Even if Duo Kai and the four of them had the first mover advantage, they still couldn't do much with Brother Man.

The three of them retreated while throwing their skills and pulling.

As long as they don't recklessly continue to pull like this, they will even have the confidence to kill the other four when the time comes.

"Wait, there seems to be something wrong."

However, Red Skin took a look and found something different.

Where is the most terrifying guy on the other side?

Leaving the dragon without taking it, and not participating in ambush them?

Unknown threats are often the most terrifying.

The red skin suddenly panicked.

Maybe the other side is also waiting, waiting to create an opportunity to let Uncle Li, who was hiding out of sight, enter the field and catch them off guard?

Brother Man and the three of them took this into consideration almost at the same time, which led to gradually becoming a little timid.

He obviously had two good chances, but he didn't make the shot because of hesitation.

"You guys stop pulling! Hurry up and go home!"

At this moment, the teammates who were still waiting for the resurrection time suddenly shouted in the team voice.

What's the meaning?

A question mark appeared over the three of them.

I go! !

The next second, they found Li Pu in the field of vision of the small map.

This guy is so dirty!

It turned out that Li Pu at this time had already taken advantage of the wave of top troops pushed by Duan Ming just now, and took advantage of the situation to reach their high ground!

"What are you afraid of!"

Hongpi calculated in his heart, and immediately shouted: "He can't make it by himself!"

After a whole round, Team Man knew how much damage Li Pu was doing.

Before his wild shot is resurrected, the opponent can at most destroy the resurrected top crystal.

Zhu Chi: [Uncle Li's idea is a good one, but it's still a little thoughtful]

Old Daoist: [Yes, only one person can't pose enough threat to the base crystal of Brother Man's team]

Seeing this scene, the two commentators are also a little regretful.

If AD is also involved, there may be a little chance of success in stealing home.

However, under everyone's attention, Li Pu took the lead in rushing to the Highland Crystal.

boom! boom! boom!

Three punches.



What kind of damage is this horse riding!

Everyone's eyeballs almost fell to the ground.

In fact, it is not surprising that people are so shocked.

Because in the entire two rounds, Li Pu hadn't even touched a building.

So only his teammates know that he also has a talent.

[House Eliminator]: Damage to building targets +50%

And the backhand he prepared is:

Level 3 [Talent Enhancement Device] + [House Eliminator]

Damage to building targets +100%

"Go home! Give it to me and go home right away!"

The recovered red skin roared.

However, the other two teammates were guarded by Dokai and Kumamoto respectively, and there was no chance to return to the city at all.

Seeing this, he could only quickly get into the grass next to him and turn on [Teleport] to go home.

[Teleport] is different from [Return to the city], it is not only faster but also does not hurt and interrupt.

But anxiously, he forgot that he was still being lit by Duo Xin's sky lantern.

[Ignition] While dealing continuous true damage, you can also gain target vision.

So Duo Xin flashed, and then turned on [Dig the Kidney Thousand Miles] and came to the back of Red Skin.


The knockback effect of [Blasting Mountain] instantly blew up the red skin and interrupted the [Teleportation] effect.

At almost the same moment, Duo Kai also used an extremely fast slashing slash, triggering the [Pause] of the electric attribute to interrupt the [Teleportation] on the opposite side.

Zhu Chi: [God, this is like a ghost]

Zhu Chi: [It seems that this step by step is all in the calculation of Team Park]

Old Daoist: [Although I don't know who is commanding by Team Park]

Old Daoist: [But this wave is really beautiful]

Old Daoist: [According to Uncle Li's tower dismantling efficiency, he should be able to replace two incisor towers with his life]

Zhu Chi: [Unfortunately, this wave of soldiers is still too few]

What the two commentators said was also the only hope for Red Skin at this time.

There are just a few slimes, not enough for the incisors to fit between the incisors.

However, where there is hope, there will be despair.


When the first slime entered the range of the front tooth tower, it suddenly lit up with a beam of light.

"These guys!"

The red face suddenly changed greatly.

This is the enemy's [Teleportation]!

The target selected by [Teleport] will be temporarily imprisoned and invincible.

In other words, the slime will not be damaged by the tower during the period. This move is often used by everyone to buy time for the minion to carry the tower.

"Fortunately it's him!"

Looking into the distance, Red Skin couldn't help but sighed in relief when he saw that it was Duan Mingshi who turned on [Teleportation].

This wonderful mid-laner only clears soldiers and does not demolish towers.

It was only a little delay, but there was still time to save.


But almost the next second, the light of [Teleportation] fell from the sky again and shot on the slime that was targeted by the front tooth tower.

This time the [transmission] came from Duo Kai.

The top order on the opposite side really underestimated her, and dared to open [Teleport] in person.

She not only interrupted the other party, but also smashed the other party's head, two.

"It's over..."

Seeing this scene and knowing that there is no hope anymore, Red Skin's face turned pale.

Sure enough, a few seconds later, Li Pu flattened their base crystal with a few punches.


The big red word [Failure] appeared in front of me.

He sat down a little out of breath.

Unexpectedly, the dignified Man Brother team, the veteran powerhouse of the sub-league.

In this year's opening game, face a new army.

It was swept by 0:2.

What the **** are these guys?

At this time, this question is probably circling in the hearts of many viewers.

Especially the analysts of other teams, they originally planned to observe what changes the Man Brother team would have in the new season.

Unexpectedly, I found a real **** horse.


At this time, the live broadcast screen has been switched back to the studio.

"Wonderful, really wonderful."

Lao Dao was completely out of intoxication, shaking his head and shaking his head: "Returning + stealing home, I feel that the second-tier alliance has not had such a wonderful scene for a long time."

"Sure enough, the dragon ruined his life."

Zhu Chi did not hide his joy, and analyzed: "However, the decision of the Mange team is not incomprehensible."

"It's mainly because of Longwang players' ability to clear the lane that they couldn't push down the high tower for a long time, so they would move Dalong's idea."

"And the flat die contestant is also amazing, obviously a rookie."

"But in a 1V1 situation ~www.readwn.com~ is a veteran top laner."

"It's the skills that make people a little daunting."

He seems to have become a fan of Team Relying Park, and he has given everyone praises one by one.

After the two commentators reviewed, the director held up a notice board at the back.

"Okay, then let's go to the interview session."

The old man swept his eyes away and announced.

"The subject of the interview today."

"It's relying on Team Park to play a key role."

"At the same time, the two MVPs-"

"Uncle Li contestant."



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