If I Can Foresee the Future, I Just Want To Kill Monsters

Chapter 353: [LV-NONO profound meaning]

Boom! ! !

At this moment, the earth shook.

A large amount of blue-light liquid burst out from the heel of the Machine Storm BOSS.



Two identical numbers collapsed in the massive blue-light liquid.

[Mad's broken pot Saiyan anti-foot cheat Hu snail shell]

【Madecia】: x320%

[Broken Cauldron]: When facing a target whose HP is greater than your own, damage dealt +100%

[Anti-resistance]: When attacking the target's feet, damage +25%, and when the deceleration is less than 6 seconds, you will receive an equal amount of real damage

[I am confident to fix it]: +50% damage to mechanical targets

Xiaoju: "!!!"


After the huge amount of damage, the BOSS only has about 1/5 of the HP left.

The two brothers and sisters were completely petrified, and people were stupid.

What kind of monster output is this!

Especially Yamato, he has participated in many BOSS encirclement and suppression battles.

In common sense, NONO is a boss of this level. He believes that at least a team of 15 or even 20 people is needed to solve it.

Ten thousand injuries output, he was fortunate enough to see it once, but it was far less exaggerated than Li Pu's this time.

At that time, the main output guard was covered with team buffs, so he barely managed to hit a thousand injuries.

You must know that there is a difference between a team buff and an individual buff, and the difference is huge.

The BUFF that you have is basically how many skills you have, you can stack as many as you want.

But in the team buff, only the highest value can be taken.

For example, if the buff of [Strength +40%] + [Strength +50%] is applied to the same person at the same time, only the buff of [Strength +50%] will take effect.

If the [Strength +40%] still exists when the [Strength +50%] time limit expires, it will only take effect at this time.

Therefore, it is very difficult for a team to create a god, and many times they can only create a kitchen god.

If you want to play high output, you still have to look at your personal background.

And the background of Li Pu in front of him is obviously far beyond his imagination.

So at this moment, Yamato no longer knew how to describe each other.

Putting all the feelings together into one sentence, that is:

Brother-in-law, it's good to have a round house on the spot.

As for Xiao Ju, who had been promised her life by her brother without knowing it, she was still down and never recovered.

However, Li Pu was not idle either, he took out [Sister Talisman] and swallowed it directly.

There are still about two and a half minutes of skill time limit, and in this short period of time, the BOSS must be won.

Although there are no various moves, the effect of [Break the Cauldron] + [Anti-Resistance] + [I am confident to fix it] is still there.

Li Pu got behind NONO and beat his heels again and again.

I would like to have a few mechanical spoilers, but the opponent's threshold is too high...

[Shizhongzhu] is not a [Ruyi Shizhongzhu], it will not be elongated or shortened.

So he can't reach it.

Due to the NONO machine storm stuck in the middle, and the valley terrain on both sides, the grass figurine could not activate [LV1 Aid].

But what Li Pu wanted was this effect. He hoped to have as much output as possible before the straw man died.

When NONO attacked himself violently, he held his head and squatted down to trigger [Sister Talisman], and the injury-free was not much lower than before.


In the end, in the stunned silence of the two siblings, NONO shook his huge head violently.

The parts on the body began to fall off, and the process gradually turned into blue light and drifted away.

And the grass figurine was lucky enough to survive with blood.

During the entire battle, only two bites were taken, and the rest were carried by Li Pu himself.


Three falling objects fell to the ground.

There was nothing to say, Li Pu directly took it into his pocket.

They are a small chip in the shape of an electronic component, a purple slap crystal, and a piece of skill gold paper.

【Boom components】

Grade: ★★★★★

Effect: Summon/Weapon/Inscription Enhancement, Weapon/Inscription Manufacture

Description: Materials with certain properties have special uses after refining.

From the appearance, this should be a mechanical material.

Five-star level, Li Pu is the first time to see and get it.

And it's different from the previous materials, it seems that it can also be used to strengthen summons.

But he felt that the grass man should not be used, after all, the difference between plants and machines is far from each other.

That purple crystal should be the core of this dungeon secret realm.

I checked it carefully, and sure enough.

[Core of Stone Home]

Effect: unknown

Description: A core crystal containing very little world power.

How to use this thing is not what Li Pu needs to care about.

Anyway, if you get it, go back to Lao Cai and they will complete the task.

In the future, if the third Guardian Academy of China is established, don't forget to name it after yourself.

As for the skill gold paper, Li Pu naturally saved the most anticipated to the end.

NONO machine storm is so strong, how could the golden paper it fall out be bad.

【LV1NONO Profound Truth】

Time: 15 minutes cool down

Effect: After turning it on, you will immediately get BUFF [lost] [demented] [chaotic] ​​[excited] for 300 seconds

【Lost】: Your body is completely out of control, and your movements will be unpredictable

[Demented]: Your attack is completely random regardless of enemy or unit.

[Crazy]: Every 10 seconds, you will randomly use/trigger a skill/talent

[Excited]: During this period, your attack will be a critical hit, and randomly add 1~100% damage

Instructions: Come, shout with me: NONO!


After checking, Li Pu was speechless for a while: "Management of artificial mental retardation?"

It turns out that this is the secret of the NONO machine's critical attack.

5 minutes of hosting time, either killing or messing around.

Especially since you have so many messy talents, won't it be all over the place at that time?

For example, assuming an extreme situation, if the [Supreme Tongue] is triggered infinitely, he will play the tongue for five minutes in front of everyone?

Just imagining it makes me feel like...it doesn't matter.

"It's better to use it when no one is there."

Shrugging, he directly smashed the golden paper.

Are you kidding me, are you someone who cares about that kind of thing?

It has to be said that Li Pu's threshold has increased a lot after he got used to the explosive shirt + green head.

After completing these actions, Yamato and Xiaoju have already rushed over from a distance.

At this time, the two brothers and sisters have calmed down a lot.

So Yamato walked up and patted Li Pu on the shoulder.

"Li Jun, I see beautiful scenery here, I wonder if you have any idea of ​​marrying a wife"

His expression was very serious, not like he was joking.

"Have you got the core?"

Xiaoju is concerned about real serious issues.

"Well, I'll take... Gollum???"

As a result, halfway through Li Pu's words, he found that water began to pour into his mouth.

The two brothers and sisters next to them were also confused by this situation.

They were popped out of the dungeon secret realm without warning?

When I looked around, it was indeed the underground world where the entrance to the Gate of Light was located.

The door of light that originally led to the secret realm of the dungeon has disappeared.

Or to be more precise, it has fallen into Li Pu's hands.

Li Pu was also shocked by this.

There was only one question he cared about at this moment.

I haven't cleaned the monsters after riding the horse, and the copy is gone? !

【Guru! 】


However, the straw man suddenly punched at the bottom of the water, rekindling Li Pu's hope.

It blew up a stone turtle.



In other words, those monsters were also ejected?

But after a careful perception ~www.readwn.com~ there are very few stone world monsters around.

That is to say, they are very likely to be randomly teleported to Mermaid Island.


(That won't work.)

Li Pu suddenly felt that if he said that, the students who participated in the trial were in danger.

As a teacher, he should do his duty to protect his students.

Why don't you take this opportunity to clean up Mermaid Island.

【Guru! 】



(Oh? And submarines?)



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