmith as his wife. The couple pretended to be brother and sister, and the husband dedicated his wife to the prince. Boiled the princess and queen to death, and finally became the queen herself, and her ex-husband can still be reused by the emperor.

  Of course, the queens of the Song Dynasty were still mainly the daughters of high officials.

  The crown prince was obviously unhappy when he heard the news. His ideal concubine is Zhu Junmo, who usually communicates once every ten days, at least three love letters a month.

   But the resistance was ineffective, and the emperor had already made a decision.

  The next step is the three media and six engagements, and the courtship ceremony still has to go, but the prince will definitely not come out of the palace to welcome his relatives in person.

  The customary cost of the wedding of the emperor (prince) of the Ming Dynasty was three to four hundred thousand taels of silver.

  When Zhu Houzhao got married, the budget given by the household department was 300,000 taels. As a result, during the actual operation, the budget was steadily increasing, and more than 500,000 taels of silver were needed, plus more than 8,000 taels of gold. This must have been cheated by the eunuch, who took the opportunity to fill his own pocket, but the Ministry of Household Affairs resolutely refused to give the money, so the supervisor of ceremonies and the cabinet went back and forth.

  In the end, the two parties compromised, and the wedding was settled with 400,000 taels of silver. Who made Zhu Houzhao a father who can spend money.

  During the royal wedding in the new dynasty of Datong, the royal treasury was directly withdrawn from the bank, and there was no need to discuss with the court how to use the money. So the civil servants didn't care anymore, they wished that the wedding would be grander, so as to show the majesty and bearing of the imperial court even more.

  Zhao Han finalized the wedding budget, only one hundred and fifty thousand taels of silver.

  Give gifts to the natal families of the four princesses, and tens of thousands of taels of silver will be lost. This is relatively shabby and stingy.

  Like the grand wedding of the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, that is really a big deal. Not counting the betrothal gift, the gift to the queen’s (prince’s) natal family included three hundred taels of gold, fifteen thousand taels of silver, countless gold and silver artifacts, silk and satin, and dozens of horses with matching saddles. There are also court clothes, mink fur, pearls and so on. There is also a banquet at the natal family, the unit is "hundred tables", and the unit of sheep and wine is also "hundred".

  Zhao Han was very unbalanced. When he married Fei Rulan, he didn't give a tael of silver; when he married Pan Qimei, he only gave food, firewood, livestock and other ordinary things. Now that my son is getting married, he has to spend so much gift money.

   After two or three months of preparations, the wedding finally took place.

  The whole city is decorated with lanterns and festoons, some of which are paid by the royal family. Lanterns and silks and satins are hung at the door of the people's homes, and they will be given to the corresponding people afterwards. Some shops are arranged spontaneously, making it more festive, and doing business while the prince is getting married.

  The three side concubines can only enter through the side door.

  The imperial concubine sat on a phoenix chariot and went straight to Chengtian Gate and Yingmin Gate, where all civil and military officials greeted her.

  After the welcoming team left, all the officials also dispersed. They had a day off and all had dinner, and the crown prince treated them to guests.

  Prince Zhao Kuanghuan stood on the east steps of the East Palace, his face was not very happy, and he was still in trouble because of the concubine.

  Walking to the west steps of the East Palace, the Crown Princess got off the phoenix chariot.

  Although Zhao Kuanghuan was upset, he still had to do what he had to do. He bowed to the princess and welcomed her into his East Palace.

  As for the three side concubines, they were all carried to the side courtyard. They will definitely not see the crown prince today.

  The bride and groom sit stiffly in the bridal chamber.

  Jiang Yuan sat on the edge of the bed, feeling more and more anxious. She could feel that the prince was very indifferent to her, which was like pouring cold water on her.

   "It's getting late, let's rest." The prince actually fell asleep without taking off his coat.

  Jiang Yuan had no choice but to remove the Fengguan Xiapei by himself, and curled up beside the prince. Just as she was about to see the prince's face clearly, the prince had turned over and turned his back to her.

  Jiang Yuan had nothing to say: "What does the prince like?"

   Zhao Kuanghuan did not speak.

  Jiang Yuan said again: "I can also compose poetry."

  Zhao Kuanghuan was silent.

  Jiang Yuan continued: "I have read "Zi Zhi Tong Jian", but I haven't finished it."

  Zhao Kuanghuan was silent.

   "I..." Jiang Yuan thought carefully, hoping to find out the prince's interest.

  Zhao Kuanghuan seemed a little impatient, and said: "You can also pigtail, I have heard."

  Jiang Yuan was quite aggrieved: "If the crown prince doesn't like it, I won't piggyback from now on. What's more, there are no piglets to piggyback in the Forbidden City."

  The crown prince sometimes behaves very calmly, but he is still a young man after all, and his mind is currently extremely immature.

   Zhao Kuanghuan stopped talking again.

  Jiang Yuan tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep, and felt a little hungry, so he simply got up to eat.

  Before, there were female officials who presided over the bridal chamber ceremony, tied hair, drank wine and so on.

  The wine is still there, and the food has not been taken away. This is specially for the newlyweds to fill their stomachs.

  Jiang Yuan suffocated, picked up the mutton and ate it, picked up the wine ladle and drank it. He also deliberately made noises, one is to vent his anger, and the other is to attract the prince's attention.

   Sure enough, Zhao Kuanghuan could no longer remain silent, because he was too hungry.

  Jiang Yuan almost drank the wine in the gourd, his face was flushed, and Xiafei's cheeks became more and more beautiful under the reflection of the candles.

  Zhao Kuanghuan stood up abruptly, sat opposite Jiang Yuan, picked up chopsticks and ate meat.

   "Husband, please drink." Jiang Yuan picked up the jug and filled a glass of warm wine with a smile.

   Zhao Kuanghuan gulped it down in a fit of anger, and continued to bury his head in eating meat, without looking directly at the princess.

  Jiang Yuan said: "Husband has a sweetheart, right? She graduated from university, and I graduated from middle school. It is reasonable that husband looks down on me."

   Zhao Kuanghuan couldn't help retorting: "It's not about academic qualifications."

   "I know, childhood sweetheart." Jiang Yuan said.

   "It's good that you know." Zhao Kuanghuan was finally induced to speak.

Jiang Yuan continued: "I never thought about being a concubine, it's all arranged by His Majesty. Whichever husband you like, you can go to her room tomorrow. You and I have already tied hair just now, this can't be changed, why bother to play anymore Childish? As a king in the future, there will be more things that don’t go your way, so why are you still sulking with ministers?”

  Zhao Kuanghuan finally raised his head and looked at his concubine: "You are a peasant girl, how do you know this?"

Jiang Yuan smiled and said: "My husband, have you forgotten that I also graduated from middle school, and I have also read "Zi Zhi Tong Jian". I have also read "Da Tong Ji" by heart. I am a farmer. As a peasant girl, I am not lowly, please don’t look down upon me, my husband.”

   These words changed Zhao Kuanghuan's impression of her a lot, and he actually asked about people's livelihood: "How are the peasants in Shandong doing?"

Jiang Yuan said: "Thanks to Your Majesty's kindness, the peasants live very well. Every household has property, and there are even barren fields that no one has reclaimed. As long as you work hard, you can not only fill your stomach, but also save surplus grain every year. Farmers in the countryside, except Those big families who moved from the south, which one doesn't want to benefit from His Majesty?"

  Zhao Kuanghuan immediately heard the question: "Do the big families who moved from the south hate the court?"

  Jiang Yuan said: "They were given away their land in the south, were forcibly split up by the court, and even migrated all the way to Shandong. How could they have no resentment in their hearts?"

   "A generation without a king and no father!" Zhao Kuanghuan has already counted them.

  Jiang Yuan said with a smile: "Last year when the government arrested people, our county arrested three of them for writing articles criticizing Tianzheng."

   Zhao Kuanghuan said: "Nanjing arrested thousands of them."

"In my opinion, it's really well caught," Jiang Yuan said, "If your Majesty hadn't raised his troops, the world would have been plagued by thieves or Tartars. There are tens of thousands of mu of fertile land in a famous family, and how many can do it?" Can we keep it? Those big families in Shandong were severely harmed by Zuo Liangyu and the Tartars. Many big families fled south with their families, and many of them died of the plague. Zuo Liangyu was entrenched in Shandong, and the plague was getting worse The more it spread, the Datong Army recovered Shandong, and the plague was brought under control within a year or two."

   Zhao Kuanghuan likes to hear these words: "Father is an immortal king, so even if there are thousands of disasters, he can also solve them easily."

  Jiang Yuan raised his glass and said: "My husband will definitely be a wise king in the future."

   Zhao Kuanghuan actually clinked glasses with the Crown Princess, and after drinking, he said: "My qualifications are limited, and I am definitely not as good as my father, but I must be tens of thousands of times better than Chongzhen."

  Jiang Yuan said: "I believe my husband can do it."

   Zhao Kuanghuan suddenly realized that he was being tricked by the princess. He planned to show his face all night, so he chatted with the princess in a daze, and even clinked glasses for a drink just now.

   Wanting to understand this, Zhao Kuanghuan was angry and funny, and at the same time secretly alerted himself that he should not be easily led by the nose in the future.

   Because of this, Zhao Kuanghuan looked squarely at the princess and finally observed her appearance seriously. Just talking about looks, he doesn't lose to his sweetheart, and he doesn't have the petty air of a farmer, but more like a lady from a big family.

  Well, more free and easy than the ladies, after all, they dare to copy knives and pigs.

   Thinking of this, Zhao Kuanghuan subconsciously clamped his legs.

   After thinking about it, Zhao Kuanghuan said: "My mother likes poetry, and often weaves by hand."

  Jiang Yuan understood, and said happily: "I will learn how to spin and weave."

  Zhao Kuanghuan asked again: "Why are you piggy?"

Jiang Yuan picked up the chopsticks and gestured: "Press there, the piggy's **** will bulge into a bag, look at it with a small knife, and then squeeze it a little bit, the piggy's **** will come out, and then swing the knife to squeeze the balls." cut off!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

   Zhao Kuanghuan thought of the scene of the beautiful girl piggy, and was finally amused to laugh out loud.

   Zhao Kuanghuan asked again: "Do you still raise pigs?"

Jiang Yuan said: "Pigs are very smart, not as stupid as everyone says. My pigs often eat distiller's grains, get drunk just like humans, and even blush when drunk. Black pigs can't tell when they blush, but flowery pigs can. Come out."

   Zhao Kuanghuan continued: "I heard that cotton is grown in many places in Shandong."

  Jiang Yuan said: "There are relatively few cotton growers over there, but there are also..."

   A newlywed couple chatted while eating, and rolled onto the bed while chatting.

  (end of this chapter)

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