The three stood on the top of the mountain on the edge of the valley. In fact, it was only 6 hours before they entered the dungeon secret realm.

"Li, Li Jun..."

Looking at the monster in front of him, Yamato's voice trembled.

Xiaoju's face turned pale and she was speechless, but the strange thing was that the corner of her clothes was not her brother's this time, but Li Pu's.

Li Pu's face was also not very good-looking, and there was a monster walking slowly in the valley.

boom! boom! boom!

Heavy footsteps echoed back and forth in the valley.

Its size is very huge, and the height of standing on both feet reaches 30 meters, which is almost equal to a hill.

This is the largest monster he has ever encountered so far.

And the LV40's BOSS breath is only in terms of texture, it doesn't feel much worse than the LV50 rare elite curry encountered at that time.

It should belong to the peak BOSS level, and it is about to approach the rare elite.

You must know that Curry is undoubtedly stronger, but at that time, he was lucky, and there were a large group of guards behind him, so he was able to fight.

Now facing this BOSS, he is a little clueless.

Obviously in the same dungeon, this Tyrannosaurus is actually so much stronger than the human dragon, which is somewhat incomprehensible.

Yes, it's a Tyrannosaurus.

And it's no ordinary tyrannosaurus.

The body with a steel background and the circuit traces mixed with red and black, this is a mechanical tyrannosaurus.

"This is mechanical violence!"

After a long pause, Xiao Ju finally spoke.

There is information about this beast in her demon beast book.

Terasio, the overlord of the World of Warcraft in the Stone World.

It is generally elite level, about LV40, and the combat power value is about 300.

When encountering it alone, it is recommended to wait for death.

In the illustrated book, the evaluation is even more exaggerated than the blue man dragon [Yang Qiluos], which is enough to explain the terribleness of this beast.

"Huh? That's not right."

Yamato saw the picture book shared by his sister and found something wrong.

"The above clearly said that it is elite, but this machine violence seems to be a BOSS..."

"And it's a little different from your picture."

Ji Bao in the illustrated book has red eyes, but this head is black.

In addition to the two points raised by Yamato, Li Pu can perceive more.

Combat power value, he can probably measure it vaguely.

The combat power value of this machine violence is as high as... 650+.

It is more than twice as much as in the illustrated book, and it is also much higher than himself.

"You... retreat to a safe place first."

After thinking about it, he first kept the two brothers and sisters away from the valley.

Yamato: "It's not a joke this time! It's no better than those people!"

Xiaoju: "Li Jun!"

"Don't worry, I have a measure."

Facing the concern of the two siblings, Li Pu raised his hand to signal them not to worry.

He was just going to preview it. Whether or not to fight is still undecided.

Yamato and Xiaoju looked at each other, and already felt that the other's firmness was not something they could persuade.

So again, after a thousand instructions and instructions to pay attention to safety, the two left the valley.

On the way away, Yamato's mind became active again.

In fact, he didn't want to see Li Pu win the Machine Violence BOSS.

Because this boss is very likely to be the core guardian of the copy, he also knows.

Seizing the core of the dungeon and seeking honor from marrying a sister in the future do not seem to conflict in a strict sense.

I have to say that the existence of machine violence has rekindled hope for Yamato.

Li Pu, who stayed on the top of the mountain, was about to enter preview mode.

LV40's BOSS-level machine violence, no matter how strong it is, can't compare with the thirteenth of LV30's rare BOSS.

It stands to reason that he can beat the thirteenth unit, so it must be no problem to defeat the machine violence.

And the existence of the talent [I am confident to fix it] is a big advantage.

[I am confident to fix it]: Damage to mechanical targets +50%

But the reality is that Li Pu is not very confident.

Because there are two elements that I cannot possess now.

The first is that the CD of the ability [Broken Cauldron] is two hours.

When I dealt with the red dragon group just now, I had already used it.

In fact, this is not a problem, the CD can wait, two hours is not a long time.

But the other one is the talent [stop and don't run].

[Stop and don't run]: After entering the battle, every 100 meters of distance between you and the starting point increases, all attributes +1%, upper limit +100%

Whether this talent can be triggered is the key.

Unfortunately, the answer is no.

The reason is the lack of runway.

At the crater, when Yamato came down from the sky, Li Pu deliberately asked.

After all, the dungeon secret realm is just a piece of dust as thin as a piece of dust, and its area is not enough to 100 square kilometers.

Likewise, the furthest straight-line distance is not as long as ten kilometers.

Anyway, let's preview it first.

Returning to reality, Li Pu restarted the preview.

The self in the future picture is standing on the top of the mountain, unfolding the [Demi-God Wings] and gliding towards the BOSS.

Sure enough, as he and Yamato had expected, as soon as the future he approached the BOSS, something strange happened immediately.

Perhaps it was because Li Pu did not originally belong to this dungeon secret realm, so when he approached the opportunity, a mechanical part on his chest quickly lit up, forming a light and shadow of a special unknown symbol.

The meaning of this symbol is unclear, but judging from Lao Cai's previous description, it can be basically determined that it is the core of the copy.

That is to say, Li Pu will be able to get the core only if he gets this machine violence.

But after the first preview, he was stunned.

"Looks like... something's not right."

Rubbing the bridge of his nose, he opened his eyes again.


Eyes open for the third time.

Eyes open for the fourth time...

After previewing it more than a dozen times, he was stunned.

What kind of boss is this, all the handles are seconds?

And that super mechanical mouth, every bite is more than 2,000 critical hits? ?

This is how you make me fight.

Even if Qian Xun, the commander-in-chief of the Imperial Capital Combatants, came over, he couldn't hold it!

If you want to withstand this violent normal attack without dying, you have to use all the free damage.

But this is just holding on, there is no way to fight back.

The key point is that pure crit damage is not real damage, and [Incomplete Scroll A and B] will not come in handy.

Unconvinced, he changed several places to preview, and even entered the valley only 100 meters away from the boss.

The result is still the same.

"I can't beat this boss..."

I have to say, Li Pu has taken it.

Is this the LV40 BOSS in the LV40 area?

The damage is simply exaggerated to explode.

After thinking about it, he decided to retreat temporarily.

Perhaps only by joining forces with the two brothers and sisters, can there be hope for a fight against Jibao.

At least those two summons of them can help themselves to carry a bite of the machine, right?

So soon, Li Pu came to Yamato and Xiaoju's side.

Xiaoju: "Li Jun, you are back, I'm going to worry to death!"

Yamato: "Huh, you're still sensible, and you didn't provoke that gangster alone."

Li Pu: "Well, so let's discuss how the three of us can defeat this boss."

Xiaoju: "..."


No, big I didn't plan to provoke that guy!

If you don't have confidence, it's useless to add the two of us!

Compared with you, our brothers and sisters are just a bonus!

The one that gets you two for one!

"I'm willing to help Li Jun."

Xiaoju clenched her fists, but she was bolder than her brother.

I haven't even started my plan to send my sister, and you have betrayed yourself? ?

Seeing the contemptuous eyes cast by her sister, she was silent and kind.


However, at this moment, the ground suddenly shook.

It seemed that something heavy hit the ground in the distance.



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