Before he ran a few steps, Li Pu felt a strong wind blowing behind him.

After the evolution of Thirteen Unity, the body size is not very huge, that is, it is almost equivalent to a two-seater small aircraft.

As soon as he raised his hand, he shot flying claws and hooked the big tree in front of him.

call out!

The powerful force directly pulled Li Pu's body over.

The speed of pulling is not necessarily faster than his full-strength running, but the sudden change in direction makes it hard to guard against.


The explosion sounded, and a strong heat wave hit his back.

But that's all, no real harm was done.

"Wake up, it was for you just now."

Taking this opportunity, he looked back at the boss in order to preview the next step.

Anyway, as long as you keep [Ignite] hanging on your body, you won't be out of the fight.

Now that I can't beat it, it's true that I won't be sure when I run ten kilometers.

In fact, even without the ability to foresee, most of Li Pu's attacks on this boss can be avoided.

After all, on this night, even if it is not in the peak state, he still has a perception of about 150.

The BOSS's repeated dives were all dodged.

Only when his [Ignition] was about to end did Li Pu choose to resist hard.

With the help of [LV4 Cheating Hu], his [LV2 Standing God] didn't even need to stand still or consume Zen or energy for the first 3 seconds, which was enough to deal with him.

【Damn it! 】

It was obvious that Thirteenth was irritated by this situation.

Obviously he can fly much faster than the opponent, but he just can't hit the opponent.

So after the last dive, it didn't continue to go to the sky.

Because diving is powerful, but what's the use of you if you can't sprint to others!

And it takes too long to re-launch each time, it is better to catch up with a slap.

So it chose to land on the ground and started chasing with two chicken feet.

Although this speed is not as fast as flying, it is still much faster than Li Pu.

pat! pat! pat! pat!

The strange sound coming from behind immediately caught Li Pu's attention.

He turned around and opened his eyes, almost sweating.

As for the phoenix, how did it become a pheasant?

This time, it really made him a little embarrassed.

After only running 1 km, the boss changed his strategy so quickly.

Sure enough, it is an intelligent monster, and the intelligence is still Hong Kong.

The distance between himself and the BOSS is rapidly narrowing, leaving Li Pu in a dilemma.

If this is the case, his only escape method is [LV2 Wangchen].

But the profession that he brought is majoring in listening to the wind + breaking the situation, and minoring in the double madness.

And [LV2 Wangchen], what you need is a wind-chasing type or a balance type.

Therefore, if you want to throw sand, you can only resort to [LV4 Cheating Hu].

Once he uses [LV4 Cheating Hu], then he has no CD to open [LV2 Station God] without consumption.

Without the 60% damage reduction, it would be very dangerous for him to resist BOSS attacks.

So if you want to throw sand, you must escape to the end and use the 100% movement speed bonus to get out of the battle.

It is equivalent to running for more than 1 kilometer just now, and it is also equivalent to declaring that he cannot win this boss.

Fortunately, in successive foresights...

He saw the answer.

【The pot is dead! 】

Just as the boss's beak was pecked, he lightly turned to one side to avoid it.

With a flick of his wrist, he took out [Cold Man +3].

Li Pu also just learned that the fire-type BOSS is really unlucky when he encounters him.



Obviously the blade was cut on the flames on its body, but it made a golden sound.

【Pot pot? 】

Immediately afterwards, Thirteen One's movements suddenly stopped, and the momentum of the flames on his body also weakened a little.

Li Puke saw it all in the future. Although this guy is immune to the deceleration effect of [LV2 Foot Kill], he is not immune to the ice attribute deceleration effect attached to [Cold Man +3].

But more importantly, the level of surprise on both sides is not very big, this time [New Year's greetings] was not resisted.

good guy.


Record breaking.

Really rich.


In Li Pu's chuckle, the distance between the two was widened again.

He imagined in his heart that if Duan Ming, who has the resonance of the water system, was here, would he be able to spray this bird thing badly?

【The pan is air-fried! 】

At this moment, Thirteen Unity was about to explode with anger.

The guy in front of him is obviously much weaker than himself, but he is not slippery, and he can't get it right...


Why does his breath seem stronger than before?

Suddenly, it was slightly stunned inwardly.

【The pot is fine! 】

However, even if it was twice as strong, it would not pose a threat to himself.

The [Freeze] effect on his body subsided, Shisan Yao shook the flames again, and quickly chased after him.


The original cursed land, 10 kilometers away.

The amphibious power vehicle driven by Lin She was driving at high speed.

On the other seats, there are six large glass beads of different colors.

"Wake up, it's not far away."

She pulled a metal water hose from under the seat and knocked on the roof of the car.

Duang! Duang!

In the next second, the six glass beads split open one after another, turning into a few people with red claws.

This is a special ability evolved by the energy family, which can play a certain protective role when sleeping, and can also isolate noise.

They were all still in a semi-dazed state when they just woke up, only the green energy core symbol with the highest perception attribute trembled slightly.


As he felt it, he murmured, "It doesn't seem right..."

"What's wrong?"

Everyone was bewildered.

"Wait! Stop... no, turn! Turn!"

However, Green Energy did not answer, but made a cry.

Because he sensed that there was an extremely powerful BOSS ahead, attacking them!

Except for the boss...

Based on the principle of belief, Lin She swung the steering wheel for a big drift.


Green energy flew out of the last seat and hit the back of the passenger.

"Look! There's someone there!"

Without Green Energy to answer, Lan Neng took the lead in exclaiming.


The red claw on the co-pilot saw a little more clearly, and hesitated for half a second before saying, "Well, why does it seem to be Li Pu..."

"Li Pu?"

The name immediately evoked Lin She's memory, she was no stranger to it!

"No, not this! The key is the latter!"

Lu Neng staggered to straighten himself, and hurriedly said: "The one in the back is a rare boss! A rare boss!"

"You don't even notice at all!"

"Or are they all blind?!"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of all the people in the car changed.

Lu Neng had long expected that Li Pu would definitely cause trouble in the future, but he didn't expect to cause a rare boss!

Can this thing be messed with casually?

Even if they are all six, they will be wiped out!

Green energy can perceive Li Pu, and Li Pu can also discover each other.

It was a bit of a surprise at this time, I didn't expect that the car was full of acquaintances.

So, he waved to the other side.

Slightly adjusted the direction and approached the past while opening his eyes.

"Nice car."

This is his first sentence.

"Don't come here ah ah ah ah!"

"Big guy! Our material is very loose! The back pad is not comfortable at all!"

This is the reaction of green energy and blue energy.

Lin She, on the other hand, had a green face, and quickly turned the front of the car.


Li Pu shrugged and stopped.

The vehicle over there had just driven a short distance, and suddenly stopped again.

"Li Pu! What can I do for you?"

Redpaw climbed onto the roof and shouted loudly, apparently planning to do some remote support.

"Help me cheer."

Having said this, he turned to face the rushing BOSS.

【Stop and don't run】

Effect 1: After entering the battle, for every 100 meters of distance between you and the starting point, all attributes +1%, upper limit +100%

Effect 2: After entering the battle, when a horse head named "Yili" appears within 100 meters in front of you, your own movement speed +50%

Ten kilometers have been run.



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