"What is it?!"

Xiaoju was immediately jumped.

For a moment, she thought she had returned to Xiaotianguo, where earthquakes often occur.

"I really want to know what it is..."

Li Pu frowned, paused and said, "But I don't seem to know."

This cloudy and foggy words made the brothers and sisters a little confused.

But he raised his hand, indicating that it was all right.

Next, the three of them began to discuss countermeasures. The main process was that the two sides understood each other a little bit with reservations.

Li Pu stated his needs, and the two showed what they could do.

In the end, however, he came to the conclusion that if indeed the two siblings could only provide what they said.

No matter how you imagined it, you didn't win the Machine Violence BOSS.

After being stuck like this for about an hour...

【Grass! 】

A sonorously loud and excited shout came to everyone's ears.

A wet figure, nearly 10 meters high, ran over from a distance.

boom! boom! boom!

Every step made a dull sound, showing that it was very heavy.

"Fist, King of Fighters grass?!"

Seeing this scene, Yamato's jaw dropped in shock: "Why did it become so big!"

[Hastily! 】

【hastily! 】

The straw man squatted down in front of the three of them, and gestured back and forth with both hands, explaining to Li Pu.

It turned out that the pool of water was rich in nutrients that were beneficial to its growth due to its link to the dungeon secret realm.

Because the soaking was so comfortable, it fell asleep without knowing it.

When he woke up, he found part of his body stuck in the tunnel.

Fortunately, after a period of continued growth, it touched the copy light door.

Then it was sent in.

After coming in, although it sensed Li Pu's position, it temporarily lost the ability to move.

Because at that time, I was a pile of rotten water plants that were over-soaked.

Waiting in place for a long time, until the excess excess water is removed, it finally regenerates.

As for how it can be restored, it is unknown.

Maybe it's ok to get a good trim like shaving cats and dogs.

"It's useless to be bright."

Li Pu dismissed this, the aura of this thing has not changed at all.

Open the panel to check it, and it is still the straw bag attribute.


But on second thought, he found hope again.

I just acquired a new skill [LV1 Aid], if I put it on the grass figurine, will I have the chance to bring down the Violent BOSS?

Through the repeated desperate blows in the preview just now, he can roughly calculate the opponent's blood volume.

This LV40 BOSS attack power is extremely abnormal, but the blood volume is not so much.

If the grass figurine can do the [Aid and Protect] work well, maybe there is still hope.

But there are still a lot of uncertainties that can't be seen in the short preview time.

"Let's try it."

After thinking for ten minutes, he made a decision.

So under the leadership of Li Pu, Da and Xiaoju, and the creeping grass figurines came to the mouth of the valley.

No way, the grass figurine is too big now, if it stands up, it may immediately shock the boss.

This Taniguchi is relatively close to the range of activities of the Machine Storm BOSS.

When it came to the nearest location, it was about 150 meters apart.

"You hide first, and listen to my instructions later."

Li Pu gave an order, then stuck out half of his head from the edge of the valley and began to preview it.

The body of the Machine Storm BOSS is very large, and it is easy to ignore some small things.

He had tested it in the future screen before, and if he was not within 10 meters, it would be difficult to be found immediately.

So now this location is very good, safe enough and easy to observe.

The two brothers and sisters were in high spirits at this time, and they didn't know the specific abilities of the grass figurine.

Therefore, I thought that Li Pu had the confidence to fight against the violent boss, and was ready to go.

"Please release your summons, quietly."

Sure enough, after a while, Li Pu turned back and gave them instructions.



Terracotta warriors and unicorn beasts crept in.

What catches their eyes is a piece of green.



Terracotta Warriors: What is this? !

Kirin Beast: So wet! Really annoying!

The two summoned beasts were startled on the spot.

It was the first time that they had met such a large counterpart.


Grass Man: Two pieces of trash the size of booger.

It turned its face away dismissively.

"Li Jun, we are ready!"

Xiaoju came behind Li Pu and lowered her voice.

"Okay, when I say to prepare later, you should pay attention to my instructions."

Li Pu didn't turn to look at her, just nodded.

about to start...

The brothers and sisters looked at each other, both a little excited.

LV40's wild BOSS, they don't often have the chance to fight.

Li Pu: "Get ready."

Yamato: Oh oh oh! ◣Dish◢

Xiaoju: Excited! ?o?

As a result, five minutes later, the next command still did not appear.

Instead, the commander retracted his protruding head, took out a tissue and wiped his nose.

Li Pu: "Huh..."


Xiaoju: "???"

Before the two brothers and sisters could ask, they saw him stick his head out again, and then raised his hand again.

Li Pu: "Get ready."

Yamato: This time it should come true! ◣Dish◢

Xiaoju: Excited! ?o?

five minutes later.

Li Pu: "Huh..."

Xiaoju: "..."

Yamato: "Li Jun..."

Li Pu: "Get ready."

Yamato: Let's start now, bro.

Xiaoju: Oh, man.

five minutes later.

Li Pu: "Huh..."

Yamato: "That, Li Jun."

Yamato: "Have you heard an old saying in China?"

Li Pu: "Oh?"

Xiaoju: "One gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, and three gives birth to all things."


Yamato was speechless, what he wanted to say was, again and again, again and again, and again and again.

My good sister, don't show off if you haven't learned your Chinese class well.

One sentence, just three words.

He gave his sister a hard look.

"Isn't it?"

Xiaoju was stunned for a moment, then tilted her head and thought, "Is there a loan or a repayment, is it not difficult to borrow it again?"

"never mind."

Yamato shook his head and decided to give up.

However, at this moment, a prompt sound suddenly sounded in his ear.

【You were kicked out of the team by the captain】

"Okay~www.readwn.com~ can start now."

Li Pu moved his hands and feet.

What to start with?

Yamato was stunned.

What are you going to do, kick me out of the team?

In this stance, are you going to get the boss or get me? !

"Brother Yamato, come on."

When Li Pu hooked his finger at him, Yamato was really frightened.

come what?

Make it clear first, okay?

Like this, it's terrifying!



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