It is definitely not a casual thing to single out the rare BOSS of LV30.

Li Pu could feel that this 13th was not much worse than the LV50 rare elite curry at that time.

At the beginning, I was also tricky, and even said that the restraint in the mechanism was able to kill.

If you want to get this Thirteen Unity, even if you don't use any tricks, at least you have to understand its skills.

What's more, his condition is not very good now.

More than half of the transformation time has passed, and it is still necessary to get out of the war first and then think about it in the long run.

Fortunately, the BOSS seems to be still adjusting at this time, and has not chased after him for the time being.

But because of the collapse of the mine, it is almost equivalent to a closed space.

Li Pu found that he could not even return to the ground in a short time with his own words.

"It seems that if there is a chance in the future, you still have to start with a hidden skill."

After a careful perception, I found that there was no suitable place to hide.

With a thought, the grass man was summoned.

【Grass! 】

As soon as the grass talent appeared, Li Pu was carried to the edge of the rock wall.

"Dig it for me."

He gave the order.

Now, it's time for grass-level tunnel digger performance.

I don't know if this guy can do it.

【Grass! 】

However, the straw man did not let him down, this guy may be born to do this kind of work.

In just a few seconds, an area suitable for excavation was found.

【hastily! 】

[Hastily! 】

Under its gesture, Li Pu understood the meaning.

Walking to the edge of the rock wall is a sentient charging iron fist.


The surface of the rock wall was cracked and cracked, and when he reached out and pried it open, the soft soil inside was exposed.

Grass Man: Next, let’s look at the herbal medicine!

I saw that its hands were like chains, and it began to dig the soil frantically.

"Bah bah bah!"

The splashing soil and sand splashed Li Pu's face.

He had some doubts that this guy was doing it on purpose.

Fortunately, although the previous mines were winding, they were actually not too deep from the ground.

Before the BOSS fully regained its mobility, the straw man actually dug the upper half of the intact mine.

When Li Pu returned to the ground, there was a violent tremor under his feet.


Throwing off the straw man directly, he took off all the inscriptions and ran wildly.

Unfortunately, you can't throw sand at your summons.


Not long after running out, the huge explosion flame completely overturned the entire mine.

【Grass! 】

The grass man shivered at this scene, if it were any more, he might turn into ashes!

"Could it be self-destruction?"

Li Pu felt the heat wave rushing towards his face and had some doubts.

At the same time, he also began to calculate in his heart.

For now, I have at least two advantages.

The first advantage is that this boss clearly belongs to the mechanical category.

My own talent [I am confident to fix it] can play a 50% damage increase effect.

The second advantage is that the boss should still belong to the hemp monster category.

Just now, all the monsters that I have been killing are the hemp monsters, so the talent [Don't cluster together] continues to be used on the hemp monsters, plus a 10% increase in damage.

Next, you just need to find a big rock and look at it slowly with foresight as you did before with curry...

【Thirteen one! 】

A tweet, planning his thoughts.

When the boss flew up from the ground, Li Pu was stunned.

That's right, it's flying up.

The air at this time was even hotter than when the residual temperature of the explosion just now remained.

When he opened his eyes, he was dumbfounded.

This is... what the hell? !

What was hovering in the low sky was a phoenix.

I go.

What about the mechanics?

What about the hemp monsters?

Dare to love that robot is not armor, but a transformation container?

The problem is that you should be a chicken, not a phoenix!

Things that had been well thought out were completely disrupted.

The phoenix, which seemed to be composed of flames, had sharp eyes, and was now looking for Li Pu's trace.

Its great cause of evolution has been destroyed!

Damn it!

If you continue to absorb it, you can evolve to a stronger level.

But now, it's just a little bit over that threshold!

【Thirteen one! 】

Under the anger, it made a sonorous cry again.

The space illusion created by the previous arrangement collapsed and disintegrated in an instant.

At this time, if other people come, they will no longer see the illusory forest, nor will they be directly teleported to the other end of the cursed land when passing through.

"Run separately."

Li Pu closed his eyes and explained to the grass man.

This is another life of his own, and he can't be killed by the BOSS so early.

I previewed it for a while just now, and the result was similar to that given by Curry.

Although it will not be directly seconds, the disadvantage is quite obvious.

However, he felt that he had found the answer to the crack.

【I found you! 】

The movement caused by the grass man was immediately discovered by Thirteen Unity.

But it didn't take care of that strange and cute guy, but sprayed a pillar of fire directly at Li Pu.

Li Pu Mingming could hide, but he didn't.

Instead, he swallowed [Sister Talisman] in advance, in exchange for the ability to avoid injury.



A high amount of damage fell from him.

Even though he had foreseen it in advance, Li Pu was still very astonished.

You must know that in addition to [LV2 Station God] + [Sister Talisman], he has other means.

That is to replace some two sets of inscriptions that eat ashes at the bottom of the press box, [Red Liquid Devil] x5 + [Blue Liquid Devil] x5.

[Red Liquid Demon] x5: Damage dealt to fire attribute targets +25%

[Blue Liquid Demon] x5: Fire damage received -50%

These two sets of inscriptions, which were deliberately collected at that time, finally came in handy.

For this reason, he lacked 28 points of physique from [Red Muka Beast], and a set of +50% Perception from [Blue Night Demon].

The current situation is still under control.

You must know that if there is no injury-free, this fire breathing is a full 4000 damage.

Equivalent to the amount of damage of Shishihan or so, it can directly send the grass figurine back to the grass figurine star more than six times.

If you only look at the total amount, it can be more than three times in seconds.

Li Pu, whose blood volume was a little less, quickly stood up and ran away.

At the same time, I checked the status panel in my mind, and sure enough, I received the effect of fire attribute damage.

[Ignition]: Inflict 1% of the maximum health real damage per second, and the healing effect is halved during the period, lasting 3 minutes

The fire of this BOSS is really ruthless, and it can last for 3 minutes with just one spray.

A full 180% of the real damage is simply trying to roast people.

Luckily, Li Pu had just changed to the dual [Master Tyrant].

【Master of Tyrant】

Additional Attribute 2: Max Recover 1.5% Max HP per second

The 30% life bonus is enough to make up for the loss of replacing [Red Muka Beast].

A total of 3% recovery per second, and only 1.5% after being weakened by [Ignition].

1% offsets its true damage, and 0.5% is used as a sustain.

Don't underestimate this mere 0.5%, it's enough.

Next, Li Pu's task is very simple.

Just - run.

Not ten kilometers.

I'll see how the lord will deal with you later.



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