If I Can Foresee the Future, I Just Want To Kill Monsters

Chapter 322: Li Pu's post-match interview

Inside the interview room, a large eyeball is suspended.

Standing in front of it were Li Pu and the former hostess in red cheongsam who could become a Waterman.

After the game interviewed about this, the rest of the team wanted to participate.

But the official chose Li Pu who was the least interested, making him feel helpless.

How much time will it take? I'm still rushing out to check the gifts from my bird friends.

"Hello everyone, I'm Sister Huozi."

The hostess holding the microphone received the signal and showed a sweet smile to the big eyes.

"Beside me is Uncle Li who performed well today."

"Uncle Li, please say hello to everyone."

what a hassle...

Hearing this, Li Pu could only nod his head and say, "Hello everyone."

Huozi: "As far as I know, Team Relying Park is a new army."

Huanzi: "Most of the players have just become professional players."

Camel: "It also includes Uncle Li."

Huozi: "Are you nervous about today's game?"

Li Pu: "Don't be nervous."

Camel: "Uh..."

Li Pu's too short answer made the scene a little awkward for a while.

However, the rich experience has stabilized the huozi. As long as he does not feel embarrassed, he will not be embarrassed.

"It seems that Uncle Li's mental quality is very strong."

So she went straight to the topic and asked, "The first tier one regiment can be said to have established your victory."

"Excuse me, Uncle Li, have you done enough research on Mange's first-level team tactics?"

"Also, who made the tactic of selling two teammates in a row in a first-level regiment?"

Two consecutive questions made Li Pu unable to prevaricate again.

Li Pu: "Yes, we do have... What did you say the opposite is called?"

Camel: "..., Brother Man's team."

"That's right, we have indeed done enough research on the Slow Song team."

Li Pu nodded, thinking what kind of broken team name this is on the other side.

However, the host did a good job at this level, and I can't say that I foresaw it in advance.

In this regard, the hunchback can only show a polite MMP smile.

Boss, who are you lying to?

Apparently you didn't even remember the name of the other side!

"As for the tactic of selling teammates..."

"It can only be said that I am reluctant that my son can't catch a wolf."

"Life must learn to choose."

"Abandon the parts that are useless right now."

Li Pu explained it this way.

At this time, in the player's room, everyone who had left the cubicle was gathering and watching the interview through the screen.

"I'm going, it means we are his sons!"

Duan Ming suddenly stood up angrily.

"That's right, it's so annoying."

Nongmei echoed by the side: "When I wait for an interview next time, I will also say that it is your son, boo."

Everyone: "???"

Duo Xin: "What needs to be angry the most, shouldn't it be the part where he describes you as useless?"

At this time, the interview on the screen continues.

Camel: [Uncle Li is really joking]

Camel: [Hahaha, it seems that the relationship in Team Park is very harmonious.]

Li Pu: [I'm not kidding]

Camel: [Er...]

Huozi: [In the first game, we all saw that you killed several heads in the opponent's jungle in a row]

Camel: [What was the reason at that time, so confident]

Li Pu: [Actually, I just want to kill monsters well]

Li Pu: [But the other side keeps harassing me]

Li Pu: [I had to kill them]

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the player room was in an uproar again.

And it's not just the eldest nephew and the others, the reaction from Brother Man's team is even greater.

All of them have become black-faced people. See if this is human.

Dare to be the first to send so many heads, they all sent them up by themselves?

In fact, at this moment, there are still many people watching the live broadcast from all over the world.

Li Pu's remarks caused more than a little bit of repercussions.

"Hahahahaha! I like this player!"

"Love, love, Uncle Li will start from today."

"Shocked: The murderer in the wild area has another secret?"

"Man, this is the most outrageous distress I've heard this year."

Li Pu's performance today was amazing enough, coupled with this bizarre interview answer, his popularity soared again in a very short period of time.

Camel: [The second one, we see that you have a very wonderful card vision in the early stage]

Camel: [Excuse me, how did you do it at that time? 】

Li Pu: [Let's be lucky]

Li Pu: [I don't know where the eyes are]

Huozi: [But in this game, you got stuck a few more waves of vision later on]

Camel: [Once or twice is a coincidence, how should I explain it if it is repeated several times in a row? 】

Li Pu: [Great luck? 】


"Hahahahaha! God is so lucky."

"Typical interviews than the main game highlight series."

"Sister Huozi has met her nemesis this time."

"I just like to watch the picture of Sister Huanzi embarrassed in place."

"But one thing to say, it's normal for others not to disclose things that involve tactics."

The audience who watched it from all over the world again had a lot of discussion.

Camel: [Then I want to ask again]

Camel: [Your last wave of decision-making was decisive]

Camel: [Why did you think of the tactic of stealing your home at that time?]

Li Pu: [The opponent has a big advantage]

Li Pu: [The frontal group is really hard to beat]

Li Pu: [So we can only use stolen ones]


"Oh my god, I actually feel that what he said makes sense."

"Needless to say, sub-slave hammer."

"Shocked again: Brother Man lost the game because the advantage was too great?"

"If I were the Man Brothers team, I would definitely not be able to sleep tonight, especially after seeing this interview."

As a viewer said, the Mange team is now ready to change its name to the Blackface Mange Team.

Camel: [last question]

Camel: [Your teammates performed equally well in these two games]

Camel: [Can you simply give them some comments?]

Li Pu: [Um...]

Li Pu: [Generally speaking, it's not bad.]

Li Pu: [Basically play their respective styles]

Li Pu: [Send one blood, send one blood]

Li Pu: [On-hook on-hook, tower-on-tower-on-tower]

Li Pu: [In short, there is no error in every link]


Camel: [Okay, thank you Uncle Li for accepting the interview]

Camel: [Then next, let the picture return to the studio]


In the interview room, with the disappearance of the big eyeballs.

"Hush, it's finally over." x2

The two even wiped their foreheads in the same way.

"..." x2

All of a sudden the ~www.readwn.com~ picture became awkward.

"Ahaha, what is that?"

"Uncle Li, don't take offense."

"I just maintain the human form for too long, and I don't get used to it."

As a humanoid sister Huozi, she quickly gave herself a roundabout.

"Well, understand."

"I just want to get off work quickly."

On the contrary, Li Pu was outspoken.

Finally, I can see for myself what the talents have been given by my friends in the Seven Plains Canyon.



praise me

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