Chapter 864: 860【King Narai Returns to the Kingdom】

  Chapter 864 860【Narai King Restoration】

  Last night, the red candles were stopped in the bridal chamber, and the uncle and aunt were worshiped before Xiaotang. After finishing makeup, I asked my husband and son-in-law in a low voice, whether the thrush is dark or light.

   On the morning of the second day of the wedding, it is etiquette for the groom to take the bride to visit his parents.

  The royal family is no exception.

  Zhao Han specially stayed at the empress's dorm room, waiting for the prince and princess to come to say hello.

  The four of them had breakfast together, and after a few casual conversations, Zhao Han got up to deal with government affairs and asked Fei Rulan to continue chatting with his son and daughter-in-law.

  As soon as he sat down, Zhao Han ordered: "Call Na Lai."

  Prince Narai of Siam took a two-year crash course at the Nanjing Military Academy, and now serves as a guard of the imperial city.

  Narai received the order and rushed to see him.

Zhao Han asked the female officer to hand over a letter of credence: "Your father is seriously ill and is under house arrest by your brother. Your uncle sent troops to rescue him and killed your brother. Your father also died in the rebellion. Now, your uncle is regent in Siam, Ask me to canonize him as King of Siam."

Prince Nalai didn't even read the letter of credence, so he knelt down and said, "Your Majesty, Rong Bing, your elder brother is weak, and it is absolutely impossible to imprison his father and usurp the throne. Please borrow five hundred soldiers from your majesty, and Rong Chen will return to the country to punish the real regicide." people!"

   "Okay, I will canonize you as the king of Siam, and you can go to Guangnan Province to borrow troops with the documents." Zhao Han actually agreed.

  Is it because Prince Narai has always been very loyal?

   There is a reason for this.

   But more importantly, Zhao Han could tell that this guy named Na Lai had hidden ambition in his eyes. At the same time, he is extremely rational and able to see the general trend clearly.

  After Prince Narai left the palace, he finally couldn't hold back his joy, with a smug smile on his face.

  As a prince, he came to Nanjing as a bodyguard. Isn't this the day he's been waiting for?

  The old king of Siam, don't look like a wimp, he was a powerful minister usurping the throne when he was young. The entire process of usurping the throne can be regarded as a classic case of a minister taking power—

  First unite all forces to prevent the vice king of Siam from succeeding to the throne, support the young prince to ascend the throne, and take the opportunity to become the regent himself.

  The deputy king was frightened to become a monk, and this guy lured Yamada Nagamasa (Japanese general) and sent Yamada Nagamasa to encourage the deputy king to seize the throne. Deputy Wang Huanhuan happily returned to Beijing and was immediately arrested. He was arrested and not killed, but deliberately exiled, so that the deputy king would flee and raise troops to separate the regime.

  At this time, send Yamada Nagamasa to counter the rebellion.

  When Yamada Nagamasa, who had a large army in his hands, left, he took the opportunity to control the court and the capital's army, and also seduced the young king to indulge in his sensuality.

   After suppressing the rebellion, Yamada Nagamasa tried to return to Beijing, but was sent to Japan as an envoy on his way halfway.

   This guy took the opportunity to murder the king, intending to usurp the throne and stand on his own.

  When Yamada Nagamasa got the news, he quickly led his troops back, and he was so scared that he changed the prince to be the king. He also provoked a local rebellion and ordered Yamada Nagamasa to quell the rebellion in the name of the king.

  Nagamasa Yamada had no choice but to lead his troops to leave. This guy finally succeeded in usurping the throne, that is, Prince Narai's father, King Bassetung.

  Nagamasa Yamada was very powerful, and he actually put down the Liukun rebellion.

  King Basaitong decided to appease him, and conferred the title of Yamada Nagamasa as the prefect of Liukun, which is actually similar to the Jiedushi of the Tang Dynasty. He also secretly contacted the younger brother of the former Liukun prefect, who avenged his brother and poisoned Yamada Nagamasa to death.

  As soon as Yamada Nagamasa died, King Passaiton immediately expelled the Japanese and took full control of the power of Siam.

   With such a father, is Prince Lai really a good person?

  Even his elder brother is not a good person. On the surface, he is weak and weak, but secretly makes friends with powerful people, and has been suppressing his younger brother Na Lai.

  The relationship between Na Lai and his elder brother is similar to Li Shimin and Li Jiancheng.

  The father of the two, for various reasons, sometimes reuses Na Lai, and sometimes suppresses Na Lai.

  Historically, when King Bassetoon died of illness, the eldest son succeeded him automatically. Prince Nalai instigated his uncle to rebel and killed his brother to usurp the throne. In the name of avenging his brother, he killed his uncle and became king himself.

   Moreover, Prince Narai came to power and colluded with the Dutch. When he becomes king, he immediately turns against the Dutch. First, it united with the British to fight against the Netherlands, and then joined the French to fight against the British, and then used the Chinese forces to suppress the French forces. Uncle, Dutch, British, French, Chinese...all are his tools. During this period, he was defeated steadily by the Netherlands, and was forced to sign an unequal treaty, handing over the interests of Chinese businessmen to the Netherlands. But when the Netherlands withdraws its troops, it refuses to fulfill the treaty and supports Chinese businessmen to frantically crowd out the Netherlands.

  In this time and space, Prince Narai took the initiative to leave Siam for nothing more than two purposes.

  One is to make friends with China and lick the Chinese emperor.

  Secondly, after he went abroad, the power struggle in Siam changed from fighting against his elder brother to fighting between his elder brother and his uncle.

   "I'm going back to Siam, sir, it's a great idea!" Prince Narai said to the two advisers.

  Yang Dongkui hung a long sword at his waist, waved a folding fan and said with a smile: "It's not my idea, it's just to imitate the old wisdom of the ancients. Chong'er went into exile, traveled around the world, and eventually became the hegemony!"

  Greek Constance Valkan said: "Yang, you are too modest, and this is your credit."

  The three of them traveled all the way to Guangnan Province on a naval ship, and borrowed 500 Datong troops to go to Nonthaburi City.

  Whether it is a naval warship or the Five Hundred Datong Army, all military expenses are paid by Siam, and Prince Narai will give the money after he succeeds to the throne.

  China must have other requirements, such as the construction of a port at the mouth of the Chao Phraya River, which will be handed over to the Han people for self-government. And China not only helped Narai become king, but also promised to help Siam regain the lost territory in the north (by the way when it hit Burma).

  Bangkok at this time is still a small fishing village, south of Nonthaburi city. The port China intends to set up is further south of Bangkok.

  A prince, two counselors, and five hundred troops arrived at the city of Nonthaburi in winter.

  At this time, the rainy season in Siam is avoided, and the temperature is relatively pleasant.

  Prince Narai has another task. After returning home to regain power, he immediately summoned the Siamese army to cooperate with the Chinese army to attack Burma. Because China also decided to send troops in winter, and teach Myanmar a lesson from the north to the south.

  As long as he succeeds, Prince Narai will be able to regain the lost territory in the north and consolidate his rule with his illustrious military exploits.

   Those Nonthaburi defenders, facing the sudden enemy, all panicked and boarded the city wall to defend. And the Chinese businessmen in the port outside the city came to welcome Master Wang, and they saw the flag of the Datong Army.

   "I am Prince Narai, the king of Siam conferred by His Majesty the Emperor of China," Prince Narai said to those Han businessmen, "As long as I regain Ayutthaya, I will hand over some of Siam's trade to the Chinese businessman managers!"

  A group of Han people couldn’t believe it. A leader of Han merchants asked, “Is what the prince said true?”

Prince Narai said: "Every sentence is true, and you will never go back on it! As messengers, you immediately go to the city to persuade you to surrender. My uncle Si Sotan Malacha killed the king and usurped the throne. Everyone will be punished, and I am the real one. King. As long as the defenders surrender, I will give him an official title. If he does not surrender, the Emperor of China will send a hundred thousand troops here."

   "Prince... the king wait a moment!" The leader of the Han merchants actually entered the city.

  Siam is now open to the outside world, and businessmen from any country can come here to do business.

  Twenty or thirty years ago, the Japanese almost monopolized the trade in Siam. However, with the death of Yamada Nagamasa and the seclusion of the Japanese shogunate, Dutch businessmen and Chinese businessmen quickly seized trade shares.

  Because the Dutch are too domineering and often demand monopoly power by force, Chinese businessmen and Persian businessmen joined forces to form an alliance against the Netherlands.

  At the same time, the old king also disliked the Netherlands and vigorously supported the Han forces.

Van Ferrell, the head of the Siam business office of the Dutch East India Company, wrote enviously in his work diary: "There are many Chinese living in Siam. Respect. There are many Chinese who have been awarded high status, even official positions in Siam. There are also many Chinese who are considered to be the most capable agents, merchants, and ship owners... The king of Siam sent overseas agents, The warehouse clerks and accountants are all Chinese."

  Only in Ayutthaya, the capital of Siam, there are three or four thousand Chinese settlers, and this is the data from the Wanli period.

  Historically, after Prince Narai became king, he directly handed over all the domestic and overseas trade of Siam to Han Chinese merchants. Except for the opposition from the Netherlands, businessmen from other countries actually supported this regulation. Even the British and French were very satisfied, because they all felt that Chinese businessmen were the fairest in doing business.

   After waiting for about half an hour, the city gate of Nonthaburi suddenly opened.

  Civil and military officials led soldiers and merchants out of the city and knelt down to welcome Prince Narai back home.

Nalai took out the canonization document of the Chinese emperor and the golden seal of the Siamese king bestowed by the emperor, and announced on the spot: "I have been canonized as king by the emperor, and I am the real king of Siam. The one in Ayutthaya is a fake one." .You must follow me, take down Ayutthaya, and kill the kingslayer. I will reward you for your merits, and I will never treat any follower lightly!"

   "Long live King Narai! Long live King Narai!"

  Siamese officials and soldiers knelt on the ground and shouted in unison.

   Immediately, Narai awarded his two counselors the title of "Chao Phraya" (similar to a duke). Yang Dongkui was temporarily in charge of the army's logistics, and Hua Erkang, a Greek, assumed a position similar to the chief of staff.

   Also canonized Nonthaburi guard as "Praya" (similar to a marquis), and still commanded his own troops.

  Even several Han Chinese leaders here were canonized as "Kun" (similar to a baron).

  For a while, morale was high and everyone was satisfied.

  At the same time, a call for thieves was sent to various places, ordering local troops from all over Siam to come to serve the king.

   Without waiting for King Qin's troops to arrive, King Narai collected some grain, grass and ships, and immediately rushed to the capital Ayutthaya along the river.

  The usurpering king, Si Sotan Malacha, was terrified when he heard the news. He also issued a call for thieves and an order to fight the king, and hurriedly recruited troops to defend Ayutthaya.

   Then, this guy was assassinated by his subordinates...

  A soul-stirring "Prince's Revenge", about to stage the most magnificent part, suddenly came to an abrupt end.

  But King Qin's troops are still coming over one after another, and they don't know which king they are going to serve.

   This is right in the arms of King Narai. You don't need to gather additional troops, and you can take the king's troops from all over the place and go directly to Burma.

   Make a name for yourself and regain lost ground!

  At the same time, the Datong Army, which has been preparing for several years, has also assembled on the northern and southern borders of Myanmar.

  (end of this chapter)

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