Standing on the deck of the aircraft carrier, Tang Yu was a little uneasy.

It has been almost two days since the time to land on the island. Has Teacher Li arrived at the dungeon secret realm?

It is rumored that the core of each dungeon is difficult to obtain, and I don't know if he can succeed.

At this time, it was just dawn, and looking at the Mermaid Island from a distance was so peaceful.

She is not too worried about the students in the trial.

Because the monsters on Mermaid Island are not strong at all, and all the students who can participate in the trial are carefully selected, and they are well-trained.

Every year goes smoothly, and there are basically no surprises.

Of course, basic.

That said, there are still exceptions.

For example, the two Imperial Capital exchange students who had just boarded the ship 20 minutes ago.

In the early morning before dawn, the two of them stole the speedboat of which team in the dark and drove back.

Why did Tang Yu know it was stolen, because only one speedboat exploded when she landed on the island, and she witnessed it with her own eyes.

As for the reason for the two people to end the trial early, it is a bit incomprehensible.

One of them said that he was tired from shopping.

The other one is saying that he is island dizzy.

But at least they were all fine, and even Tang Yu checked it out. Both of them have been upgraded, which can be regarded as a gain.

After all, this is an exchange student from the Imperial Capital. As a teacher of the Demon Capital, she can't say much.

And she also knew that these two people were just a shield for Li Pu's actions.

To be safe is enough.

"Is this this year's Imperial Capital student?"

"It seems that this year's Blue Star Cup still depends on our students from the Magic Capital."

"If it was the students of the Magic Capital who retreated so early, I wouldn't forgive me lightly."

Thinking of Li Xue's dangling style, Tang Yu, who was carrying his hands, couldn't help shaking his head slightly.

According to past experience, this trial will take at least a week.

The early exit in less than two days, no matter the reason, is indeed a bit ugly.

Just when the thought just arose, Tang Yu suddenly saw the waves on the opposite sea.

"what's going on."

Picking up the binoculars, she was stunned.

It turns out that every wave is a speedboat driven by the students.

I just finished demoting the imperial capital, so you kids will come here for me? ?

No, there are also young students!

The camera moved again and again, and she quickly counted it roughly.

If there is no mistake, it seems that all the students who participated in the trial are here!

"Teacher Tang!"

The teacher who led the team from Little Japan who had heard the news had already come to the side.

As soon as these speedboats appeared, they were discovered by the navy on the aircraft carrier.


Tang Yu nodded to greet each other.

"Do we need to meet up?"

Kimura's tone seemed a little anxious.

In fact, there is a bit of deliberate play in it.

His perception attribute is relatively strong, so he can see more clearly than Tang Yu.

It has been found that Yamato and Xiaoju are not among the students.

In addition, there was also an exchange student from the Imperial Capital who disappeared.

"No, it doesn't look like it's a big deal now."

Tang Yu raised his hand, motioning for peace of mind.

The technological content of these military speedboats is far from comparable to ordinary speedboats.

Even some tiny parts are borrowed from exotic technologies.

So their speed is extremely fast, and they have already traveled most of the way since Tang Yu discovered it.

After the speedboat team entered the range, Tang Yu took out a loudspeaker.

[The student representative in front, report the situation immediately]

Hearing this, a student on the speedboat at the front also took out a horn.

[Old, teacher! A monster has appeared on the island! 】


Hearing this, Tang Yu and Kimura looked at each other.

They are all people who have crossed the foreign land, and there are no monsters.

At most, isn't it just a BOSS-level monster?

This student really embarrassed the devil.

She shook her head secretly, but then she was a little dazed when she thought about it.

Is there a boss on Mermaid Island?

Never heard of it!

"Mr. Tang, there are really monsters!"

And Kimura, who had already held up the binoculars next to him, exclaimed.


Hearing this, Tang Yu quickly picked up the binoculars and looked towards the island.

I saw a huge straw man figure on the beach of Mermaid Island at this time.

In the past, it was about 40 meters to 50 meters high.

Judging from that physical movement, it seemed to be roaring in the direction of the students.

And then that black mouth shape seems to be...

"Mr. Tang, have you seen it, is it cursing?"

Kimura hesitated.

Really a monster?

This time, Tang Yu somewhat agreed with everyone's name.

Because this guy always doesn't look like Warcraft, and this is Mermaid Island and not a country of grass people, where did this big thing come from?

After roaring for a while, the mountain-like giant straw man turned around and walked towards the depths of the island.

During the period, it would pound the ground every few steps, and I don't know what it was doing.

Could it be that this is something in the dungeon secret realm...

Tang Yu couldn't help but feel a little worried.

If Teacher Li wants to go in and face this kind of monster, can he really retreat?

Before long, students began to arrive and board the ship.

"Mr. Tang, Mr. Kimura!"

"This time we really encountered something strange!"

"The grass giant suddenly emerged from under the ground in the center of the island."

"Then drive away the students when they see them."

"And it also brought a lot of high-level monsters that don't belong to Mermaid Island."

"Look at the momentum, it seems that it wants to turn the Mermaid Island upside down!"

The first student spoke like a barrage of cannons.

"Destroy Mermaid Island? This is a big stance..."

Kimura touched his chin, and began to worry about Yamato and Xiaoju, who had not returned to the team.

But he didn't dare to speak, and even quietly ordered the seal.

Because he was afraid of speaking out, Tang Yu proposed to go to the island to save people.

At that time, the secret realm of the dungeon will be exposed.

It stands to reason that with the ability of the two brothers and sisters, at least self-protection is not a problem.

Coincidentally, Tang Yu thought about the same.

So the two of them sent the students back to the cabin, and just stood on the deck, watching the silhouette of the grass giant appearing on the island from time to time.

I didn't expect this stop to be a few hours long.

Until the grass giant finally There was an explosion underwater near the aircraft carrier.

BONG~! ! !

After dozens of seconds, a figure with its back turned upwards surfaced.


Kimura was shocked on the spot.

What the **** is going on here?

Why did he suddenly emerge from the deep sea here?

"Li... classmate!"

It didn't take long for Tang Yu to cry out, and he was about to reveal his stuff.

At this time, Li Pu was still indifferent, with a girl hanging on his body.

This time, he learned a long lesson, and he used the anti-joint technique on Xiaoju.



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