The food was very delicious, but the food was not very delicious.

Liu Mufeng is usually the financial director of the company.

In order to ensure that he could grab the pickled fish, crayfish or braised chicken, Liu Mufeng asked more than 100 people in the entire finance department to grab it.

And Liu Mufeng personally supervised the work area of ​​the finance department.

Of course, Liu Mufeng himself was not idle.

When the store opened, Liu Mufeng also grabbed it himself, but still didn't get it.

Liu Mufeng didn't get it, so he could only ask the ordinary employees of the finance department: "Did anyone among you get it?"

As soon as the voice fell, the ordinary employees of the finance department shook their heads.

"I didn't get it."

"I didn't get it either."

"It disappeared when I just opened the mini program."

All the employees said they didn't get it, and Liu Mufeng was a little confused: "It's impossible, all of you more than 100 people didn't get it?"

No one dared to answer Liu Mufeng's words, because they also felt it was a bit outrageous.

Qin Shuyang Restaurant used to have delicious pickled fish and crayfish, so many people in the company's finance department would often order them.

Generally speaking, at every meal time, at least several people in the finance department can get it.

The crayfish and pickled fish in Qin Shuyang Restaurant are a bit expensive, and workers only try them occasionally, so not everyone will grab them at meal times, so basically only a part of the people will grab them.

When some people grab them, several people can grab them.

As a result, more than 100 people all grabbed them at noon today, but they still couldn't grab them. This is really a bit unreasonable, right?

Even the people who grabbed them themselves doubted it.

But everyone can guarantee that they did try their best to grab the order.

As for why this happened, they didn't know, so no one dared to answer, lest Liu Mufeng think that they didn't try their best when grabbing the order.

Liu Mufeng did have such doubts at the moment, but Liu Mufeng felt that these people didn't need to.

After all, he had just promised that whoever could grab the pickled fish and crayfish would be rewarded with 300 yuan.

Many people usually don't want to eat crayfish, pickled fish or braised chicken.

So if you can grab the 300 yuan, it's like having a free meal, isn't it delicious?

So it's impossible not to grab it with your heart.

But the problem now is not whether these employees have tried their best.

The key is that Liu Mufeng didn't grab any, how can he go back and explain to Liu Yehong?

If this thing can't be done well, then what will happen.

There was no other way, so Liu Mufeng could only settle for the next best thing: "Do you have screenshots of good reviews?"

Liu Mufeng did reconcile with Liu Yehong because of Qin Shuyang's video.

But at first, Liu Mufeng was a black fan of Qin Shuyang.

Liu Mufeng is different from Liu Fuyan.

Liu Fuyan has found love perfectly, while Liu Mufeng has been dumped several times, so Qin Shuyang's video is particularly heartbreaking for Liu Mufeng.

Although he had bought Qin Shuyang's pickled fish and crayfish before, he gave bad reviews.

Later, the newly registered account got it once, which did not meet Qin Shuyang's requirements, so he could not be a fan and buy it offline.

Seeing that there was no one who was good, Liu Mufeng had to leave the Finance Department and came to the company's design department and found the director of the design department.

The director of the design department took Liu Mufeng to the ordinary office area and asked more than 80 people in the design department.

"Do you have any takeout from [No Worries Restaurant]? If so, the takeout company will urgently requisition it. In addition to paying for your meal, it will also compensate you with an additional 300 yuan."

When asked this question, most of the more than 80 people fell silent.

Finally, a girl raised her hand silently: "I only got half a catty of braised chicken, is that okay?"

When Liu Mufeng heard the number of catties, his heart sank.

Who can eat half a catty of braised chicken?

The amount of cooperation this time is as high as 1 billion yuan.

If you invite customers to dinner and eat half a catty of braised chicken, Liu Mufeng feels that he will be laughed to death.

People who don't know would think that their company has gone bankrupt.

"Forget about half a catty."

In desperation, Liu Mufeng could only immediately go to other departments to coordinate.

As a result, after visiting all departments of the company, Liu Mufeng only transferred 5 catties of braised chicken from other colleagues.

Because today's braised chicken is 150 yuan per catty, for many workers, the more affordable braised chicken is naturally the first choice.


Everyone has the same idea, so of course more people will buy it.

In addition, it was sold out so quickly at noon today, so it was good enough to grab the braised chicken, and there was no way to grab the crayfish and pickled fish.

What's more, ordinary workers only need to grab one item, who can be so extravagant as to order two items for such an expensive takeaway.

"Why do so many people grab takeaways today?"

Liu Mufeng was really helpless.

There was no way to explain the 5 kilograms of braised chicken, so Liu Mufeng could only come to Liu Fuyan's office.

"Brother, why are you here?"

"Did you grab the takeaway from [No Worries Restaurant] at noon?"

"No, it was gone when I opened it at noon. It sold out too quickly at noon."

Hearing Liu Fuyan say this, Liu Mufeng could only sigh and then asked: "You have screenshots of the good reviews of [No Worries Restaurant], right?"

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"Does Yuzhe also have screenshots of loyal fans?"

"Yuzhe doesn't."

"He doesn't? I see you guys have eaten a lot of takeaways from [No Worries Restaurant] in the company, right?"

"He gave a bad review before for some reason, so his account is not considered a loyal fan account."

Liu Mufeng couldn't help but cover his forehead, feeling uncomfortable.

If there were two screenshots of good reviews, plus the 5 kilograms of braised chicken I got now, it might be enough.

Now I'm in trouble again.

Liu Mufeng could only say: "Forget it if there is none. Sister, go to the offline store and buy two kilograms of pickled fish and five kilograms of crayfish."

"Then if you see other people buying in the store, you can buy the pickled fish and crayfish from them at a high price."


"Because Uncle Zhang and his friends want to try the taste of the dishes of [No Worries Restaurant] at noon."

"I just walked around the whole company, and the company's people only got 5 kilograms of braised chicken."

"Braised chicken is enough, but we didn't get any pickled fish and crayfish, how can that work, so I can only let you go to the store to buy it."

"So it's Uncle Zhang and his friends who want to eat, then I can go buy it. But the problem is that the business is so hot at noon, if I go to buy it, it may take a long time."

It takes about 20 minutes to go from the company.

It takes about 50 minutes to go back and forth.

Not to mention waiting for takeout.

Liu Mufeng thought about it and felt that it made sense, so he said again: "Then go over and take a look at the dishes in the hands of the deliverymen."

"You ask the deliverymen to contact the buyers, and we will buy the dishes directly from the buyers."

"Anyway, Uncle Zhang and his family want to eat, we can't fail to entertain them. You also know that the amount of our company's cooperation with Uncle Zhang this time is 1 billion."

"Then I'll call Yuzhe, otherwise I can't take it alone."

"Okay, you two go quickly."

After saying that, Liu Mufeng felt a little relieved.

Liu Mufeng felt that his idea should work.

Other people who want to buy takeout will not say twice or three times the price and still not sell it, right?

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